未验证 提交 cd6fdf4f 编写于 作者: C Connor Peet

terminal: improve typeahead handling for wrapped lines

上级 0f1a6fae
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ const CSI = `${ESC}[`;
const SHOW_CURSOR = `${CSI}?25h`;
const HIDE_CURSOR = `${CSI}?25l`;
const DELETE_CHAR = `${CSI}X`;
const CSI_STYLE_RE = /^\x1b\[[0-9;]*m/;
const CSI_MOVE_RE = /^\x1b\[([0-9]*)(;[35])?O?([DC])/;
const PASSWORD_INPUT_RE = /(password|passphrase|passwd).*:/i;
......@@ -41,25 +42,100 @@ const enum CursorMoveDirection {
Forwards = 'C',
const setCursorPos = (x: number, y: number) => `${CSI}${y + 1};${x + 1}H`;
const setCursorCoordinate = (buffer: IBuffer, c: ICoordinate) => setCursorPos(c.x, c.y + (c.baseY - buffer.baseY));
interface ICoordinate {
x: number;
y: number;
baseY: number;
const getCellAtCoordinate = (b: IBuffer, c: ICoordinate) => b.getLine(c.y + c.baseY)?.getCell(c.x);
class Cursor implements ICoordinate {
private _x = 0;
private _y = 1;
private _baseY = 1;
public get x() {
return this._x;
public get y() {
return this._y;
public get baseY() {
return this._baseY;
public get coordinate(): ICoordinate {
return { x: this._x, y: this._y, baseY: this._baseY };
constructor(public readonly rows: number, public readonly cols: number, private readonly buffer: IBuffer) {
this._x = buffer.cursorX;
this._y = buffer.cursorY;
this._baseY = buffer.baseY;
public getCell(loadInto?: IBufferCell) {
return this.buffer.getLine(this._y + this._baseY)?.getCell(this._x, loadInto);
public moveTo(coordinate: ICoordinate) {
this._x = coordinate.x;
this._y = (coordinate.y + coordinate.baseY) - this._baseY;
return this.moveInstruction();
public clone() {
const c = new Cursor(this.rows, this.cols, this.buffer);
return c;
public move(x: number, y: number) {
this._x = x;
this._y = y;
return this.moveInstruction();
public shift(x: number = 0, y: number = 0) {
this._x += x;
this._y += y;
return this.moveInstruction();
public moveInstruction() {
if (this._y >= this.rows) {
this._baseY += this._y - (this.rows - 1);
this._y = this.rows - 1;
} else if (this._y < 0) {
this._baseY -= this._y;
this._y = 0;
return `${CSI}${this.getRealLineY(this._y) + 1};${this._x + 1}H`;
private getRealLineY(y: number) {
let targetY = y;
for (let i = 0; i < y; i++) {
if (this.buffer.getLine(y)?.isWrapped) {
return targetY;
const moveToWordBoundary = (b: IBuffer, cursor: ICoordinate, direction: -1 | 1) => {
const moveToWordBoundary = (b: IBuffer, cursor: Cursor, direction: -1 | 1) => {
let ateLeadingWhitespace = false;
if (direction < 0) {
let cell: IBufferCell | undefined;
while (cursor.x >= 0) {
const cell = getCellAtCoordinate(b, cursor);
cell = cursor.getCell(cell);
if (!cell?.getCode()) {
......@@ -73,14 +149,12 @@ const moveToWordBoundary = (b: IBuffer, cursor: ICoordinate, direction: -1 | 1)
ateLeadingWhitespace = true;
cursor.x += direction;
if (direction < 0) {
cursor.x++; // we want to place the cursor after the whitespace starting the word
cursor.shift(1); // we want to place the cursor after the whitespace starting the word
cursor.x = Math.max(0, cursor.x);
const enum MatchResult {
......@@ -100,19 +174,19 @@ export interface IPrediction {
* @returns a string to be written to the user terminal, or optionally a
* string for the user terminal and real pty.
apply(buffer: IBuffer, cursor: ICoordinate): string;
apply(buffer: IBuffer, cursor: Cursor): string;
* Returns a sequence to roll back a previous `apply()` call. If
* `rollForwards` is not given, then this is also called if a prediction
* is correct before show the user's data.
rollback(buffer: IBuffer): string;
rollback(cursor: Cursor): string;
* If available, this will be called when the prediction is correct.
rollForwards?(buffer: IBuffer, withInput: string): string;
rollForwards(cursor: Cursor, withInput: string): string;
* Returns whether the given input is one expected by this prediction.
......@@ -222,6 +296,10 @@ class HardBoundary implements IPrediction {
return '';
public rollForwards() {
return '';
public matches() {
return MatchResult.Failure;
......@@ -232,10 +310,12 @@ class HardBoundary implements IPrediction {
* through its `matches` request.
class TentativeBoundary implements IPrediction {
private expected?: Cursor;
constructor(private readonly inner: IPrediction) { }
public apply(buffer: IBuffer, cursor: ICoordinate) {
this.inner.apply(buffer, cursor);
public apply(buffer: IBuffer, cursor: Cursor) {
this.expected = cursor.clone();
this.inner.apply(buffer, this.expected);
return '';
......@@ -243,6 +323,14 @@ class TentativeBoundary implements IPrediction {
return '';
public rollForwards(cursor: Cursor, withInput: string) {
if (this.expected) {
return withInput;
public matches(input: StringReader) {
return this.inner.matches(input);
......@@ -252,31 +340,40 @@ class TentativeBoundary implements IPrediction {
* Prediction for a single alphanumeric character.
class CharacterPrediction implements IPrediction {
protected appliedAt?: ICoordinate & {
protected appliedAt?: {
pos: ICoordinate,
oldAttributes: string;
oldChar: string;
constructor(private readonly style: string, private readonly char: string) { }
public apply(buffer: IBuffer, cursor: ICoordinate) {
const cell = getCellAtCoordinate(buffer, cursor);
public apply(buffer: IBuffer, cursor: Cursor) {
const cell = cursor.getCell();
this.appliedAt = cell
? { ...cursor, oldAttributes: getBufferCellAttributes(cell), oldChar: cell.getChars() }
: { ...cursor, oldAttributes: '', oldChar: '' };
? { pos: cursor.coordinate, oldAttributes: getBufferCellAttributes(cell), oldChar: cell.getChars() }
: { pos: cursor.coordinate, oldAttributes: '', oldChar: '' };
return this.style + this.char + this.appliedAt.oldAttributes;
public rollback(buffer: IBuffer) {
public rollback(cursor: Cursor) {
if (!this.appliedAt) {
return ''; // not applied
const a = this.appliedAt;
this.appliedAt = undefined;
return setCursorCoordinate(buffer, a) + (a.oldChar ? `${a.oldAttributes}${a.oldChar}${setCursorCoordinate(buffer, a)}` : DELETE_CHAR);
const { oldAttributes, oldChar, pos } = this.appliedAt;
const r = cursor.moveTo(pos) + (oldChar ? `${oldAttributes}${oldChar}${cursor.moveTo(pos)}` : DELETE_CHAR);
return r;
public rollForwards(cursor: Cursor, input: string) {
if (!this.appliedAt) {
return ''; // not applied
return cursor.clone().moveTo(this.appliedAt.pos) + this.appliedAt.oldAttributes + input;
public matches(input: StringReader) {
......@@ -303,14 +400,13 @@ class BackspacePrediction extends CharacterPrediction {
super('', '\b');
public apply(buffer: IBuffer, cursor: ICoordinate) {
const cell = getCellAtCoordinate(buffer, cursor);
public apply(_: IBuffer, cursor: Cursor) {
const cell = cursor.getCell();
this.appliedAt = cell
? { ...cursor, oldAttributes: getBufferCellAttributes(cell), oldChar: cell.getChars() }
: { ...cursor, oldAttributes: '', oldChar: '' };
? { pos: cursor.coordinate, oldAttributes: getBufferCellAttributes(cell), oldChar: cell.getChars() }
: { pos: cursor.coordinate, oldAttributes: '', oldChar: '' };
return setCursorCoordinate(buffer, cursor) + DELETE_CHAR;
return cursor.shift(-1) + DELETE_CHAR;
public rollForwards() {
......@@ -338,21 +434,14 @@ class BackspacePrediction extends CharacterPrediction {
class NewlinePrediction implements IPrediction {
protected prevPosition?: ICoordinate;
public apply(_: IBuffer, cursor: ICoordinate) {
this.prevPosition = { ...cursor };
cursor.x = 0;
public apply(_: IBuffer, cursor: Cursor) {
this.prevPosition = cursor.coordinate;
cursor.move(0, cursor.y + 1);
return '\r\n';
public rollback(buffer: IBuffer) {
if (!this.prevPosition) {
return ''; // not applied
const p = this.prevPosition;
this.prevPosition = undefined;
return setCursorCoordinate(buffer, p) + DELETE_CHAR;
public rollback(cursor: Cursor) {
return this.prevPosition ? cursor.moveTo(this.prevPosition) : '';
public rollForwards() {
......@@ -364,10 +453,35 @@ class NewlinePrediction implements IPrediction {
* Prediction when the cursor reaches the end of the line. Similar to newline
* prediction, but shells handle it slightly differently.
class LinewrapPrediction extends NewlinePrediction implements IPrediction {
public apply(_: IBuffer, cursor: Cursor) {
this.prevPosition = cursor.coordinate;
cursor.move(0, cursor.y + 1);
return ' \r';
public matches(input: StringReader) {
// bash and zshell add a space which wraps in the terminal, then a CR
const r = input.eatGradually(' \r');
if (r !== MatchResult.Failure) {
// zshell additionally adds a clear line after wrapping to be safe -- eat it
const r2 = input.eatGradually(DELETE_REST_OF_LINE);
return r2 === MatchResult.Buffer ? MatchResult.Buffer : r;
return input.eatGradually('\r\n');
class CursorMovePrediction implements IPrediction {
private applied?: {
rollForward: string;
rollBack: string;
prevPosition: number;
prevAttrs: string;
amount: number;
......@@ -377,31 +491,39 @@ class CursorMovePrediction implements IPrediction {
private readonly amount: number,
) { }
public apply(buffer: IBuffer, cursor: ICoordinate) {
let rollBack = setCursorCoordinate(buffer, cursor);
const currentCell = getCellAtCoordinate(buffer, cursor);
if (currentCell) {
rollBack += getBufferCellAttributes(currentCell);
public apply(buffer: IBuffer, cursor: Cursor) {
const prevPosition = cursor.x;
const currentCell = cursor.getCell();
const prevAttrs = currentCell ? getBufferCellAttributes(currentCell) : '';
const { amount, direction, moveByWords } = this;
const delta = direction === CursorMoveDirection.Back ? -1 : 1;
const startX = cursor.x;
const target = cursor.clone();
if (moveByWords) {
for (let i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
moveToWordBoundary(buffer, cursor, delta);
moveToWordBoundary(buffer, target, delta);
} else {
cursor.x += delta * amount;
target.shift(delta * amount);
const rollForward = setCursorCoordinate(buffer, cursor);
this.applied = { amount: Math.abs(cursor.x - startX), rollBack, rollForward };
this.applied = {
amount: Math.abs(cursor.x - target.x),
rollForward: cursor.moveTo(target),
return this.applied.rollForward;
public rollback() {
return this.applied?.rollBack ?? '';
public rollback(cursor: Cursor) {
if (!this.applied) {
return '';
return cursor.move(this.applied.prevPosition, cursor.y) + this.applied.prevAttrs;
public rollForwards() {
......@@ -416,18 +538,19 @@ class CursorMovePrediction implements IPrediction {
const direction = this.direction;
const { amount, rollForward } = this.applied;
if (amount === 1) {
// arg can be omitted to move one character
const r = input.eatGradually(`${CSI}${direction}`);
// arg can be omitted to move one character
const r = input.eatGradually(`${CSI}${direction}`.repeat(amount));
if (r !== MatchResult.Failure) {
return r;
// \b is the equivalent to moving one character back
if (direction === CursorMoveDirection.Back) {
const r = input.eatGradually(`\b`.repeat(amount));
if (r !== MatchResult.Failure) {
return r;
// \b is the equivalent to moving one character back
const r2 = input.eatGradually(`\b`);
if (r2 !== MatchResult.Failure) {
return r2;
// check if the cursor position is set absolutely
......@@ -516,7 +639,7 @@ export class PredictionTimeline {
* Cursor position -- kept outside the buffer since it can be ahead if
* typing swiftly.
private cursor: ICoordinate | undefined;
private cursor: Cursor | undefined;
* Previously sent data that was buffered and should be prepended to the
......@@ -558,7 +681,7 @@ export class PredictionTimeline {
this.cursor = undefined;
this.terminal.write(toApply.map(p => p.apply(buffer, this.getCursor(buffer))).join(''));
} else {
this.terminal.write(toApply.reverse().map(p => p.rollback(buffer)).join(''));
this.terminal.write(toApply.reverse().map(p => p.rollback(this.getCursor(buffer))).join(''));
......@@ -597,14 +720,14 @@ export class PredictionTimeline {
const prediction = this.expected[0].p;
const cursor = this.getCursor(buffer);
let beforeTestReaderIndex = reader.index;
switch (prediction.matches(reader)) {
case MatchResult.Success:
// if the input character matches what the next prediction expected, undo
// the prediction and write the real character out.
const eaten = input.slice(beforeTestReaderIndex, reader.index);
output += prediction.rollForwards?.(buffer, eaten)
?? (prediction.rollback(buffer) + input.slice(beforeTestReaderIndex, reader.index));
output += prediction.rollForwards?.(cursor, eaten);
......@@ -618,8 +741,8 @@ export class PredictionTimeline {
// on a failure, roll back all remaining items in this generation
// and clear predictions, since they are no longer valid
output += this.expected.filter(p => p.gen === startingGen)
.map(({ p }) => p.rollback(buffer))
.map(({ p }) => p.rollback(this.getCursor(buffer)))
this.expected = [];
this.cursor = undefined;
......@@ -658,7 +781,7 @@ export class PredictionTimeline {
if (this.cursor) {
output += setCursorCoordinate(buffer, this.cursor);
output += this.cursor.moveInstruction();
// prevent cursor flickering while typing
......@@ -677,9 +800,14 @@ export class PredictionTimeline {
if (this.currentGen === this.expected[0].gen) {
const text = prediction.apply(buffer, this.getCursor(buffer));
if (this.showPredictions) {
// console.log('predict:', JSON.stringify(text));
return true;
return false;
......@@ -694,12 +822,16 @@ export class PredictionTimeline {
public getCursor(buffer: IBuffer) {
if (!this.cursor) {
this.cursor = { baseY: buffer.baseY, y: buffer.cursorY, x: buffer.cursorX };
this.cursor = new Cursor(this.terminal.rows, this.terminal.cols, buffer);
return this.cursor;
private clearCursor() {
this.cursor = undefined;
private getActiveBuffer() {
const buffer = this.terminal.buffer.active;
return buffer.type === 'normal' ? buffer : undefined;
......@@ -758,6 +890,7 @@ export class TypeAheadAddon extends Disposable implements ITerminalAddon {
timeline.setShowPredictions(this.typeaheadThreshold === 0);
this._register(terminal.onData(e => this.onUserData(e)));
this._register(terminal.onResize(() => timeline.clearCursor()));
this._register(this.config.onConfigChanged(() => {
this.typeheadStyle = parseTypeheadStyle(this.config.config.typeaheadStyle);
this.typeaheadThreshold = this.config.config.typeaheadThreshold;
......@@ -852,9 +985,8 @@ export class TypeAheadAddon extends Disposable implements ITerminalAddon {
if (reader.eatCharCode(32, 126)) { // alphanum
const char = data[reader.index - 1];
this.timeline.addPrediction(buffer, new CharacterPrediction(this.typeheadStyle, char));
if (this.timeline.getCursor(buffer).x === terminal.cols) {
this.timeline.addBoundary(buffer, new NewlinePrediction());
if (this.timeline.addPrediction(buffer, new CharacterPrediction(this.typeheadStyle, char)) && this.timeline.getCursor(buffer).x === terminal.cols) {
this.timeline.addBoundary(buffer, new TentativeBoundary(new LinewrapPrediction()));
......@@ -353,10 +353,10 @@ export const terminalConfiguration: IConfigurationNode = {
default: true
'terminal.integrated.typeaheadThreshold': {
description: localize('terminal.integrated.typeaheadThreshold', "Experimental: length of time, in milliseconds, where typeahead will activate. If '0', typeahead will always be on, and if '-1' it will be disabled."),
description: localize('terminal.integrated.typeaheadThreshold', "Experimental: length of typing delay, in milliseconds, where typeahead will activate. If '0', typeahead will always be on, and if '-1' it will be disabled."),
type: 'integer',
minimum: -1,
default: -1,
default: 15,
'terminal.integrated.typeaheadStyle': {
description: localize('terminal.integrated.typeaheadStyle', "Experimental: terminal style of typeahead text, either a font style or an RGB color."),
......@@ -75,11 +75,9 @@ suite('Workbench - Terminal Typeahead', () => {
let config: ITerminalConfiguration;
let addon: TypeAheadAddon;
const predictedHelloo = [
`${CSI}?25l`, // hide cursor
`${CSI}2;7H`, // move cursor cursor
`${CSI}X`, // delete character
'o', // new character
`${CSI}2;8H`, // place cursor back at end of line
`${CSI}?25h`, // show cursor
......@@ -145,7 +143,6 @@ suite('Workbench - Terminal Typeahead', () => {
expectProcessed(`${CSI}4mo`, [
`${CSI}?25l`, // hide cursor
`${CSI}2;7H`, // move cursor cursor
`${CSI}X`, // delete character
`${CSI}4m`, // PTY's style
'o', // new character
`${CSI}2;8H`, // place cursor back at end of line
......@@ -162,7 +159,6 @@ suite('Workbench - Terminal Typeahead', () => {
`${CSI}?25l`, // hide cursor from PTY
`${CSI}?25l`, // hide cursor
`${CSI}2;7H`, // move cursor cursor
`${CSI}X`, // delete character
'o', // new character
`${CSI}?25h`, // show cursor from PTY
`${CSI}2;8H`, // place cursor back at end of line
......@@ -245,6 +241,7 @@ function stubPrediction(): IPrediction {
apply: () => '',
rollback: () => '',
matches: () => 0,
rollForwards: () => '',
......@@ -275,6 +272,7 @@ function createMockTerminal(...lines: string[]) {
terminal: {
cols: 80,
rows: 5,
onResize: new Emitter<void>().event,
onData: onData.event,
write(line: string) {
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