提交 6422acbb 编写于 作者: B Benjamin Pasero

wire up backuprestorer with new API to retrieve backups

上级 64302764
......@@ -133,6 +133,11 @@ export interface IEditorInput extends IDisposable {
getDescription(verbose?: boolean): string;
* Resolves the input.
resolve(): TPromise<IEditorModel>;
* Returns if this input is dirty or not.
......@@ -673,7 +673,7 @@ export class TestBackupFileService implements IBackupFileService {
return TPromise.as(void 0);
public getWorkspaceFileBackups(scheme: string): TPromise<URI[]> {
public getWorkspaceFileBackups(): TPromise<URI[]> {
return TPromise.as([]);
......@@ -14,11 +14,10 @@ import { IPartService } from 'vs/workbench/services/part/common/partService';
import errors = require('vs/base/common/errors');
import { IBackupService, IBackupFileService } from 'vs/workbench/services/backup/common/backup';
import { IEditorGroupService } from 'vs/workbench/services/group/common/groupService';
import { FileEditorInput } from 'vs/workbench/parts/files/common/files';
import { ITextModelResolverService } from 'vs/editor/common/services/resolverService';
import { IWorkbenchEditorService } from 'vs/workbench/services/editor/common/editorService';
import { Position } from 'vs/platform/editor/common/editor';
// TODO@ben TODO@tyriar this should restore any backup that exists on disk and not rely
// on the editors to be restored already in the stacks model. For that a method is needed
// to get all backups that exist on disk.
export class BackupRestorer implements IWorkbenchContribution {
......@@ -26,7 +25,9 @@ export class BackupRestorer implements IWorkbenchContribution {
@IEnvironmentService private environmentService: IEnvironmentService,
@IPartService private partService: IPartService,
@IBackupService private backupService: IBackupService,
@IWorkbenchEditorService private editorService: IWorkbenchEditorService,
@IBackupFileService private backupFileService: IBackupFileService,
@ITextModelResolverService private textModelResolverService: ITextModelResolverService,
@IEditorGroupService private groupService: IEditorGroupService
) {
if (!this.environmentService.isExtensionDevelopment) {
......@@ -38,30 +39,43 @@ export class BackupRestorer implements IWorkbenchContribution {
// Wait for all editors being restored before restoring backups
this.partService.joinCreation().then(() => {
const stacks = this.groupService.getStacksModel();
const hasOpenedEditors = stacks.groups.length > 0;
// Resolve all untitled so that their backups get loaded
TPromise.join(this.untitledEditorService.getAll().map(untitled => untitled.resolve())).done(null, errors.onUnexpectedError);
// Find all files and untitled with backups
this.backupFileService.getWorkspaceFileBackups().then(backups => {
const restorePromises: TPromise<any>[] = [];
const editorsToOpen: URI[] = [];
// TODO@Ben enable generally once we can get a list of backups quickly
if (this.backupService.isHotExitEnabled) {
const fileResources: { [resource: string]: FileEditorInput } = Object.create(null);
this.groupService.getStacksModel().groups.forEach(group => {
const editors = group.getEditors();
editors.forEach(editor => {
if (editor instanceof FileEditorInput) {
fileResources[editor.getResource().toString()] = editor;
// Restore any backup that is opened and remember those that are not yet
backups.forEach(backup => {
if (stacks.isOpen(backup)) {
if (backup.scheme === 'file') {
} else if (backup.scheme === 'untitled') {
} else {
TPromise.join(Object.keys(fileResources).map(resource => {
return this.backupFileService.loadBackupResource(URI.parse(resource)).then(backupResource => {
if (backupResource) {
return fileResources[resource].resolve();
})).done(null, errors.onUnexpectedError);
// Restore all backups that are opened as editors
return TPromise.join(restorePromises).then(() => {
if (editorsToOpen.length > 0) {
const resourceToInputs = TPromise.join(editorsToOpen.map(resource => this.editorService.createInput({ resource })));
return resourceToInputs.then(inputs => {
const openEditorsArgs = inputs.map((input, index) => {
return { input, options: { pinned: true, preserveFocus: true, inactive: index > 0 || hasOpenedEditors }, position: Position.ONE };
// Open all remaining backups as editors and resolve them to load their backups
return this.editorService.openEditors(openEditorsArgs).then(() => TPromise.join(inputs.map(input => input.resolve())));
}).done(null, errors.onUnexpectedError);
......@@ -60,10 +60,9 @@ export interface IBackupFileService {
* Gets a list of file backups for the current workspace.
* @param scheme The scheme of the backup.
* @return The list of backups.
getWorkspaceFileBackups(scheme: string): TPromise<Uri[]>;
getWorkspaceFileBackups(): TPromise<Uri[]>;
* Parses backup raw text content into the content, removing the metadata that is also stored
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ export interface IBackupFilesModel {
add(resource: Uri, versionId?: number): void;
has(resource: Uri, versionId?: number): boolean;
get(scheme: string): Uri[];
get(): Uri[];
remove(resource: Uri): void;
clear(): void;
......@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ export class BackupFilesModel implements IBackupFilesModel {
return true;
public get(scheme: string): Uri[] {
return Object.keys(this.cache).filter(k => path.basename(path.dirname(k)) === scheme).map(k => Uri.parse(k));
public get(): Uri[] {
return Object.keys(this.cache).map(k => Uri.parse(k));
public remove(resource: Uri): void {
......@@ -183,11 +183,11 @@ export class BackupFileService implements IBackupFileService {
public getWorkspaceFileBackups(scheme: string): TPromise<Uri[]> {
public getWorkspaceFileBackups(): TPromise<Uri[]> {
return this.ready.then(model => {
const readPromises: TPromise<Uri>[] = [];
model.get(scheme).forEach(fileBackup => {
model.get().forEach(fileBackup => {
readPromises.push(new TPromise<Uri>((c, e) => {
readToMatchingString(fileBackup.fsPath, BackupFileService.META_MARKER, 2000, 10000, (error, result) => {
if (result === null) {
......@@ -97,10 +97,6 @@ export class BackupService implements IBackupService {
public backupBeforeShutdown(dirtyToBackup: Uri[], textFileEditorModelManager: ITextFileEditorModelManager, reason: ShutdownReason): TPromise<IBackupResult> {
if (!this.isHotExitEnabled) {
return TPromise.as({ didBackup: false });
return this.windowsService.getWindowCount().then(windowCount => {
// When quit is requested skip the confirm callback and attempt to backup all workspaces.
......@@ -175,10 +175,10 @@ suite('BackupFileService', () => {
test('getWorkspaceFileBackups("file") - text file', done => {
service.backupResource(fooFile, `test`).then(() => {
service.getWorkspaceFileBackups('file').then(textFiles => {
service.getWorkspaceFileBackups().then(textFiles => {
assert.deepEqual(textFiles.map(f => f.fsPath), [fooFile.fsPath]);
service.backupResource(barFile, `test`).then(() => {
service.getWorkspaceFileBackups('file').then(textFiles => {
service.getWorkspaceFileBackups().then(textFiles => {
assert.deepEqual(textFiles.map(f => f.fsPath), [fooFile.fsPath, barFile.fsPath]);
......@@ -189,27 +189,16 @@ suite('BackupFileService', () => {
test('getWorkspaceFileBackups("file") - untitled file', done => {
service.backupResource(untitledFile, `test`).then(() => {
service.getWorkspaceFileBackups('file').then(textFiles => {
assert.deepEqual(textFiles, []);
service.getWorkspaceFileBackups().then(textFiles => {
assert.deepEqual(textFiles.map(f => f.fsPath), [untitledFile.fsPath]);
test('getWorkspaceFileBackups("untitled") - text file', done => {
service.backupResource(fooFile, `test`).then(() => {
service.backupResource(barFile, `test`).then(() => {
service.getWorkspaceFileBackups('untitled').then(textFiles => {
assert.deepEqual(textFiles, []);
test('getWorkspaceFileBackups("untitled") - untitled file', done => {
service.backupResource(untitledFile, `test`).then(() => {
service.getWorkspaceFileBackups('untitled').then(textFiles => {
service.getWorkspaceFileBackups().then(textFiles => {
assert.deepEqual(textFiles.map(f => f.fsPath), ['Untitled-1']);
......@@ -293,8 +282,7 @@ suite('BackupFileService', () => {
test('BackupFilesModel - get', () => {
const model = new BackupFilesModel();
assert.deepEqual(model.get('file'), []);
assert.deepEqual(model.get('untitled'), []);
assert.deepEqual(model.get(), []);
const file1 = Uri.file('/root/file/foo.html');
const file2 = Uri.file('/root/file/bar.html');
......@@ -304,7 +292,6 @@ suite('BackupFileService', () => {
assert.deepEqual(model.get('file').map(f => f.fsPath), [file1.fsPath, file2.fsPath]);
assert.deepEqual(model.get('untitled').map(f => f.fsPath), [untitled.fsPath]);
assert.deepEqual(model.get().map(f => f.fsPath), [file1.fsPath, file2.fsPath, untitled.fsPath]);
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