提交 4e9a7b83 编写于 作者: B Benjamin Pasero


上级 40fdd128
......@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ export class BaseTwoEditorsAction extends Action {
protected createIfNotExists(resource: URI, contents: string): TPromise<boolean> {
return this.fileService.resolveContent(resource, { acceptTextOnly: true }).then(null, (error) => {
return this.fileService.resolveContent(resource, { acceptTextOnly: true }).then(null, error => {
if ((<IFileOperationResult>error).fileOperationResult === FileOperationResult.FILE_NOT_FOUND) {
return this.fileService.updateContent(resource, contents).then(null, (error) => {
return this.fileService.updateContent(resource, contents).then(null, error => {
return TPromise.wrapError(new Error(nls.localize('fail.createSettings', "Unable to create '{0}' ({1}).", labels.getPathLabel(resource, this.contextService), error)));
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ export class BaseTwoEditorsAction extends Action {
// Create as needed and open in editor
return this.createIfNotExists(editableResource, defaultEditableContents).then(() => {
return this.editorService.createInput({ resource: editableResource }).then((typedRightHandEditableInput) => {
return this.editorService.createInput({ resource: editableResource }).then(typedRightHandEditableInput => {
const editors = [
{ input: leftHandDefaultInput, position: Position.LEFT, options: { pinned: true } },
{ input: typedRightHandEditableInput, position: Position.CENTER, options: { pinned: true } }
......@@ -150,9 +150,9 @@ export class OpenGlobalSettingsAction extends BaseOpenSettingsAction {
message: nls.localize('workspaceHasSettings', "The currently opened folder contains workspace settings that may override user settings"),
actions: [
new Action('open.workspaceSettings', nls.localize('openWorkspaceSettings', "Open Workspace Settings"), null, true, () => {
let editorCount = this.editorService.getVisibleEditors().length;
const editorCount = this.editorService.getVisibleEditors().length;
return this.editorService.createInput({ resource: this.contextService.toResource(WORKSPACE_CONFIG_DEFAULT_PATH) }).then((typedInput) => {
return this.editorService.createInput({ resource: this.contextService.toResource(WORKSPACE_CONFIG_DEFAULT_PATH) }).then(typedInput => {
return this.editorService.openEditor(typedInput, { pinned: true }, editorCount === 2 ? Position.RIGHT : editorCount === 1 ? Position.CENTER : void 0);
......@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ export class OpenGlobalSettingsAction extends BaseOpenSettingsAction {
// Open settings
let emptySettingsHeader = nls.localize('emptySettingsHeader', "Place your settings in this file to overwrite the default settings");
const emptySettingsHeader = nls.localize('emptySettingsHeader', "Place your settings in this file to overwrite the default settings");
return this.open('// ' + emptySettingsHeader + '\n{\n}', URI.file(this.environmentService.appSettingsPath));
......@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ export class OpenGlobalKeybindingsAction extends BaseTwoEditorsAction {
public run(event?: any): TPromise<void> {
let emptyContents = '// ' + nls.localize('emptyKeybindingsHeader', "Place your key bindings in this file to overwrite the defaults") + '\n[\n]';
const emptyContents = '// ' + nls.localize('emptyKeybindingsHeader', "Place your key bindings in this file to overwrite the defaults") + '\n[\n]';
return this.openTwoEditors(DefaultKeybindingsInput.getInstance(this.instantiationService, this.keybindingService), URI.file(this.environmentService.appKeybindingsPath), emptyContents);
......@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ export class OpenWorkspaceSettingsAction extends BaseOpenSettingsAction {
let emptySettingsHeader = [
const emptySettingsHeader = [
'// ' + nls.localize('emptySettingsHeader1', "Place your settings in this file to overwrite default and user settings."),
......@@ -228,8 +228,8 @@ class DefaultSettingsInput extends StringEditorInput {
public static getInstance(instantiationService: IInstantiationService, configurationService: IWorkspaceConfigurationService): DefaultSettingsInput {
if (!DefaultSettingsInput.INSTANCE) {
let editorConfig = configurationService.getConfiguration<any>();
let defaults = getDefaultValuesContent(editorConfig.editor.insertSpaces ? strings.repeat(' ', editorConfig.editor.tabSize) : '\t');
const editorConfig = configurationService.getConfiguration<any>();
const defaults = getDefaultValuesContent(editorConfig.editor.insertSpaces ? strings.repeat(' ', editorConfig.editor.tabSize) : '\t');
let defaultsHeader = '// ' + nls.localize('defaultSettingsHeader', "Overwrite settings by placing them into your settings file.");
defaultsHeader += '\n// ' + nls.localize('defaultSettingsHeader2', "See http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=808995 for the most commonly used settings.");
......@@ -249,8 +249,8 @@ class DefaultKeybindingsInput extends StringEditorInput {
public static getInstance(instantiationService: IInstantiationService, keybindingService: IKeybindingService): DefaultKeybindingsInput {
if (!DefaultKeybindingsInput.INSTANCE) {
let defaultsHeader = '// ' + nls.localize('defaultKeybindingsHeader', "Overwrite key bindings by placing them into your key bindings file.");
let defaultContents = keybindingService.getDefaultKeybindings();
const defaultsHeader = '// ' + nls.localize('defaultKeybindingsHeader', "Overwrite key bindings by placing them into your key bindings file.");
const defaultContents = keybindingService.getDefaultKeybindings();
DefaultKeybindingsInput.INSTANCE = instantiationService.createInstance(DefaultKeybindingsInput, nls.localize('defaultKeybindings', "Default Keyboard Shortcuts"), null, defaultsHeader + '\n' + defaultContents, 'application/json', false);
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