提交 bddfa3a7 编写于 作者: A Alex Ross

Don't use simple file dialog for user data

Fixes #107882
上级 da13bb75
......@@ -58,7 +58,10 @@ export class FileDialogService extends AbstractFileDialogService implements IFil
private shouldUseSimplified(schema: string): { useSimplified: boolean, isSetting: boolean } {
const setting = (this.configurationService.getValue('files.simpleDialog.enable') === true);
const newWindowSetting = (this.configurationService.getValue('window.openFilesInNewWindow') === 'on');
return { useSimplified: (schema !== Schemas.file) || setting, isSetting: newWindowSetting };
return {
useSimplified: ((schema !== Schemas.file) && (schema !== Schemas.userData)) || setting,
isSetting: newWindowSetting
async pickFileFolderAndOpen(options: IPickAndOpenOptions): Promise<any> {
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