提交 ccdc5fac 编写于 作者: M Martin Aeschlimann

Apply editor foreground color changes to syntax theme. Fixes #25519

上级 7a22d9d3
......@@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ import pfs = require('vs/base/node/pfs');
import { Extensions, IColorRegistry, ColorIdentifier, editorBackground, editorForeground } from 'vs/platform/theme/common/colorRegistry';
import { ThemeType } from 'vs/platform/theme/common/themeService';
import { Registry } from 'vs/platform/platform';
import { WorkbenchThemeService } from "vs/workbench/services/themes/electron-browser/workbenchThemeService";
import { WorkbenchThemeService, IColorCustomizations } from "vs/workbench/services/themes/electron-browser/workbenchThemeService";
let colorRegistry = <IColorRegistry>Registry.as(Extensions.ColorContribution);
export class ColorThemeData implements IColorTheme {
constructor(private themeService: WorkbenchThemeService) {
constructor() {
id: string;
......@@ -38,20 +38,21 @@ export class ColorThemeData implements IColorTheme {
path?: string;
extensionData: ExtensionData;
colorMap: IColorMap = {};
customColorMap: IColorMap = {};
public getColor(colorId: ColorIdentifier, useDefault?: boolean): Color {
let customColor = this.themeService.getCustomColor(colorId);
if (customColor) {
return customColor;
let color = this.customColorMap[colorId];
if (color) {
return color;
let color = this.colorMap[colorId];
color = this.colorMap[colorId];
if (useDefault !== false && types.isUndefined(color)) {
color = this.getDefault(colorId);
return color;
private getDefault(colorId: ColorIdentifier): Color {
public getDefault(colorId: ColorIdentifier): Color {
return colorRegistry.resolveDefaultColor(colorId, this);
......@@ -64,6 +65,22 @@ export class ColorThemeData implements IColorTheme {
return color === null ? defaultValue === null : color.equals(defaultValue);
public setCustomColors(colors: IColorCustomizations) {
this.customColorMap = {};
for (let id in colors) {
let colorVal = colors[id];
if (typeof colorVal === 'string') {
let color = Color.fromHex(colorVal, null);
if (color) {
this.customColorMap[id] = color;
if (this.tokenColors) {
updateDefaultRuleSettings(this.tokenColors[0], this);
public ensureLoaded(themeService: WorkbenchThemeService): TPromise<void> {
if (!this.isLoaded) {
this.tokenColors = [];
......@@ -71,7 +88,7 @@ export class ColorThemeData implements IColorTheme {
if (this.path) {
return _loadColorThemeFromFile(this.path, this.tokenColors, this.colorMap).then(_ => {
this.isLoaded = true;
......@@ -119,10 +136,10 @@ export class ColorThemeData implements IColorTheme {
export function fromStorageData(themeService: WorkbenchThemeService, input: string): ColorThemeData {
export function fromStorageData(input: string): ColorThemeData {
try {
let data = JSON.parse(input);
let theme = new ColorThemeData(themeService);
let theme = new ColorThemeData();
for (let key in data) {
if (key !== 'colorMap') {
theme[key] = data[key];
......@@ -139,11 +156,11 @@ export function fromStorageData(themeService: WorkbenchThemeService, input: stri
export function fromExtensionTheme(themeService: WorkbenchThemeService, theme: IThemeExtensionPoint, normalizedAbsolutePath: string, extensionData: ExtensionData): ColorThemeData {
export function fromExtensionTheme(theme: IThemeExtensionPoint, normalizedAbsolutePath: string, extensionData: ExtensionData): ColorThemeData {
let baseTheme = theme['uiTheme'] || 'vs-dark';
let themeSelector = toCSSSelector(extensionData.extensionId + '-' + Paths.normalize(theme.path));
let themeData = new ColorThemeData(themeService);
let themeData = new ColorThemeData();
themeData.id = `${baseTheme} ${themeSelector}`;
themeData.label = theme.label || Paths.basename(theme.path);
themeData.settingsId = theme.id || themeData.label;
......@@ -230,25 +247,31 @@ function _loadSyntaxTokensFromFile(themePath: string, resultRules: ITokenColoriz
* Make sure that the token colors contain the default fore and background
* Place the default settings first and add add the token-info rules
function _completeTokenColors(theme: ColorThemeData) {
function _sanitizeTokenColors(theme: ColorThemeData) {
let hasDefaultTokens = false;
let updatedTokenColors: ITokenColorizationRule[] = [updateDefaultRuleSettings({ settings: {} }, theme)];
theme.tokenColors.forEach(rule => {
if (!rule.scope) {
if (!rule.settings.background) {
rule.settings.background = theme.getColor(editorBackground).toRGBAHex();
if (!rule.settings.foreground) {
rule.settings.foreground = theme.getColor(editorForeground).toRGBAHex();
if (rule.scope) {
if (rule.scope === 'token.info-token') {
hasDefaultTokens = true;
} else if (rule.scope === 'token.info-token') {
hasDefaultTokens = true;
if (!hasDefaultTokens) {
theme.tokenColors = updatedTokenColors;
function updateDefaultRuleSettings(defaultRule: ITokenColorizationRule, theme: ColorThemeData): ITokenColorizationRule {
let foreground = theme.getColor(editorForeground) || theme.getDefault(editorForeground);
let background = theme.getColor(editorBackground) || theme.getDefault(editorBackground);
defaultRule.settings.foreground = foreground.toRGBAHex();
defaultRule.settings.background = background.toRGBAHex();
return defaultRule;
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import { IInstantiationService } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/instanti
import Severity from 'vs/base/common/severity';
import { ColorThemeData, fromStorageData, fromExtensionTheme } from './colorThemeData';
import { ITheme, Extensions as ThemingExtensions, IThemingRegistry } from 'vs/platform/theme/common/themeService';
import { editorBackground, editorForeground, ColorIdentifier } from 'vs/platform/theme/common/colorRegistry';
import { editorBackground } from 'vs/platform/theme/common/colorRegistry';
import { $ } from 'vs/base/browser/builder';
import Event, { Emitter } from 'vs/base/common/event';
......@@ -39,8 +39,6 @@ import pfs = require('vs/base/node/pfs');
import colorThemeSchema = require('vs/workbench/services/themes/common/colorThemeSchema');
import fileIconThemeSchema = require('vs/workbench/services/themes/common/fileIconThemeSchema');
import { IDisposable } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle';
import { Color } from 'vs/base/common/color';
// implementation
......@@ -227,13 +225,15 @@ export class WorkbenchThemeService implements IWorkbenchThemeService {
extensionData: null
let themeData = null;
let persistedThemeData = this.storageService.get(PERSISTED_THEME_STORAGE_KEY);
if (persistedThemeData) {
themeData = fromStorageData(this, persistedThemeData);
themeData = fromStorageData(persistedThemeData);
if (themeData !== null) {
this.applyTheme(themeData, null, true);
} else {
......@@ -242,18 +242,14 @@ export class WorkbenchThemeService implements IWorkbenchThemeService {
// a color theme document with good defaults until the theme is loaded
let isLightTheme = (Array.prototype.indexOf.call(document.body.classList, 'vs') >= 0);
let initialTheme = new ColorThemeData(this);
let initialTheme = new ColorThemeData();
initialTheme.id = isLightTheme ? VS_LIGHT_THEME : VS_DARK_THEME;
initialTheme.label = '';
initialTheme.selector = isLightTheme ? VS_LIGHT_THEME : VS_DARK_THEME;
initialTheme.settingsId = null;
initialTheme.isLoaded = false;
initialTheme.tokenColors = [{
settings: {
foreground: initialTheme.getColor(editorForeground).toRGBAHex(),
background: initialTheme.getColor(editorBackground).toRGBAHex()
initialTheme.tokenColors = [{ settings: {} }];
this.currentColorTheme = initialTheme;
......@@ -413,6 +409,7 @@ export class WorkbenchThemeService implements IWorkbenchThemeService {
this.currentColorTheme = themeData;
return TPromise.as(themeData);
return this.applyTheme(themeData, settingsTarget);
}, error => {
......@@ -539,21 +536,16 @@ export class WorkbenchThemeService implements IWorkbenchThemeService {
if (this.hasCustomizationChanged(newColorCustomizations, newColorIds)) {
this.colorCustomizations = newColorCustomizations;
this.numberOfColorCustomizations = newColorIds.length;
if (notify) {
if (this.currentColorTheme) {
if (notify) {
public getCustomColor(id: ColorIdentifier) {
let color = this.colorCustomizations[id];
if (typeof color === 'string') {
return Color.fromHex(this.colorCustomizations[id], null);
return null;
private onThemes(extensionFolderPath: string, extensionData: ExtensionData, themes: IThemeExtensionPoint[], collector: ExtensionMessageCollector): void {
if (!Array.isArray(themes)) {
......@@ -578,7 +570,7 @@ export class WorkbenchThemeService implements IWorkbenchThemeService {
if (normalizedAbsolutePath.indexOf(Paths.normalize(extensionFolderPath)) !== 0) {
collector.warn(nls.localize('invalid.path.1', "Expected `contributes.{0}.path` ({1}) to be included inside extension's folder ({2}). This might make the extension non-portable.", themesExtPoint.name, normalizedAbsolutePath, extensionFolderPath));
let themeData = fromExtensionTheme(this, theme, normalizedAbsolutePath, extensionData);
let themeData = fromExtensionTheme(theme, normalizedAbsolutePath, extensionData);
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