提交 5c9e4e7e 编写于 作者: P Peng Lyu

trace with ansi colors

上级 79846dfa
......@@ -35,6 +35,9 @@
.monaco-workbench .part.editor > .content .notebook-editor .output .error_message {
color: red;
.monaco-workbench .part.editor > .content .notebook-editor .output .traceback > span {
display: block;
.monaco-workbench .part.editor > .content .notebook-editor .monaco-list-row {
overflow: visible !important;
......@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import { MenuPreventer } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/codeEditor/browser/menuPreve
import { SuggestController } from 'vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggestController';
import { SnippetController2 } from 'vs/editor/contrib/snippet/snippetController2';
import { TabCompletionController } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/snippets/browser/tabCompletion';
import { handleANSIOutput } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/output';
const $ = DOM.$;
......@@ -244,7 +245,8 @@ export class CodeCellRenderer extends AbstractCellRenderer implements IListRende
@IConfigurationService private readonly configurationService: IConfigurationService,
@IInstantiationService private readonly instantiationService: IInstantiationService,
@IModelService private readonly modelService: IModelService,
@IModeService private readonly modeService: IModeService
@IModeService private readonly modeService: IModeService,
@IThemeService private readonly themeService: IThemeService
) {
super(handler, contextMenuService);
......@@ -340,9 +342,13 @@ export class CodeCellRenderer extends AbstractCellRenderer implements IListRende
evalue.innerText = element.outputs[i].evalue;
const traceback = document.createElement('traceback');
DOM.addClasses(evalue, 'traceback');
traceback.innerText = element.outputs[i].traceback.join('\n');
DOM.addClasses(traceback, 'traceback');
if (element.outputs[i].traceback) {
for (let j = 0; j < element.outputs[i].traceback.length; j++) {
traceback.appendChild(handleANSIOutput(element.outputs[i].traceback[j], this.themeService));
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import { IThemeService } from 'vs/platform/theme/common/themeService';
import { RGBA, Color } from 'vs/base/common/color';
import { ansiColorIdentifiers } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalColorRegistry';
* @param text The content to stylize.
* @returns An {@link HTMLSpanElement} that contains the potentially stylized text.
export function handleANSIOutput(text: string, themeService: IThemeService): HTMLSpanElement {
const root: HTMLSpanElement = document.createElement('span');
const textLength: number = text.length;
let styleNames: string[] = [];
let customFgColor: RGBA | undefined;
let customBgColor: RGBA | undefined;
let currentPos: number = 0;
let buffer: string = '';
while (currentPos < textLength) {
let sequenceFound: boolean = false;
// Potentially an ANSI escape sequence.
// See http://ascii-table.com/ansi-escape-sequences.php & https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code
if (text.charCodeAt(currentPos) === 27 && text.charAt(currentPos + 1) === '[') {
const startPos: number = currentPos;
currentPos += 2; // Ignore 'Esc[' as it's in every sequence.
let ansiSequence: string = '';
while (currentPos < textLength) {
const char: string = text.charAt(currentPos);
ansiSequence += char;
// Look for a known sequence terminating character.
if (char.match(/^[ABCDHIJKfhmpsu]$/)) {
sequenceFound = true;
if (sequenceFound) {
// Flush buffer with previous styles.
appendStylizedStringToContainer(root, buffer, styleNames, customFgColor, customBgColor);
buffer = '';
* Certain ranges that are matched here do not contain real graphics rendition sequences. For
* the sake of having a simpler expression, they have been included anyway.
if (ansiSequence.match(/^(?:[34][0-8]|9[0-7]|10[0-7]|[013]|4|[34]9)(?:;[349][0-7]|10[0-7]|[013]|[245]|[34]9)?(?:;[012]?[0-9]?[0-9])*;?m$/)) {
const styleCodes: number[] = ansiSequence.slice(0, -1) // Remove final 'm' character.
.split(';') // Separate style codes.
.filter(elem => elem !== '') // Filter empty elems as '34;m' -> ['34', ''].
.map(elem => parseInt(elem, 10)); // Convert to numbers.
if (styleCodes[0] === 38 || styleCodes[0] === 48) {
// Advanced color code - can't be combined with formatting codes like simple colors can
// Ignores invalid colors and additional info beyond what is necessary
const colorType = (styleCodes[0] === 38) ? 'foreground' : 'background';
if (styleCodes[1] === 5) {
set8BitColor(styleCodes, colorType);
} else if (styleCodes[1] === 2) {
set24BitColor(styleCodes, colorType);
} else {
} else {
// Unsupported sequence so simply hide it.
} else {
currentPos = startPos;
if (sequenceFound === false) {
buffer += text.charAt(currentPos);
// Flush remaining text buffer if not empty.
if (buffer) {
appendStylizedStringToContainer(root, buffer, styleNames, customFgColor, customBgColor);
return root;
* Change the foreground or background color by clearing the current color
* and adding the new one.
* @param colorType If `'foreground'`, will change the foreground color, if
* `'background'`, will change the background color.
* @param color Color to change to. If `undefined` or not provided,
* will clear current color without adding a new one.
function changeColor(colorType: 'foreground' | 'background', color?: RGBA | undefined): void {
if (colorType === 'foreground') {
customFgColor = color;
} else if (colorType === 'background') {
customBgColor = color;
styleNames = styleNames.filter(style => style !== `code-${colorType}-colored`);
if (color !== undefined) {
* Calculate and set basic ANSI formatting. Supports bold, italic, underline,
* normal foreground and background colors, and bright foreground and
* background colors. Not to be used for codes containing advanced colors.
* Will ignore invalid codes.
* @param styleCodes Array of ANSI basic styling numbers, which will be
* applied in order. New colors and backgrounds clear old ones; new formatting
* does not.
* @see {@link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code }
function setBasicFormatters(styleCodes: number[]): void {
for (let code of styleCodes) {
switch (code) {
case 0: {
styleNames = [];
customFgColor = undefined;
customBgColor = undefined;
case 1: {
case 3: {
case 4: {
case 39: {
changeColor('foreground', undefined);
case 49: {
changeColor('background', undefined);
default: {
* Calculate and set styling for complicated 24-bit ANSI color codes.
* @param styleCodes Full list of integer codes that make up the full ANSI
* sequence, including the two defining codes and the three RGB codes.
* @param colorType If `'foreground'`, will set foreground color, if
* `'background'`, will set background color.
* @see {@link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#24-bit }
function set24BitColor(styleCodes: number[], colorType: 'foreground' | 'background'): void {
if (styleCodes.length >= 5 &&
styleCodes[2] >= 0 && styleCodes[2] <= 255 &&
styleCodes[3] >= 0 && styleCodes[3] <= 255 &&
styleCodes[4] >= 0 && styleCodes[4] <= 255) {
const customColor = new RGBA(styleCodes[2], styleCodes[3], styleCodes[4]);
changeColor(colorType, customColor);
* Calculate and set styling for advanced 8-bit ANSI color codes.
* @param styleCodes Full list of integer codes that make up the ANSI
* sequence, including the two defining codes and the one color code.
* @param colorType If `'foreground'`, will set foreground color, if
* `'background'`, will set background color.
* @see {@link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#8-bit }
function set8BitColor(styleCodes: number[], colorType: 'foreground' | 'background'): void {
let colorNumber = styleCodes[2];
const color = calcANSI8bitColor(colorNumber);
if (color) {
changeColor(colorType, color);
} else if (colorNumber >= 0 && colorNumber <= 15) {
// Need to map to one of the four basic color ranges (30-37, 90-97, 40-47, 100-107)
colorNumber += 30;
if (colorNumber >= 38) {
// Bright colors
colorNumber += 52;
if (colorType === 'background') {
colorNumber += 10;
* Calculate and set styling for basic bright and dark ANSI color codes. Uses
* theme colors if available. Automatically distinguishes between foreground
* and background colors; does not support color-clearing codes 39 and 49.
* @param styleCode Integer color code on one of the following ranges:
* [30-37, 90-97, 40-47, 100-107]. If not on one of these ranges, will do
* nothing.
function setBasicColor(styleCode: number): void {
const theme = themeService.getTheme();
let colorType: 'foreground' | 'background' | undefined;
let colorIndex: number | undefined;
if (styleCode >= 30 && styleCode <= 37) {
colorIndex = styleCode - 30;
colorType = 'foreground';
} else if (styleCode >= 90 && styleCode <= 97) {
colorIndex = (styleCode - 90) + 8; // High-intensity (bright)
colorType = 'foreground';
} else if (styleCode >= 40 && styleCode <= 47) {
colorIndex = styleCode - 40;
colorType = 'background';
} else if (styleCode >= 100 && styleCode <= 107) {
colorIndex = (styleCode - 100) + 8; // High-intensity (bright)
colorType = 'background';
if (colorIndex !== undefined && colorType) {
const colorName = ansiColorIdentifiers[colorIndex];
const color = theme.getColor(colorName);
if (color) {
changeColor(colorType, color.rgba);
* @param root The {@link HTMLElement} to append the content to.
* @param stringContent The text content to be appended.
* @param cssClasses The list of CSS styles to apply to the text content.
* @param linkDetector The {@link LinkDetector} responsible for generating links from {@param stringContent}.
* @param customTextColor If provided, will apply custom color with inline style.
* @param customBackgroundColor If provided, will apply custom color with inline style.
export function appendStylizedStringToContainer(
root: HTMLElement,
stringContent: string,
cssClasses: string[],
customTextColor?: RGBA,
customBackgroundColor?: RGBA
): void {
if (!root || !stringContent) {
const container = linkify(stringContent, true);
container.className = cssClasses.join(' ');
if (customTextColor) {
container.style.color =
Color.Format.CSS.formatRGB(new Color(customTextColor));
if (customBackgroundColor) {
container.style.backgroundColor =
Color.Format.CSS.formatRGB(new Color(customBackgroundColor));
function linkify(text: string, splitLines?: boolean): HTMLElement {
if (splitLines) {
const lines = text.split('\n');
for (let i = 0; i < lines.length - 1; i++) {
lines[i] = lines[i] + '\n';
if (!lines[lines.length - 1]) {
// Remove the last element ('') that split added.
const elements = lines.map(line => linkify(line));
if (elements.length === 1) {
// Do not wrap single line with extra span.
return elements[0];
const container = document.createElement('span');
elements.forEach(e => container.appendChild(e));
return container;
const container = document.createElement('span');
return container;
* Calculate the color from the color set defined in the ANSI 8-bit standard.
* Standard and high intensity colors are not defined in the standard as specific
* colors, so these and invalid colors return `undefined`.
* @see {@link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#8-bit } for info.
* @param colorNumber The number (ranging from 16 to 255) referring to the color
* desired.
export function calcANSI8bitColor(colorNumber: number): RGBA | undefined {
if (colorNumber % 1 !== 0) {
// Should be integer
// {{SQL CARBON EDIT}} @todo anthonydresser 4/12/19 this is necessary because we don't use strict null checks
return undefined;
} if (colorNumber >= 16 && colorNumber <= 231) {
// Converts to one of 216 RGB colors
colorNumber -= 16;
let blue: number = colorNumber % 6;
colorNumber = (colorNumber - blue) / 6;
let green: number = colorNumber % 6;
colorNumber = (colorNumber - green) / 6;
let red: number = colorNumber;
// red, green, blue now range on [0, 5], need to map to [0,255]
const convFactor: number = 255 / 5;
blue = Math.round(blue * convFactor);
green = Math.round(green * convFactor);
red = Math.round(red * convFactor);
return new RGBA(red, green, blue);
} else if (colorNumber >= 232 && colorNumber <= 255) {
// Converts to a grayscale value
colorNumber -= 232;
const colorLevel: number = Math.round(colorNumber / 23 * 255);
return new RGBA(colorLevel, colorLevel, colorLevel);
} else {
// {{SQL CARBON EDIT}} @todo anthonydresser 4/12/19 this is necessary because we don't use strict null checks
return undefined;
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