提交 a6786e8b 编写于 作者: S Sandeep Somavarapu


- Adopt to new v1 URLs
- Add end to ened sync tests
上级 12a674ac
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import { IConfigurationService } from 'vs/platform/configuration/common/configur
import { IStringDictionary } from 'vs/base/common/collections';
import { FormattingOptions } from 'vs/base/common/jsonFormatter';
import { URI } from 'vs/base/common/uri';
import { isEqual } from 'vs/base/common/resources';
import { isEqual, joinPath } from 'vs/base/common/resources';
import { IEnvironmentService } from 'vs/platform/environment/common/environment';
export const CONFIGURATION_SYNC_STORE_KEY = 'configurationSync.store';
......@@ -120,23 +120,27 @@ export interface IUserData {
export interface IUserDataSyncStore {
url: string;
url: URI;
authenticationProviderId: string;
export function getUserDataSyncStore(configurationService: IConfigurationService): IUserDataSyncStore | undefined {
const value = configurationService.getValue<IUserDataSyncStore>(CONFIGURATION_SYNC_STORE_KEY);
return value && value.url && value.authenticationProviderId ? value : undefined;
const value = configurationService.getValue<{ url: string, authenticationProviderId: string }>(CONFIGURATION_SYNC_STORE_KEY);
if (value && value.url && value.authenticationProviderId) {
return {
url: joinPath(URI.parse(value.url), 'v1'),
authenticationProviderId: value.authenticationProviderId
return undefined;
export const ALL_RESOURCE_KEYS: ResourceKey[] = ['settings', 'keybindings', 'extensions', 'globalState'];
export type ResourceKey = 'settings' | 'keybindings' | 'extensions' | 'globalState';
export interface IUserDataManifest {
settings: string;
keybindings: string;
extensions: string;
globalState: string;
latest?: Record<ResourceKey, string>
session: string;
export const IUserDataSyncStoreService = createDecorator<IUserDataSyncStoreService>('IUserDataSyncStoreService');
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ export class UserDataSyncService extends Disposable implements IUserDataSyncServ
for (const synchroniser of this.synchronisers) {
try {
await synchroniser.sync(manifest ? manifest[synchroniser.resourceKey] : undefined);
await synchroniser.sync(manifest && manifest.latest ? manifest.latest[synchroniser.resourceKey] : undefined);
} catch (e) {
this.handleSyncError(e, synchroniser.source);
......@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
import { Disposable, } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle';
import { IUserData, IUserDataSyncStoreService, UserDataSyncErrorCode, IUserDataSyncStore, getUserDataSyncStore, IUserDataAuthTokenService, SyncSource, UserDataSyncStoreError, IUserDataSyncLogService, IUserDataManifest } from 'vs/platform/userDataSync/common/userDataSync';
import { IRequestService, asText, isSuccess, asJson } from 'vs/platform/request/common/request';
import { URI } from 'vs/base/common/uri';
import { joinPath } from 'vs/base/common/resources';
import { CancellationToken } from 'vs/base/common/cancellation';
import { IHeaders, IRequestOptions, IRequestContext } from 'vs/base/parts/request/common/request';
......@@ -33,7 +32,7 @@ export class UserDataSyncStoreService extends Disposable implements IUserDataSyn
throw new Error('No settings sync store url configured.');
const url = joinPath(URI.parse(this.userDataSyncStore.url), 'resource', key, 'latest').toString();
const url = joinPath(this.userDataSyncStore.url, 'resource', key, 'latest').toString();
const headers: IHeaders = {};
// Disable caching as they are cached by synchronisers
headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache';
......@@ -65,7 +64,7 @@ export class UserDataSyncStoreService extends Disposable implements IUserDataSyn
throw new Error('No settings sync store url configured.');
const url = joinPath(URI.parse(this.userDataSyncStore.url), 'resource', key).toString();
const url = joinPath(this.userDataSyncStore.url, 'resource', key).toString();
const headers: IHeaders = { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' };
if (ref) {
headers['If-Match'] = ref;
......@@ -89,7 +88,7 @@ export class UserDataSyncStoreService extends Disposable implements IUserDataSyn
throw new Error('No settings sync store url configured.');
const url = joinPath(URI.parse(this.userDataSyncStore.url), 'resource', 'latest').toString();
const url = joinPath(this.userDataSyncStore.url, 'manifest').toString();
const headers: IHeaders = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' };
const context = await this.request({ type: 'GET', url, headers }, undefined, CancellationToken.None);
......@@ -105,7 +104,7 @@ export class UserDataSyncStoreService extends Disposable implements IUserDataSyn
throw new Error('No settings sync store url configured.');
const url = joinPath(URI.parse(this.userDataSyncStore.url), 'resource').toString();
const url = joinPath(this.userDataSyncStore.url, 'resource').toString();
const headers: IHeaders = { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' };
const context = await this.request({ type: 'DELETE', url, headers }, undefined, CancellationToken.None);
......@@ -5,11 +5,7 @@
import * as assert from 'assert';
import { merge } from 'vs/platform/userDataSync/common/keybindingsMerge';
import { IStringDictionary } from 'vs/base/common/collections';
import { IUserDataSyncUtilService } from 'vs/platform/userDataSync/common/userDataSync';
import { FormattingOptions } from 'vs/base/common/jsonFormatter';
import { URI } from 'vs/base/common/uri';
import type { IExtensionIdentifier } from 'vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagement';
import { TestUserDataSyncUtilService } from 'vs/platform/userDataSync/test/common/userDataSyncClient';
suite('KeybindingsMerge - No Conflicts', () => {
......@@ -613,7 +609,7 @@ suite('KeybindingsMerge - No Conflicts', () => {
async function mergeKeybindings(localContent: string, remoteContent: string, baseContent: string | null) {
const userDataSyncUtilService = new MockUserDataSyncUtilService();
const userDataSyncUtilService = new TestUserDataSyncUtilService();
const formattingOptions = await userDataSyncUtilService.resolveFormattingOptions();
return merge(localContent, remoteContent, baseContent, formattingOptions, userDataSyncUtilService);
......@@ -621,22 +617,3 @@ async function mergeKeybindings(localContent: string, remoteContent: string, bas
function stringify(value: any): string {
return JSON.stringify(value, null, '\t');
class MockUserDataSyncUtilService implements IUserDataSyncUtilService {
_serviceBrand: any;
async resolveUserBindings(userbindings: string[]): Promise<IStringDictionary<string>> {
const keys: IStringDictionary<string> = {};
for (const keybinding of userbindings) {
keys[keybinding] = keybinding;
return keys;
async resolveFormattingOptions(file?: URI): Promise<FormattingOptions> {
return { eol: '\n', insertSpaces: false, tabSize: 4 };
async ignoreExtensionsToSync(extensions: IExtensionIdentifier[]): Promise<void> { }
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import { IRequestService } from 'vs/platform/request/common/request';
import { IRequestOptions, IRequestContext, IHeaders } from 'vs/base/parts/request/common/request';
import { CancellationToken } from 'vs/base/common/cancellation';
import { IUserData, ResourceKey, IUserDataManifest, ALL_RESOURCE_KEYS, IUserDataAuthTokenService, IUserDataSyncLogService, IUserDataSyncStoreService, IUserDataSyncUtilService, IUserDataSyncEnablementService, ISettingsSyncService, IUserDataSyncService } from 'vs/platform/userDataSync/common/userDataSync';
import { relative } from 'vs/base/common/path';
import { bufferToStream, VSBuffer } from 'vs/base/common/buffer';
import { generateUuid } from 'vs/base/common/uuid';
import { UserDataSyncService } from 'vs/platform/userDataSync/common/userDataSyncService';
import { TestInstantiationService } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/test/common/instantiationServiceMock';
import { IConfigurationService } from 'vs/platform/configuration/common/configuration';
import { NullLogService, ILogService } from 'vs/platform/log/common/log';
import { UserDataSyncStoreService } from 'vs/platform/userDataSync/common/userDataSyncStoreService';
import { NullTelemetryService } from 'vs/platform/telemetry/common/telemetryUtils';
import { ITelemetryService } from 'vs/platform/telemetry/common/telemetry';
import { IFileService } from 'vs/platform/files/common/files';
import { FileService } from 'vs/platform/files/common/fileService';
import { Schemas } from 'vs/base/common/network';
import { IEnvironmentService } from 'vs/platform/environment/common/environment';
import { IStorageService, InMemoryStorageService } from 'vs/platform/storage/common/storage';
import { URI } from 'vs/base/common/uri';
import { joinPath } from 'vs/base/common/resources';
import { IStringDictionary } from 'vs/base/common/collections';
import { FormattingOptions } from 'vs/base/common/jsonFormatter';
import { UserDataSyncEnablementService } from 'vs/platform/userDataSync/common/userDataSyncEnablementService';
import { IGlobalExtensionEnablementService, IExtensionManagementService, IExtensionGalleryService, DidInstallExtensionEvent, DidUninstallExtensionEvent } from 'vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagement';
import { GlobalExtensionEnablementService } from 'vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionEnablementService';
import { InMemoryFileSystemProvider } from 'vs/platform/files/common/inMemoryFilesystemProvider';
import { ConfigurationService } from 'vs/platform/configuration/common/configurationService';
import { Disposable } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle';
import { SettingsSynchroniser } from 'vs/platform/userDataSync/common/settingsSync';
import { Emitter } from 'vs/base/common/event';
export class UserDataSyncClient extends Disposable {
readonly instantiationService: TestInstantiationService;
constructor(readonly testServer: UserDataSyncTestServer = new UserDataSyncTestServer()) {
this.instantiationService = new TestInstantiationService();
async setUp(): Promise<void> {
const userDataDirectory = URI.file('userdata').with({ scheme: Schemas.inMemory });
const userDataSyncHome = joinPath(userDataDirectory, '.sync');
const environmentService = this.instantiationService.stub(IEnvironmentService, <Partial<IEnvironmentService>>{
settingsResource: joinPath(userDataDirectory, 'settings.json'),
settingsSyncPreviewResource: joinPath(userDataSyncHome, 'settings.json'),
keybindingsResource: joinPath(userDataDirectory, 'keybindings.json'),
keybindingsSyncPreviewResource: joinPath(userDataSyncHome, 'keybindings.json'),
argvResource: joinPath(userDataDirectory, 'argv.json'),
const logService = new NullLogService();
this.instantiationService.stub(ILogService, logService);
const fileService = this._register(new FileService(logService));
fileService.registerProvider(Schemas.inMemory, new InMemoryFileSystemProvider());
this.instantiationService.stub(IFileService, fileService);
this.instantiationService.stub(IStorageService, new InMemoryStorageService());
await fileService.writeFile(environmentService.settingsResource, VSBuffer.fromString(JSON.stringify({
'configurationSync.store': {
url: this.testServer.url,
authenticationProviderId: 'test'
await fileService.writeFile(environmentService.keybindingsResource, VSBuffer.fromString(JSON.stringify([])));
const configurationService = new ConfigurationService(environmentService.settingsResource, fileService);
await configurationService.initialize();
this.instantiationService.stub(IConfigurationService, configurationService);
this.instantiationService.stub(IRequestService, this.testServer);
this.instantiationService.stub(IUserDataAuthTokenService, <Partial<IUserDataAuthTokenService>>{
onDidChangeToken: new Emitter<string | undefined>().event,
async getToken() { return 'token'; }
this.instantiationService.stub(IUserDataSyncLogService, logService);
this.instantiationService.stub(ITelemetryService, NullTelemetryService);
this.instantiationService.stub(IUserDataSyncStoreService, this.instantiationService.createInstance(UserDataSyncStoreService));
this.instantiationService.stub(IUserDataSyncUtilService, new TestUserDataSyncUtilService());
this.instantiationService.stub(IUserDataSyncEnablementService, this.instantiationService.createInstance(UserDataSyncEnablementService));
this.instantiationService.stub(IGlobalExtensionEnablementService, this.instantiationService.createInstance(GlobalExtensionEnablementService));
this.instantiationService.stub(IExtensionManagementService, <Partial<IExtensionManagementService>>{
async getInstalled() { return []; },
onDidInstallExtension: new Emitter<DidInstallExtensionEvent>().event,
onDidUninstallExtension: new Emitter<DidUninstallExtensionEvent>().event,
this.instantiationService.stub(IExtensionGalleryService, <Partial<IExtensionGalleryService>>{
isEnabled() { return true; },
async getCompatibleExtension() { return null; }
this.instantiationService.stub(ISettingsSyncService, this.instantiationService.createInstance(SettingsSynchroniser));
this.instantiationService.stub(IUserDataSyncService, this.instantiationService.createInstance(UserDataSyncService));
export class UserDataSyncTestServer implements IRequestService {
_serviceBrand: any;
readonly url: string = 'http://host:3000';
private session: string | null = null;
private readonly data: Map<ResourceKey, IUserData> = new Map<ResourceKey, IUserData>();
private _requests: { url: string, type: string, headers?: IHeaders }[] = [];
get requests(): { url: string, type: string, headers?: IHeaders }[] { return this._requests; }
private _responses: { status: number }[] = [];
get responses(): { status: number }[] { return this._responses; }
reset(): void { this._requests = []; this._responses = []; }
async resolveProxy(url: string): Promise<string | undefined> { return url; }
async request(options: IRequestOptions, token: CancellationToken): Promise<IRequestContext> {
const headers: IHeaders = {};
if (options.headers) {
if (options.headers['If-None-Match']) {
headers['If-None-Match'] = options.headers['If-None-Match'];
if (options.headers['If-Match']) {
headers['If-Match'] = options.headers['If-Match'];
this._requests.push({ url: options.url!, type: options.type!, headers });
const requestContext = await this.doRequest(options);
this._responses.push({ status: requestContext.res.statusCode! });
return requestContext;
private async doRequest(options: IRequestOptions): Promise<IRequestContext> {
const relativePath = relative(`${this.url}/v1/`, options.url!);
const segments = relativePath ? relativePath.split('/') : [];
if (options.type === 'GET' && segments.length === 1 && segments[0] === 'manifest') {
return this.getManifest(options.headers);
if (options.type === 'GET' && segments.length === 3 && segments[0] === 'resource' && segments[2] === 'latest') {
return this.getLatestData(segments[1], options.headers);
if (options.type === 'POST' && segments.length === 2 && segments[0] === 'resource') {
return this.writeData(segments[1], options.data, options.headers);
if (options.type === 'DELETE' && segments.length === 1 && segments[0] === 'resource') {
return this.clear(options.headers);
return this.toResponse(501);
private async getManifest(headers?: IHeaders): Promise<IRequestContext> {
if (this.session) {
const latest: Record<ResourceKey, string> = Object.create({});
const manifest: IUserDataManifest = { session: this.session, latest };
this.data.forEach((value, key) => latest[key] = value.ref);
return this.toResponse(200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, JSON.stringify(manifest));
return this.toResponse(204);
private async getLatestData(resource: string, headers: IHeaders = {}): Promise<IRequestContext> {
const resourceKey = ALL_RESOURCE_KEYS.find(key => key === resource);
if (resourceKey) {
const data = this.data.get(resourceKey);
if (!data) {
return this.toResponse(204, { etag: '0' });
if (headers['If-None-Match'] === data.ref) {
return this.toResponse(304);
return this.toResponse(200, { etag: data.ref }, data.content || '');
return this.toResponse(204);
private async writeData(resource: string, content: string = '', headers: IHeaders = {}): Promise<IRequestContext> {
if (!headers['If-Match']) {
return this.toResponse(428);
if (!this.session) {
this.session = generateUuid();
const resourceKey = ALL_RESOURCE_KEYS.find(key => key === resource);
if (resourceKey) {
const data = this.data.get(resourceKey);
if (headers['If-Match'] !== (data ? data.ref : '0')) {
return this.toResponse(412);
const ref = `${parseInt(data?.ref || '0') + 1}`;
this.data.set(resourceKey, { ref, content });
return this.toResponse(200, { etag: ref });
return this.toResponse(204);
private async clear(headers?: IHeaders): Promise<IRequestContext> {
this.session = null;
return this.toResponse(204);
private toResponse(statusCode: number, headers?: IHeaders, data?: string): IRequestContext {
return {
res: {
headers: headers || {},
stream: bufferToStream(VSBuffer.fromString(data || ''))
export class TestUserDataSyncUtilService implements IUserDataSyncUtilService {
_serviceBrand: any;
async resolveUserBindings(userbindings: string[]): Promise<IStringDictionary<string>> {
const keys: IStringDictionary<string> = {};
for (const keybinding of userbindings) {
keys[keybinding] = keybinding;
return keys;
async resolveFormattingOptions(file?: URI): Promise<FormattingOptions> {
return { eol: '\n', insertSpaces: false, tabSize: 4 };
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import * as assert from 'assert';
import { IUserDataSyncService, UserDataSyncError, UserDataSyncErrorCode } from 'vs/platform/userDataSync/common/userDataSync';
import { UserDataSyncClient, UserDataSyncTestServer } from 'vs/platform/userDataSync/test/common/userDataSyncClient';
import { DisposableStore } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle';
import { IFileService } from 'vs/platform/files/common/files';
import { IEnvironmentService } from 'vs/platform/environment/common/environment';
import { VSBuffer } from 'vs/base/common/buffer';
suite('UserDataSyncService', () => {
const disposableStore = new DisposableStore();
teardown(() => disposableStore.clear());
test('test first time sync ever', async () => {
// Setup the client
const target = new UserDataSyncTestServer();
const client = disposableStore.add(new UserDataSyncClient(target));
await client.setUp();
const testObject = client.instantiationService.get(IUserDataSyncService);
// Sync for first time
await testObject.sync();
assert.deepEqual(target.requests, [
// Manifest
{ type: 'GET', url: `${target.url}/v1/manifest`, headers: {} },
// Settings
{ type: 'GET', url: `${target.url}/v1/resource/settings/latest`, headers: {} },
{ type: 'POST', url: `${target.url}/v1/resource/settings`, headers: { 'If-Match': '0' } },
// Keybindings
{ type: 'GET', url: `${target.url}/v1/resource/keybindings/latest`, headers: {} },
{ type: 'POST', url: `${target.url}/v1/resource/keybindings`, headers: { 'If-Match': '0' } },
// Global state
{ type: 'GET', url: `${target.url}/v1/resource/globalState/latest`, headers: {} },
{ type: 'POST', url: `${target.url}/v1/resource/globalState`, headers: { 'If-Match': '0' } },
// Extensions
{ type: 'GET', url: `${target.url}/v1/resource/extensions/latest`, headers: {} },
{ type: 'POST', url: `${target.url}/v1/resource/extensions`, headers: { 'If-Match': '0' } }
test('test first time sync from the client with no changes - pull', async () => {
const target = new UserDataSyncTestServer();
// Setup and sync from the first client
const client = disposableStore.add(new UserDataSyncClient(target));
await client.setUp();
await client.instantiationService.get(IUserDataSyncService).sync();
// Setup the test client
const testClient = disposableStore.add(new UserDataSyncClient(target));
await testClient.setUp();
const testObject = testClient.instantiationService.get(IUserDataSyncService);
// Sync (pull) from the test client
await testObject.isFirstTimeSyncWithMerge();
await testObject.pull();
assert.deepEqual(target.requests, [
// Manifest
{ type: 'GET', url: `${target.url}/v1/manifest`, headers: {} },
// Settings
{ type: 'GET', url: `${target.url}/v1/resource/settings/latest`, headers: {} },
// Keybindings
{ type: 'GET', url: `${target.url}/v1/resource/keybindings/latest`, headers: {} },
// Global state
{ type: 'GET', url: `${target.url}/v1/resource/globalState/latest`, headers: {} },
// Extensions
{ type: 'GET', url: `${target.url}/v1/resource/extensions/latest`, headers: {} },
test('test first time sync from the client with changes - pull', async () => {
const target = new UserDataSyncTestServer();
// Setup and sync from the first client
const client = disposableStore.add(new UserDataSyncClient(target));
await client.setUp();
await client.instantiationService.get(IUserDataSyncService).sync();
// Setup the test client with changes
const testClient = disposableStore.add(new UserDataSyncClient(target));
await testClient.setUp();
const testObject = testClient.instantiationService.get(IUserDataSyncService);
const fileService = testClient.instantiationService.get(IFileService);
const environmentService = testClient.instantiationService.get(IEnvironmentService);
await fileService.writeFile(environmentService.settingsResource, VSBuffer.fromString(JSON.stringify({ 'editor.fontSize': 14 })));
await fileService.writeFile(environmentService.keybindingsResource, VSBuffer.fromString(JSON.stringify([{ 'command': 'abcd', 'key': 'cmd+c' }])));
await fileService.writeFile(environmentService.argvResource, VSBuffer.fromString(JSON.stringify({ 'locale': 'de' })));
// Sync (pull) from the test client
await testObject.isFirstTimeSyncWithMerge();
await testObject.pull();
assert.deepEqual(target.requests, [
// Manifest
{ type: 'GET', url: `${target.url}/v1/manifest`, headers: {} },
// Settings
{ type: 'GET', url: `${target.url}/v1/resource/settings/latest`, headers: {} },
// Keybindings
{ type: 'GET', url: `${target.url}/v1/resource/keybindings/latest`, headers: {} },
// Global state
{ type: 'GET', url: `${target.url}/v1/resource/globalState/latest`, headers: {} },
// Extensions
{ type: 'GET', url: `${target.url}/v1/resource/extensions/latest`, headers: {} },
test('test first time sync from the client with no changes - merge', async () => {
const target = new UserDataSyncTestServer();
// Setup and sync from the first client
const client = disposableStore.add(new UserDataSyncClient(target));
await client.setUp();
await client.instantiationService.get(IUserDataSyncService).sync();
// Setup the test client
const testClient = disposableStore.add(new UserDataSyncClient(target));
await testClient.setUp();
const testObject = testClient.instantiationService.get(IUserDataSyncService);
// Sync (merge) from the test client
await testObject.isFirstTimeSyncWithMerge();
await testObject.sync();
assert.deepEqual(target.requests, [
// Manifest
{ type: 'GET', url: `${target.url}/v1/manifest`, headers: {} },
{ type: 'GET', url: `${target.url}/v1/manifest`, headers: {} },
// Settings
{ type: 'GET', url: `${target.url}/v1/resource/settings/latest`, headers: {} },
// Keybindings
{ type: 'GET', url: `${target.url}/v1/resource/keybindings/latest`, headers: {} },
// Global state
{ type: 'GET', url: `${target.url}/v1/resource/globalState/latest`, headers: {} },
// Extensions
{ type: 'GET', url: `${target.url}/v1/resource/extensions/latest`, headers: {} },
test('test first time sync from the client with changes - merge', async () => {
const target = new UserDataSyncTestServer();
// Setup and sync from the first client
const client = disposableStore.add(new UserDataSyncClient(target));
await client.setUp();
await client.instantiationService.get(IUserDataSyncService).sync();
// Setup the test client with changes
const testClient = disposableStore.add(new UserDataSyncClient(target));
await testClient.setUp();
const fileService = testClient.instantiationService.get(IFileService);
const environmentService = testClient.instantiationService.get(IEnvironmentService);
await fileService.writeFile(environmentService.settingsResource, VSBuffer.fromString(JSON.stringify({ 'editor.fontSize': 14 })));
await fileService.writeFile(environmentService.keybindingsResource, VSBuffer.fromString(JSON.stringify([{ 'command': 'abcd', 'key': 'cmd+c' }])));
await fileService.writeFile(environmentService.argvResource, VSBuffer.fromString(JSON.stringify({ 'locale': 'de' })));
const testObject = testClient.instantiationService.get(IUserDataSyncService);
// Sync (merge) from the test client
await testObject.isFirstTimeSyncWithMerge();
await testObject.sync();
assert.deepEqual(target.requests, [
// Manifest
{ type: 'GET', url: `${target.url}/v1/manifest`, headers: {} },
{ type: 'GET', url: `${target.url}/v1/manifest`, headers: {} },
// Settings
{ type: 'GET', url: `${target.url}/v1/resource/settings/latest`, headers: {} },
{ type: 'POST', url: `${target.url}/v1/resource/settings`, headers: { 'If-Match': '1' } },
// Keybindings
{ type: 'GET', url: `${target.url}/v1/resource/keybindings/latest`, headers: {} },
{ type: 'POST', url: `${target.url}/v1/resource/keybindings`, headers: { 'If-Match': '1' } },
// Global state
{ type: 'GET', url: `${target.url}/v1/resource/globalState/latest`, headers: {} },
{ type: 'POST', url: `${target.url}/v1/resource/globalState`, headers: { 'If-Match': '1' } },
// Extensions
{ type: 'GET', url: `${target.url}/v1/resource/extensions/latest`, headers: {} },
test('test sync when there are no changes', async () => {
const target = new UserDataSyncTestServer();
// Setup and sync from the client
const client = disposableStore.add(new UserDataSyncClient(target));
await client.setUp();
const testObject = client.instantiationService.get(IUserDataSyncService);
await testObject.sync();
// sync from the client again
await testObject.sync();
assert.deepEqual(target.requests, [
// Manifest
{ type: 'GET', url: `${target.url}/v1/manifest`, headers: {} },
test('test sync when there are local changes', async () => {
const target = new UserDataSyncTestServer();
// Setup and sync from the client
const client = disposableStore.add(new UserDataSyncClient(target));
await client.setUp();
const testObject = client.instantiationService.get(IUserDataSyncService);
await testObject.sync();
// Do changes in the client
const fileService = client.instantiationService.get(IFileService);
const environmentService = client.instantiationService.get(IEnvironmentService);
await fileService.writeFile(environmentService.settingsResource, VSBuffer.fromString(JSON.stringify({ 'editor.fontSize': 14 })));
await fileService.writeFile(environmentService.keybindingsResource, VSBuffer.fromString(JSON.stringify([{ 'command': 'abcd', 'key': 'cmd+c' }])));
await fileService.writeFile(environmentService.argvResource, VSBuffer.fromString(JSON.stringify({ 'locale': 'de' })));
// Sync from the client
await testObject.sync();
assert.deepEqual(target.requests, [
// Manifest
{ type: 'GET', url: `${target.url}/v1/manifest`, headers: {} },
// Settings
{ type: 'POST', url: `${target.url}/v1/resource/settings`, headers: { 'If-Match': '1' } },
// Keybindings
{ type: 'POST', url: `${target.url}/v1/resource/keybindings`, headers: { 'If-Match': '1' } },
// Global state
{ type: 'POST', url: `${target.url}/v1/resource/globalState`, headers: { 'If-Match': '1' } },
test('test sync when there are remote changes', async () => {
const target = new UserDataSyncTestServer();
// Sync from first client
const client = disposableStore.add(new UserDataSyncClient(target));
await client.setUp();
await client.instantiationService.get(IUserDataSyncService).sync();
// Sync from test client
const testClient = disposableStore.add(new UserDataSyncClient(target));
await testClient.setUp();
const testObject = testClient.instantiationService.get(IUserDataSyncService);
await testObject.sync();
// Do changes in first client and sync
const fileService = client.instantiationService.get(IFileService);
const environmentService = client.instantiationService.get(IEnvironmentService);
await fileService.writeFile(environmentService.settingsResource, VSBuffer.fromString(JSON.stringify({ 'editor.fontSize': 14 })));
await fileService.writeFile(environmentService.keybindingsResource, VSBuffer.fromString(JSON.stringify([{ 'command': 'abcd', 'key': 'cmd+c' }])));
await fileService.writeFile(environmentService.argvResource, VSBuffer.fromString(JSON.stringify({ 'locale': 'de' })));
await client.instantiationService.get(IUserDataSyncService).sync();
// Sync from test client
await testObject.sync();
assert.deepEqual(target.requests, [
// Manifest
{ type: 'GET', url: `${target.url}/v1/manifest`, headers: {} },
// Settings
{ type: 'GET', url: `${target.url}/v1/resource/settings/latest`, headers: { 'If-None-Match': '1' } },
// Keybindings
{ type: 'GET', url: `${target.url}/v1/resource/keybindings/latest`, headers: { 'If-None-Match': '1' } },
// Global state
{ type: 'GET', url: `${target.url}/v1/resource/globalState/latest`, headers: { 'If-None-Match': '1' } },
test('test delete', async () => {
const target = new UserDataSyncTestServer();
// Sync from the client
const testClient = disposableStore.add(new UserDataSyncClient(target));
await testClient.setUp();
const testObject = testClient.instantiationService.get(IUserDataSyncService);
await testObject.sync();
// Reset from the client
await testObject.reset();
assert.deepEqual(target.requests, [
// Manifest
{ type: 'DELETE', url: `${target.url}/v1/resource`, headers: {} },
test('test delete and sync', async () => {
const target = new UserDataSyncTestServer();
// Sync from the client
const testClient = disposableStore.add(new UserDataSyncClient(target));
await testClient.setUp();
const testObject = testClient.instantiationService.get(IUserDataSyncService);
await testObject.sync();
// Reset from the client
await testObject.reset();
// Sync again
await testObject.sync();
assert.deepEqual(target.requests, [
// Manifest
{ type: 'GET', url: `${target.url}/v1/manifest`, headers: {} },
// Settings
{ type: 'GET', url: `${target.url}/v1/resource/settings/latest`, headers: {} },
{ type: 'POST', url: `${target.url}/v1/resource/settings`, headers: { 'If-Match': '0' } },
// Keybindings
{ type: 'GET', url: `${target.url}/v1/resource/keybindings/latest`, headers: {} },
{ type: 'POST', url: `${target.url}/v1/resource/keybindings`, headers: { 'If-Match': '0' } },
// Global state
{ type: 'GET', url: `${target.url}/v1/resource/globalState/latest`, headers: {} },
{ type: 'POST', url: `${target.url}/v1/resource/globalState`, headers: { 'If-Match': '0' } },
// Extensions
{ type: 'GET', url: `${target.url}/v1/resource/extensions/latest`, headers: {} },
{ type: 'POST', url: `${target.url}/v1/resource/extensions`, headers: { 'If-Match': '0' } }
test('test delete on one client throws error on other client while syncing', async () => {
const target = new UserDataSyncTestServer();
// Set up and sync from the client
const client = disposableStore.add(new UserDataSyncClient(target));
await client.setUp();
await client.instantiationService.get(IUserDataSyncService).sync();
// Set up and sync from the test client
const testClient = disposableStore.add(new UserDataSyncClient(target));
await testClient.setUp();
const testObject = testClient.instantiationService.get(IUserDataSyncService);
await testObject.sync();
// Reset from the first client
await client.instantiationService.get(IUserDataSyncService).reset();
// Sync from the test client
try {
await testObject.sync();
} catch (e) {
assert.ok(e instanceof UserDataSyncError);
assert.deepEqual((<UserDataSyncError>e).code, UserDataSyncErrorCode.TurnedOff);
assert.deepEqual(target.requests, [
// Manifest
{ type: 'GET', url: `${target.url}/v1/manifest`, headers: {} },
throw assert.fail('Should fail with turned off error');
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