未验证 提交 9b83eb6e 编写于 作者: C Connor Peet

smarter depth selection

上级 7da421d9
......@@ -146,17 +146,13 @@ export class CompressedObjectTreeModel<T extends NonNullable<any>, TFilterData e
children: Iterable<ICompressedTreeElement<T>> = Iterable.empty(),
options: IObjectTreeSetChildrenOptions<T, TFilterData>,
): void {
// Must be deep, since the compression can affect nested elements and is
// thus called for the parent of the splicing node.
// Diffs must be deem, since the compression can affect nested elements.
// @see https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/pull/114237#issuecomment-759425034
const resolvedOptions = {
diffIdentityProvider: options.diffIdentityProvider && wrapIdentityProvider(options.diffIdentityProvider),
diffDeep: options.diffDeep ?? 2,
const diffIdentityProvider = options.diffIdentityProvider && wrapIdentityProvider(options.diffIdentityProvider);
if (element === null) {
const compressedChildren = Iterable.map(children, this.enabled ? compress : noCompress);
this._setChildren(null, compressedChildren, resolvedOptions);
this._setChildren(null, compressedChildren, { diffIdentityProvider, diffDeep: Infinity });
......@@ -177,7 +173,10 @@ export class CompressedObjectTreeModel<T extends NonNullable<any>, TFilterData e
const parentChildren = parent.children
.map(child => child === node ? recompressedElement : child);
this._setChildren(parent.element, parentChildren, resolvedOptions);
this._setChildren(parent.element, parentChildren, {
diffDeep: node.depth - parent.depth,
isCompressionEnabled(): boolean {
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