提交 a1b377e4 编写于 作者: R Ramya Achutha Rao

Skip emmet when open tag is not closed even when no parent node #35128

上级 cd292288
......@@ -217,12 +217,12 @@ function fallbackTab(): Thenable<boolean | undefined> {
* @param abbreviationRange The range of the abbreviation for which given position is being validated
export function isValidLocationForEmmetAbbreviation(document: vscode.TextDocument, currentNode: Node | null, syntax: string, position: vscode.Position, abbreviationRange: vscode.Range): boolean {
// Continue validation only if the file was parse-able and the currentNode has been found
if (!currentNode) {
return true;
if (isStyleSheet(syntax)) {
// Continue validation only if the file was parse-able and the currentNode has been found
if (!currentNode) {
return true;
// If current node is a rule or at-rule, then perform additional checks to ensure
// emmet suggestions are not provided in the rule selector
if (currentNode.type !== 'rule' && currentNode.type !== 'at-rule') {
......@@ -253,24 +253,28 @@ export function isValidLocationForEmmetAbbreviation(document: vscode.TextDocumen
const endAngle = '>';
const escape = '\\';
const currentHtmlNode = <HtmlNode>currentNode;
const innerRange = getInnerRange(currentHtmlNode);
let start = new vscode.Position(0, 0);
// Fix for https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/28829
if (!innerRange || !innerRange.contains(position)) {
return false;
if (currentHtmlNode) {
const innerRange = getInnerRange(currentHtmlNode);
// Fix for https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/35128
// Find the position up till where we will backtrack looking for unescaped < or >
// to decide if current position is valid for emmet expansion
let start = innerRange.start;
let lastChildBeforePosition = currentHtmlNode.firstChild;
while (lastChildBeforePosition) {
if (lastChildBeforePosition.end.isAfter(position)) {
// Fix for https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/28829
if (!innerRange || !innerRange.contains(position)) {
return false;
// Fix for https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/35128
// Find the position up till where we will backtrack looking for unescaped < or >
// to decide if current position is valid for emmet expansion
start = innerRange.start;
let lastChildBeforePosition = currentHtmlNode.firstChild;
while (lastChildBeforePosition) {
if (lastChildBeforePosition.end.isAfter(position)) {
start = lastChildBeforePosition.end;
lastChildBeforePosition = lastChildBeforePosition.nextSibling;
start = lastChildBeforePosition.end;
lastChildBeforePosition = lastChildBeforePosition.nextSibling;
let textToBackTrack = document.getText(new vscode.Range(start.line, start.character, abbreviationRange.start.line, abbreviationRange.start.character));
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ const scssContents = `
const htmlContents = `
<body class="header">
......@@ -128,6 +128,36 @@ suite('Tests for Expand Abbreviations (HTML)', () => {
return testHtmlCompletionProvider(new Selection(3, 23, 3, 23), 'img', '<img src=\"\" alt=\"\">');
test('Expand snippets when no parent node (HTML)', () => {
return withRandomFileEditor('img', 'html', (editor, doc) => {
editor.selection = new Selection(0, 3, 0, 3);
return expandEmmetAbbreviation(null).then(() => {
assert.equal(editor.document.getText(), '<img src=\"\" alt=\"\">');
return Promise.resolve();
test('Expand snippets when no parent node in completion list (HTML)', () => {
return withRandomFileEditor('img', 'html', (editor, doc) => {
editor.selection = new Selection(0, 3, 0, 3);
const cancelSrc = new CancellationTokenSource();
const completionPromise = completionProvider.provideCompletionItems(editor.document, editor.selection.active, cancelSrc.token);
if (!completionPromise) {
assert.equal(!completionPromise, false, `Got unexpected undefined instead of a completion promise`);
return Promise.resolve();
return completionPromise.then(completionList => {
assert.equal(completionList && completionList.items && completionList.items.length > 0, true);
if (completionList) {
assert.equal(completionList.items[0].label, 'img');
assert.equal((<string>completionList.items[0].documentation || '').replace(/\|/g, ''), '<img src=\"\" alt=\"\">');
return Promise.resolve();
test('Expand abbreviation (HTML)', () => {
return testExpandAbbreviation('html', new Selection(5, 25, 5, 25), 'ul>li', '<ul>\n\t\t\t<li></li>\n\t\t</ul>');
......@@ -157,7 +187,7 @@ suite('Tests for Expand Abbreviations (HTML)', () => {
test('Expand abbreviation with numbered repeaters in completion list (HTML)', () => {
return testHtmlCompletionProvider( new Selection(7, 33, 7, 33), 'ul>li.item$*2', '<ul>\n\t<li class="item1"></li>\n\t<li class="item2"></li>\n</ul>');
return testHtmlCompletionProvider(new Selection(7, 33, 7, 33), 'ul>li.item$*2', '<ul>\n\t<li class="item1"></li>\n\t<li class="item2"></li>\n</ul>');
test('Expand abbreviation with numbered repeaters with offset (HTML)', () => {
......@@ -165,7 +195,7 @@ suite('Tests for Expand Abbreviations (HTML)', () => {
test('Expand abbreviation with numbered repeaters with offset in completion list (HTML)', () => {
return testHtmlCompletionProvider( new Selection(8, 36, 8, 36), 'ul>li.item$@44*2', '<ul>\n\t<li class="item44"></li>\n\t<li class="item45"></li>\n</ul>');
return testHtmlCompletionProvider(new Selection(8, 36, 8, 36), 'ul>li.item$@44*2', '<ul>\n\t<li class="item44"></li>\n\t<li class="item45"></li>\n</ul>');
test('Expand abbreviation with numbered repeaters in groups (HTML)', () => {
......@@ -201,19 +231,65 @@ suite('Tests for Expand Abbreviations (HTML)', () => {
test('No expanding text inside open tag (HTML)', () => {
return testExpandAbbreviation('html', new Selection(2, 4, 2, 4), '', '', true);
return withRandomFileEditor(htmlContents, 'html', (editor, doc) => {
editor.selection = new Selection(2, 4, 2, 4);
return expandEmmetAbbreviation(null).then(() => {
assert.equal(editor.document.getText(), htmlContents);
return Promise.resolve();
test('No expanding text inside open tag in completion list (HTML)', () => {
return testHtmlCompletionProvider(new Selection(2, 4, 2, 4), '', '', true);
return withRandomFileEditor(htmlContents, 'html', (editor, doc) => {
editor.selection = new Selection(2, 4, 2, 4);
const cancelSrc = new CancellationTokenSource();
const completionPromise = completionProvider.provideCompletionItems(editor.document, editor.selection.active, cancelSrc.token);
assert.equal(!completionPromise, true, `Got unexpected comapletion promise instead of undefined`);
return Promise.resolve();
test('No expanding text inside open tag when there is no closing tag (HTML)', () => {
return testExpandAbbreviation('html', new Selection(9, 8, 9, 8), '', '', true);
return withRandomFileEditor(htmlContents, 'html', (editor, doc) => {
editor.selection = new Selection(9, 8, 9, 8);
return expandEmmetAbbreviation(null).then(() => {
assert.equal(editor.document.getText(), htmlContents);
return Promise.resolve();
test('No expanding text inside open tag when there is no closing tag in completion list (HTML)', () => {
return testHtmlCompletionProvider(new Selection(9, 8, 9, 8), '', '', true);
return withRandomFileEditor(htmlContents, 'html', (editor, doc) => {
editor.selection = new Selection(9, 8, 9, 8);
const cancelSrc = new CancellationTokenSource();
const completionPromise = completionProvider.provideCompletionItems(editor.document, editor.selection.active, cancelSrc.token);
assert.equal(!completionPromise, true, `Got unexpected comapletion promise instead of undefined`);
return Promise.resolve();
test('No expanding text inside open tag when there is no closing tag when there is no parent node (HTML)', () => {
const fileContents = '<img s';
return withRandomFileEditor(fileContents, 'html', (editor, doc) => {
editor.selection = new Selection(0, 6, 0, 6);
return expandEmmetAbbreviation(null).then(() => {
assert.equal(editor.document.getText(), fileContents);
return Promise.resolve();
test('No expanding text in completion list inside open tag when there is no closing tag when there is no parent node (HTML)', () => {
const fileContents = '<img s';
return withRandomFileEditor(fileContents, 'html', (editor, doc) => {
editor.selection = new Selection(0, 6, 0, 6);
const cancelSrc = new CancellationTokenSource();
const completionPromise = completionProvider.provideCompletionItems(editor.document, editor.selection.active, cancelSrc.token);
assert.equal(!completionPromise, true, `Got unexpected comapletion promise instead of undefined`);
return Promise.resolve();
test('Expand css when inside style tag (HTML)', () => {
......@@ -251,7 +327,7 @@ suite('Tests for Expand Abbreviations (HTML)', () => {
const emmetCompletionItem = completionList.items[0];
assert.equal(emmetCompletionItem.label, expandedText, `Label of completion item doesnt match.`);
assert.equal((<string>emmetCompletionItem.documentation || '').replace(/\|/g, ''), expandedText, `Docs of completion item doesnt match.`);
assert.equal(emmetCompletionItem.filterText, abbreviation, `FilterText of completion item doesnt match.`)
assert.equal(emmetCompletionItem.filterText, abbreviation, `FilterText of completion item doesnt match.`);
return Promise.resolve();
......@@ -304,8 +380,8 @@ suite('Tests for Expand Abbreviations (CSS)', () => {
return withRandomFileEditor(cssContents, 'css', (editor, doc) => {
editor.selection = new Selection(3, 1, 3, 4);
const cancelSrc = new CancellationTokenSource();
const completionPromise1 = completionProvider.provideCompletionItems(editor.document, new Position(3,4), cancelSrc.token);
const completionPromise2 = completionProvider.provideCompletionItems(editor.document, new Position(5,4), cancelSrc.token);
const completionPromise1 = completionProvider.provideCompletionItems(editor.document, new Position(3, 4), cancelSrc.token);
const completionPromise2 = completionProvider.provideCompletionItems(editor.document, new Position(5, 4), cancelSrc.token);
if (!completionPromise1 || !completionPromise2) {
assert.equal(1, 2, `Problem with expanding m10`);
return Promise.resolve();
......@@ -390,7 +466,7 @@ m10
return withRandomFileEditor(scssContentsNoExpand, 'scss', (editor, doc) => {
editor.selections = [
......@@ -413,7 +489,7 @@ m10
return withRandomFileEditor(scssContentsNoExpand, 'scss', (editor, doc) => {
editor.selection = new Selection(1, 3, 1, 3); // outside rule
......@@ -431,7 +507,7 @@ m10
assert.equal(1, 2, `m10 gets expanded in invalid location (n the value part of property value)`);
return Promise.resolve();
return Promise.resolve();
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