提交 64f90d11 编写于 作者: B Benjamin Pasero

first cut editor stacks model

上级 ac30659f
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
import Event, {Emitter} from 'vs/base/common/event';
import {EditorInput} from 'vs/workbench/common/editor';
/// --- API ----
export interface IEditorGroup {
editors: EditorInput[];
activeEditor: EditorInput;
previewEditor: EditorInput;
onEditorActivated: Event<EditorInput>;
onEditorOpened: Event<EditorInput>;
onEditorClosed: Event<EditorInput>;
onEditorPinned: Event<EditorInput>;
onEditorUnpinned: Event<EditorInput>;
openEditor(editor: EditorInput, options?: IEditorOpenOptions): void;
setActive(editor: EditorInput): void;
isActive(editor: EditorInput): boolean;
isPreview(editor: EditorInput): boolean;
isPinned(editor: EditorInput): boolean;
pin(editor: EditorInput): void;
unpin(editor: EditorInput): void;
export interface IEditorStacksModel {
onGroupOpened: Event<IEditorGroup>;
onGroupClosed: Event<IEditorGroup>;
onGroupActivated: Event<IEditorGroup>;
groups: IEditorGroup[];
activeGroup: IEditorGroup;
openGroup(label: string): IEditorGroup;
closeGroup(group: IEditorGroup): void;
setActive(group: IEditorGroup): void;
export interface IEditorOpenOptions {
pinned?: boolean;
active?: boolean;
// N Groups with labels (start with Left, Center, Right)
// Group has a List of editors
// Group can have N editors state pinned and 1 state preview
// Group has 1 active edutir
// Group has MRV(isible) list of editors
// Model has actions to work with inputs
// Open
// To the left / to the right (setting)
// Close
// Reveals from the left / from the right (setting)
// Close Others
// Close Editors to the Right
// Close All
// Close All in Group
// Move Editor
// Move Group
// Pin Editor
// Unpin Editor
// Model has resulting events from operations
// Can be serialized and restored
// TODO what about editor input state (dirty decoration)?
class List<T> {
private elements: T[];
constructor() {
this.elements = [];
public insert(entry: T, index?: number, dir?: Direction): void {
export enum Direction {
const DEFAULT_OPEN_EDITOR_DIRECTION = Direction.RIGHT; // open new editors to the right of existing ones
export class EditorGroup implements IEditorGroup {
private _editors: EditorInput[];
private mru: number[]; // indeces of editors in MRU order
private preview: EditorInput; // editor in preview state
private active: EditorInput; // editor in active state
private _onEditorActivated: Emitter<EditorInput>;
private _onEditorOpened: Emitter<EditorInput>;
private _onEditorClosed: Emitter<EditorInput>;
private _onEditorPinned: Emitter<EditorInput>;
private _onEditorUnpinned: Emitter<EditorInput>;
constructor(private label: string) {
this._editors = [];
this.mru = [];
this._onEditorActivated = new Emitter<EditorInput>();
this._onEditorOpened = new Emitter<EditorInput>();
this._onEditorClosed = new Emitter<EditorInput>();
this._onEditorPinned = new Emitter<EditorInput>();
this._onEditorUnpinned = new Emitter<EditorInput>();
public get onEditorActivated(): Event<EditorInput> {
return this._onEditorActivated.event;
public get onEditorOpened(): Event<EditorInput> {
return this._onEditorOpened.event;
public get onEditorClosed(): Event<EditorInput> {
return this._onEditorClosed.event;
public get onEditorPinned(): Event<EditorInput> {
return this._onEditorPinned.event;
public get onEditorUnpinned(): Event<EditorInput> {
return this._onEditorUnpinned.event;
public get editors(): EditorInput[] {
return this._editors.slice(0);
public get activeEditor(): EditorInput {
return this.active;
public isActive(editor: EditorInput): boolean {
return this.active && this.active.matches(editor);
public get previewEditor(): EditorInput {
return this.preview;
public isPreview(editor: EditorInput): boolean {
return this.preview && this.preview.matches(editor);
public openEditor(editor: EditorInput, options?: IEditorOpenOptions): void {
const index = this.indexOf(editor);
const indexOfActive = this.indexOf(this.active);
const indexOfPreview = this.indexOf(this.preview);
const makeActive = options && options.active;
const makePinned = options && options.pinned;
// New editor
if (index === -1) {
// Insert into our list of editors if pinned or we are first
if (makePinned || indexOfPreview === -1) {
if (indexOfActive === -1) {
this._editors.push(editor); // first editor in list
} else if (DEFAULT_OPEN_EDITOR_DIRECTION === Direction.LEFT) {
if (indexOfActive === 0) {
this._editors.unshift(editor); // to the left becoming first editor in list
} else {
this._editors.splice(indexOfActive - 1, 0, editor); // to the left of active editor
} else {
this._editors.splice(indexOfActive, 0, editor); // to the right of active editor
// Otherwise replace preview one
else {
this.preview = editor;
this._editors[indexOfPreview] = editor;
// Event
// Make active
if (makeActive) {
// Existing editor
else {
// Pin it
if (makePinned) {
// Activate it
if (makeActive) {
public closeEditor(editor: EditorInput): void {
const index = this.indexOf(editor);
if (index === -1) {
return; // not found
// Active Editor closed
if (editor.matches(this.active)) {
// More than one editor
if (this._editors.length > 1) {
let newActiveEditor: EditorInput;
if (this._editors.length > index + 1) {
newActiveEditor = this._editors[index + 1]; // make next editor to the right active
} else {
newActiveEditor = this._editors[index - 1]; // make next editor to the left active
// One Editor
else {
this.active = null;
// Preview Editor closed
if (editor.matches(this.preview)) {
this.preview = null;
this._editors.splice(index, 1);
// Event
public setActive(editor: EditorInput): void {
const index = this.indexOf(editor);
if (index === -1) {
return; // not found
if (this.active && this.active.matches(editor)) {
return; // already active
this.active = editor;
// Event
public pin(editor: EditorInput): void {
const index = this.indexOf(editor);
if (index === -1) {
return; // editor not found
const previewIndex = this.indexOf(this.preview);
if (previewIndex === -1) {
return; // no editor in preview, cannot pin
if (previewIndex !== index) {
return; // editor already pinned
// Convert the preview editor to be a pinned editor
this.preview = null;
// Event
public isPinned(editor: EditorInput): boolean {
const index = this.indexOf(editor);
if (index === -1) {
return false; // editor not found
if (!this.preview) {
return true; // no preview editor
return !this.preview.matches(editor);
public unpin(editor: EditorInput): void {
const index = this.indexOf(editor);
if (index === -1) {
return; // editor not found
if (editor.matches(this.preview)) {
return; // editor already unpinned
const previewIndex = this.indexOf(this.preview);
// Make it our preview editor if we have no other
if (previewIndex === -1) {
this.preview = editor;
// Otherwise replace our existing one
else {
this._editors.splice(previewIndex, 1);
this.preview = editor;
// Event
private indexOf(candidate: EditorInput): number {
for (let i = 0; i < this._editors.length; i++) {
if (this._editors[i].matches(candidate)) {
return i;
return -1;
export class EditorStacksModel implements IEditorStacksModel {
private _groups: EditorGroup[];
private active: EditorGroup; // index of group with currently active editor
private _onGroupOpened: Emitter<EditorGroup>;
private _onGroupClosed: Emitter<EditorGroup>;
private _onGroupActivated: Emitter<EditorGroup>;
constructor() {
this._groups = [];
this._onGroupOpened = new Emitter<EditorGroup>();
this._onGroupClosed = new Emitter<EditorGroup>();
this._onGroupActivated = new Emitter<EditorGroup>();
public get onGroupOpened(): Event<EditorGroup> {
return this._onGroupOpened.event;
public get onGroupClosed(): Event<EditorGroup> {
return this._onGroupClosed.event;
public get onGroupActivated(): Event<EditorGroup> {
return this._onGroupActivated.event;
public get groups(): EditorGroup[] {
return this._groups.slice(0);
public get activeGroup(): EditorGroup {
return this.active;
public openGroup(label: string): EditorGroup {
const group = new EditorGroup(label);
// First group
if (!this.active) {
// Subsequent group (add to the right of active)
else {
this._groups.splice(this.indexOf(this.active), 0, group);
// Event
// Make active
return group;
public closeGroup(group: EditorGroup): void {
const index = this.indexOf(group);
if (index < 0) {
return; // group does not exist
// Active group closed: Find a new active one to the right
if (group === this.active) {
// More than one group
if (this._groups.length > 1) {
let newActiveGroup: EditorGroup;
if (this._groups.length > index + 1) {
newActiveGroup = this._groups[index + 1]; // make next group to the right active
} else {
newActiveGroup = this._groups[index - 1]; // make next group to the left active
// One group
else {
this.active = null;
// Splice from groups
this._groups.splice(index, 1);
// Event
public setActive(group: EditorGroup): void {
this.active = group;
private indexOf(group: EditorGroup): number {
return this._groups.indexOf(group);
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
import * as assert from 'assert';
import {EditorStacksModel, IEditorStacksModel, IEditorGroup} from 'vs/workbench/common/editor/editorStacksModel';
function create(): IEditorStacksModel {
return new EditorStacksModel();
interface GroupEvents {
opened: IEditorGroup[];
activated: IEditorGroup[];
closed: IEditorGroup[];
function groupListener(model: IEditorStacksModel): GroupEvents {
const groupEvents = {
opened: [],
activated: [],
closed: []
model.onGroupOpened(g => groupEvents.opened.push(g));
model.onGroupActivated(g => groupEvents.activated.push(g));
model.onGroupClosed(g => groupEvents.closed.push(g));
return groupEvents;
suite('Editor Stacks Model', () => {
test('Groups', function () {
const model = create();
const events = groupListener(model);
assert.equal(model.groups.length, 0);
const first = model.openGroup('first');
assert.equal(events.opened[0], first);
assert.equal(events.activated[0], first);
assert.equal(model.activeGroup, first);
assert.equal(model.groups.length, 1);
const second = model.openGroup('second');
assert.equal(events.opened[1], second);
assert.equal(events.activated[1], second);
assert.equal(model.activeGroup, second);
assert.equal(model.groups.length, 2);
const third = model.openGroup('third');
assert.equal(events.opened[2], third);
assert.equal(events.activated[2], third);
assert.equal(model.activeGroup, third);
assert.equal(model.groups.length, 3);
assert.equal(events.closed[0], first);
assert.equal(model.groups.length, 2);
assert.equal(model.activeGroup, third);
assert.equal(events.closed[1], third);
assert.equal(events.activated[3], second);
assert.equal(model.activeGroup, second);
assert.equal(model.groups.length, 1);
const fourth = model.openGroup('fourth');
assert.equal(fourth, model.activeGroup);
assert.equal(second, model.activeGroup);
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