提交 a8d5b928 编写于 作者: K Kai Maetzel 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #16567 from Microsoft/chrmarti/workspaceRemotes

telemetry for cloud attach
......@@ -284,6 +284,7 @@ export class WorkbenchShell {
// Telemetry: workspace tags
const workspaceStats: WorkspaceStats = <WorkspaceStats>this.workbench.getInstantiationService().createInstance(WorkspaceStats);
if ((platform.isLinux || platform.isMacintosh) && process.getuid() === 0) {
this.messageService.show(Severity.Warning, nls.localize('runningAsRoot', "It is recommended not to run Code as 'root'."));
......@@ -8,12 +8,20 @@
import winjs = require('vs/base/common/winjs.base');
import errors = require('vs/base/common/errors');
import URI from 'vs/base/common/uri';
import { ArraySet } from 'vs/base/common/set';
import { IFileService } from 'vs/platform/files/common/files';
import product from 'vs/platform/product';
import { ITelemetryService } from 'vs/platform/telemetry/common/telemetry';
import { IWorkspaceContextService } from 'vs/platform/workspace/common/workspace';
import { IOptions } from 'vs/workbench/common/options';
const SshProtocolMatcher = /^[^:]+@([^:]+):/;
const SecondLevelDomainMatcher = /[^.]+\.[^.]+$/;
const RemoteMatcher = /^\s*url\s*=\s*(.+\S)\s*$/mg;
type Tags = { [index: string]: boolean | number };
export class WorkspaceStats {
@IFileService private fileService: IFileService,
......@@ -26,8 +34,8 @@ export class WorkspaceStats {
return arr.some(v => v.search(regEx) > -1) || undefined;
private getWorkspaceTags(workbenchOptions: IOptions): winjs.TPromise<{ [index: string]: boolean }> {
const tags: { [index: string]: boolean | number } = Object.create(null);
private getWorkspaceTags(workbenchOptions: IOptions): winjs.TPromise<Tags> {
const tags: Tags = Object.create(null);
const { filesToOpen, filesToCreate, filesToDiff } = workbenchOptions;
tags['workbench.filesToOpen'] = filesToOpen && filesToOpen.length || undefined;
......@@ -40,7 +48,7 @@ export class WorkspaceStats {
const folder = workspace ? workspace.resource : product.quality !== 'stable' && this.findFolder(workbenchOptions);
if (folder && this.fileService) {
return this.fileService.resolveFile(folder).then(stats => {
let names = stats.children.map(c => c.name);
let names = (stats.children || []).map(c => c.name);
tags['workspace.language.cs'] = this.searchArray(names, /^.+\.cs$/i);
tags['workspace.language.js'] = this.searchArray(names, /^.+\.js$/i);
......@@ -131,4 +139,102 @@ export class WorkspaceStats {
this.telemetryService.publicLog('workspce.tags', tags);
}, error => errors.onUnexpectedError(error));
private stripLowLevelDomains(domain: string): string {
let match = domain.match(SecondLevelDomainMatcher);
return match ? match[0] : null;
private extractDomain(url: string): string {
let match = url.match(SshProtocolMatcher);
if (match) {
return this.stripLowLevelDomains(match[1]);
try {
let uri = URI.parse(url);
if (uri.authority) {
return this.stripLowLevelDomains(uri.authority);
} catch (e) {
// ignore invalid URIs
return null;
private getDomainsOfRemotes(text): string[] {
let domains = new ArraySet<string>(), match;
while (match = RemoteMatcher.exec(text)) {
let domain = this.extractDomain(match[1]);
if (domain) {
return domains.elements;
private reportRemotes(workspaceUri: URI): void {
let uri = workspaceUri.with({ path: `${workspaceUri.path}/.git/config` });
this.fileService.resolveContent(uri, { acceptTextOnly: true }).then(
content => {
let domains = this.getDomainsOfRemotes(content.value);
this.telemetryService.publicLog('workspace.remotes', { domains });
err => {
// ignore missing or binary file
).then(null, errors.onUnexpectedError);
private reportAzureNode(workspaceUri: URI, tags: Tags): winjs.TPromise<Tags> {
// TODO: should also work for `node_modules` folders several levels down
let uri = workspaceUri.with({ path: `${workspaceUri.path}/node_modules` });
return this.fileService.resolveFile(uri).then(
stats => {
let names = (stats.children || []).map(c => c.name);
let referencesAzure = this.searchArray(names, /azure/i);
if (referencesAzure) {
tags['node'] = true;
return tags;
err => {
return tags;
private reportAzureJava(workspaceUri: URI, tags: Tags): winjs.TPromise<Tags> {
let uri = workspaceUri.with({ path: `${workspaceUri.path}/pom.xml` });
return this.fileService.resolveContent(uri, { acceptTextOnly: true }).then(
content => {
let referencesAzure = content.value.match(/azure/i) !== null;
if (referencesAzure) {
tags['java'] = true;
return tags;
err => {
return tags;
private reportAzure(uri) {
const tags: Tags = Object.create(null);
this.reportAzureNode(uri, tags).then((tags) => {
return this.reportAzureJava(uri, tags);
}).then((tags) => {
if (Object.keys(tags).length) {
this.telemetryService.publicLog('workspace.azure', tags);
}).then(null, errors.onUnexpectedError);
public reportCloudStats(): void {
const workspace = this.contextService.getWorkspace();
let uri = workspace ? workspace.resource : null;
if (uri && this.fileService) {
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