提交 cdabfc35 编写于 作者: R Rob Lourens

Fix search smoketest

上级 3d3df21a
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
import { Viewlet } from '../workbench/viewlet';
import { Code } from '../../vscode/code';
const VIEWLET = 'div[id="workbench.view.search"] .search-view';
const VIEWLET = 'div[id="workbench.view.search"].search-view';
const INPUT = `${VIEWLET} .search-widget .search-container .monaco-inputbox input`;
const INCLUDE_INPUT = `${VIEWLET} .query-details .file-types.includes .monaco-inputbox input`;
const FILE_MATCH = filename => `${VIEWLET} .results .filematch[data-resource$="${filename}"]`;
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