提交 58140d37 编写于 作者: R rebornix

scroll line into view

上级 13872112
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ export class NotebookFindWidget extends SimpleFindWidget {
const matchIndex = nextIndex.remainder;
this.setCurrentFindMatchDecoration(cellIndex, matchIndex);
this._notebookEditor.revealLineInCenterIfOutsideViewport(this._findMatches[cellIndex].cell, this._findMatches[cellIndex].matches[matchIndex].range.startLineNumber);
this._notebookEditor.revealLineInView(this._findMatches[cellIndex].cell, this._findMatches[cellIndex].matches[matchIndex].range.startLineNumber);
hide() {
......@@ -97,21 +97,23 @@ export interface INotebookEditor {
* Reveal cell into viewport.
* If `offset` is provided, `top(cell) + offset` will be scrolled into view.
revealInView(cell: CellViewModel, offset?: number): void;
revealInView(cell: CellViewModel): void;
* Reveal cell into viewport center.
* If `offset` is provided, `top(cell) + offset` will be scrolled into view.
revealInCenter(cell: CellViewModel, offset?: number): void;
revealInCenter(cell: CellViewModel): void;
* Reveal cell into viewport center if cell is currently out of the viewport.
* If `offset` is provided, `top(cell) + offset` will be scrolled into view.
revealInCenterIfOutsideViewport(cell: CellViewModel, offset?: number): void;
revealInCenterIfOutsideViewport(cell: CellViewModel): void;
* Reveal a line in notebook cell into viewport with minimal scrolling.
revealLineInView(cell: CellViewModel, line: number): void;
* Reveal a line in notebook cell into viewport center.
......@@ -427,27 +427,35 @@ export class NotebookEditor extends BaseEditor implements INotebookEditor {
//#region Editor Features
revealInView(cell: CellViewModel, offset?: number) {
revealInView(cell: CellViewModel) {
const index = this.notebookViewModel?.getViewCellIndex(cell);
if (index !== undefined) {
this.list?.revealInView(index, offset);
revealInCenterIfOutsideViewport(cell: CellViewModel, offset?: number) {
revealInCenterIfOutsideViewport(cell: CellViewModel) {
const index = this.notebookViewModel?.getViewCellIndex(cell);
if (index !== undefined) {
this.list?.revealInCenterIfOutsideViewport(index, offset);
revealInCenter(cell: CellViewModel, offset?: number) {
revealInCenter(cell: CellViewModel) {
const index = this.notebookViewModel?.getViewCellIndex(cell);
if (index !== undefined) {
this.list?.revealInCenter(index, offset);
revealLineInView(cell: CellViewModel, line: number): void {
const index = this.notebookViewModel?.getViewCellIndex(cell);
if (index !== undefined) {
this.list?.revealLineInView(index, line);
......@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ import { IListService, IWorkbenchListOptions, WorkbenchList } from 'vs/platform/
import { IThemeService } from 'vs/platform/theme/common/themeService';
import { IMouseWheelEvent } from 'vs/base/browser/mouseEvent';
import { isMacintosh } from 'vs/base/common/platform';
import { isNumber } from 'vs/base/common/types';
import { CellViewModel } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/viewModel/notebookCellViewModel';
import { EDITOR_TOP_PADDING } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/common/notebookCommon';
export class NotebookCellList extends WorkbenchList<CellViewModel> {
get onWillScroll(): Event<ScrollEvent> { return this.view.onWillScroll; }
......@@ -66,7 +66,6 @@ export class NotebookCellList extends WorkbenchList<CellViewModel> {
// override
domFocus() {
// @TODO, custom menu doesn't work
if (document.activeElement && this.view.domNode.contains(document.activeElement)) {
// for example, when focus goes into monaco editor, if we refocus the list view, the editor will lose focus.
......@@ -79,10 +78,70 @@ export class NotebookCellList extends WorkbenchList<CellViewModel> {
// TODO@rebornix TEST & Fix potential bugs
// List items have real dynamic heights, which means after we set `scrollTop` based on the `elementTop(index)`, the element at `index` might still be removed from the view once all relayouting tasks are done.
// For example, we scroll item 10 into the view upwards, in the first round, items 7, 8, 9, 10 are all in the viewport. Then item 7 and 8 resize themselves to be larger and finally item 10 is removed from the view.
// To ensure that item 10 is always there, we need to scroll item 10 to the top edge of the viewport.
revealLineInView(index: number, line: number) {
const revealLine = (scrolledIntoView: boolean, upwards: boolean) => {
// reveal the line slightly into view
const scrollTop = this.view.getScrollTop();
const wrapperBottom = scrollTop + this.view.renderHeight;
const lineOffset = element.getLineScrollTopOffset(line);
const elementTop = this.view.elementTop(index);
const lineTop = elementTop + lineOffset + EDITOR_TOP_PADDING;
// TODO@rebornix 30 ---> line height * 1.5
if (lineTop < scrollTop) {
this.view.setScrollTop(lineTop - 30);
} else if (lineTop > wrapperBottom) {
this.view.setScrollTop(scrollTop + lineTop - wrapperBottom + 30);
} else if (scrolledIntoView) {
// newly scrolled into view
if (upwards) {
// align to the bottom
this.view.setScrollTop(scrollTop + lineTop - wrapperBottom + 30);
} else {
// align to to top
this.view.setScrollTop(lineTop - 30);
const scrollTop = this.view.getScrollTop();
const wrapperBottom = scrollTop + this.view.renderHeight;
const elementTop = this.view.elementTop(index);
const element = this.view.element(index);
if (element.editorAttached) {
revealLine(false, false);
} else {
const elementHeight = this.view.elementHeight(index);
let upwards = false;
if (elementTop + elementHeight < scrollTop) {
// scroll downwards
upwards = false;
} else if (elementTop > wrapperBottom) {
// scroll upwards
this.view.setScrollTop(elementTop - this.view.renderHeight / 2);
upwards = true;
const editorAttachedPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
element.onDidChangeEditorAttachState(state => state ? resolve() : reject());
editorAttachedPromise.then(() => {
revealLine(true, upwards);
revealLineInViewCenter(index: number, line: number) {
const elementTop = this.view.elementTop(index);
const viewItemOffset = elementTop;
// TODO@rebornix scroll the bottom to the center if the view is not visible before and it's scrolling upwards
this.view.setScrollTop(viewItemOffset - this.view.renderHeight / 2);
const element = this.view.element(index);
......@@ -93,21 +152,8 @@ export class NotebookCellList extends WorkbenchList<CellViewModel> {
this.view.setScrollTop(lineOffsetInView - this.view.renderHeight / 2);
const editorAttached = element.editorAttached;
if (!editorAttached) {
const editorAttachedPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
element.onDidChangeEditorAttachState(state => {
if (state) {
} else {
editorAttachedPromise.then(() => {
if (!element.editorAttached) {
getEditorAttachedPromise(element).then(() => revealLine());
} else {
......@@ -129,21 +175,8 @@ export class NotebookCellList extends WorkbenchList<CellViewModel> {
this.view.setScrollTop(lineOffsetInView - this.view.renderHeight / 2);
const editorAttached = element.editorAttached;
if (!editorAttached) {
const editorAttachedPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
element.onDidChangeEditorAttachState(state => {
if (state) {
} else {
editorAttachedPromise.then(() => {
if (!element.editorAttached) {
getEditorAttachedPromise(element).then(() => revealLine());
} else {
// should not happen
......@@ -157,37 +190,43 @@ export class NotebookCellList extends WorkbenchList<CellViewModel> {
revealInView(index: number, offset?: number) {
revealInView(index: number) {
const scrollTop = this.view.getScrollTop();
const wrapperBottom = scrollTop + this.view.renderHeight;
const elementTop = this.view.elementTop(index);
const viewItemOffset = elementTop + (isNumber(offset) ? offset : 0);
const viewItemOffset = elementTop;
if (viewItemOffset < scrollTop || viewItemOffset > wrapperBottom) {
revealInCenterIfOutsideViewport(index: number, offset?: number) {
revealInCenterIfOutsideViewport(index: number) {
const scrollTop = this.view.getScrollTop();
const wrapperBottom = scrollTop + this.view.renderHeight;
const elementTop = this.view.elementTop(index);
const viewItemOffset = elementTop + (isNumber(offset) ? offset : 0);
const viewItemOffset = elementTop;
if (viewItemOffset < scrollTop || viewItemOffset > wrapperBottom) {
this.view.setScrollTop(viewItemOffset - this.view.renderHeight / 2);
revealInCenter(index: number, offset?: number) {
revealInCenter(index: number) {
const elementTop = this.view.elementTop(index);
const viewItemOffset = elementTop + (isNumber(offset) ? offset : 0);
const viewItemOffset = elementTop;
this.view.setScrollTop(viewItemOffset - this.view.renderHeight / 2);
function getEditorAttachedPromise(element: CellViewModel) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
element.onDidChangeEditorAttachState(state => state ? resolve() : reject());
function isContextMenuFocused() {
return !!DOM.findParentWithClass(<HTMLElement>document.activeElement, 'context-view');
......@@ -131,6 +131,14 @@ export class CodeCell extends Disposable {
this._register(templateData.editor!.onDidChangeCursorSelection(() => {
const primarySelection = templateData.editor!.getSelection();
if (primarySelection) {
this.notebookEditor.revealLineInView(viewCell, primarySelection!.positionLineNumber);
this._register(viewCell.onDidChangeOutputs((splices) => {
if (!splices.length) {
......@@ -93,8 +93,10 @@ export class TestNotebookEditor implements INotebookEditor {
) {
) { }
revealLineInView(cell: CellViewModel, line: number): void {
throw new Error('Method not implemented.');
getLayoutInfo(): NotebookLayoutInfo {
throw new Error('Method not implemented.');
......@@ -114,13 +116,13 @@ export class TestNotebookEditor implements INotebookEditor {
hideFind(): void {
throw new Error('Method not implemented.');
revealInView(cell: CellViewModel, offset?: number | undefined): void {
revealInView(cell: CellViewModel): void {
throw new Error('Method not implemented.');
revealInCenter(cell: CellViewModel, offset?: number | undefined): void {
revealInCenter(cell: CellViewModel): void {
throw new Error('Method not implemented.');
revealInCenterIfOutsideViewport(cell: CellViewModel, offset?: number | undefined): void {
revealInCenterIfOutsideViewport(cell: CellViewModel): void {
throw new Error('Method not implemented.');
async insertEmptyNotebookCell(cell: CellViewModel, type: CellKind, direction: 'above' | 'below'): Promise<void> {
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