提交 b8512b20 编写于 作者: J João Moreno

remove git content provider

上级 1c36d747
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import { workspace, Uri, Disposable, Event, EventEmitter, window } from 'vscode';
import { debounce, throttle } from './decorators';
import { fromGitUri, toGitUri } from './uri';
import { Model, ModelChangeEvent, OriginalResourceChangeEvent } from './model';
import { filterEvent, eventToPromise, isDescendant, pathEquals } from './util';
interface CacheRow {
uri: Uri;
timestamp: number;
interface Cache {
[uri: string]: CacheRow;
const THREE_MINUTES = 1000 * 60 * 3;
const FIVE_MINUTES = 1000 * 60 * 5;
export class GitContentProvider {
private _onDidChange = new EventEmitter<Uri>();
get onDidChange(): Event<Uri> { return this._onDidChange.event; }
private changedRepositoryRoots = new Set<string>();
private cache: Cache = Object.create(null);
private disposables: Disposable[] = [];
constructor(private model: Model) {
model.onDidChangeRepository(this.onDidChangeRepository, this),
model.onDidChangeOriginalResource(this.onDidChangeOriginalResource, this),
workspace.registerTextDocumentContentProvider('git', this)
setInterval(() => this.cleanup(), FIVE_MINUTES);
private onDidChangeRepository({ repository }: ModelChangeEvent): void {
private onDidChangeOriginalResource({ uri }: OriginalResourceChangeEvent): void {
if (uri.scheme !== 'file') {
this._onDidChange.fire(toGitUri(uri, '', { replaceFileExtension: true }));
private eventuallyFireChangeEvents(): void {
private async fireChangeEvents(): Promise<void> {
if (!window.state.focused) {
const onDidFocusWindow = filterEvent(window.onDidChangeWindowState, e => e.focused);
await eventToPromise(onDidFocusWindow);
Object.keys(this.cache).forEach(key => {
const uri = this.cache[key].uri;
const fsPath = uri.fsPath;
for (const root of this.changedRepositoryRoots) {
if (isDescendant(root, fsPath)) {
async provideTextDocumentContent(uri: Uri): Promise<string> {
let { path, ref, submoduleOf } = fromGitUri(uri);
if (submoduleOf) {
const repository = this.model.getRepository(submoduleOf);
if (!repository) {
return '';
if (ref === 'index') {
return await repository.diffIndexWithHEAD(path);
} else {
return await repository.diffWithHEAD(path);
const repository = this.model.getRepository(uri);
if (!repository) {
return '';
const cacheKey = uri.toString();
const timestamp = new Date().getTime();
const cacheValue: CacheRow = { uri, timestamp };
this.cache[cacheKey] = cacheValue;
if (ref === '~') {
const fileUri = Uri.file(path);
const uriString = fileUri.toString();
const [indexStatus] = repository.indexGroup.resourceStates.filter(r => r.resourceUri.toString() === uriString);
ref = indexStatus ? '' : 'HEAD';
} else if (/^~\d$/.test(ref)) {
ref = `:${ref[1]}`;
try {
return await repository.show(ref, path);
} catch (err) {
return '';
private cleanup(): void {
const now = new Date().getTime();
const cache = Object.create(null);
Object.keys(this.cache).forEach(key => {
const row = this.cache[key];
const { path } = fromGitUri(row.uri);
const isOpen = workspace.textDocuments
.filter(d => d.uri.scheme === 'file')
.some(d => pathEquals(d.uri.fsPath, path));
if (isOpen || now - row.timestamp < THREE_MINUTES) {
cache[row.uri.toString()] = row;
this.cache = cache;
dispose(): void {
this.disposables.forEach(d => d.dispose());
......@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import { ExtensionContext, workspace, window, Disposable, commands, Uri, OutputC
import { findGit, Git, IGit } from './git';
import { Model } from './model';
import { CommandCenter } from './commands';
import { GitContentProvider } from './contentProvider';
import { GitFileSystemProvider } from './fileSystemProvider';
import { GitDecorations } from './decorationProvider';
import { Askpass } from './askpass';
......@@ -81,7 +80,6 @@ async function createModel(context: ExtensionContext, outputChannel: OutputChann
new CommandCenter(git, model, outputChannel, telemetryReporter),
new GitContentProvider(model),
new GitFileSystemProvider(model),
new GitDecorations(model),
new GitProtocolHandler(),
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