提交 86d13824 编写于 作者: J Joao Moreno

ask for extension icon in query

related to #10180
上级 974bce45
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import product from 'vs/platform/product';
interface IRawGalleryExtensionFile {
assetType: string;
source: string;
interface IRawGalleryExtensionVersion {
......@@ -152,15 +153,20 @@ function getStatistic(statistics: IRawGalleryExtensionStatistics[], name: string
function toExtension(galleryExtension: IRawGalleryExtension, extensionsGalleryUrl: string, downloadHeaders: any): IGalleryExtension {
const versions = galleryExtension.versions.map<IGalleryVersion>(v => ({
version: v.version,
date: v.lastUpdated,
downloadUrl: `${ v.assetUri }/${ AssetType.VSIX }?install=true`,
manifestUrl: `${ v.assetUri }/${ AssetType.Manifest }`,
readmeUrl: `${ v.assetUri }/${ AssetType.Details }`,
iconUrl: `${ v.assetUri }/${ AssetType.Icon }`
const versions = galleryExtension.versions.map<IGalleryVersion>(v => {
const iconFile = v.files.filter(f => f.assetType === AssetType.Icon)[0];
const iconUrl = iconFile ? iconFile.source : require.toUrl('./media/defaultIcon.png');
return {
version: v.version,
date: v.lastUpdated,
downloadUrl: `${ v.assetUri }/${ AssetType.VSIX }?install=true`,
manifestUrl: `${ v.assetUri }/${ AssetType.Manifest }`,
readmeUrl: `${ v.assetUri }/${ AssetType.Details }`,
return {
id: galleryExtension.extensionId,
......@@ -213,9 +219,10 @@ export class ExtensionGalleryService implements IExtensionGalleryService {
this.telemetryService.publicLog('galleryService:query', { type, text });
let query = new Query()
.withFlags(Flags.IncludeVersions, Flags.IncludeCategoryAndTags, Flags.IncludeAssetUri, Flags.IncludeStatistics)
.withFlags(Flags.IncludeVersions, Flags.IncludeCategoryAndTags, Flags.IncludeAssetUri, Flags.IncludeStatistics, Flags.IncludeFiles)
.withPage(1, pageSize)
.withFilter(FilterType.Target, 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Code');
.withFilter(FilterType.Target, 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Code')
if (text) {
query = query.withFilter(FilterType.SearchText, text).withSortBy(SortBy.NoneOrRelevance);
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ class Extension implements IExtension {
return URI.file(path.join(this.local.path, this.local.manifest.icon)).toString();
if (this.gallery && this.gallery.versions[0].iconUrl) {
if (this.gallery) {
return this.gallery.versions[0].iconUrl;
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