提交 7879818f 编写于 作者: J Jackson Kearl

Fix circular dependency issue

上级 35d37c78
......@@ -57,7 +57,8 @@ import { EditorContextKeys } from 'vs/editor/common/editorContextKeys';
import { assertType } from 'vs/base/common/types';
import { SearchViewPaneContainer } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/search/browser/searchViewlet';
import { EditorDescriptor, Extensions as EditorExtensions, IEditorRegistry } from 'vs/workbench/browser/editor';
import { SearchEditor, SearchEditorInput } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/search/browser/searchEditor';
import { SearchEditorInput } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/search/browser/searchEditorCommands';
import { SearchEditor } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/search/browser/searchEditor';
import { SyncDescriptor } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/descriptors';
registerSingleton(ISearchWorkbenchService, SearchWorkbenchService, true);
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import { IViewletService } from 'vs/workbench/services/viewlet/browser/viewlet';
import { SearchViewPaneContainer } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/search/browser/searchViewlet';
import { SearchPanel } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/search/browser/searchPanel';
import { ITreeNavigator } from 'vs/base/browser/ui/tree/tree';
import { createEditorFromSearchResult, refreshActiveEditorSearch, openNewSearchEditor } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/search/browser/searchEditor';
import { createEditorFromSearchResult, refreshActiveEditorSearch, openNewSearchEditor } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/search/browser/searchEditorCommands';
import { IWorkspaceContextService } from 'vs/platform/workspace/common/workspace';
import { IProgressService, ProgressLocation } from 'vs/platform/progress/common/progress';
import { IQuickInputService } from 'vs/platform/quickinput/common/quickInput';
......@@ -5,21 +5,16 @@
import * as DOM from 'vs/base/browser/dom';
import { StandardKeyboardEvent } from 'vs/base/browser/keyboardEvent';
import { coalesce, flatten } from 'vs/base/common/arrays';
import { CancellationToken } from 'vs/base/common/cancellation';
import { KeyCode, KeyMod } from 'vs/base/common/keyCodes';
import * as network from 'vs/base/common/network';
import { repeat } from 'vs/base/common/strings';
import { assertIsDefined } from 'vs/base/common/types';
import { URI } from 'vs/base/common/uri';
import 'vs/css!./media/searchEditor';
import { isCodeEditor } from 'vs/editor/browser/editorBrowser';
import { CodeEditorWidget, ICodeEditorWidgetOptions } from 'vs/editor/browser/widget/codeEditorWidget';
import type { IEditorOptions } from 'vs/editor/common/config/editorOptions';
import { Range } from 'vs/editor/common/core/range';
import { EndOfLinePreference, TrackedRangeStickiness } from 'vs/editor/common/model';
import { TrackedRangeStickiness } from 'vs/editor/common/model';
import { IModelService } from 'vs/editor/common/services/modelService';
import { IModeService } from 'vs/editor/common/services/modeService';
import { localize } from 'vs/nls';
import { ICommandService } from 'vs/platform/commands/common/commands';
import { IConfigurationService } from 'vs/platform/configuration/common/configuration';
......@@ -28,84 +23,25 @@ import { IInstantiationService } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/instanti
import { ILabelService } from 'vs/platform/label/common/label';
import { IStorageService } from 'vs/platform/storage/common/storage';
import { ITelemetryService } from 'vs/platform/telemetry/common/telemetry';
import { searchEditorFindMatch, searchEditorFindMatchBorder } from 'vs/platform/theme/common/colorRegistry';
import { IThemeService, registerThemingParticipant } from 'vs/platform/theme/common/themeService';
import { IThemeService } from 'vs/platform/theme/common/themeService';
import { IWorkspaceContextService } from 'vs/platform/workspace/common/workspace';
import { BaseEditor } from 'vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/baseEditor';
import { EditorInput, EditorOptions } from 'vs/workbench/common/editor';
import { UntitledTextEditorInput } from 'vs/workbench/common/editor/untitledTextEditorInput';
import { ExcludePatternInputWidget, PatternInputWidget } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/search/browser/patternInputWidget';
import { SearchWidget } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/search/browser/searchWidget';
import { ITextQueryBuilderOptions, QueryBuilder } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/search/common/queryBuilder';
import { getOutOfWorkspaceEditorResources } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/search/common/search';
import { FileMatch, Match, searchMatchComparer, SearchModel, SearchResult } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/search/common/searchModel';
import { IEditorService } from 'vs/workbench/services/editor/common/editorService';
import { SearchModel } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/search/common/searchModel';
import { IPatternInfo, ISearchConfigurationProperties, ITextQuery } from 'vs/workbench/services/search/common/search';
import { Delayer } from 'vs/base/common/async';
import { serializeSearchResultForEditor, SearchConfiguration, SearchEditorInput } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/search/browser/searchEditorCommands';
const RESULT_LINE_REGEX = /^(\s+)(\d+)(:| )(\s+)(.*)$/;
type SearchConfiguration = {
query: string,
includes: string,
excludes: string,
contextLines: number,
wholeWord: boolean,
caseSensitive: boolean,
regexp: boolean,
useIgnores: boolean
let searchEditorInputInstances = 0;
export class SearchEditorInput extends EditorInput {
static readonly ID: string = 'workbench.editorinputs.searchEditorInput';
public config: SearchConfiguration;
private instanceNumber: number = searchEditorInputInstances++;
config: SearchConfiguration | undefined,
@IModelService private readonly modelService: IModelService,
@IModeService private readonly modeService: IModeService,
) {
if (config === undefined) {
this.config = { query: '', includes: '', excludes: '', contextLines: 0, wholeWord: false, caseSensitive: false, regexp: false, useIgnores: true };
} else {
this.config = config;
const searchResultMode = this.modeService.create('search-result');
this.modelService.createModel('', searchResultMode, this.getResource());
getTypeId(): string {
return SearchEditorInput.ID;
getResource(): URI {
return URI.from({ scheme: 'code-search', fragment: `${this.instanceNumber}` });
getName(): string {
return this.config.query ? localize('searchTitle.withQuery', "Search: {0}", this.config.query) : localize('searchTitle', "Search");
setConfig(config: SearchConfiguration) {
this.config = config;
// Using \r\n on Windows inserts an extra newline between results.
const lineDelimiter = '\n';
async resolve() {
return null;
dispose() {
export class SearchEditor extends BaseEditor {
static readonly ID: string = 'workbench.editor.searchEditor';
......@@ -353,343 +289,3 @@ export class SearchEditor extends BaseEditor {
return this.searchResultEditor.getModel();
// Using \r\n on Windows inserts an extra newline between results.
const lineDelimiter = '\n';
const translateRangeLines =
(n: number) =>
(range: Range) =>
new Range(range.startLineNumber + n, range.startColumn, range.endLineNumber + n, range.endColumn);
const matchToSearchResultFormat = (match: Match): { line: string, ranges: Range[], lineNumber: string }[] => {
const getLinePrefix = (i: number) => `${match.range().startLineNumber + i}`;
const fullMatchLines = match.fullPreviewLines();
const largestPrefixSize = fullMatchLines.reduce((largest, _, i) => Math.max(getLinePrefix(i).length, largest), 0);
const results: { line: string, ranges: Range[], lineNumber: string }[] = [];
.forEach((sourceLine, i) => {
const lineNumber = getLinePrefix(i);
const paddingStr = repeat(' ', largestPrefixSize - lineNumber.length);
const prefix = ` ${lineNumber}: ${paddingStr}`;
const prefixOffset = prefix.length;
const line = (prefix + sourceLine).replace(/\r?\n?$/, '');
const rangeOnThisLine = ({ start, end }: { start?: number; end?: number; }) => new Range(1, (start ?? 1) + prefixOffset, 1, (end ?? sourceLine.length + 1) + prefixOffset);
const matchRange = match.range();
const matchIsSingleLine = matchRange.startLineNumber === matchRange.endLineNumber;
let lineRange;
if (matchIsSingleLine) { lineRange = (rangeOnThisLine({ start: matchRange.startColumn, end: matchRange.endColumn })); }
else if (i === 0) { lineRange = (rangeOnThisLine({ start: matchRange.startColumn })); }
else if (i === fullMatchLines.length - 1) { lineRange = (rangeOnThisLine({ end: matchRange.endColumn })); }
else { lineRange = (rangeOnThisLine({})); }
results.push({ lineNumber: lineNumber, line, ranges: [lineRange] });
return results;
type SearchResultSerialization = { text: string[], matchRanges: Range[] };
function fileMatchToSearchResultFormat(fileMatch: FileMatch, labelFormatter: (x: URI) => string): SearchResultSerialization {
const serializedMatches = flatten(fileMatch.matches()
.map(match => matchToSearchResultFormat(match)));
const uriString = labelFormatter(fileMatch.resource);
let text: string[] = [`${uriString}:`];
let matchRanges: Range[] = [];
const targetLineNumberToOffset: Record<string, number> = {};
const context: { line: string, lineNumber: number }[] = [];
fileMatch.context.forEach((line, lineNumber) => context.push({ line, lineNumber }));
context.sort((a, b) => a.lineNumber - b.lineNumber);
let lastLine: number | undefined = undefined;
const seenLines = new Set<string>();
serializedMatches.forEach(match => {
if (!seenLines.has(match.line)) {
while (context.length && context[0].lineNumber < +match.lineNumber) {
const { line, lineNumber } = context.shift()!;
if (lastLine !== undefined && lineNumber !== lastLine + 1) {
text.push(` ${lineNumber} ${line}`);
lastLine = lineNumber;
targetLineNumberToOffset[match.lineNumber] = text.length;
lastLine = +match.lineNumber;
while (context.length) {
const { line, lineNumber } = context.shift()!;
text.push(` ${lineNumber} ${line}`);
return { text, matchRanges };
const flattenSearchResultSerializations = (serializations: SearchResultSerialization[]): SearchResultSerialization => {
let text: string[] = [];
let matchRanges: Range[] = [];
serializations.forEach(serialized => {
serialized.matchRanges.map(translateRangeLines(text.length)).forEach(range => matchRanges.push(range));
serialized.text.forEach(line => text.push(line));
text.push(''); // new line
return { text, matchRanges };
const contentPatternToSearchResultHeader = (pattern: ITextQuery | null, includes: string, excludes: string, contextLines: number): string[] => {
if (!pattern) { return []; }
const removeNullFalseAndUndefined = <T>(a: (T | null | false | undefined)[]) => a.filter(a => a !== false && a !== null && a !== undefined) as T[];
const escapeNewlines = (str: string) => str.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\').replace(/\n/g, '\\n');
return removeNullFalseAndUndefined([
`# Query: ${escapeNewlines(pattern.contentPattern.pattern)}`,
(pattern.contentPattern.isCaseSensitive || pattern.contentPattern.isWordMatch || pattern.contentPattern.isRegExp || pattern.userDisabledExcludesAndIgnoreFiles)
&& `# Flags: ${coalesce([
pattern.contentPattern.isCaseSensitive && 'CaseSensitive',
pattern.contentPattern.isWordMatch && 'WordMatch',
pattern.contentPattern.isRegExp && 'RegExp',
pattern.userDisabledExcludesAndIgnoreFiles && 'IgnoreExcludeSettings'
]).join(' ')}`,
includes ? `# Including: ${includes}` : undefined,
excludes ? `# Excluding: ${excludes}` : undefined,
contextLines ? `# ContextLines: ${contextLines}` : undefined,
type SearchHeader = {
pattern: string;
flags: {
regex: boolean;
wholeWord: boolean;
caseSensitive: boolean;
ignoreExcludes: boolean;
includes: string;
excludes: string;
context: number | undefined;
const searchHeaderToContentPattern = (header: string[]): SearchHeader => {
const query: SearchHeader = {
pattern: '',
flags: { regex: false, caseSensitive: false, ignoreExcludes: false, wholeWord: false },
includes: '',
excludes: '',
context: undefined
const unescapeNewlines = (str: string) => {
let out = '';
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
if (str[i] === '\\') {
const escaped = str[i];
if (escaped === 'n') {
out += '\n';
else if (escaped === '\\') {
out += '\\';
else {
throw Error(localize('invalidQueryStringError', "All backslashes in Query string must be escaped (\\\\)"));
} else {
out += str[i];
return out;
const parseYML = /^# ([^:]*): (.*)$/;
for (const line of header) {
const parsed = parseYML.exec(line);
if (!parsed) { continue; }
const [, key, value] = parsed;
switch (key) {
case 'Query': query.pattern = unescapeNewlines(value); break;
case 'Including': query.includes = value; break;
case 'Excluding': query.excludes = value; break;
case 'ContextLines': query.context = +value; break;
case 'Flags': {
query.flags = {
regex: value.indexOf('RegExp') !== -1,
caseSensitive: value.indexOf('CaseSensitive') !== -1,
ignoreExcludes: value.indexOf('IgnoreExcludeSettings') !== -1,
wholeWord: value.indexOf('WordMatch') !== -1
return query;
const serializeSearchResultForEditor = (searchResult: SearchResult, rawIncludePattern: string, rawExcludePattern: string, contextLines: number, labelFormatter: (x: URI) => string, includeHeader: boolean): SearchResultSerialization => {
const header = includeHeader ? contentPatternToSearchResultHeader(searchResult.query, rawIncludePattern, rawExcludePattern, contextLines) : [];
const allResults =
.map(folderMatch => folderMatch.matches().sort(searchMatchComparer)
.map(fileMatch => fileMatchToSearchResultFormat(fileMatch, labelFormatter)))));
return { matchRanges: allResults.matchRanges.map(translateRangeLines(header.length)), text: header.concat(allResults.text) };
export const refreshActiveEditorSearch =
async (contextLines: number | undefined, editorService: IEditorService, instantiationService: IInstantiationService, contextService: IWorkspaceContextService, labelService: ILabelService, configurationService: IConfigurationService) => {
const editorWidget = editorService.activeTextEditorWidget;
if (!isCodeEditor(editorWidget)) {
const textModel = editorWidget.getModel();
if (!textModel) { return; }
const header = textModel.getValueInRange(new Range(1, 1, 5, 1), EndOfLinePreference.LF)
.filter(line => line.indexOf('# ') === 0);
const contentPattern = searchHeaderToContentPattern(header);
const content: IPatternInfo = {
pattern: contentPattern.pattern,
isRegExp: contentPattern.flags.regex,
isCaseSensitive: contentPattern.flags.caseSensitive,
isWordMatch: contentPattern.flags.wholeWord
contextLines = contextLines ?? contentPattern.context ?? 0;
const options: ITextQueryBuilderOptions = {
_reason: 'searchEditor',
extraFileResources: instantiationService.invokeFunction(getOutOfWorkspaceEditorResources),
maxResults: 10000,
disregardIgnoreFiles: contentPattern.flags.ignoreExcludes,
disregardExcludeSettings: contentPattern.flags.ignoreExcludes,
excludePattern: contentPattern.excludes,
includePattern: contentPattern.includes,
previewOptions: {
matchLines: 1,
charsPerLine: 1000
afterContext: contextLines,
beforeContext: contextLines,
isSmartCase: configurationService.getValue<ISearchConfigurationProperties>('search').smartCase,
expandPatterns: true
const folderResources = contextService.getWorkspace().folders;
let query: ITextQuery;
try {
const queryBuilder = instantiationService.createInstance(QueryBuilder);
query = queryBuilder.text(content, folderResources.map(folder => folder.uri), options);
} catch (err) {
const searchModel = instantiationService.createInstance(SearchModel);
await searchModel.search(query);
const labelFormatter = (uri: URI): string => labelService.getUriLabel(uri, { relative: true });
const results = serializeSearchResultForEditor(searchModel.searchResult, contentPattern.includes, contentPattern.excludes, contextLines, labelFormatter, false);
textModel.deltaDecorations([], results.matchRanges.map(range => ({ range, options: { className: 'searchEditorFindMatch', stickiness: TrackedRangeStickiness.NeverGrowsWhenTypingAtEdges } })));
export const openNewSearchEditor =
async (editorService: IEditorService, instantiationService: IInstantiationService) => {
await editorService.openEditor(instantiationService.createInstance(SearchEditorInput, undefined), { pinned: true });
export const createEditorFromSearchResult =
async (searchResult: SearchResult, rawIncludePattern: string, rawExcludePattern: string, labelService: ILabelService, editorService: IEditorService, instantiationService: IInstantiationService) => {
if (!searchResult.query) {
console.error('Expected searchResult.query to be defined. Got', searchResult);
const searchTerm = searchResult.query.contentPattern.pattern.replace(/[^\w-_. ]/g, '') || 'Search';
const labelFormatter = (uri: URI): string => labelService.getUriLabel(uri, { relative: true });
const results = serializeSearchResultForEditor(searchResult, rawIncludePattern, rawExcludePattern, 0, labelFormatter, false);
const contents = results.text.join(lineDelimiter);
let possible = {
mode: 'search-result',
resource: URI.from({ scheme: network.Schemas.untitled, path: searchTerm })
let id = 0;
let existing = editorService.getOpened(possible);
while (existing) {
if (existing instanceof UntitledTextEditorInput) {
const model = await existing.resolve();
const existingContents = model.textEditorModel.getValue(EndOfLinePreference.LF);
if (existingContents === contents) {
possible.resource = possible.resource.with({ path: searchTerm + '-' + ++id });
existing = editorService.getOpened(possible);
const editor = await editorService.openEditor(
query: searchResult.query.contentPattern.pattern,
regexp: !!searchResult.query.contentPattern.isRegExp,
caseSensitive: !!searchResult.query.contentPattern.isCaseSensitive,
wholeWord: !!searchResult.query.contentPattern.isWordMatch,
includes: rawIncludePattern,
excludes: rawExcludePattern,
contextLines: 0,
useIgnores: !searchResult.query.userDisabledExcludesAndIgnoreFiles,
{ pinned: true }) as SearchEditor;
const model = assertIsDefined(editor.getModel());
model.deltaDecorations([], results.matchRanges.map(range => ({ range, options: { className: 'searchEditorFindMatch', stickiness: TrackedRangeStickiness.NeverGrowsWhenTypingAtEdges } })));
registerThemingParticipant((theme, collector) => {
collector.addRule(`.monaco-editor .searchEditorFindMatch { background-color: ${theme.getColor(searchEditorFindMatch)}; }`);
const findMatchHighlightBorder = theme.getColor(searchEditorFindMatchBorder);
if (findMatchHighlightBorder) {
collector.addRule(`.monaco-editor .searchEditorFindMatch { border: 1px ${theme.type === 'hc' ? 'dotted' : 'solid'} ${findMatchHighlightBorder}; box-sizing: border-box; }`);
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import { coalesce, flatten } from 'vs/base/common/arrays';
import * as network from 'vs/base/common/network';
import { repeat } from 'vs/base/common/strings';
import { assertIsDefined } from 'vs/base/common/types';
import { URI } from 'vs/base/common/uri';
import 'vs/css!./media/searchEditor';
import { isCodeEditor } from 'vs/editor/browser/editorBrowser';
import { Range } from 'vs/editor/common/core/range';
import { EndOfLinePreference, TrackedRangeStickiness } from 'vs/editor/common/model';
import { localize } from 'vs/nls';
import { IConfigurationService } from 'vs/platform/configuration/common/configuration';
import { IInstantiationService } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/instantiation';
import { ILabelService } from 'vs/platform/label/common/label';
import { searchEditorFindMatch, searchEditorFindMatchBorder } from 'vs/platform/theme/common/colorRegistry';
import { registerThemingParticipant } from 'vs/platform/theme/common/themeService';
import { IWorkspaceContextService } from 'vs/platform/workspace/common/workspace';
import { UntitledTextEditorInput } from 'vs/workbench/common/editor/untitledTextEditorInput';
import { ITextQueryBuilderOptions, QueryBuilder } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/search/common/queryBuilder';
import { getOutOfWorkspaceEditorResources } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/search/common/search';
import { FileMatch, Match, searchMatchComparer, SearchModel, SearchResult } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/search/common/searchModel';
import { IEditorService } from 'vs/workbench/services/editor/common/editorService';
import { IPatternInfo, ISearchConfigurationProperties, ITextQuery } from 'vs/workbench/services/search/common/search';
import { EditorInput } from 'vs/workbench/common/editor';
import { IModelService } from 'vs/editor/common/services/modelService';
import { IModeService } from 'vs/editor/common/services/modeService';
import { SearchEditor } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/search/browser/searchEditor';
export type SearchConfiguration = {
query: string,
includes: string,
excludes: string,
contextLines: number,
wholeWord: boolean,
caseSensitive: boolean,
regexp: boolean,
useIgnores: boolean
let searchEditorInputInstances = 0;
export class SearchEditorInput extends EditorInput {
static readonly ID: string = 'workbench.editorinputs.searchEditorInput';
public config: SearchConfiguration;
private instanceNumber: number = searchEditorInputInstances++;
config: SearchConfiguration | undefined,
@IModelService private readonly modelService: IModelService,
@IModeService private readonly modeService: IModeService,
) {
if (config === undefined) {
this.config = { query: '', includes: '', excludes: '', contextLines: 0, wholeWord: false, caseSensitive: false, regexp: false, useIgnores: true };
} else {
this.config = config;
const searchResultMode = this.modeService.create('search-result');
this.modelService.createModel('', searchResultMode, this.getResource());
getTypeId(): string {
return SearchEditorInput.ID;
getResource(): URI {
return URI.from({ scheme: 'code-search', fragment: `${this.instanceNumber}` });
getName(): string {
return this.config.query ? localize('searchTitle.withQuery', "Search: {0}", this.config.query) : localize('searchTitle', "Search");
setConfig(config: SearchConfiguration) {
this.config = config;
async resolve() {
return null;
dispose() {
// Using \r\n on Windows inserts an extra newline between results.
const lineDelimiter = '\n';
const translateRangeLines =
(n: number) =>
(range: Range) =>
new Range(range.startLineNumber + n, range.startColumn, range.endLineNumber + n, range.endColumn);
const matchToSearchResultFormat = (match: Match): { line: string, ranges: Range[], lineNumber: string }[] => {
const getLinePrefix = (i: number) => `${match.range().startLineNumber + i}`;
const fullMatchLines = match.fullPreviewLines();
const largestPrefixSize = fullMatchLines.reduce((largest, _, i) => Math.max(getLinePrefix(i).length, largest), 0);
const results: { line: string, ranges: Range[], lineNumber: string }[] = [];
.forEach((sourceLine, i) => {
const lineNumber = getLinePrefix(i);
const paddingStr = repeat(' ', largestPrefixSize - lineNumber.length);
const prefix = ` ${lineNumber}: ${paddingStr}`;
const prefixOffset = prefix.length;
const line = (prefix + sourceLine).replace(/\r?\n?$/, '');
const rangeOnThisLine = ({ start, end }: { start?: number; end?: number; }) => new Range(1, (start ?? 1) + prefixOffset, 1, (end ?? sourceLine.length + 1) + prefixOffset);
const matchRange = match.range();
const matchIsSingleLine = matchRange.startLineNumber === matchRange.endLineNumber;
let lineRange;
if (matchIsSingleLine) { lineRange = (rangeOnThisLine({ start: matchRange.startColumn, end: matchRange.endColumn })); }
else if (i === 0) { lineRange = (rangeOnThisLine({ start: matchRange.startColumn })); }
else if (i === fullMatchLines.length - 1) { lineRange = (rangeOnThisLine({ end: matchRange.endColumn })); }
else { lineRange = (rangeOnThisLine({})); }
results.push({ lineNumber: lineNumber, line, ranges: [lineRange] });
return results;
type SearchResultSerialization = { text: string[], matchRanges: Range[] };
function fileMatchToSearchResultFormat(fileMatch: FileMatch, labelFormatter: (x: URI) => string): SearchResultSerialization {
const serializedMatches = flatten(fileMatch.matches()
.map(match => matchToSearchResultFormat(match)));
const uriString = labelFormatter(fileMatch.resource);
let text: string[] = [`${uriString}:`];
let matchRanges: Range[] = [];
const targetLineNumberToOffset: Record<string, number> = {};
const context: { line: string, lineNumber: number }[] = [];
fileMatch.context.forEach((line, lineNumber) => context.push({ line, lineNumber }));
context.sort((a, b) => a.lineNumber - b.lineNumber);
let lastLine: number | undefined = undefined;
const seenLines = new Set<string>();
serializedMatches.forEach(match => {
if (!seenLines.has(match.line)) {
while (context.length && context[0].lineNumber < +match.lineNumber) {
const { line, lineNumber } = context.shift()!;
if (lastLine !== undefined && lineNumber !== lastLine + 1) {
text.push(` ${lineNumber} ${line}`);
lastLine = lineNumber;
targetLineNumberToOffset[match.lineNumber] = text.length;
lastLine = +match.lineNumber;
while (context.length) {
const { line, lineNumber } = context.shift()!;
text.push(` ${lineNumber} ${line}`);
return { text, matchRanges };
const flattenSearchResultSerializations = (serializations: SearchResultSerialization[]): SearchResultSerialization => {
let text: string[] = [];
let matchRanges: Range[] = [];
serializations.forEach(serialized => {
serialized.matchRanges.map(translateRangeLines(text.length)).forEach(range => matchRanges.push(range));
serialized.text.forEach(line => text.push(line));
text.push(''); // new line
return { text, matchRanges };
const contentPatternToSearchResultHeader = (pattern: ITextQuery | null, includes: string, excludes: string, contextLines: number): string[] => {
if (!pattern) { return []; }
const removeNullFalseAndUndefined = <T>(a: (T | null | false | undefined)[]) => a.filter(a => a !== false && a !== null && a !== undefined) as T[];
const escapeNewlines = (str: string) => str.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\').replace(/\n/g, '\\n');
return removeNullFalseAndUndefined([
`# Query: ${escapeNewlines(pattern.contentPattern.pattern)}`,
(pattern.contentPattern.isCaseSensitive || pattern.contentPattern.isWordMatch || pattern.contentPattern.isRegExp || pattern.userDisabledExcludesAndIgnoreFiles)
&& `# Flags: ${coalesce([
pattern.contentPattern.isCaseSensitive && 'CaseSensitive',
pattern.contentPattern.isWordMatch && 'WordMatch',
pattern.contentPattern.isRegExp && 'RegExp',
pattern.userDisabledExcludesAndIgnoreFiles && 'IgnoreExcludeSettings'
]).join(' ')}`,
includes ? `# Including: ${includes}` : undefined,
excludes ? `# Excluding: ${excludes}` : undefined,
contextLines ? `# ContextLines: ${contextLines}` : undefined,
type SearchHeader = {
pattern: string;
flags: {
regex: boolean;
wholeWord: boolean;
caseSensitive: boolean;
ignoreExcludes: boolean;
includes: string;
excludes: string;
context: number | undefined;
const searchHeaderToContentPattern = (header: string[]): SearchHeader => {
const query: SearchHeader = {
pattern: '',
flags: { regex: false, caseSensitive: false, ignoreExcludes: false, wholeWord: false },
includes: '',
excludes: '',
context: undefined
const unescapeNewlines = (str: string) => {
let out = '';
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
if (str[i] === '\\') {
const escaped = str[i];
if (escaped === 'n') {
out += '\n';
else if (escaped === '\\') {
out += '\\';
else {
throw Error(localize('invalidQueryStringError', "All backslashes in Query string must be escaped (\\\\)"));
} else {
out += str[i];
return out;
const parseYML = /^# ([^:]*): (.*)$/;
for (const line of header) {
const parsed = parseYML.exec(line);
if (!parsed) { continue; }
const [, key, value] = parsed;
switch (key) {
case 'Query': query.pattern = unescapeNewlines(value); break;
case 'Including': query.includes = value; break;
case 'Excluding': query.excludes = value; break;
case 'ContextLines': query.context = +value; break;
case 'Flags': {
query.flags = {
regex: value.indexOf('RegExp') !== -1,
caseSensitive: value.indexOf('CaseSensitive') !== -1,
ignoreExcludes: value.indexOf('IgnoreExcludeSettings') !== -1,
wholeWord: value.indexOf('WordMatch') !== -1
return query;
export const serializeSearchResultForEditor = (searchResult: SearchResult, rawIncludePattern: string, rawExcludePattern: string, contextLines: number, labelFormatter: (x: URI) => string, includeHeader: boolean): SearchResultSerialization => {
const header = includeHeader ? contentPatternToSearchResultHeader(searchResult.query, rawIncludePattern, rawExcludePattern, contextLines) : [];
const allResults =
.map(folderMatch => folderMatch.matches().sort(searchMatchComparer)
.map(fileMatch => fileMatchToSearchResultFormat(fileMatch, labelFormatter)))));
return { matchRanges: allResults.matchRanges.map(translateRangeLines(header.length)), text: header.concat(allResults.text) };
export const refreshActiveEditorSearch =
async (contextLines: number | undefined, editorService: IEditorService, instantiationService: IInstantiationService, contextService: IWorkspaceContextService, labelService: ILabelService, configurationService: IConfigurationService) => {
const editorWidget = editorService.activeTextEditorWidget;
if (!isCodeEditor(editorWidget)) {
const textModel = editorWidget.getModel();
if (!textModel) { return; }
const header = textModel.getValueInRange(new Range(1, 1, 5, 1), EndOfLinePreference.LF)
.filter(line => line.indexOf('# ') === 0);
const contentPattern = searchHeaderToContentPattern(header);
const content: IPatternInfo = {
pattern: contentPattern.pattern,
isRegExp: contentPattern.flags.regex,
isCaseSensitive: contentPattern.flags.caseSensitive,
isWordMatch: contentPattern.flags.wholeWord
contextLines = contextLines ?? contentPattern.context ?? 0;
const options: ITextQueryBuilderOptions = {
_reason: 'searchEditor',
extraFileResources: instantiationService.invokeFunction(getOutOfWorkspaceEditorResources),
maxResults: 10000,
disregardIgnoreFiles: contentPattern.flags.ignoreExcludes,
disregardExcludeSettings: contentPattern.flags.ignoreExcludes,
excludePattern: contentPattern.excludes,
includePattern: contentPattern.includes,
previewOptions: {
matchLines: 1,
charsPerLine: 1000
afterContext: contextLines,
beforeContext: contextLines,
isSmartCase: configurationService.getValue<ISearchConfigurationProperties>('search').smartCase,
expandPatterns: true
const folderResources = contextService.getWorkspace().folders;
let query: ITextQuery;
try {
const queryBuilder = instantiationService.createInstance(QueryBuilder);
query = queryBuilder.text(content, folderResources.map(folder => folder.uri), options);
} catch (err) {
const searchModel = instantiationService.createInstance(SearchModel);
await searchModel.search(query);
const labelFormatter = (uri: URI): string => labelService.getUriLabel(uri, { relative: true });
const results = serializeSearchResultForEditor(searchModel.searchResult, contentPattern.includes, contentPattern.excludes, contextLines, labelFormatter, false);
textModel.deltaDecorations([], results.matchRanges.map(range => ({ range, options: { className: 'searchEditorFindMatch', stickiness: TrackedRangeStickiness.NeverGrowsWhenTypingAtEdges } })));
export const openNewSearchEditor =
async (editorService: IEditorService, instantiationService: IInstantiationService) => {
await editorService.openEditor(instantiationService.createInstance(SearchEditorInput, undefined), { pinned: true });
export const createEditorFromSearchResult =
async (searchResult: SearchResult, rawIncludePattern: string, rawExcludePattern: string, labelService: ILabelService, editorService: IEditorService, instantiationService: IInstantiationService) => {
if (!searchResult.query) {
console.error('Expected searchResult.query to be defined. Got', searchResult);
const searchTerm = searchResult.query.contentPattern.pattern.replace(/[^\w-_. ]/g, '') || 'Search';
const labelFormatter = (uri: URI): string => labelService.getUriLabel(uri, { relative: true });
const results = serializeSearchResultForEditor(searchResult, rawIncludePattern, rawExcludePattern, 0, labelFormatter, false);
const contents = results.text.join(lineDelimiter);
let possible = {
mode: 'search-result',
resource: URI.from({ scheme: network.Schemas.untitled, path: searchTerm })
let id = 0;
let existing = editorService.getOpened(possible);
while (existing) {
if (existing instanceof UntitledTextEditorInput) {
const model = await existing.resolve();
const existingContents = model.textEditorModel.getValue(EndOfLinePreference.LF);
if (existingContents === contents) {
possible.resource = possible.resource.with({ path: searchTerm + '-' + ++id });
existing = editorService.getOpened(possible);
const editor = await editorService.openEditor(
query: searchResult.query.contentPattern.pattern,
regexp: !!searchResult.query.contentPattern.isRegExp,
caseSensitive: !!searchResult.query.contentPattern.isCaseSensitive,
wholeWord: !!searchResult.query.contentPattern.isWordMatch,
includes: rawIncludePattern,
excludes: rawExcludePattern,
contextLines: 0,
useIgnores: !searchResult.query.userDisabledExcludesAndIgnoreFiles,
{ pinned: true }) as SearchEditor;
const model = assertIsDefined(editor.getModel());
model.deltaDecorations([], results.matchRanges.map(range => ({ range, options: { className: 'searchEditorFindMatch', stickiness: TrackedRangeStickiness.NeverGrowsWhenTypingAtEdges } })));
registerThemingParticipant((theme, collector) => {
collector.addRule(`.monaco-editor .searchEditorFindMatch { background-color: ${theme.getColor(searchEditorFindMatch)}; }`);
const findMatchHighlightBorder = theme.getColor(searchEditorFindMatchBorder);
if (findMatchHighlightBorder) {
collector.addRule(`.monaco-editor .searchEditorFindMatch { border: 1px ${theme.type === 'hc' ? 'dotted' : 'solid'} ${findMatchHighlightBorder}; box-sizing: border-box; }`);
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ import { IOpenerService } from 'vs/platform/opener/common/opener';
import { MultiCursorSelectionController } from 'vs/editor/contrib/multicursor/multicursor';
import { Selection } from 'vs/editor/common/core/selection';
import { SIDE_BAR_BACKGROUND, PANEL_BACKGROUND } from 'vs/workbench/common/theme';
import { createEditorFromSearchResult } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/search/browser/searchEditor';
import { createEditorFromSearchResult } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/search/browser/searchEditorCommands';
import { ILabelService } from 'vs/platform/label/common/label';
import { Color, RGBA } from 'vs/base/common/color';
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