提交 c723a054 编写于 作者: M Matt Bierner

Switch to use more state machine like state management in progressService

In progress service, the `ProgressState` object is quite difficult to understand. Only a subset of fields are active at a given time so the state is really more like a state machine.

When enabling strict null checks, the existing pattern is also a pain because it is not clear which subset of fields go to gether and will not be undefined

I've been experimenting with writing states much explicitly. This has two main points:

- Encapsulating all state in a single state object (which the progress service already does)
- Encoding each valid state very explicitly in a state machine like manner

For progress service, the encoding breaks the `ProgressState` object up into five different states that the progress service transitions between.
上级 439e20c7
......@@ -10,16 +10,39 @@ import { IViewletService } from 'vs/workbench/services/viewlet/browser/viewlet';
import { IPanelService } from 'vs/workbench/services/panel/common/panelService';
import { IProgressService, IProgressRunner } from 'vs/platform/progress/common/progress';
interface ProgressState {
infinite?: boolean;
total?: number;
worked?: number;
done?: boolean;
whilePromise?: Promise<any>;
whileStart?: number;
whileDelay?: number;
const NoneProgressState = new class { readonly type = 'none'; };
const DoneProgressState = new class { readonly type = 'done'; };
const InfiniteProgressState = new class { readonly type = 'infinite'; };
class WhileProgressState {
static readonly type = 'while';
public readonly type = WhileProgressState.type;
public readonly whilePromise: Promise<any>,
public readonly whileStart: number,
public readonly whileDelay: number,
) { }
class WorkProgressState {
static readonly type = 'work';
public readonly type = WorkProgressState.type;
public readonly total: number | undefined,
public readonly worked: number | undefined
) { }
type ProgressState =
typeof NoneProgressState
| typeof DoneProgressState
| typeof InfiniteProgressState
| WhileProgressState
| WorkProgressState;
export abstract class ScopedService extends Disposable {
constructor(private viewletService: IViewletService, private panelService: IPanelService, private scopeId: string) {
......@@ -57,7 +80,7 @@ export class ScopedProgressService extends ScopedService implements IProgressSer
_serviceBrand: any;
private isActive: boolean;
private progressbar: ProgressBar;
private progressState: ProgressState;
private progressState: ProgressState = NoneProgressState;
progressbar: ProgressBar,
......@@ -70,7 +93,6 @@ export class ScopedProgressService extends ScopedService implements IProgressSer
this.progressbar = progressbar;
this.isActive = isActive || types.isUndefinedOrNull(scopeId); // If service is unscoped, enable by default
this.progressState = Object.create(null);
onScopeDeactivated(): void {
......@@ -81,15 +103,15 @@ export class ScopedProgressService extends ScopedService implements IProgressSer
this.isActive = true;
// Return early if progress state indicates that progress is done
if (this.progressState.done) {
if (this.progressState.type === DoneProgressState.type) {
// Replay Infinite Progress from Promise
if (this.progressState.whilePromise) {
if (this.progressState.type === WhileProgressState.type) {
let delay: number | undefined;
if (typeof this.progressState.whileDelay === 'number' && this.progressState.whileDelay > 0) {
const remainingDelay = this.progressState.whileDelay - (Date.now() - this.progressState.whileStart!);
if (this.progressState.whileDelay > 0) {
const remainingDelay = this.progressState.whileDelay - (Date.now() - this.progressState.whileStart);
if (remainingDelay > 0) {
delay = remainingDelay;
......@@ -99,12 +121,12 @@ export class ScopedProgressService extends ScopedService implements IProgressSer
// Replay Infinite Progress
else if (this.progressState.infinite) {
else if (this.progressState.type === InfiniteProgressState.type) {
// Replay Finite Progress (Total & Worked)
else {
else if (this.progressState.type === WorkProgressState.type) {
if (this.progressState.total) {
......@@ -115,54 +137,35 @@ export class ScopedProgressService extends ScopedService implements IProgressSer
private clearProgressState(): void {
this.progressState.infinite = undefined;
this.progressState.done = undefined;
this.progressState.worked = undefined;
this.progressState.total = undefined;
this.progressState.whilePromise = undefined;
this.progressState.whileStart = undefined;
this.progressState.whileDelay = undefined;
show(infinite: boolean, delay?: number): IProgressRunner;
show(total: number, delay?: number): IProgressRunner;
show(infiniteOrTotal: boolean | number, delay?: number): IProgressRunner {
let infinite: boolean | undefined;
let total: number | undefined;
// Sort out Arguments
if (typeof infiniteOrTotal === 'boolean') {
infinite = infiniteOrTotal;
this.progressState = InfiniteProgressState;
} else {
total = infiniteOrTotal;
this.progressState = new WorkProgressState(infiniteOrTotal, undefined);
// Reset State
// Keep in State
this.progressState.infinite = infinite;
this.progressState.total = total;
// Active: Show Progress
if (this.isActive) {
// Infinite: Start Progressbar and Show after Delay
if (!types.isUndefinedOrNull(infinite)) {
if (this.progressState.type === InfiniteProgressState.type) {
// Finite: Start Progressbar and Show after Delay
else if (!types.isUndefinedOrNull(total)) {
else if (this.progressState.type === WorkProgressState.type && typeof this.progressState.total === 'number') {
return {
total: (total: number) => {
this.progressState.infinite = false;
this.progressState.total = total;
this.progressState = new WorkProgressState(
this.progressState.type === WorkProgressState.type ? this.progressState.worked : undefined);
if (this.isActive) {
......@@ -173,12 +176,9 @@ export class ScopedProgressService extends ScopedService implements IProgressSer
// Verify first that we are either not active or the progressbar has a total set
if (!this.isActive || this.progressbar.hasTotal()) {
this.progressState.infinite = false;
if (this.progressState.worked) {
this.progressState.worked += worked;
} else {
this.progressState.worked = worked;
this.progressState = new WorkProgressState(
this.progressState.type === WorkProgressState.type ? this.progressState.total : undefined,
this.progressState.type === WorkProgressState.type && typeof this.progressState.worked === 'number' ? this.progressState.worked + worked : worked);
if (this.isActive) {
......@@ -187,16 +187,13 @@ export class ScopedProgressService extends ScopedService implements IProgressSer
// Otherwise the progress bar does not support worked(), we fallback to infinite() progress
else {
this.progressState.infinite = true;
this.progressState.worked = undefined;
this.progressState.total = undefined;
this.progressState = InfiniteProgressState;
done: () => {
this.progressState.infinite = false;
this.progressState.done = true;
this.progressState = DoneProgressState;
if (this.isActive) {
......@@ -206,32 +203,23 @@ export class ScopedProgressService extends ScopedService implements IProgressSer
showWhile(promise: Promise<any>, delay?: number): Promise<void> {
let stack: boolean = !!this.progressState.whilePromise;
// Reset State
if (!stack) {
// Otherwise join with existing running promise to ensure progress is accurate
else {
// Join with existing running promise to ensure progress is accurate
if (this.progressState.type === WhileProgressState.type) {
promise = Promise.all([promise, this.progressState.whilePromise]);
// Keep Promise in State
this.progressState.whilePromise = promise;
this.progressState.whileDelay = delay || 0;
this.progressState.whileStart = Date.now();
this.progressState = new WhileProgressState(promise, delay || 0, Date.now());
let stop = () => {
// If this is not the last promise in the list of joined promises, return early
if (!!this.progressState.whilePromise && this.progressState.whilePromise !== promise) {
if (this.progressState.type === WhileProgressState.type && this.progressState.whilePromise !== promise) {
// The while promise is either null or equal the promise we last hooked on
this.progressState = NoneProgressState;
if (this.isActive) {
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