提交 951164ae 编写于 作者: M Martin Aeschlimann

product icons definition files: show icon in hover

上级 1897f26c
......@@ -13,12 +13,12 @@ const localize = nls.loadMessageBundle();
import {
workspace, window, languages, commands, ExtensionContext, extensions, Uri, LanguageConfiguration,
Diagnostic, StatusBarAlignment, TextEditor, TextDocument, FormattingOptions, CancellationToken,
ProviderResult, TextEdit, Range, Position, Disposable, CompletionItem, CompletionList, CompletionContext
ProviderResult, TextEdit, Range, Position, Disposable, CompletionItem, CompletionList, CompletionContext, Hover, MarkdownString, MarkedString
} from 'vscode';
import {
LanguageClient, LanguageClientOptions, RequestType, ServerOptions, TransportKind, NotificationType,
DidChangeConfigurationNotification, HandleDiagnosticsSignature, ResponseError, DocumentRangeFormattingParams,
DocumentRangeFormattingRequest, ProvideCompletionItemsSignature
DocumentRangeFormattingRequest, ProvideCompletionItemsSignature, ProvideHoverSignature
} from 'vscode-languageclient';
import TelemetryReporter from 'vscode-extension-telemetry';
......@@ -153,25 +153,41 @@ export function activate(context: ExtensionContext) {
// testing the replace / insert mode
provideCompletionItem(document: TextDocument, position: Position, context: CompletionContext, token: CancellationToken, next: ProvideCompletionItemsSignature): ProviderResult<CompletionItem[] | CompletionList> {
function updateRanges(item: CompletionItem) {
function update(item: CompletionItem) {
const range = item.range;
if (range instanceof Range && range.end.isAfter(position) && range.start.isBeforeOrEqual(position)) {
item.range = { inserting: new Range(range.start, position), replacing: range };
if (item.documentation instanceof MarkdownString) {
item.documentation = updateMarkdownString(item.documentation);
function updateProposals(r: CompletionItem[] | CompletionList | null | undefined): CompletionItem[] | CompletionList | null | undefined {
if (r) {
(Array.isArray(r) ? r : r.items).forEach(updateRanges);
(Array.isArray(r) ? r : r.items).forEach(update);
return r;
const isThenable = <T>(obj: ProviderResult<T>): obj is Thenable<T> => obj && (<any>obj)['then'];
const r = next(document, position, context, token);
if (isThenable<CompletionItem[] | CompletionList | null | undefined>(r)) {
return r.then(updateProposals);
return updateProposals(r);
provideHover(document: TextDocument, position: Position, token: CancellationToken, next: ProvideHoverSignature) {
function updateHover(r: Hover | null | undefined): Hover | null | undefined {
if (r && Array.isArray(r.contents)) {
r.contents = r.contents.map(h => h instanceof MarkdownString ? updateMarkdownString(h) : h);
return r;
const r = next(document, position, token);
if (isThenable<Hover | null | undefined>(r)) {
return r.then(updateHover);
return updateHover(r);
......@@ -492,3 +508,13 @@ function readJSONFile(location: string) {
return {};
function isThenable<T>(obj: ProviderResult<T>): obj is Thenable<T> {
return obj && (<any>obj)['then'];
function updateMarkdownString(h: MarkdownString): MarkdownString {
const n = new MarkdownString(h.value, true);
n.isTrusted = h.isTrusted;
return n;
......@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ class IconRegistry implements IIconRegistry {
if (deprecationMessage) {
propertySchema.deprecationMessage = deprecationMessage;
propertySchema.markdownDescription = localize('iconPreview', "Current icon: {0}", `$(${id})`);
this.iconSchema.properties[id] = propertySchema;
Markdown is supported
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