提交 91025fcf 编写于 作者: J João Moreno 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #31149 from joaomoreno/linux-ia32-build-agent

32 bit Linux build agent
FROM microsoft/vsts-agent:ubuntu-14.04-standard
MAINTAINER Joao Moreno <joao.moreno@microsoft.com>
ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
RUN dpkg --add-architecture i386
RUN apt-get update
......@@ -14,22 +15,23 @@ RUN apt-get install -y python-gtk2
RUN apt-get install -y jq
RUN apt-get install -y xvfb
RUN apt-get install -y fakeroot
RUN apt-get install -y libgtk2.0-0 libgtk2.0-0:i386
RUN apt-get install -y libgconf-2-4 libgconf-2-4:i386
RUN apt-get install -y libnss3 libnss3:i386
RUN apt-get install -y libasound2 libasound2:i386
RUN apt-get install -y libxtst6 libxtst6:i386
RUN apt-get install -y libgtk2.0-0:i386
RUN apt-get install -y libgconf-2-4:i386
RUN apt-get install -y libnss3:i386
RUN apt-get install -y libasound2:i386
RUN apt-get install -y libxtst6:i386
RUN apt-get install -y libfuse2
RUN apt-get install -y libnotify-bin
RUN apt-get install -y libnotify4:i386
RUN apt-get install -y libx11-dev libx11-dev:i386
RUN apt-get install -y libx11-dev:i386
RUN apt-get install -y libxkbfile-dev:i386
RUN apt-get install -y libxss1 libxss1:i386
RUN apt-get install -y libx11-xcb-dev libx11-xcb-dev:i386
RUN apt-get install -y libxss1:i386
RUN apt-get install -y libx11-xcb-dev:i386
RUN apt-get install -y libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 libgl1-mesa-dri:i386
RUN apt-get install -y libxkbfile-dev
RUN apt-get install -y bc bsdmainutils
RUN apt-get install -y libsecret-1-dev
RUN apt-get install -y libgirepository-1.0-1:i386 gir1.2-glib-2.0:i386 gir1.2-secret-1:i386 libsecret-1-dev:i386
RUN apt-get install -y dpkg-dev:i386
# Xvfb
# Thanks https://medium.com/@griggheo/running-headless-selenium-webdriver-tests-in-docker-containers-342fdbabf756
......@@ -41,4 +43,4 @@ RUN update-rc.d xvfb defaults
ENV NVM_DIR /usr/local/nvm
RUN curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.33.2/install.sh | bash
CMD (service xvfb start; export DISPLAY=:10; ./start.sh)
\ No newline at end of file
CMD (service xvfb start; export DISPLAY=:10; PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkgconfig; ./start.sh)
\ No newline at end of file
if [ ! -f pat ]; then
echo "Error: file pat not found"
exit 1
docker run \
-e VSTS_ACCOUNT="monacotools" \
-e VSTS_TOKEN="$(cat pat)" \
-e VSTS_AGENT="tb-lnx-ia32-local" \
-e VSTS_POOL="linux-ia32" \
-e VSTS_WORK="/var/vsts/work" \
--name "tb-lnx-ia32-local" \
-it joaomoreno/vscode-vso-agent-ia32:latest
\ No newline at end of file
FROM microsoft/vsts-agent:ubuntu-14.04-standard
MAINTAINER Joao Moreno <joao.moreno@microsoft.com>
ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
RUN apt-get update
# Dependencies
RUN apt-get install -y build-essential
RUN apt-get install -y gcc-multilib g++-multilib
RUN apt-get install -y dpkg-dev
RUN apt-get install -y zip
RUN apt-get install -y rpm
RUN apt-get install -y createrepo
RUN apt-get install -y python-gtk2
RUN apt-get install -y jq
RUN apt-get install -y xvfb
RUN apt-get install -y fakeroot
RUN apt-get install -y libgtk2.0-0
RUN apt-get install -y libgconf-2-4
RUN apt-get install -y libnss3
RUN apt-get install -y libasound2
RUN apt-get install -y libxtst6
RUN apt-get install -y libfuse2
RUN apt-get install -y libnotify-bin
RUN apt-get install -y libx11-dev
RUN apt-get install -y libxss1
RUN apt-get install -y libx11-xcb-dev
RUN apt-get install -y libxkbfile-dev
RUN apt-get install -y bc bsdmainutils
RUN apt-get install -y libsecret-1-dev
# Xvfb
# Thanks https://medium.com/@griggheo/running-headless-selenium-webdriver-tests-in-docker-containers-342fdbabf756
ADD xvfb.init /etc/init.d/xvfb
RUN chmod +x /etc/init.d/xvfb
RUN update-rc.d xvfb defaults
# nvm
ENV NVM_DIR /usr/local/nvm
RUN curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.33.2/install.sh | bash
CMD (service xvfb start; export DISPLAY=:10; ./start.sh)
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ fi
docker run \
-e VSTS_ACCOUNT="monacotools" \
-e VSTS_TOKEN="$(cat pat)" \
-e VSTS_AGENT="tb-lnx-local" \
-e VSTS_POOL=linux \
-e VSTS_AGENT="tb-lnx-x64-local" \
-e VSTS_POOL="linux-x64" \
-e VSTS_WORK="/var/vsts/work" \
--name "tb-lnx-local" \
-it joaomoreno/vscode-vso-agent
\ No newline at end of file
--name "tb-lnx-x64-local" \
-it joaomoreno/vscode-vso-agent-x64:latest
\ No newline at end of file
# /etc/rc.d/init.d/xvfbd
# chkconfig: 345 95 28
# description: Starts/Stops X Virtual Framebuffer server
# processname: Xvfb
# Provides: xvfb
# Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog
# Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Short-Description: Start xvfb at boot time
# Description: Enable xvfb provided by daemon.
[ "${NETWORKING}" = "no" ] && exit 0
PROG_OPTIONS=":10 -ac"
case "$1" in
echo "Starting : X Virtual Frame Buffer "
disown -ar
echo "Shutting down : X Virtual Frame Buffer"
killproc $PROG
[ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && /bin/rm -f /var/lock/subsys/Xvfb
$0 stop
$0 start
status Xvfb
echo $"Usage: $0 (start|stop|restart|reload|status)"
exit 1
exit $RETVAL
\ No newline at end of file
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