提交 c9fc3dbd 编写于 作者: A Andre Weinand

fix #59410

上级 1d55212e
......@@ -609,9 +609,10 @@ export class ExtHostDebugService implements ExtHostDebugServiceShape {
const type = config.type;
const promises = this._providers
.filter(pair => pair.provider.provideDebugAdapterTracker && (pair.type === type || pair.type === '*'))
.map(pair => pair.provider.provideDebugAdapterTracker(session, folder, config, CancellationToken.None));
.map(pair => asThenable(() => pair.provider.provideDebugAdapterTracker(session, folder, config, CancellationToken.None)).then(p => p).catch(err => null));
return Promise.all(promises).then(trackers => {
trackers = trackers.filter(t => t); // filter null
if (trackers.length > 0) {
return new MultiTracker(trackers);
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