提交 b0cf441a 编写于 作者: D Dirk Baeumer

Delete i18n folder since we ship all languages in language packs

上级 095400ad


To preserve performance only 1000 of 1000+ files are displayed.
......@@ -403,8 +403,6 @@ gulp.task('vscode-translations-push-test', ['optimize-vscode'], function () {
gulp.task('vscode-translations-pull', function () {
return es.merge([...i18n.defaultLanguages, ...i18n.extraLanguages].map(language => {
i18n.pullCoreAndExtensionsXlfFiles(apiHostname, apiName, apiToken, language).pipe(vfs.dest(`../vscode-localization/${language.id}/build`));
let includeDefault = !!innoSetupConfig[language.id].defaultInfo;
return i18n.pullSetupXlfFiles(apiHostname, apiName, apiToken, language, includeDefault).pipe(vfs.dest(`../vscode-localization/${language.id}/setup`));
......@@ -412,13 +410,9 @@ gulp.task('vscode-translations-pull', function () {
gulp.task('vscode-translations-import', function () {
return es.merge([...i18n.defaultLanguages, ...i18n.extraLanguages].map(language => {
return es.merge([gulp.src(`../vscode-localization/${language.id}/build/*/*.xlf`)
return gulp.src(`../vscode-localization/${language.id}/setup/*/*.xlf`)
.pipe(i18n.prepareIslFiles(language, innoSetupConfig[language.id]))
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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"azure-account.copyAndOpen": "复制并打开",
"azure-account.close": "关闭",
"azure-account.login": "登录",
"azure-account.loginFirst": "还未登录,请先登录。",
"azure-account.userCodeFailed": "获取用户代码失败",
"azure-account.tokenFailed": "用设备代码获取令牌",
"azure-account.tokenFromRefreshTokenFailed": "用刷新的令牌获取令牌"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"azure-account.loggingIn": "Azure: 正在登录...",
"azure-account.loggedIn": "Azure: {0}"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"displayName": "Windows 批处理语言基础功能",
"description": "在 Windows 批处理文件中提供代码片段、语法高亮、括号匹配和折叠功能。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"displayName": "Clojure 语言基础功能",
"description": "在 Clojure 文件中提供语法高亮和括号匹配功能。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"displayName": "CoffeeScript 语言基础功能",
"description": "在 CoffeeScript 文件中提供代码片段、语法高亮、括号匹配和折叠功能。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"workspaceFolder": "在 VS Code 中打开的文件夹的路径",
"workspaceFolderBasename": "在 VS Code 中打开的文件夹的名称 (不包含任何斜杠 \"/\" )",
"relativeFile": "相对于 ${workspaceFolder},当前打开的文件路径",
"file": "当前打开的文件",
"cwd": "启动时任务运行程序的当前工作目录",
"lineNumber": "活动文件中当前选定行的行号",
"selectedText": "当前在活动文件中选定的文本",
"fileDirname": "当前打开的文件的完整目录名",
"fileExtname": "当前打开的文件的扩展名",
"fileBasename": "当前打开的文件的文件名",
"fileBasenameNoExtension": "当前打开的文件的文件名 (不包含文件扩展名)",
"exampleExtension": "示例"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"activeEditorShort": "文件名 (例如 myFile.txt)",
"activeEditorMedium": "相对于工作区文件夹的文件路径 (例如 myFolder/myFile.txt)",
"activeEditorLong": "文件的完整路径 (例如 /Users/Development/myProject/myFolder/myFile.txt)",
"rootName": "工作区名称 (例如 myFolder 或 myWorkspace)",
"rootPath": "工作区路径 (例如 /Users/Development/myWorkspace)",
"folderName": "文件所在工作区文件夹的名称 (例如 myFolder)",
"folderPath": "文件所在工作区文件夹的路径 (例如 /Users/Development/myFolder)",
"appName": "例如 VS Code",
"dirty": "一个更新的指示器,指示活动编辑器是否更新",
"separator": "一个条件分隔符(\"-\"),仅在左右是具有值的变量时才显示",
"assocLabelFile": "带扩展名的文件",
"assocDescriptionFile": "将所有匹配其文件名内的 glob 模式的文件映射到具有给定标识符的语言。",
"assocLabelPath": "带路径的文件",
"assocDescriptionPath": "将所有匹配其路径内绝对路径 glob 模式的文件映射到具有给定标识符的语言。",
"fileLabel": "按扩展名的文件",
"fileDescription": "与具有特定文件扩展名的所有文件匹配。",
"filesLabel": "具有多个扩展名的文件",
"filesDescription": "与具有任意文件扩展名的所有文件匹配。",
"derivedLabel": "具有同级文件的文件(按名称)",
"derivedDescription": "与具有名称相同但扩展名不同的同级文件的文件匹配。",
"topFolderLabel": "按名称的文件夹(顶级)",
"topFolderDescription": "与具有特定名称的顶级文件夹匹配。",
"topFoldersLabel": "使用多个名称的文件夹(顶级)",
"topFoldersDescription": "与多个顶级文件夹匹配。",
"folderLabel": "按名称的文件夹(任意位置)",
"folderDescription": "与任意位置具有特定名称的文件夹匹配。",
"falseDescription": "禁用该模式。",
"trueDescription": "启用该模式。",
"siblingsDescription": "与具有名称相同但扩展名不同的同级文件的文件匹配。",
"languageSpecificEditorSettings": "特定语言编辑器设置",
"languageSpecificEditorSettingsDescription": "替代语言编辑器设置"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"displayName": "配置编辑",
"description": "在配置文件 (如设置、启动和扩展推荐文件) 中提供高级 IntelliSense、自动修复等功能"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"displayName": "C/C++ 语言基础功能",
"description": "在 C/C++ 文件中提供代码片段、语法高亮、括号匹配和折叠功能。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"displayName": "C# 语言基础功能",
"description": "在 C# 文件中提供代码片段、语法高亮、括号匹配和折叠功能。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"cssserver.name": "CSS 语言服务器",
"folding.start": "折叠区域开始",
"folding.end": "折叠区域结束"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"displayName": "CSS 语言功能",
"description": "为 CSS、LESS 和 SCSS 文件提供丰富的语言支持。",
"css.title": "CSS",
"css.lint.argumentsInColorFunction.desc": "参数数量无效",
"css.lint.boxModel.desc": "使用边距或边框时,不要使用宽度或高度",
"css.lint.compatibleVendorPrefixes.desc": "使用供应商特定前缀时,确保同时包括所有其他供应商特定属性",
"css.lint.duplicateProperties.desc": "不要使用重复的样式定义",
"css.lint.emptyRules.desc": "不要使用空规则集",
"css.lint.float.desc": "避免使用“float”。浮动会带来脆弱的 CSS,如果布局的某一方面更改,将很容易破坏 CSS。",
"css.lint.fontFaceProperties.desc": "@font-face 规则必须定义 \"src\"\"font-family\" 属性",
"css.lint.hexColorLength.desc": "十六进制颜色必须由三个或六个十六进制数字组成",
"css.lint.idSelector.desc": "选择器不应包含 ID,因为这些规则与 HTML 的耦合过于紧密。",
"css.lint.ieHack.desc": "仅当支持 IE7 及更低版本时,才需要 IE hack",
"css.lint.important.desc": "避免使用 !important。它表明整个 CSS 的特异性已经失去控制且需要重构。",
"css.lint.importStatement.desc": "Import 语句不会并行加载",
"css.lint.propertyIgnoredDueToDisplay.desc": "因显示而忽略属性。例如,使用 \"display: inline\"时,宽度、高度、上边距、下边距和 float 属性将不起作用",
"css.lint.universalSelector.desc": "通配选择符 (*) 运行效率低",
"css.lint.unknownProperties.desc": "未知的属性。",
"css.lint.unknownVendorSpecificProperties.desc": "未知的供应商特定属性。",
"css.lint.vendorPrefix.desc": "使用供应商特定前缀时,还应包括标准属性",
"css.lint.zeroUnits.desc": "零不需要单位",
"css.trace.server.desc": "跟踪 VS Code 与 CSS 语言服务器之间的通信。",
"css.validate.title": "控制 CSS 验证和问题严重性。",
"css.validate.desc": "启用或禁用所有验证",
"less.title": "LESS",
"less.lint.argumentsInColorFunction.desc": "参数数量无效",
"less.lint.boxModel.desc": "使用边距或边框时,不要使用宽度或高度",
"less.lint.compatibleVendorPrefixes.desc": "使用供应商特定前缀时,确保同时包括所有其他供应商特定属性",
"less.lint.duplicateProperties.desc": "不要使用重复的样式定义",
"less.lint.emptyRules.desc": "不要使用空规则集",
"less.lint.float.desc": "避免使用“float”。浮动会带来脆弱的 CSS,如果布局的某一方面更改,将很容易破坏 CSS。",
"less.lint.fontFaceProperties.desc": "@font-face 规则必须定义 \"src\"\"font-family\" 属性",
"less.lint.hexColorLength.desc": "十六进制颜色必须由三个或六个十六进制数字组成",
"less.lint.idSelector.desc": "选择器不应包含 ID,因为这些规则与 HTML 的耦合过于紧密。",
"less.lint.ieHack.desc": "仅当支持 IE7 及更低版本时,才需要 IE hack",
"less.lint.important.desc": "避免使用 !important。它表明整个 CSS 的特异性已经失去控制且需要重构。",
"less.lint.importStatement.desc": "Import 语句不会并行加载",
"less.lint.propertyIgnoredDueToDisplay.desc": "因显示而忽略属性。例如,使用 \"display: inline\"时,宽度、高度、上边距、下边距和 float 属性将不起作用",
"less.lint.universalSelector.desc": "通配选择符 (*) 运行效率低",
"less.lint.unknownProperties.desc": "未知的属性。",
"less.lint.unknownVendorSpecificProperties.desc": "未知的供应商特定属性。",
"less.lint.vendorPrefix.desc": "使用供应商特定前缀时,还应包括标准属性",
"less.lint.zeroUnits.desc": "零不需要单位",
"less.validate.title": "控制 LESS 验证和问题严重性。",
"less.validate.desc": "启用或禁用所有验证",
"scss.title": "SCSS (Sass)",
"scss.lint.argumentsInColorFunction.desc": "参数数量无效",
"scss.lint.boxModel.desc": "使用边距或边框时,不要使用宽度或高度",
"scss.lint.compatibleVendorPrefixes.desc": "使用供应商特定前缀时,确保同时包括所有其他供应商特定属性",
"scss.lint.duplicateProperties.desc": "不要使用重复的样式定义",
"scss.lint.emptyRules.desc": "不要使用空规则集",
"scss.lint.float.desc": "避免使用“float”。浮动会带来脆弱的 CSS,如果布局的某一方面更改,将很容易破坏 CSS。",
"scss.lint.fontFaceProperties.desc": "@font-face 规则必须定义 \"src\"\"font-family\" 属性",
"scss.lint.hexColorLength.desc": "十六进制颜色必须由三个或六个十六进制数字组成",
"scss.lint.idSelector.desc": "选择器不应包含 ID,因为这些规则与 HTML 的耦合过于紧密。",
"scss.lint.ieHack.desc": "仅当支持 IE7 及更低版本时,才需要 IE hack",
"scss.lint.important.desc": "避免使用 !important。它表明整个 CSS 的特异性已经失去控制且需要重构。",
"scss.lint.importStatement.desc": "Import 语句不会并行加载",
"scss.lint.propertyIgnoredDueToDisplay.desc": "因显示而忽略属性。例如,使用 \"display: inline\"时,宽度、高度、上边距、下边距和 float 属性将不起作用",
"scss.lint.universalSelector.desc": "通配选择符 (*) 运行效率低",
"scss.lint.unknownProperties.desc": "未知的属性。",
"scss.lint.unknownVendorSpecificProperties.desc": "未知的供应商特定属性。",
"scss.lint.vendorPrefix.desc": "使用供应商特定前缀时,还应包括标准属性",
"scss.lint.zeroUnits.desc": "零不需要单位",
"scss.validate.title": "控制 SCSS 验证和问题严重性。",
"scss.validate.desc": "启用或禁用所有验证",
"less.colorDecorators.enable.desc": "启用或禁用颜色修饰器",
"scss.colorDecorators.enable.desc": "启用或禁用颜色修饰器",
"css.colorDecorators.enable.desc": "启用或禁用颜色修饰器",
"css.colorDecorators.enable.deprecationMessage": "已弃用设置 \"css.colorDecorators.enabl\",请改用 \"editor.colorDecorators\"。",
"scss.colorDecorators.enable.deprecationMessage": "已弃用设置 \"scss.colorDecorators.enable\",请改用 \"editor.colorDecorators\"。",
"less.colorDecorators.enable.deprecationMessage": "已弃用设置 \"less.colorDecorators.enable\",请改用 \"editor.colorDecorators\"。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"cssserver.name": "CSS 语言服务器",
"folding.start": "折叠区域开始",
"folding.end": "折叠区域结束"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"displayName": "CSS 语言基础功能",
"description": "为 CSS、LESS 和 SCSS 文件中提供语法高亮和括号匹配功能。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"displayName": "Diff 文件语言功能",
"description": "在 Diff 文件中提供语法高亮、括号匹配和其他语言功能"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"displayName": "Docker 语言基础功能",
"description": "在 Docker 文件中提供语法高亮和括号匹配功能。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"description": "适用于 VS Code 的 Emmet 支持",
"command.wrapWithAbbreviation": "使用缩写包围",
"command.wrapIndividualLinesWithAbbreviation": "输入缩写包围个别行",
"command.removeTag": "移除标签",
"command.updateTag": "更新标签",
"command.matchTag": "转至匹配对",
"command.balanceIn": "平衡(向内)",
"command.balanceOut": "平衡(向外)",
"command.prevEditPoint": "转到上一编辑点",
"command.nextEditPoint": "转到下一编辑点",
"command.mergeLines": "合并行",
"command.selectPrevItem": "选择上一项",
"command.selectNextItem": "选择下一项",
"command.splitJoinTag": "分离/联接标记",
"command.toggleComment": "切换注释",
"command.evaluateMathExpression": "求数学表达式的值",
"command.updateImageSize": "更新图像大小",
"command.reflectCSSValue": "映射 CSS 值",
"command.incrementNumberByOne": "增加 1",
"command.decrementNumberByOne": "减少 1",
"command.incrementNumberByOneTenth": "增加 0.1",
"command.decrementNumberByOneTenth": "减少 0.1",
"command.incrementNumberByTen": "增加 10",
"command.decrementNumberByTen": "减少 10",
"emmetSyntaxProfiles": "为指定的语法定义配置文件或使用带有特定规则的配置文件。",
"emmetExclude": "不应展开 Emmet 缩写的语言数组。",
"emmetExtensionsPath": "包含 Emmet 配置文件与代码片段的文件夹路径。",
"emmetShowExpandedAbbreviation": "在建议中显示展开的 Emmet 缩写。\n选择 \"inMarkupAndStylesheetFilesOnly\" 选项将仅应用于 html、haml、jade、slim、xml、xsl、css、scss、sass、less 和 stylus 文件。\n选择 \"always\" 选项将应用于所有适用文件不限于标记或 CSS 的所有部分。",
"emmetShowAbbreviationSuggestions": "显示可能的 Emmet 缩写作为建议。在样式表中或当 emmet.showExpandedAbbreviation 设置为 \"never\" 时不适用。",
"emmetIncludeLanguages": "在默认不支持 Emmet 的语言中启用 Emmet 缩写功能。在此添加该语言与受支持的语言间的映射。\n示例: {\"vue-html\": \"html\", \"javascript\": \"javascriptreact\"}",
"emmetVariables": "用于 Emmet 代码片段的变量",
"emmetTriggerExpansionOnTab": "启用后,按下 TAB 键,将展开 Emmet 缩写。",
"emmetPreferences": "用于修改 Emmet 某些操作和解析程序的行为的首选项。",
"emmetPreferencesIntUnit": "整数值的默认单位",
"emmetPreferencesFloatUnit": "浮点数值的默认单位",
"emmetPreferencesCssAfter": "展开 CSS 缩写时在 CSS 属性末尾放置的符号",
"emmetPreferencesSassAfter": "在 Sass 文件中展开 CSS 缩写时在 CSS 属性末尾放置的符号",
"emmetPreferencesStylusAfter": "在 Stylus 文件中展开 CSS 缩写时在 CSS 属性末尾放置的符号",
"emmetPreferencesCssBetween": "展开 CSS 缩写时在 CSS 属性之间放置的符号",
"emmetPreferencesSassBetween": "在 Sass 文件中展开 CSS 缩写时在 CSS 属性之间放置的符号",
"emmetPreferencesStylusBetween": "在 Stylus 文件中展开 CSS 缩写时在 CSS 属性之间放置的符号",
"emmetShowSuggestionsAsSnippets": "若为 \"true\",Emmet 建议将显示为代码片段。你可以在 editor.snippetSuggestions 设置中排列顺序。",
"emmetPreferencesBemElementSeparator": "在使用 BEM 过滤器时,类名使用的元素分隔符",
"emmetPreferencesBemModifierSeparator": "在使用 BEM 过滤器时,类名使用的修饰符分隔符",
"emmetPreferencesFilterCommentBefore": "使用注释过滤器时,应置于匹配元素前注释的定义。",
"emmetPreferencesFilterCommentAfter": "使用注释过滤器时,应置于匹配元素后注释的定义。",
"emmetPreferencesFilterCommentTrigger": "用半角逗号 (\",\") 隔开的属性名缩写的数组,将由注释筛选器应用",
"emmetPreferencesFormatNoIndentTags": "表示不应向内缩进的标记名称数组",
"emmetPreferencesFormatForceIndentTags": "表示应始终向内缩进的标记名称数组",
"emmetPreferencesAllowCompactBoolean": "若为 \"true\",将生成紧凑型布尔属性",
"emmetPreferencesCssWebkitProperties": "Emmet 缩写中使用的由 \"-\" 打头有 \"webkit\" 前缀的 CSS 属性,使用半角逗号 (\",\") 进行分隔。若要始终避免 \"webkit\" 前缀,请设为空字符串。",
"emmetPreferencesCssMozProperties": "Emmet 缩写中使用的由 \"-\" 打头有 \"moz\" 前缀的 CSS 属性,使用半角逗号 (\",\") 进行分隔。若要始终避免 \"moz\" 前缀,请设为空字符串。",
"emmetPreferencesCssOProperties": "Emmet 缩写中使用的由 \"-\" 打头有 \"o\" 前缀的 CSS 属性,使用半角逗号 (\",\") 进行分隔。若要始终避免 \"o\" 前缀,请设为空字符串。",
"emmetPreferencesCssMsProperties": "Emmet 缩写中使用的由 \"-\" 打头有 \"ms\" 前缀的 CSS 属性,使用半角逗号 (\",\") 进行分隔。若要始终避免 \"ms\" 前缀,请设为空字符串。",
"emmetPreferencesCssFuzzySearchMinScore": "显示的缩写模糊匹配应达到的最低分数 (0 到 1 之间)。较低的值可能使匹配错误变多,较高的值可能将不会显示应有的匹配项。",
"emmetOptimizeStylesheetParsing": "当设置为 false 时,将分析整个文件并确定当前位置能否展开 Emmet 缩写。当设置为 true 时,则仅在 CSS/SCSS/LESS 文件中进行分析。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"httpsRequired": "图像必须使用 HTTPS 协议。",
"svgsNotValid": "SVG 不是有效的图像源。",
"embeddedSvgsNotValid": "嵌入的 SVG 不是有效的图像源。",
"dataUrlsNotValid": "数据 URL 不是有效的图像源。",
"relativeUrlRequiresHttpsRepository": "相关 URL 要求在 package.json 中指定使用 HTTPS 协议的存储库。",
"relativeIconUrlRequiresHttpsRepository": "图标要求在此 package.json 中指定使用 HTTPS 协议的存储库。",
"relativeBadgeUrlRequiresHttpsRepository": "相对徽章 URL 要求在 package.json 中指定使用 HTTPS 协议的存储库。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"languageSpecificEditorSettings": "特定语言编辑器设置",
"languageSpecificEditorSettingsDescription": "替代语言编辑器设置"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"displayName": "Package 文件编辑",
"description": "为 VS Code 扩展点提供 IntelliSense,并为 package.json 文件提供 linting 功能。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"displayName": "F# 语言基础功能",
"description": "在 F# 文件中提供代码片段、语法高亮、括号匹配和折叠功能。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"missOrInvalid": "凭据丢失或无效。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"yes": "是",
"no": "否",
"not now": "稍后询问",
"suggest auto fetch": "您希望 Code [定期运行 \"git fetch\"]({0}) 吗?"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"tag at": "{0} 处的 Tag",
"remote branch at": "{0} 处的远程分支",
"create branch": "$(plus) 创建新分支",
"repourl": "存储库 URL",
"selectFolder": "选择存储库位置",
"cloning": "正在克隆 Git 存储库“{0}”...",
"proposeopen": "是否要打开已克隆存储库?",
"openrepo": "打开存储库",
"add": "添加到工作区",
"proposeopen2": "您是希望打开克隆的存储库,还是将其添加到当前工作区?",
"init": "选择用于初始化 Git 储存库的工作区文件夹",
"init repo": "初始化存储库",
"create repo": "初始化存储库",
"are you sure": "将在“{0}”中创建 Git 存储库。确定要继续吗?",
"HEAD not available": "“{0}”的 HEAD 版本不可用。",
"confirm stage files with merge conflicts": "确定要暂存含有合并冲突的 {0} 个文件吗?",
"confirm stage file with merge conflicts": "确定要暂存含有合并冲突的 {0} 吗?",
"yes": "是",
"confirm revert": "是否确实要还原 {0} 中的已选更改?",
"revert": "还原更改",
"discard": "放弃更改",
"confirm delete": "是否确定要删除 {0}?",
"delete file": "删除文件",
"confirm discard": "确定要放弃 {0} 中更改吗?",
"confirm discard multiple": "是否确实要放弃 {0} 文件中的更改?",
"warn untracked": "这将删除 {0} 个未跟踪的文件!",
"confirm discard all single": "确定要放弃 {0} 中更改吗?",
"confirm discard all": "确定要放弃在 {0} 个文件中的所有更改吗?\n此操作不可撤销!\n你当前的工作集将会永远丢失。",
"discardAll multiple": "放弃 1 个文件",
"discardAll": "放弃所有 {0} 个文件",
"confirm delete multiple": "是否确定要删除 {0} 个文件?",
"delete files": "删除文件",
"there are untracked files single": "若放弃下面未跟踪的文件,其将被从硬盘上删除: {0}。",
"there are untracked files": "若放弃 {0} 个未跟踪的文件,其将被从硬盘上删除。",
"confirm discard all 2": "{0}\n\n此操作不可撤销,你当前的工作集将会永远丢失。",
"yes discard tracked": "放弃 1 个已跟踪的文件",
"yes discard tracked multiple": "放弃 {0} 个已跟踪的文件",
"unsaved files single": "以下文件尚未保存:{0}。\n\n您要在提交之前保存吗?",
"unsaved files": "当前有 {0} 个文件尚未保存。\n\n您要在提交之前保存吗?",
"save and commit": "全部保存并提交",
"commit": "仍要提交",
"no staged changes": "现在没有暂存的更改以供提交\n\n是否要直接自动暂存所有更改并提交?",
"always": "始终",
"no changes": "没有要提交的更改。",
"commit message": "提交消息",
"provide commit message": "请提供提交消息",
"select a ref to checkout": "选择要签出的 ref",
"branch name": "分支名称",
"provide branch name": "请提供分支名称",
"select branch to delete": "选择要删除的分支",
"confirm force delete branch": "“{0}”分支未被完全合并。是否仍要删除?",
"delete branch": "删除分支",
"invalid branch name": "分支名称无效",
"branch already exists": "已存在名为“{0}”的分支",
"select a branch to merge from": "选择要从其合并的分支",
"merge conflicts": "存在合并冲突。请在提交之前解决这些冲突。",
"tag name": "标签名称",
"provide tag name": "请提供标签名称",
"tag message": "消息",
"provide tag message": "请提供消息以对标签进行注释",
"no remotes to fetch": "此存储库未配置可以从中抓取的远程存储库。",
"no remotes to pull": "存储库未配置任何可进行拉取的远程存储库。",
"pick remote pull repo": "选择要从其拉取分支的远程位置",
"no remotes to push": "存储库未配置任何要推送到的远程存储库。",
"nobranch": "请签出一个分支以推送到远程。",
"confirm publish branch": "分支“{0}”没有上游分支。您要发布此分支吗?",
"ok": "确定",
"push with tags success": "已成功带标签进行推送。",
"pick remote": "选取要将分支“{0}”发布到的远程:",
"sync is unpredictable": "此操作将推送提交至“{0}/{1}”,并从中拉取提交。",
"never again": "确定,且不再显示",
"no remotes to publish": "存储库未配置任何要发布到的远程存储库。",
"no changes stash": "没有要储藏的更改。",
"provide stash message": "提供储藏消息(可选)",
"stash message": "储藏消息",
"no stashes": "没有可以恢复的储藏。",
"pick stash to pop": "选择要弹出的储藏",
"clean repo": "在签出前,请清理存储库工作树。",
"cant push": "无法推送 refs 到远端。您可以试着运行“拉取”功能,整合您的更改。",
"git error details": "Git: {0}",
"git error": "Git 错误",
"open git log": "打开 Git 日志"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"looking": "正在查找 Git: {0}",
"using git": "将使用位于 {1} 的 Git {0}",
"downloadgit": "下载 Git",
"neverShowAgain": "不再显示",
"notfound": "未找到 Git。请安装 Git,或在 \"git.path\" 设置中配置。",
"updateGit": "更新 Git",
"git20": "你似乎已安装 Git {0}。Code 和 Git 版本 >=2 一起工作最佳"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"too many submodules": "“{0}”存储库中的 {1} 个子模块将不会自动打开。您仍可以通过打开其中的文件来单独打开每个子模块。",
"no repositories": "没有可用存储库",
"pick repo": "选择存储库"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"open": "打开",
"index modified": "已修改索引",
"modified": "已修改",
"index added": "已添加索引",
"index deleted": "已删除索引",
"deleted": "已删除",
"index renamed": "已重命名索引",
"index copied": "已复制索引",
"untracked": "未跟踪的",
"ignored": "已忽略",
"both deleted": "两者均已删除",
"added by us": "已由我们添加",
"deleted by them": "已被他们删除",
"added by them": "已由他们添加",
"deleted by us": "已被我们删除",
"both added": "两者均已添加",
"both modified": "二者均已修改",
"commitMessage": "消息 (按 {0} 提交)",
"commit": "提交",
"merge changes": "合并更改",
"staged changes": "暂存的更改",
"changes": "更改",
"commitMessageCountdown": "当前行剩余 {0} 个字符",
"commitMessageWarning": "当前行比 {1} 超出 {0} 个字符",
"neveragain": "不再显示",
"huge": "Git 存储库“{0}”中存在大量活动更改,将仅启用部分 Git 功能。"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"commit": "提交"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"checkout": "签出...",
"sync changes": "同步更改",
"publish changes": "发布更改",
"syncing changes": "正在同步更改..."
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"displayName": "Git",
"description": "Git 源代码管理集成",
"command.clone": "克隆",
"command.init": "初始化存储库",
"command.close": "关闭存储库",
"command.refresh": "刷新",
"command.openChange": "打开更改",
"command.openFile": "打开文件",
"command.openHEADFile": "打开文件 (HEAD)",
"command.stage": "暂存更改",
"command.stageAll": "暂存所有更改",
"command.stageSelectedRanges": "暂存所选范围",
"command.revertSelectedRanges": "还原所选更改",
"command.stageChange": "暂存更改",
"command.revertChange": "还原更改",
"command.unstage": "取消暂存更改",
"command.unstageAll": "取消暂存所有更改",
"command.unstageSelectedRanges": "取消暂存所选范围",
"command.clean": "放弃更改",
"command.cleanAll": "放弃所有更改",
"command.commit": "提交",
"command.commitStaged": "提交已暂存文件",
"command.commitStagedSigned": "提交已暂存文件(已签名)",
"command.commitStagedAmend": "已暂存提交(修改)",
"command.commitAll": "全部提交",
"command.commitAllSigned": "全部提交(已签名)",
"command.commitAllAmend": "全部提交(修改)",
"command.undoCommit": "撤消上次提交",
"command.checkout": "签出到...",
"command.branch": "创建分支...",
"command.deleteBranch": "删除分支...",
"command.renameBranch": "重命名分支...",
"command.merge": "合并分支...",
"command.createTag": "创建标签",
"command.fetch": "抓取",
"command.pull": "拉取",
"command.pullRebase": "拉取(变基)",
"command.pullFrom": "拉取自...",
"command.push": "推送",
"command.pushTo": "推送到...",
"command.pushWithTags": "带标签推送",
"command.sync": "同步",
"command.syncRebase": "同步(变基)",
"command.publish": "发布分支",
"command.showOutput": "显示 Git 输出",
"command.ignore": "将文件添加到 .gitignore",
"command.stashIncludeUntracked": "储藏(包含未跟踪)",
"command.stash": "储藏",
"command.stashPop": "弹出储藏...",
"command.stashPopLatest": "弹出最新储藏",
"config.enabled": "是否启用 Git",
"config.path": "Git 可执行文件路径",
"config.autoRepositoryDetection": "是否自动检测存储库",
"config.autorefresh": "是否启用自动刷新",
"config.autofetch": "是否启用自动拉取",
"config.enableLongCommitWarning": "是否针对长段提交消息进行警告",
"config.confirmSync": "同步 Git 存储库前进行确认",
"config.countBadge": "控制 Git 徽章计数器。“all”计算所有更改。“tracked”只计算跟踪的更改。“off”关闭此功能。",
"config.checkoutType": "控制运行“签出到...”功能时列出的分支类型。\"all\" 显示所有 refs,\"local\" 只显示本地分支,\"tags\" 只显示标签,\"remote\" 只显示远程分支。",
"config.ignoreLegacyWarning": "忽略“旧版 Git”警告",
"config.ignoreMissingGitWarning": "忽略“缺失 Git”警告",
"config.ignoreLimitWarning": "忽略“存储库中存在大量更改”的警告",
"config.defaultCloneDirectory": "克隆 Git 存储库的默认位置",
"config.enableSmartCommit": "在没有暂存的更改时提交所有更改。",
"config.enableCommitSigning": "启用使用 GPG 签名的提交",
"config.discardAllScope": "控制运行“放弃所有更改”命令时放弃的更改类型。\"all\" 放弃所有更改。\"tracked\" 只放弃跟踪的文件。\"prompt\" 表示在每次运行此操作时显示提示对话框。",
"config.decorations.enabled": "控制 Git 是否向资源管理器和“打开的编辑器”视图添加颜色和小标。",
"config.promptToSaveFilesBeforeCommit": "控制 Git 是否在提交之前检查未保存的文件。",
"config.showInlineOpenFileAction": "控制是否在 Git 更改视图中显示内联“打开文件”操作。",
"config.inputValidation": "控制何时显示提交消息输入验证。",
"config.detectSubmodules": "控制是否自动检测 Git 子模块。",
"config.detectSubmodulesLimit": "控制可检测到的 Git 子模块的限制。",
"colors.modified": "已修改资源的颜色。",
"colors.deleted": "已删除资源的颜色。",
"colors.untracked": "未跟踪资源的颜色。",
"colors.ignored": "已忽略资源的颜色。",
"colors.conflict": "存在冲突的资源的颜色。",
"colors.submodule": "子模块资源的颜色。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"displayName": "Go 语言基础功能",
"description": "在 Go 文件中提供语法高亮和括号匹配功能。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"displayName": "Groovy 语言基础功能",
"description": "在 Groovy 文件中提供代码片段、语法高亮和括号匹配功能。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"execFailed": "在文件夹 {0} 中自动检测 Grunt 失败,错误: {1}"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"description": "向 VSCode 提供 Grunt 功能的扩展。",
"displayName": "适用于 VSCode 的 Grunt 支持",
"config.grunt.autoDetect": "控制是否自动检测 Grunt 任务。默认开启。",
"grunt.taskDefinition.type.description": "要自定义的 Grunt 任务。",
"grunt.taskDefinition.file.description": "提供任务的 Grunt 文件。可以省略。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"execFailed": "在文件夹 {0} 中自动检测 gulp 失败,错误: {1}"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"description": "向 VSCode 提供 Gulp 功能的扩展。",
"displayName": "适用于 VSCode 的 Gulp 支持",
"config.gulp.autoDetect": "控制是否自动检测 Gulp 任务。默认开启。",
"gulp.taskDefinition.type.description": "要自定义的 Gulp 任务。",
"gulp.taskDefinition.file.description": "提供任务的 Gulp 文件。可以省略。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"displayName": "Handlebars 语言基础功能",
"description": "在 Handlebars 文件中提供语法高亮和括号匹配功能。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"displayName": "HLSL 语言基础功能",
"description": "在 HLSL 文件中提供语法高亮和括号匹配功能。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"htmlserver.name": "HTML 语言服务器",
"folding.start": "折叠区域开始",
"folding.end": "折叠区域结束"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"displayName": "HTML 语言功能",
"description": "为 HTML、Razor 和 Handlebar 文件提供丰富的语言支持。",
"html.format.enable.desc": "启用/禁用默认 HTML 格式化程序",
"html.format.wrapLineLength.desc": "每行最大字符数(0 = 禁用)。",
"html.format.unformatted.desc": "以逗号分隔的标记列表不应重设格式。\"null\" 默认为所有列于 https://www.w3.org/TR/html5/dom.html#phrasing-content 的标记。",
"html.format.contentUnformatted.desc": "以逗号分隔的标记列表,不应在其中重新设置内容的格式。\"null\" 默认为 \"pre\" 标记。",
"html.format.indentInnerHtml.desc": "缩进 <head> 和 <body> 部分。",
"html.format.preserveNewLines.desc": "是否要保留元素前面的现有换行符。仅适用于元素前,不适用于标记内或文本。",
"html.format.maxPreserveNewLines.desc": "要保留在一个区块中的换行符的最大数量。对于无限制使用 \"null\"。",
"html.format.indentHandlebars.desc": "格式和缩进 {{#foo}} 和 {{/foo}}。",
"html.format.endWithNewline.desc": "以新行结束。",
"html.format.extraLiners.desc": "标记列表,以逗号分隔,其前应有额外新行。\"null\" 默认为“标头、正文、/html”。",
"html.format.wrapAttributes.desc": "对属性进行换行。",
"html.format.wrapAttributes.auto": "仅在超出行长度时才对属性进行换行。",
"html.format.wrapAttributes.force": "对除第一个属性外的其他每个属性进行换行。",
"html.format.wrapAttributes.forcealign": "对除第一个属性外的其他每个属性进行换行,并保持对齐。",
"html.format.wrapAttributes.forcemultiline": "对每个属性进行换行。",
"html.suggest.angular1.desc": "配置内置 HTML 语言支持是否建议 Angular V1 标记和属性。",
"html.suggest.ionic.desc": "配置内置 HTML 语言支持是否建议 Ionic 标记、属性和值。",
"html.suggest.html5.desc": "配置内置 HTML 语言支持是否建议 HTML5 标记、属性和值。",
"html.trace.server.desc": "跟踪 VS Code 与 HTML 语言服务器之间的通信。",
"html.validate.scripts": "配置内置的 HTML 语言支持是否对嵌入的脚本进行验证。",
"html.validate.styles": "配置内置的 HTML 语言支持是否对嵌入的样式进行验证。",
"html.autoClosingTags": "启用/禁用 HTML 标记的自动关闭。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"htmlserver.name": "HTML 语言服务器",
"folding.start": "折叠区域开始",
"folding.end": "折叠区域结束"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"displayName": "HTML 语言基础功能",
"description": "在 HTML 文件中提供语法高亮、括号匹配和代码片段功能。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"displayName": "Ini 语言基础功能",
"description": "在 Ini 文件中提供语法高亮和括号匹配功能。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"execFailed": "在文件夹 {0} 中自动检测 Jake 失败,错误: {1}"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"description": "向 VSCode 提供 Jake 功能的扩展。",
"displayName": "适用于 VSCode 的 Jake 支持",
"jake.taskDefinition.type.description": "要自定义的 Jake 任务。",
"jake.taskDefinition.file.description": "提供任务的 Jake 文件。可以省略。",
"config.jake.autoDetect": "控制是否自动检测 Jake 任务。默认开启。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"displayName": "Java 语言基础功能",
"description": "在 Java 文件中提供代码片段、语法高亮、括号匹配和折叠功能。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"json.bower.default": "默认 bower.json",
"json.bower.error.repoaccess": "对 Bower 存储库发出的请求失败: {0}",
"json.bower.latest.version": "最新"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"json.package.default": "默认 package.json",
"json.npm.error.repoaccess": "对 NPM 存储库发出的请求失败: {0}",
"json.npm.latestversion": "当前最新版本的包",
"json.npm.majorversion": "与最新主要版本(1.x.x)匹配",
"json.npm.minorversion": "与最新次要版本(1.2.x)匹配",
"json.npm.version.hover": "最新版本: {0}"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"displayName": "JavaScript 语言基础功能",
"description": "在 JavaScript 文件中提供代码片段、语法高亮、括号匹配和折叠功能。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"jsonserver.name": "JSON 语言服务器"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"displayName": "JSON 语言功能",
"description": "为 JSON 文件提供丰富的语言支持",
"json.schemas.desc": "将当前项目中的 JSON 文件与架构关联起来",
"json.schemas.url.desc": "当前目录中指向架构的 URL 或相对路径",
"json.schemas.fileMatch.desc": "将 JSON 文件解析到架构时,用于匹配的一组文件模式。",
"json.schemas.fileMatch.item.desc": "将 JSON 文件解析到架构时,用于匹配的可以包含 \"*\" 的文件模式。",
"json.schemas.schema.desc": "给定 URL 的架构定义。只需提供该架构以避免对架构 URL 的访问。",
"json.format.enable.desc": "启用/禁用默认 JSON 格式化程序(需要重启)",
"json.tracing.desc": "跟踪 VS Code 与 JSON 语言服务器之间的通信。",
"json.colorDecorators.enable.desc": "启用或禁用颜色修饰器",
"json.colorDecorators.enable.deprecationMessage": "已弃用设置 \"json.colorDecorators.enable\",请改用 \"editor.colorDecorators\"。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"jsonserver.name": "JSON 语言服务器"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"displayName": "JSON 语言基础功能",
"description": "在 JSON 文件中提供语法高亮和括号匹配功能。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"displayName": "Less 语言基础功能",
"description": "在 Less 文件中提供语法高亮、括号匹配和折叠功能。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"displayName": "日志",
"description": "为扩展名为 .log 的文件提供语法高亮功能。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"displayName": "Lua 语言基础功能",
"description": "在 Lua 文件中提供语法高亮和括号匹配功能。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"displayName": "Make 语言基础功能",
"description": "在 Make 文件中提供语法高亮和括号匹配功能。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"displayName": "Markdown 语言基础功能",
"description": "在 Markdown 文件中提供代码片段和语法高亮功能。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"onPreviewStyleLoadError": "无法加载“markdown.styles”:{0}"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"lockedPreviewTitle": "[预览] {0}",
"previewTitle": "预览 {0}"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"preview.securityMessage.text": "已禁用此文档中的部分内容",
"preview.securityMessage.title": "已禁用此 Markdown 预览中的可能不安全的内容。更改 Markdown 预览安全设置以允许不安全内容或启用脚本。",
"preview.securityMessage.label": "已禁用内容安全警告"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"strict.title": "严格",
"strict.description": "仅载入安全内容",
"insecureLocalContent.title": "允许不安全的本地内容",
"insecureLocalContent.description": "允许通过 http 载入来自 localhost 的内容",
"insecureContent.title": "允许不安全内容",
"insecureContent.description": "允许通过 http 载入内容",
"disable.title": "禁用",
"disable.description": "允许所有内容,执行所有脚本。不推荐",
"moreInfo.title": "详细信息",
"enableSecurityWarning.title": "在此工作区中启用预览安全警告",
"disableSecurityWarning.title": "在此工作区中取消预览安全警告",
"toggleSecurityWarning.description": "不影响内容安全级别",
"preview.showPreviewSecuritySelector.title": "选择此工作区中 Markdown 预览的安全设置"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"displayName": "Markdown 语言功能",
"description": "为 Markdown 提供丰富的语言支持。",
"markdown.preview.breaks.desc": "设置换行符如何在 markdown 预览中呈现。将其设置为 \"true\" 会为每一个新行创建一个 <br>。",
"markdown.preview.linkify": "在 Markdown 预览中启用或禁用将类似 URL 的文本转换为链接。",
"markdown.preview.doubleClickToSwitchToEditor.desc": "在 Markdown 预览中双击切换到编辑器。",
"markdown.preview.fontFamily.desc": "控制 Markdown 预览中使用的字体系列。",
"markdown.preview.fontSize.desc": "控制 Markdown 预览中使用的字号(以像素为单位)。",
"markdown.preview.lineHeight.desc": "控制 Markdown 预览中使用的行高。此数值与字号相关。",
"markdown.preview.markEditorSelection.desc": "在 Markdown 预览中标记当前的编辑器选定内容。",
"markdown.preview.scrollEditorWithPreview.desc": "滚动 Markdown 预览时,更新其编辑器视图。",
"markdown.preview.scrollPreviewWithEditor.desc": "滚动 Markdown 编辑器时,更新其预览视图。",
"markdown.preview.scrollPreviewWithEditorSelection.desc": "[弃用] 滚动 Markdown 预览以显示编辑器当前所选行。",
"markdown.preview.scrollPreviewWithEditorSelection.deprecationMessage": "此设置已被 \"markdown.preview.scrollPreviewWithEditor\" 替换且不再有任何效果。",
"markdown.preview.title": "打开预览",
"markdown.previewFrontMatter.dec": "设置如何在 Markdown 预览中呈现 YAML 扉页。“隐藏”会删除扉页。否则,扉页则被视为 Markdown 内容。",
"markdown.previewSide.title": "打开侧边预览",
"markdown.showLockedPreviewToSide.title": "在侧边打开锁定的预览",
"markdown.showSource.title": "显示源",
"markdown.styles.dec": "要在 Markdown 预览中使用的 CSS 样式表的 URL 或本地路径列表。相对路径被解释为相对于资源管理器中打开的文件夹。如果没有任何打开的文件夹,则会被解释为相对于 Markdown 文件的位置。所有的 \"\\\" 需写为 \"\\\\\"。",
"markdown.showPreviewSecuritySelector.title": "更改预览安全设置",
"markdown.trace.desc": "对 Markdown 扩展启用调试日志记录。",
"markdown.preview.refresh.title": "刷新预览",
"markdown.preview.toggleLock.title": "切换开关锁定预览"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"previewTitle": "预览 {0}",
"onPreviewStyleLoadError": "无法加载“markdown.styles”:{0}"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"onPreviewStyleLoadError": "无法加载“markdown.styles”:{0}"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"onPreviewStyleLoadError": "无法加载“markdown.styles”:{0}",
"previewTitle": "预览 {0}"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"lockedPreviewTitle": "[预览] {0}",
"previewTitle": "预览 {0}"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"preview.securityMessage.text": "已禁用此文档中的部分内容",
"preview.securityMessage.title": "已禁用此 Markdown 预览中的可能不安全的内容。更改 Markdown 预览安全设置以允许不安全内容或启用脚本。",
"preview.securityMessage.label": "已禁用内容安全警告"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"preview.securityMessage.text": "已禁用此文档中的部分内容",
"preview.securityMessage.title": "已禁用此 Markdown 预览中的可能不安全的内容。更改 Markdown 预览安全设置以允许不安全内容或启用脚本。",
"preview.securityMessage.label": "已禁用内容安全警告"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"strict.title": "严格",
"strict.description": "仅载入安全内容",
"insecureContent.title": "允许不安全内容",
"insecureContent.description": "允许通过 http 载入内容",
"disable.title": "禁用",
"disable.description": "允许所有内容,执行所有脚本。不推荐",
"moreInfo.title": "详细信息",
"enableSecurityWarning.title": "在此工作区中启用预览安全警告",
"disableSecurityWarning.title": "在此工作区中取消预览安全警告",
"toggleSecurityWarning.description": "不影响内容安全级别",
"preview.showPreviewSecuritySelector.title": "选择此工作区中 Markdown 预览的安全设置"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"displayName": "Markdown 语言功能",
"description": "为 Markdown 提供丰富的语言支持。",
"markdown.preview.breaks.desc": "设置换行符如何在 markdown 预览中呈现。将其设置为 \"true\" 会为每一个新行创建一个 <br>。",
"markdown.preview.linkify": "在 Markdown 预览中启用或禁用将类似 URL 的文本转换为链接。",
"markdown.preview.doubleClickToSwitchToEditor.desc": "在 Markdown 预览中双击切换到编辑器。",
"markdown.preview.fontFamily.desc": "控制 Markdown 预览中使用的字体系列。",
"markdown.preview.fontSize.desc": "控制 Markdown 预览中使用的字号(以像素为单位)。",
"markdown.preview.lineHeight.desc": "控制 Markdown 预览中使用的行高。此数值与字号相关。",
"markdown.preview.markEditorSelection.desc": "在 Markdown 预览中标记当前的编辑器选定内容。",
"markdown.preview.scrollEditorWithPreview.desc": "滚动 Markdown 预览时,更新其编辑器视图。",
"markdown.preview.scrollPreviewWithEditor.desc": "滚动 Markdown 编辑器时,更新其预览视图。",
"markdown.preview.scrollPreviewWithEditorSelection.desc": "[弃用] 滚动 Markdown 预览以显示编辑器当前所选行。",
"markdown.preview.scrollPreviewWithEditorSelection.deprecationMessage": "此设置已被 \"markdown.preview.scrollPreviewWithEditor\" 替换且不再有任何效果。",
"markdown.preview.title": "打开预览",
"markdown.previewFrontMatter.dec": "设置如何在 Markdown 预览中呈现 YAML 扉页。“隐藏”会删除扉页。否则,扉页则被视为 Markdown 内容。",
"markdown.previewSide.title": "打开侧边预览",
"markdown.showLockedPreviewToSide.title": "在侧边打开锁定的预览",
"markdown.showSource.title": "显示源",
"markdown.styles.dec": "要在 Markdown 预览中使用的 CSS 样式表的 URL 或本地路径列表。相对路径被解释为相对于资源管理器中打开的文件夹。如果没有任何打开的文件夹,则会被解释为相对于 Markdown 文件的位置。所有的 \"\\\" 需写为 \"\\\\\"。",
"markdown.showPreviewSecuritySelector.title": "更改预览安全设置",
"markdown.trace.desc": "对 Markdown 扩展启用调试日志记录。",
"markdown.preview.refresh.title": "刷新预览",
"markdown.preview.toggleLock.title": "切换预览锁定"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"acceptCurrentChange": "采用当前更改",
"acceptIncomingChange": "采用传入的更改",
"acceptBothChanges": "保留双方更改",
"compareChanges": "比较变更"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"cursorNotInConflict": "编辑器光标不在合并冲突内",
"compareChangesTitle": "{0}:当前更改 ⟷ 传入的更改",
"cursorOnCommonAncestorsRange": "编辑器光标在共同来源块上,请将其移动至“当前”或“传入”区域中",
"cursorOnSplitterRange": "编辑器光标在合并冲突分割线上,请将其移动至“当前”或“传入”区域中",
"noConflicts": "没有在此文件中找到合并冲突",
"noOtherConflictsInThisFile": "此文件中没有其他合并冲突了"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"currentChange": "(当前更改)",
"incomingChange": "(传入的更改)"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"displayName": "合并冲突",
"description": "为内联合并冲突提供高亮和命令。",
"command.category": "合并冲突",
"command.accept.all-current": "全部采用当前内容",
"command.accept.all-incoming": "全部采用传入版本",
"command.accept.all-both": "全部保留两者",
"command.accept.current": "采用当前内容",
"command.accept.incoming": "采用传入内容",
"command.accept.selection": "采用选中版本",
"command.accept.both": "保留两者",
"command.next": "下一个冲突",
"command.previous": "上一个冲突",
"command.compare": "比较当前冲突",
"config.title": "合并冲突",
"config.codeLensEnabled": "启用/禁用编辑器内合并冲突区域的 CodeLens",
"config.decoratorsEnabled": "启用/禁用编辑器内的合并冲突修饰器"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"json.bower.default": "默认 bower.json",
"json.bower.error.repoaccess": "对 Bower 存储库发出的请求失败: {0}",
"json.bower.latest.version": "最新"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"json.package.default": "默认 package.json",
"json.npm.error.repoaccess": "对 NPM 存储库发出的请求失败: {0}",
"json.npm.latestversion": "当前最新版本的包",
"json.npm.majorversion": "与最新主要版本(1.x.x)匹配",
"json.npm.minorversion": "与最新次要版本(1.2.x)匹配",
"json.npm.version.hover": "最新版本: {0}"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"npm.parseError": "Npm 任务检测: 无法分析文件 {0}"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"noScripts": "找不到脚本",
"noDebugOptions": "无法启动“{0}”并进行调试。脚本缺少 Node 调试选项,如 \"--inspect-brk\"。",
"learnMore": "了解详细信息",
"ok": "确定",
"scriptInvalid": "找不到脚本“{0}”。请尝试刷新视图。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"npm.parseError": "Npm 任务检测: 无法分析文件 {0}"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"description": "为 npm 脚本提供任务支持的扩展。",
"displayName": "适用于 VSCode 的 npm 支持",
"config.npm.autoDetect": "控制是否自动检测 npm 脚本。默认开启",
"config.npm.runSilent": "使用 \"--silent\" 选项运行 npm 命令。",
"config.npm.packageManager": "用于运行脚本的程序包管理器。",
"config.npm.exclude": "配置应从自动脚本检测中排除的文件夹的 glob 模式。",
"config.npm.enableScriptExplorer": "在资源管理器中启用“npm 脚本”视图。",
"config.npm.scriptExplorerAction": "在脚本资源管理器中点击时进行的默认操作: \"open\" (打开) 或 \"run\" (运行)。默认值为 \"open\"。",
"npm.parseError": "Npm 任务检测: 无法分析文件 {0}",
"taskdef.script": "要自定义的 npm 脚本。",
"taskdef.path": "包含 package.json 文件的文件夹路径,其中 package.json 文件提供脚本。可以省略。",
"view.name": "npm 脚本",
"command.refresh": "刷新",
"command.run": "运行",
"command.debug": "调试",
"command.openScript": "开放",
"command.runInstall": "运行 install"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"displayName": "Objective-C 语言基础功能",
"description": "在 Objective-C 文件中提供语法高亮和括号匹配功能。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"json.bower.default": "默认 bower.json",
"json.bower.error.repoaccess": "对 Bower 存储库发出的请求失败: {0}",
"json.bower.latest.version": "最新"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"json.package.default": "默认 package.json",
"json.npm.error.repoaccess": "对 NPM 存储库发出的请求失败: {0}",
"json.npm.latestversion": "当前最新版本的包",
"json.npm.majorversion": "与最新主要版本(1.x.x)匹配",
"json.npm.minorversion": "与最新次要版本(1.2.x)匹配",
"json.npm.version.hover": "最新版本: {0}"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"displayName": "Perl 语言基础功能",
"description": "在 Perl 文件中提供语法高亮和括号匹配功能。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"php.useExecutablePath": "是否允许执行 {0} (定义为工作区设置)以进行 PHP 文件的 lint 操作?",
"php.yes": "Allow",
"php.no": "不允许",
"wrongExecutable": "无法验证,因为 {0} 不是有效的 PHP 可执行文件。请使用设置 \"php.validate.executablePath\" 配置 PHP 可执行文件。",
"noExecutable": "无法验证,因为未设置任何 PHP 可执行文件。请使用设置 \"php.validate.executablePath\" 配置 PHP 可执行文件。",
"unknownReason": "使用路径运行 php 失败: {0}。原因未知。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"configuration.suggest.basic": "如果已启用内置 PHP 语言建议,则进行配置。此支持建议 PHP 全局变量和变量。",
"configuration.validate.enable": "启用/禁用内置的 PHP 验证。",
"configuration.validate.executablePath": "指向 PHP 可执行文件。",
"configuration.validate.run": "决定 linter 是在保存时还是输入时运行。",
"configuration.title": "PHP",
"commands.categroy.php": "PHP",
"command.untrustValidationExecutable": "禁止 PHP 验证程序(定义为工作区设置)",
"displayName": "PHP 语言功能",
"description": "为 PHP 文件提供丰富的语言支持。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"php.useExecutablePath": "是否允许执行 {0} (定义为工作区设置)以进行 PHP 文件的 lint 操作?",
"php.yes": "Allow",
"php.no": "不允许",
"wrongExecutable": "无法验证,因为 {0} 不是有效的 PHP 可执行文件。请使用设置 \"php.validate.executablePath\" 配置 PHP 可执行文件。",
"noExecutable": "无法验证,因为未设置任何 PHP 可执行文件。请使用设置 \"php.validate.executablePath\" 配置 PHP 可执行文件。",
"unknownReason": "使用路径运行 php 失败: {0}。原因未知。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"displayName": "PHP 语言基础功能",
"description": "为 PHP 文件提供语法高亮和括号匹配功能。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"displayName": "Powershell 语言基础功能",
"description": "在 Powershell 文件中提供代码片段、语法高亮、括号匹配和折叠功能。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"displayName": "Pug 语言基础功能",
"description": "在 Pug 文件中提供语法高亮和括号匹配功能。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"displayName": "Python 语言基础功能",
"description": "在 Python 文件中提供语法高亮、括号匹配和折叠功能。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"displayName": "R 语言基础功能",
"description": "在 R 文件中提供语法高亮和括号匹配功能。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"displayName": "Razor 语言基础功能",
"description": "在 Razor 文件中提供语法高亮、括号匹配和折叠功能。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"displayName": "Ruby 语言基础功能",
"description": "在 Ruby 文件中提供语法高亮和括号匹配功能。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"displayName": "Rust 语言基础功能",
"description": "在 Rust 文件中提供语法高亮和括号匹配功能。"
\ No newline at end of file
"": [
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
"Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"Do not edit this file. It is machine generated."
"displayName": "SCSS 语言基础功能",
"description": "在 SCSS 文件中提供语法高亮、括号匹配和折叠功能。"
\ No newline at end of file
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