提交 6eb4cd9d 编写于 作者: J Johannes Rieken

tsfmt - extensions/javascript

上级 1ea46436
......@@ -4,37 +4,37 @@
'use strict';
import {MarkedString, CompletionItemKind, CompletionItem, DocumentSelector} from 'vscode';
import {IJSONContribution, ISuggestionsCollector} from './jsonContributions';
import {XHRRequest} from 'request-light';
import {Location} from 'jsonc-parser';
import {textToMarkedString} from './markedTextUtil';
import { MarkedString, CompletionItemKind, CompletionItem, DocumentSelector } from 'vscode';
import { IJSONContribution, ISuggestionsCollector } from './jsonContributions';
import { XHRRequest } from 'request-light';
import { Location } from 'jsonc-parser';
import { textToMarkedString } from './markedTextUtil';
import * as nls from 'vscode-nls';
const localize = nls.loadMessageBundle();
export class BowerJSONContribution implements IJSONContribution {
private topRanked = ['twitter','bootstrap','angular-1.1.6','angular-latest','angulerjs','d3','myjquery','jq','abcdef1234567890','jQuery','jquery-1.11.1','jquery',
private topRanked = ['twitter', 'bootstrap', 'angular-1.1.6', 'angular-latest', 'angulerjs', 'd3', 'myjquery', 'jq', 'abcdef1234567890', 'jQuery', 'jquery-1.11.1', 'jquery',
'sushi-vanilla-x-data', 'font-awsome', 'Font-Awesome', 'font-awesome', 'fontawesome', 'html5-boilerplate', 'impress.js', 'homebrew',
'backbone', 'moment1', 'momentjs', 'moment', 'linux', 'animate.css', 'animate-css', 'reveal.js', 'jquery-file-upload', 'blueimp-file-upload', 'threejs', 'express', 'chosen',
'normalize-css', 'normalize.css', 'semantic', 'semantic-ui', 'Semantic-UI', 'modernizr', 'underscore', 'underscore1',
'material-design-icons', 'ionic', 'chartjs', 'Chart.js', 'nnnick-chartjs', 'select2-ng', 'select2-dist', 'phantom', 'skrollr', 'scrollr', 'less.js', 'leancss', 'parser-lib',
'hui', 'bootstrap-languages', 'async', 'gulp', 'jquery-pjax', 'coffeescript', 'hammer.js', 'ace', 'leaflet', 'jquery-mobile', 'sweetalert', 'typeahead.js', 'soup', 'typehead.js',
'sails', 'codeigniter2'];
public constructor(private xhr: XHRRequest) {
public getDocumentSelector(): DocumentSelector {
return [{ language: 'json', pattern: '**/bower.json' }, { language: 'json', pattern: '**/.bower.json' }];
return [{ language: 'json', pattern: '**/bower.json' }, { language: 'json', pattern: '**/.bower.json' }];
public collectDefaultSuggestions(resource: string, collector: ISuggestionsCollector): Thenable<any> {
let defaultValue = {
'name': '{{name}}',
'description': '{{description}}',
'authors': [ '{{author}}' ],
'authors': ['{{author}}'],
'version': '{{1.0.0}}',
'main': '{{pathToMain}}',
'dependencies': {}
......@@ -46,19 +46,19 @@ export class BowerJSONContribution implements IJSONContribution {
return Promise.resolve(null);
public collectPropertySuggestions(resource: string, location: Location, currentWord: string, addValue: boolean, isLast:boolean, collector: ISuggestionsCollector) : Thenable<any> {
public collectPropertySuggestions(resource: string, location: Location, currentWord: string, addValue: boolean, isLast: boolean, collector: ISuggestionsCollector): Thenable<any> {
if ((location.matches(['dependencies']) || location.matches(['devDependencies']))) {
if (currentWord.length > 0) {
let queryUrl = 'https://bower.herokuapp.com/packages/search/' + encodeURIComponent(currentWord);
return this.xhr({
url : queryUrl
url: queryUrl
}).then((success) => {
if (success.status === 200) {
try {
let obj = JSON.parse(success.responseText);
if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
let results = <{name:string; description:string;}[]> obj;
let results = <{ name: string; description: string; }[]>obj;
for (let i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
let name = results[i].name;
let description = results[i].description || '';
......@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ export class BowerJSONContribution implements IJSONContribution {
return Promise.resolve(null);
public resolveSuggestion(item: CompletionItem) : Thenable<CompletionItem> {
public resolveSuggestion(item: CompletionItem): Thenable<CompletionItem> {
if (item.kind === CompletionItemKind.Property && item.documentation === '') {
return this.getInfo(item.label).then(documentation => {
if (documentation) {
......@@ -143,12 +143,12 @@ export class BowerJSONContribution implements IJSONContribution {
let queryUrl = 'https://bower.herokuapp.com/packages/' + encodeURIComponent(pack);
return this.xhr({
url : queryUrl
url: queryUrl
}).then((success) => {
try {
let obj = JSON.parse(success.responseText);
if (obj && obj.url) {
let url : string = obj.url;
let url: string = obj.url;
if (url.indexOf('git://') === 0) {
url = url.substring(6);
......@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ export class BowerJSONContribution implements IJSONContribution {
if ((location.matches(['dependencies', '*']) || location.matches(['devDependencies', '*']))) {
let pack = location.path[location.path.length - 1];
if (typeof pack === 'string') {
let htmlContent : MarkedString[] = [];
let htmlContent: MarkedString[] = [];
htmlContent.push(localize('json.bower.package.hover', '{0}', pack));
return this.getInfo(pack).then(documentation => {
if (documentation) {
......@@ -4,34 +4,36 @@
'use strict';
import {Location, getLocation, createScanner, SyntaxKind, ScanError} from 'jsonc-parser';
import {basename} from 'path';
import {BowerJSONContribution} from './bowerJSONContribution';
import {PackageJSONContribution} from './packageJSONContribution';
import {XHRRequest} from 'request-light';
import { Location, getLocation, createScanner, SyntaxKind, ScanError } from 'jsonc-parser';
import { basename } from 'path';
import { BowerJSONContribution } from './bowerJSONContribution';
import { PackageJSONContribution } from './packageJSONContribution';
import { XHRRequest } from 'request-light';
import {CompletionItem, CompletionItemProvider, CompletionList, TextDocument, Position, Hover, HoverProvider,
CancellationToken, Range, TextEdit, MarkedString, DocumentSelector, languages, Disposable} from 'vscode';
import {
CompletionItem, CompletionItemProvider, CompletionList, TextDocument, Position, Hover, HoverProvider,
CancellationToken, Range, TextEdit, MarkedString, DocumentSelector, languages, Disposable
} from 'vscode';
export interface ISuggestionsCollector {
add(suggestion: CompletionItem): void;
error(message:string): void;
log(message:string): void;
error(message: string): void;
log(message: string): void;
setAsIncomplete(): void;
export interface IJSONContribution {
getDocumentSelector(): DocumentSelector;
getInfoContribution(fileName: string, location: Location) : Thenable<MarkedString[]>;
collectPropertySuggestions(fileName: string, location: Location, currentWord: string, addValue: boolean, isLast:boolean, result: ISuggestionsCollector) : Thenable<any>;
getInfoContribution(fileName: string, location: Location): Thenable<MarkedString[]>;
collectPropertySuggestions(fileName: string, location: Location, currentWord: string, addValue: boolean, isLast: boolean, result: ISuggestionsCollector): Thenable<any>;
collectValueSuggestions(fileName: string, location: Location, result: ISuggestionsCollector): Thenable<any>;
collectDefaultSuggestions(fileName: string, result: ISuggestionsCollector): Thenable<any>;
resolveSuggestion?(item: CompletionItem): Thenable<CompletionItem>;
export function addJSONProviders(xhr: XHRRequest) : Disposable {
export function addJSONProviders(xhr: XHRRequest): Disposable {
let contributions = [new PackageJSONContribution(xhr), new BowerJSONContribution(xhr)];
let subscriptions : Disposable[] = [];
let subscriptions: Disposable[] = [];
contributions.forEach(contribution => {
let selector = contribution.getDocumentSelector();
subscriptions.push(languages.registerCompletionItemProvider(selector, new JSONCompletionItemProvider(contribution), '.', '$'));
......@@ -72,7 +74,7 @@ export class JSONCompletionItemProvider implements CompletionItemProvider {
constructor(private jsonContribution: IJSONContribution) {
public resolveCompletionItem(item: CompletionItem, token: CancellationToken) : Thenable<CompletionItem> {
public resolveCompletionItem(item: CompletionItem, token: CancellationToken): Thenable<CompletionItem> {
if (this.jsonContribution.resolveSuggestion) {
let resolver = this.jsonContribution.resolveSuggestion(item);
if (resolver) {
......@@ -87,7 +89,7 @@ export class JSONCompletionItemProvider implements CompletionItemProvider {
let fileName = basename(document.fileName);
let currentWord = this.getCurrentWord(document, position);
let overwriteRange : Range;
let overwriteRange: Range;
let items: CompletionItem[] = [];
let isIncomplete = false;
......@@ -116,7 +118,7 @@ export class JSONCompletionItemProvider implements CompletionItemProvider {
log: (message: string) => console.log(message)
let collectPromise : Thenable<any> = null;
let collectPromise: Thenable<any> = null;
if (location.isAtPropertyKey) {
let addValue = !location.previousNode || !location.previousNode.columnOffset;
......@@ -146,15 +148,15 @@ export class JSONCompletionItemProvider implements CompletionItemProvider {
while (i >= 0 && ' \t\n\r\v":{[,'.indexOf(text.charAt(i)) === -1) {
return text.substring(i+1, position.character);
return text.substring(i + 1, position.character);
private isLast(document: TextDocument, position: Position):boolean {
private isLast(document: TextDocument, position: Position): boolean {
let scanner = createScanner(document.getText(), true);
let nextToken = scanner.scan();
if (nextToken === SyntaxKind.StringLiteral && scanner.getTokenError() === ScanError.UnexpectedEndOfString) {
nextToken= scanner.scan();
nextToken = scanner.scan();
return nextToken === SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken || nextToken === SyntaxKind.EOF;
......@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
'use strict';
import {MarkedString} from 'vscode';
import { MarkedString } from 'vscode';
export function textToMarkedString(text: string) : MarkedString {
export function textToMarkedString(text: string): MarkedString {
return text.replace(/[\\`*_{}[\]()#+\-.!]/g, '\\$&'); // escape markdown syntax tokens: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax#backslash
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
'use strict';
import {MarkedString, CompletionItemKind, CompletionItem, DocumentSelector} from 'vscode';
import {IJSONContribution, ISuggestionsCollector} from './jsonContributions';
import {XHRRequest} from 'request-light';
import {Location} from 'jsonc-parser';
import {textToMarkedString} from './markedTextUtil';
import { MarkedString, CompletionItemKind, CompletionItem, DocumentSelector } from 'vscode';
import { IJSONContribution, ISuggestionsCollector } from './jsonContributions';
import { XHRRequest } from 'request-light';
import { Location } from 'jsonc-parser';
import { textToMarkedString } from './markedTextUtil';
import * as nls from 'vscode-nls';
const localize = nls.loadMessageBundle();
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ let LIMIT = 40;
export class PackageJSONContribution implements IJSONContribution {
private mostDependedOn = [ 'lodash', 'async', 'underscore', 'request', 'commander', 'express', 'debug', 'chalk', 'colors', 'q', 'coffee-script',
private mostDependedOn = ['lodash', 'async', 'underscore', 'request', 'commander', 'express', 'debug', 'chalk', 'colors', 'q', 'coffee-script',
'mkdirp', 'optimist', 'through2', 'yeoman-generator', 'moment', 'bluebird', 'glob', 'gulp-util', 'minimist', 'cheerio', 'jade', 'redis', 'node-uuid',
'socket', 'io', 'uglify-js', 'winston', 'through', 'fs-extra', 'handlebars', 'body-parser', 'rimraf', 'mime', 'semver', 'mongodb', 'jquery',
'grunt', 'connect', 'yosay', 'underscore', 'string', 'xml2js', 'ejs', 'mongoose', 'marked', 'extend', 'mocha', 'superagent', 'js-yaml', 'xtend',
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ export class PackageJSONContribution implements IJSONContribution {
'jsdom', 'stylus', 'when', 'readable-stream', 'aws-sdk', 'concat-stream', 'chai', 'Thenable', 'wrench'];
public getDocumentSelector(): DocumentSelector {
return [{ language: 'json', pattern: '**/package.json' }];
return [{ language: 'json', pattern: '**/package.json' }];
public constructor(private xhr: XHRRequest) {
......@@ -47,20 +47,20 @@ export class PackageJSONContribution implements IJSONContribution {
return Promise.resolve(null);
public collectPropertySuggestions(resource: string, location: Location, currentWord: string, addValue: boolean, isLast:boolean, collector: ISuggestionsCollector) : Thenable<any> {
public collectPropertySuggestions(resource: string, location: Location, currentWord: string, addValue: boolean, isLast: boolean, collector: ISuggestionsCollector): Thenable<any> {
if ((location.matches(['dependencies']) || location.matches(['devDependencies']) || location.matches(['optionalDependencies']) || location.matches(['peerDependencies']))) {
let queryUrl : string;
let queryUrl: string;
if (currentWord.length > 0) {
queryUrl = 'https://skimdb.npmjs.com/registry/_design/app/_view/browseAll?group_level=1&limit=' + LIMIT + '&start_key=%5B%22' + encodeURIComponent(currentWord) + '%22%5D&end_key=%5B%22'+ encodeURIComponent(currentWord + 'z') + '%22,%7B%7D%5D';
queryUrl = 'https://skimdb.npmjs.com/registry/_design/app/_view/browseAll?group_level=1&limit=' + LIMIT + '&start_key=%5B%22' + encodeURIComponent(currentWord) + '%22%5D&end_key=%5B%22' + encodeURIComponent(currentWord + 'z') + '%22,%7B%7D%5D';
return this.xhr({
url : queryUrl
url: queryUrl
}).then((success) => {
if (success.status === 200) {
try {
let obj = JSON.parse(success.responseText);
if (obj && Array.isArray(obj.rows)) {
let results = <{ key: string[]; }[]> obj.rows;
let results = <{ key: string[]; }[]>obj.rows;
for (let i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
let keys = results[i].key;
if (Array.isArray(keys) && keys.length > 0) {
......@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ export class PackageJSONContribution implements IJSONContribution {
if (typeof currentKey === 'string') {
let queryUrl = 'http://registry.npmjs.org/' + encodeURIComponent(currentKey).replace('%40', '@');
return this.xhr({
url : queryUrl
url: queryUrl
}).then((success) => {
try {
let obj = JSON.parse(success.responseText);
......@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ export class PackageJSONContribution implements IJSONContribution {
return null;
public resolveSuggestion(item: CompletionItem) : Thenable<CompletionItem> {
public resolveSuggestion(item: CompletionItem): Thenable<CompletionItem> {
if (item.kind === CompletionItemKind.Property && item.documentation === '') {
return this.getInfo(item.label).then(infos => {
if (infos.length > 0) {
......@@ -183,12 +183,12 @@ export class PackageJSONContribution implements IJSONContribution {
let queryUrl = 'http://registry.npmjs.org/' + encodeURIComponent(pack).replace('%40', '@');
return this.xhr({
url : queryUrl
url: queryUrl
}).then((success) => {
try {
let obj = JSON.parse(success.responseText);
if (obj) {
let result : string[] = [];
let result: string[] = [];
if (obj.description) {
......@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ export class PackageJSONContribution implements IJSONContribution {
if ((location.matches(['dependencies', '*']) || location.matches(['devDependencies', '*']) || location.matches(['optionalDependencies', '*']) || location.matches(['peerDependencies', '*']))) {
let pack = location.path[location.path.length - 1];
if (typeof pack === 'string') {
let htmlContent : MarkedString[] = [];
let htmlContent: MarkedString[] = [];
htmlContent.push(localize('json.npm.package.hover', '{0}', pack));
return this.getInfo(pack).then(infos => {
infos.forEach(info => {
......@@ -5,15 +5,15 @@
'use strict';
import {addJSONProviders} from './features/jsonContributions';
import { addJSONProviders } from './features/jsonContributions';
import * as httpRequest from 'request-light';
import {ExtensionContext, env, workspace} from 'vscode';
import { ExtensionContext, env, workspace } from 'vscode';
import * as nls from 'vscode-nls';
export function activate(context: ExtensionContext): any {
nls.config({locale: env.language});
nls.config({ locale: env.language });
workspace.onDidChangeConfiguration(e => configureHttpRequest());
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