Add support for WrappingIndent.Same in DOMLineBreaksComputer

上级 02d39920
......@@ -36,26 +36,82 @@ export class DOMLineBreaksComputerFactory implements ILineBreaksComputerFactory
finalize: () => {
return createLineBreaks(this._fontInfo, tabSize, wrappingColumn, wrappingIndent, requests);
return createLineBreaks(requests, this._fontInfo, tabSize, wrappingColumn, wrappingIndent);
function createLineBreaks(fontInfo: FontInfo, tabSize: number, firstLineBreakColumn: number, wrappingIndent: WrappingIndent, requests: string[]): (LineBreakData | null)[] {
const width = Math.round(firstLineBreakColumn * fontInfo.typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth);
function createLineBreaks(requests: string[], fontInfo: FontInfo, tabSize: number, firstLineBreakColumn: number, wrappingIndent: WrappingIndent): (LineBreakData | null)[] {
if (firstLineBreakColumn === -1) {
const result: null[] = [];
for (let i = 0, len = requests.length; i < len; i++) {
result[i] = null;
return result;
const overallWidth = Math.round(firstLineBreakColumn * fontInfo.typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth);
// Cannot respect WrappingIndent.Indent and WrappingIndent.DeepIndent because that would require
// two dom layouts, in order to first set the width of the first line, and then set the width of the wrapped lines
if (wrappingIndent === WrappingIndent.Indent || wrappingIndent === WrappingIndent.DeepIndent) {
wrappingIndent = WrappingIndent.Same;
const containerDomNode = document.createElement('div');
Configuration.applyFontInfoSlow(containerDomNode, fontInfo); = `${width}px`;
const sb = createStringBuilder(10000);
const charOffsets: number[][] = [];
const visibleColumns: number[][] = [];
const firstNonWhitespaceIndices: number[] = [];
const wrappedTextIndentLengths: number[] = [];
const renderLineContents: string[] = [];
const allCharOffsets: number[][] = [];
const allVisibleColumns: number[][] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < requests.length; i++) {
const r = renderLine(i, requests[i], tabSize, sb);
charOffsets[i] = r[0];
visibleColumns[i] = r[1];
const lineContent = requests[i];
let firstNonWhitespaceIndex = 0;
let wrappedTextIndentLength = 0;
let width = overallWidth;
if (wrappingIndent !== WrappingIndent.None) {
firstNonWhitespaceIndex = strings.firstNonWhitespaceIndex(lineContent);
if (firstNonWhitespaceIndex === -1) {
// all whitespace line
firstNonWhitespaceIndex = 0;
} else {
// Track existing indent
for (let i = 0; i < firstNonWhitespaceIndex; i++) {
const charWidth = (
lineContent.charCodeAt(i) === CharCode.Tab
? (tabSize - (wrappedTextIndentLength % tabSize))
: 1
wrappedTextIndentLength += charWidth;
const indentWidth = Math.ceil(fontInfo.spaceWidth * wrappedTextIndentLength);
// Force sticking to beginning of line if no character would fit except for the indentation
if (indentWidth + fontInfo.typicalFullwidthCharacterWidth > overallWidth) {
firstNonWhitespaceIndex = 0;
wrappedTextIndentLength = 0;
} else {
width = overallWidth - indentWidth;
const renderLineContent = lineContent.substr(firstNonWhitespaceIndex);
const tmp = renderLine(renderLineContent, wrappedTextIndentLength, tabSize, width, sb);
firstNonWhitespaceIndices[i] = firstNonWhitespaceIndex;
wrappedTextIndentLengths[i] = wrappedTextIndentLength;
renderLineContents[i] = renderLineContent;
allCharOffsets[i] = tmp[0];
allVisibleColumns[i] = tmp[1];
containerDomNode.innerHTML =;
......@@ -71,21 +127,45 @@ function createLineBreaks(fontInfo: FontInfo, tabSize: number, firstLineBreakCol
let result: (LineBreakData | null)[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < requests.length; i++) {
const lineDomNode = lineDomNodes[i];
result[i] = readLineBreaks(range, lineDomNode, requests[i], charOffsets[i], visibleColumns[i]);
const breakOffsets: number[] | null = readLineBreaks(range, lineDomNode, renderLineContents[i], allCharOffsets[i]);
if (breakOffsets === null) {
result[i] = null;
const firstNonWhitespaceIndex = firstNonWhitespaceIndices[i];
const wrappedTextIndentLength = wrappedTextIndentLengths[i];
const visibleColumns = allVisibleColumns[i];
const breakOffsetsVisibleColumn: number[] = [];
for (let j = 0, len = breakOffsets.length; j < len; j++) {
breakOffsetsVisibleColumn[j] = visibleColumns[breakOffsets[j]];
if (firstNonWhitespaceIndex !== 0) {
// All break offsets are relative to the renderLineContent, make them absolute again
for (let j = 0, len = breakOffsets.length; j < len; j++) {
breakOffsets[j] += firstNonWhitespaceIndex;
result[i] = new LineBreakData(breakOffsets, breakOffsetsVisibleColumn, wrappedTextIndentLength);
return result;
function renderLine(lineIndex: number, lineContent: string, tabSize: number, sb: IStringBuilder): [number[], number[]] {
function renderLine(lineContent: string, initialVisibleColumn: number, tabSize: number, width: number, sb: IStringBuilder): [number[], number[]] {
sb.appendASCIIString('<div style="width:');
// if (containsRTL) {
// sb.appendASCIIString('" dir="ltr');
// }
const len = lineContent.length;
let visibleColumn = 0;
let visibleColumn = initialVisibleColumn;
let charOffset = 0;
let charOffsets: number[] = [];
let visibleColumns: number[] = [];
......@@ -163,7 +243,7 @@ function renderLine(lineIndex: number, lineContent: string, tabSize: number, sb:
return [charOffsets, visibleColumns];
function readLineBreaks(range: Range, lineDomNode: HTMLDivElement, lineContent: string, charOffsets: number[], visibleColumns: number[]): LineBreakData | null {
function readLineBreaks(range: Range, lineDomNode: HTMLDivElement, lineContent: string, charOffsets: number[]): number[] | null {
if (lineContent.length <= 1) {
return null;
......@@ -177,13 +257,7 @@ function readLineBreaks(range: Range, lineDomNode: HTMLDivElement, lineContent:
const breakOffsetsVisibleColumn = [];
for (let i = 0, len = breakOffsets.length; i < len; i++) {
breakOffsetsVisibleColumn[i] = visibleColumns[breakOffsets[i]];
return new LineBreakData(breakOffsets, breakOffsetsVisibleColumn, 0);
return breakOffsets;
type MaybeRects = ClientRectList | DOMRectList | null;
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