提交 bf3492ef 编写于 作者: J Jackson Kearl

Cache file tree in memory and batch transactions.

上级 78ad8e48
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import { IFileSystemProvider, IFileSystemProviderWithFileReadWriteCapability, Fi
import { Disposable, IDisposable } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle';
import { Event, Emitter } from 'vs/base/common/event';
import { VSBuffer } from 'vs/base/common/buffer';
import { joinPath, extUri, dirname } from 'vs/base/common/resources';
import { Throttler } from 'vs/base/common/async';
import { localize } from 'vs/nls';
import * as browser from 'vs/base/browser/browser';
......@@ -68,6 +68,90 @@ export class IndexedDB {
type DirEntry = [string, FileType];
type fsnode =
| {
path: string,
type: FileType.Directory,
parent: fsnode | undefined,
children: Map<string, fsnode>,
| {
path: string,
type: FileType.File,
parent: fsnode | undefined,
size: number | undefined,
const readFromSuperblock = (block: fsnode, path: string) => {
const doReadFromSuperblock = (block: fsnode, pathParts: string[]): fsnode | undefined => {
if (pathParts.length === 0) { return block; }
if (block.type !== FileType.Directory) {
throw new Error('Internal error reading from superblock -- expected directory at ' + block.path);
const next = block.children.get(pathParts[0]);
if (!next) { return undefined; }
return doReadFromSuperblock(next, pathParts.slice(1));
return doReadFromSuperblock(block, path.split('/').filter(p => p.length));
const deleteFromSuperblock = (block: fsnode, path: string) => {
const doReadFromSuperblock = (block: fsnode, pathParts: string[]) => {
if (pathParts.length === 0) { throw new Error(`Internal error deleting from superblock -- got no deletion path parts (encountered while deleting ${path})`); }
if (block.type !== FileType.Directory) {
throw new Error('Internal error reading from superblock -- expected directory at ' + block.path);
return doReadFromSuperblock(block, path.split('/').filter(p => p.length));
const addFileToSuperblock = (block: fsnode, path: string, size?: number) => {
const doAddFileToSuperblock = (block: fsnode, pathParts: string[]) => {
if (pathParts.length === 0) {
throw new Error(`Internal error creating superblock -- adding empty path (encountered while adding ${path})`);
if (block.type !== FileType.Directory) {
throw new Error('Internal error creating superblock -- adding entries to directory (encountered while adding ${path})');
if (pathParts.length === 1) {
const next = pathParts[0];
const existing = block.children.get(next);
if (existing?.type === FileType.Directory) {
throw new Error(`Internal error creating superblock -- overwriting directory with file: ${block.path}/${next} (encountered while adding ${path})`);
block.children.set(next, {
type: FileType.File,
path: block.path + '/' + next,
parent: block,
else if (pathParts.length > 1) {
const next = pathParts[0];
let childNode = block.children.get(next);
if (!childNode) {
childNode = {
children: new Map(),
parent: block,
path: block.path + '/' + next,
type: FileType.Directory
block.children.set(next, childNode);
else if (childNode.type === FileType.File) {
throw new Error(`Internal error creating superblock -- overwriting file entry with directory: ${block.path}/${next} (encountered while adding ${path})`);
doAddFileToSuperblock(childNode, pathParts.slice(1));
doAddFileToSuperblock(block, path.split('/').filter(p => p.length));
class IndexedDBFileSystemProvider extends Disposable implements IFileSystemProviderWithFileReadWriteCapability {
readonly capabilities: FileSystemProviderCapabilities =
......@@ -81,8 +165,13 @@ class IndexedDBFileSystemProvider extends Disposable implements IFileSystemProvi
private readonly versions: Map<string, number> = new Map<string, number>();
private readonly dirs: Set<string> = new Set<string>();
constructor(private readonly scheme: string, private readonly database: IDBDatabase, private readonly store: string) {
private superblock: Promise<fsnode>;
private writeManyThrottler: Throttler;
constructor(scheme: string, private readonly database: IDBDatabase, private readonly store: string) {
this.writeManyThrottler = new Throttler();
this.superblock = this.getSuperblock();
......@@ -98,25 +187,20 @@ class IndexedDBFileSystemProvider extends Disposable implements IFileSystemProvi
} catch (error) { /* Ignore */ }
// Make sure parent dir exists
await this.stat(dirname(resource));
async stat(resource: URI): Promise<IStat> {
try {
const content = await this.readFile(resource);
const content = readFromSuperblock(await this.superblock, resource.path);
if (content?.type === FileType.File) {
return {
type: FileType.File,
ctime: 0,
mtime: this.versions.get(resource.toString()) || 0,
size: content.byteLength
size: content.size ?? (await this.readFile(resource)).byteLength
} catch (e) {
const files = await this.readdir(resource);
if (files.length) {
} else if (content?.type === FileType.Directory || this.dirs.has(resource.path)) {
return {
type: FileType.Directory,
ctime: 0,
......@@ -124,75 +208,105 @@ class IndexedDBFileSystemProvider extends Disposable implements IFileSystemProvi
size: 0
if (this.dirs.has(resource.path)) {
return {
type: FileType.Directory,
ctime: 0,
mtime: 0,
size: 0
else {
throw createFileSystemProviderError(localize('fileNotExists', "File does not exist"), FileSystemProviderErrorCode.FileNotFound);
throw createFileSystemProviderError(localize('fileNotExists', "File does not exist"), FileSystemProviderErrorCode.FileNotFound);
async readdir(resource: URI): Promise<[string, FileType][]> {
const hasKey = await this.hasKey(resource.path);
if (hasKey) {
throw createFileSystemProviderError(localize('fileNotDirectory', "File is not a directory"), FileSystemProviderErrorCode.FileNotADirectory);
async readdir(resource: URI): Promise<DirEntry[]> {
const entry = readFromSuperblock(await this.superblock, resource.path);
if (!entry) { return []; }
if (entry.type !== FileType.Directory) {
throw createFileSystemProviderError(localize('fileNotDir', "File is not a Directory"), FileSystemProviderErrorCode.FileNotADirectory);
const keys = await this.getAllKeys();
const files: Map<string, [string, FileType]> = new Map<string, [string, FileType]>();
for (const key of keys) {
const keyResource = this.toResource(key);
if (extUri.isEqualOrParent(keyResource, resource)) {
const path = extUri.relativePath(resource, keyResource);
if (path) {
const keySegments = path.split('/');
files.set(keySegments[0], [keySegments[0], keySegments.length === 1 ? FileType.File : FileType.Directory]);
else {
return [...entry.children.entries()].map(([name, node]) => [name, node.type]);
return [...files.values()];
async readFile(resource: URI): Promise<Uint8Array> {
const hasKey = await this.hasKey(resource.path);
if (!hasKey) {
throw createFileSystemProviderError(localize('fileNotFound', "File not found"), FileSystemProviderErrorCode.FileNotFound);
const value = await this.getValue(resource.path);
if (typeof value === 'string') {
return VSBuffer.fromString(value).buffer;
} else {
return value;
const read = new Promise<Uint8Array>((c, e) => {
const transaction = this.database.transaction([this.store]);
const objectStore = transaction.objectStore(this.store);
const request = objectStore.get(resource.path);
request.onerror = () => e(request.error);
request.onsuccess = () => {
if (request.result instanceof Uint8Array) {
} else if (typeof request.result === 'string') {
else {
if (request.result === undefined) {
e(createFileSystemProviderError(localize('fileNotExists', "File does not exist"), FileSystemProviderErrorCode.FileNotFound));
} else {
throw createFileSystemProviderError(localize('internal', "Internal error occured while reading file"), FileSystemProviderErrorCode.Unknown);
read.then(async buffer => addFileToSuperblock(await this.superblock, resource.path, buffer.byteLength), () => { });
return read;
async writeFile(resource: URI, content: Uint8Array, opts: FileWriteOptions): Promise<void> {
const hasKey = await this.hasKey(resource.path);
if (!hasKey) {
const files = await this.readdir(resource);
if (files.length) {
try {
const existing = await this.stat(resource);
if (existing.type === FileType.Directory) {
throw createFileSystemProviderError(localize('fileIsDirectory', "File is Directory"), FileSystemProviderErrorCode.FileIsADirectory);
await this.setValue(resource.path, content);
} catch { }
this.fileWriteBatch.push({ content, resource });
await this.writeManyThrottler.queue(() => this.writeMany());
addFileToSuperblock(await this.superblock, resource.path, content.byteLength);
this.versions.set(resource.toString(), (this.versions.get(resource.toString()) || 0) + 1);
this._onDidChangeFile.fire([{ resource, type: FileChangeType.UPDATED }]);
async delete(resource: URI, opts: FileDeleteOptions): Promise<void> {
const hasKey = await this.hasKey(resource.path);
if (hasKey) {
await this.deleteKey(resource.path);
this._onDidChangeFile.fire([{ resource, type: FileChangeType.DELETED }]);
let stat: IStat;
try {
stat = await this.stat(resource);
} catch (e) {
if (e.code === FileSystemProviderErrorCode.FileNotFound) {
throw e;
let toDelete: string[];
if (opts.recursive) {
const files = await this.readdir(resource);
await Promise.all(files.map(([key]) => this.delete(joinPath(resource, key), opts)));
const tree = (await this.tree(resource));
toDelete = tree.map(([path]) => path);
} else {
if (stat.type === FileType.Directory && (await this.readdir(resource)).length) {
throw createFileSystemProviderError(localize('dirIsNotEmpty', "Directory is not empty"), FileSystemProviderErrorCode.Unknown);
toDelete = [resource.path];
await this.deleteKeys(toDelete);
deleteFromSuperblock(await this.superblock, resource.path);
toDelete.forEach(key => this.versions.delete(key));
this._onDidChangeFile.fire(toDelete.map(path => ({ resource: resource.with({ path }), type: FileChangeType.DELETED })));
private async tree(resource: URI): Promise<DirEntry[]> {
if ((await this.stat(resource)).type === FileType.Directory) {
let items = await this.readdir(resource);
await Promise.all(items.map(
async ([key, type]) => {
if (type === FileType.Directory) {
const childEntries = (await this.tree(resource.with({ path: key })));
items = items.concat(childEntries);
items = items.concat([[resource.path, FileType.Directory]]);
return items;
} else {
const items: DirEntry[] = [[resource.path, FileType.File]];
return items;
......@@ -200,58 +314,60 @@ class IndexedDBFileSystemProvider extends Disposable implements IFileSystemProvi
return Promise.reject(new Error('Not Supported'));
private toResource(key: string): URI {
return URI.file(key).with({ scheme: this.scheme });
async getAllKeys(): Promise<string[]> {
return new Promise(async (c, e) => {
private getSuperblock(): Promise<fsnode> {
return new Promise((c, e) => {
const transaction = this.database.transaction([this.store]);
const objectStore = transaction.objectStore(this.store);
const request = objectStore.getAllKeys();
request.onerror = () => e(request.error);
request.onsuccess = () => c(<string[]>request.result);
hasKey(key: string): Promise<boolean> {
return new Promise<boolean>(async (c, e) => {
const transaction = this.database.transaction([this.store]);
const objectStore = transaction.objectStore(this.store);
const request = objectStore.getKey(key);
request.onerror = () => e(request.error);
request.onsuccess = () => {
const superblock: fsnode = {
children: new Map(),
parent: undefined,
path: '',
type: FileType.Directory
.map(key => key.toString())
.forEach(key => addFileToSuperblock(superblock, key));
getValue(key: string): Promise<Uint8Array | string> {
return new Promise(async (c, e) => {
const transaction = this.database.transaction([this.store]);
const objectStore = transaction.objectStore(this.store);
const request = objectStore.get(key);
request.onerror = () => e(request.error);
request.onsuccess = () => c(request.result || '');
private fileWriteBatch: { resource: URI, content: Uint8Array }[] = [];
private async writeMany() {
return new Promise<void>((c, e) => {
const fileBatch = this.fileWriteBatch;
this.fileWriteBatch = [];
if (fileBatch.length === 0) { return c(); }
setValue(key: string, value: Uint8Array): Promise<void> {
return new Promise(async (c, e) => {
const transaction = this.database.transaction([this.store], 'readwrite');
transaction.onerror = () => e(transaction.error);
const objectStore = transaction.objectStore(this.store);
const request = objectStore.put(value, key);
request.onerror = () => e(request.error);
let request: IDBRequest = undefined!;
for (const entry of fileBatch) {
request = objectStore.put(entry.content, entry.resource.path);
request.onsuccess = () => c();
deleteKey(key: string): Promise<void> {
private deleteKeys(keys: string[]): Promise<void> {
return new Promise(async (c, e) => {
if (keys.length === 0) { return c(); }
const transaction = this.database.transaction([this.store], 'readwrite');
transaction.onerror = () => e(transaction.error);
const objectStore = transaction.objectStore(this.store);
const request = objectStore.delete(key);
request.onerror = () => e(request.error);
let request: IDBRequest = undefined!;
for (const key of keys) {
request = objectStore.delete(key);
request.onsuccess = () => c();
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