提交 4b2aed7b 编写于 作者: M Matt Bierner

let -> const

上级 8ecebfb7
......@@ -98,12 +98,12 @@ export interface ILoaderConfig {
* Bundle `entryPoints` given config `config`.
export function bundle(entryPoints: IEntryPoint[], config: ILoaderConfig, callback: (err: any, result: IBundleResult | null) => void): void {
let entryPointsMap: IEntryPointMap = {};
const entryPointsMap: IEntryPointMap = {};
entryPoints.forEach((module: IEntryPoint) => {
entryPointsMap[module.name] = module;
let allMentionedModulesMap: { [modules: string]: boolean; } = {};
const allMentionedModulesMap: { [modules: string]: boolean; } = {};
entryPoints.forEach((module: IEntryPoint) => {
allMentionedModulesMap[module.name] = true;
(module.include || []).forEach(function (includedModule) {
......@@ -128,15 +128,15 @@ export function bundle(entryPoints: IEntryPoint[], config: ILoaderConfig, callba
loader(['require'], (localRequire: any) => {
let resolvePath = (path: string) => {
let r = localRequire.toUrl(path);
const resolvePath = (path: string) => {
const r = localRequire.toUrl(path);
if (!/\.js/.test(r)) {
return r + '.js';
return r;
for (let moduleId in entryPointsMap) {
let entryPoint = entryPointsMap[moduleId];
for (const moduleId in entryPointsMap) {
const entryPoint = entryPointsMap[moduleId];
if (entryPoint.append) {
entryPoint.append = entryPoint.append.map(resolvePath);
......@@ -147,9 +147,9 @@ export function bundle(entryPoints: IEntryPoint[], config: ILoaderConfig, callba
loader(Object.keys(allMentionedModulesMap), () => {
let modules = <IBuildModuleInfo[]>loader.getBuildInfo();
let partialResult = emitEntryPoints(modules, entryPointsMap);
let cssInlinedResources = loader('vs/css').getInlinedResources();
const modules = <IBuildModuleInfo[]>loader.getBuildInfo();
const partialResult = emitEntryPoints(modules, entryPointsMap);
const cssInlinedResources = loader('vs/css').getInlinedResources();
callback(null, {
files: partialResult.files,
cssInlinedResources: cssInlinedResources,
......@@ -159,45 +159,45 @@ export function bundle(entryPoints: IEntryPoint[], config: ILoaderConfig, callba
function emitEntryPoints(modules: IBuildModuleInfo[], entryPoints: IEntryPointMap): IPartialBundleResult {
let modulesMap: IBuildModuleInfoMap = {};
const modulesMap: IBuildModuleInfoMap = {};
modules.forEach((m: IBuildModuleInfo) => {
modulesMap[m.id] = m;
let modulesGraph: IGraph = {};
const modulesGraph: IGraph = {};
modules.forEach((m: IBuildModuleInfo) => {
modulesGraph[m.id] = m.dependencies;
let sortedModules = topologicalSort(modulesGraph);
const sortedModules = topologicalSort(modulesGraph);
let result: IConcatFile[] = [];
let usedPlugins: IPluginMap = {};
let bundleData: IBundleData = {
const usedPlugins: IPluginMap = {};
const bundleData: IBundleData = {
graph: modulesGraph,
bundles: {}
Object.keys(entryPoints).forEach((moduleToBundle: string) => {
let info = entryPoints[moduleToBundle];
let rootNodes = [moduleToBundle].concat(info.include || []);
let allDependencies = visit(rootNodes, modulesGraph);
let excludes: string[] = ['require', 'exports', 'module'].concat(info.exclude || []);
const info = entryPoints[moduleToBundle];
const rootNodes = [moduleToBundle].concat(info.include || []);
const allDependencies = visit(rootNodes, modulesGraph);
const excludes: string[] = ['require', 'exports', 'module'].concat(info.exclude || []);
excludes.forEach((excludeRoot: string) => {
let allExcludes = visit([excludeRoot], modulesGraph);
const allExcludes = visit([excludeRoot], modulesGraph);
Object.keys(allExcludes).forEach((exclude: string) => {
delete allDependencies[exclude];
let includedModules = sortedModules.filter((module: string) => {
const includedModules = sortedModules.filter((module: string) => {
return allDependencies[module];
bundleData.bundles[moduleToBundle] = includedModules;
let res = emitEntryPoint(
const res = emitEntryPoint(
......@@ -208,15 +208,15 @@ function emitEntryPoints(modules: IBuildModuleInfo[], entryPoints: IEntryPointMa
result = result.concat(res.files);
for (let pluginName in res.usedPlugins) {
for (const pluginName in res.usedPlugins) {
usedPlugins[pluginName] = usedPlugins[pluginName] || res.usedPlugins[pluginName];
Object.keys(usedPlugins).forEach((pluginName: string) => {
let plugin = usedPlugins[pluginName];
const plugin = usedPlugins[pluginName];
if (typeof plugin.finishBuild === 'function') {
let write = (filename: string, contents: string) => {
const write = (filename: string, contents: string) => {
dest: filename,
sources: [{
......@@ -237,8 +237,8 @@ function emitEntryPoints(modules: IBuildModuleInfo[], entryPoints: IEntryPointMa
function extractStrings(destFiles: IConcatFile[]): IConcatFile[] {
let parseDefineCall = (moduleMatch: string, depsMatch: string) => {
let module = moduleMatch.replace(/^"|"$/g, '');
const parseDefineCall = (moduleMatch: string, depsMatch: string) => {
const module = moduleMatch.replace(/^"|"$/g, '');
let deps = depsMatch.split(',');
deps = deps.map((dep) => {
dep = dep.trim();
......@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ function extractStrings(destFiles: IConcatFile[]): IConcatFile[] {
dep = dep.replace(/^'|'$/g, '');
let prefix: string | null = null;
let _path: string | null = null;
let pieces = dep.split('!');
const pieces = dep.split('!');
if (pieces.length > 1) {
prefix = pieces[0] + '!';
_path = pieces[1];
......@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ function extractStrings(destFiles: IConcatFile[]): IConcatFile[] {
if (/^\.\//.test(_path) || /^\.\.\//.test(_path)) {
let res = path.join(path.dirname(module), _path).replace(/\\/g, '/');
const res = path.join(path.dirname(module), _path).replace(/\\/g, '/');
return prefix + res;
return prefix + _path;
......@@ -276,33 +276,33 @@ function extractStrings(destFiles: IConcatFile[]): IConcatFile[] {
// Do one pass to record the usage counts for each module id
let useCounts: { [moduleId: string]: number; } = {};
const useCounts: { [moduleId: string]: number; } = {};
destFile.sources.forEach((source) => {
let matches = source.contents.match(/define\(("[^"]+"),\s*\[(((, )?("|')[^"']+("|'))+)\]/);
const matches = source.contents.match(/define\(("[^"]+"),\s*\[(((, )?("|')[^"']+("|'))+)\]/);
if (!matches) {
let defineCall = parseDefineCall(matches[1], matches[2]);
const defineCall = parseDefineCall(matches[1], matches[2]);
useCounts[defineCall.module] = (useCounts[defineCall.module] || 0) + 1;
defineCall.deps.forEach((dep) => {
useCounts[dep] = (useCounts[dep] || 0) + 1;
let sortedByUseModules = Object.keys(useCounts);
const sortedByUseModules = Object.keys(useCounts);
sortedByUseModules.sort((a, b) => {
return useCounts[b] - useCounts[a];
let replacementMap: { [moduleId: string]: number; } = {};
const replacementMap: { [moduleId: string]: number; } = {};
sortedByUseModules.forEach((module, index) => {
replacementMap[module] = index;
destFile.sources.forEach((source) => {
source.contents = source.contents.replace(/define\(("[^"]+"),\s*\[(((, )?("|')[^"']+("|'))+)\]/, (_, moduleMatch, depsMatch) => {
let defineCall = parseDefineCall(moduleMatch, depsMatch);
const defineCall = parseDefineCall(moduleMatch, depsMatch);
return `define(__m[${replacementMap[defineCall.module]}/*${defineCall.module}*/], __M([${defineCall.deps.map(dep => replacementMap[dep] + '/*' + dep + '*/').join(',')}])`;
......@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ function extractStrings(destFiles: IConcatFile[]): IConcatFile[] {
function removeDuplicateTSBoilerplate(destFiles: IConcatFile[]): IConcatFile[] {
// Taken from typescript compiler => emitFiles
{ start: /^var __extends/, end: /^}\)\(\);$/ },
{ start: /^var __assign/, end: /^};$/ },
{ start: /^var __decorate/, end: /^};$/ },
......@@ -343,14 +343,14 @@ function removeDuplicateTSBoilerplate(destFiles: IConcatFile[]): IConcatFile[] {
destFiles.forEach((destFile) => {
let SEEN_BOILERPLATE: boolean[] = [];
const SEEN_BOILERPLATE: boolean[] = [];
destFile.sources.forEach((source) => {
let lines = source.contents.split(/\r\n|\n|\r/);
let newLines: string[] = [];
const lines = source.contents.split(/\r\n|\n|\r/);
const newLines: string[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
let line = lines[i];
const line = lines[i];
if (END_BOILERPLATE!.test(line)) {
......@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ function removeDuplicateTSBoilerplate(destFiles: IConcatFile[]): IConcatFile[] {
} else {
for (let j = 0; j < BOILERPLATE.length; j++) {
let boilerplate = BOILERPLATE[j];
const boilerplate = BOILERPLATE[j];
if (boilerplate.start.test(line)) {
......@@ -403,14 +403,14 @@ function emitEntryPoint(
if (!dest) {
dest = entryPoint + '.js';
let mainResult: IConcatFile = {
const mainResult: IConcatFile = {
sources: [],
dest: dest
results: IConcatFile[] = [mainResult];
let usedPlugins: IPluginMap = {};
let getLoaderPlugin = (pluginName: string): ILoaderPlugin => {
const usedPlugins: IPluginMap = {};
const getLoaderPlugin = (pluginName: string): ILoaderPlugin => {
if (!usedPlugins[pluginName]) {
usedPlugins[pluginName] = modulesMap[pluginName].exports;
......@@ -418,22 +418,22 @@ function emitEntryPoint(
includedModules.forEach((c: string) => {
let bangIndex = c.indexOf('!');
const bangIndex = c.indexOf('!');
if (bangIndex >= 0) {
let pluginName = c.substr(0, bangIndex);
let plugin = getLoaderPlugin(pluginName);
const pluginName = c.substr(0, bangIndex);
const plugin = getLoaderPlugin(pluginName);
mainResult.sources.push(emitPlugin(entryPoint, plugin, pluginName, c.substr(bangIndex + 1)));
let module = modulesMap[c];
const module = modulesMap[c];
if (module.path === 'empty:') {
let contents = readFileAndRemoveBOM(module.path);
const contents = readFileAndRemoveBOM(module.path);
if (module.shim) {
mainResult.sources.push(emitShimmedModule(c, deps[c], module.shim, module.path, contents));
......@@ -443,14 +443,14 @@ function emitEntryPoint(
Object.keys(usedPlugins).forEach((pluginName: string) => {
let plugin = usedPlugins[pluginName];
const plugin = usedPlugins[pluginName];
if (typeof plugin.writeFile === 'function') {
let req: ILoaderPluginReqFunc = <any>(() => {
const req: ILoaderPluginReqFunc = <any>(() => {
throw new Error('no-no!');
req.toUrl = something => something;
let write = (filename: string, contents: string) => {
const write = (filename: string, contents: string) => {
dest: filename,
sources: [{
......@@ -463,16 +463,16 @@ function emitEntryPoint(
let toIFile = (path: string): IFile => {
let contents = readFileAndRemoveBOM(path);
const toIFile = (path: string): IFile => {
const contents = readFileAndRemoveBOM(path);
return {
path: path,
contents: contents
let toPrepend = (prepend || []).map(toIFile);
let toAppend = (append || []).map(toIFile);
const toPrepend = (prepend || []).map(toIFile);
const toAppend = (append || []).map(toIFile);
mainResult.sources = toPrepend.concat(mainResult.sources).concat(toAppend);
......@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ function readFileAndRemoveBOM(path: string): string {
function emitPlugin(entryPoint: string, plugin: ILoaderPlugin, pluginName: string, moduleName: string): IFile {
let result = '';
if (typeof plugin.write === 'function') {
let write: ILoaderPluginWriteFunc = <any>((what: string) => {
const write: ILoaderPluginWriteFunc = <any>((what: string) => {
result += what;
write.getEntryPoint = () => {
......@@ -516,12 +516,12 @@ function emitPlugin(entryPoint: string, plugin: ILoaderPlugin, pluginName: strin
function emitNamedModule(moduleId: string, defineCallPosition: IPosition, path: string, contents: string): IFile {
// `defineCallPosition` is the position in code: |define()
let defineCallOffset = positionToOffset(contents, defineCallPosition.line, defineCallPosition.col);
const defineCallOffset = positionToOffset(contents, defineCallPosition.line, defineCallPosition.col);
// `parensOffset` is the position in code: define|()
let parensOffset = contents.indexOf('(', defineCallOffset);
const parensOffset = contents.indexOf('(', defineCallOffset);
let insertStr = '"' + moduleId + '", ';
const insertStr = '"' + moduleId + '", ';
return {
path: path,
......@@ -530,8 +530,8 @@ function emitNamedModule(moduleId: string, defineCallPosition: IPosition, path:
function emitShimmedModule(moduleId: string, myDeps: string[], factory: string, path: string, contents: string): IFile {
let strDeps = (myDeps.length > 0 ? '"' + myDeps.join('", "') + '"' : '');
let strDefine = 'define("' + moduleId + '", [' + strDeps + '], ' + factory + ');';
const strDeps = (myDeps.length > 0 ? '"' + myDeps.join('", "') + '"' : '');
const strDefine = 'define("' + moduleId + '", [' + strDeps + '], ' + factory + ');';
return {
path: path,
contents: contents + '\n;\n' + strDefine
......@@ -546,8 +546,8 @@ function positionToOffset(str: string, desiredLine: number, desiredCol: number):
return desiredCol - 1;
let line = 1,
lastNewLineOffset = -1;
let line = 1;
let lastNewLineOffset = -1;
do {
if (desiredLine === line) {
......@@ -565,16 +565,16 @@ function positionToOffset(str: string, desiredLine: number, desiredCol: number):
* Return a set of reachable nodes in `graph` starting from `rootNodes`
function visit(rootNodes: string[], graph: IGraph): INodeSet {
let result: INodeSet = {},
queue = rootNodes;
const result: INodeSet = {};
const queue = rootNodes;
rootNodes.forEach((node) => {
result[node] = true;
while (queue.length > 0) {
let el = queue.shift();
let myEdges = graph[el!] || [];
const el = queue.shift();
const myEdges = graph[el!] || [];
myEdges.forEach((toNode) => {
if (!result[toNode]) {
result[toNode] = true;
......@@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ function visit(rootNodes: string[], graph: IGraph): INodeSet {
function topologicalSort(graph: IGraph): string[] {
let allNodes: INodeSet = {},
const allNodes: INodeSet = {},
outgoingEdgeCount: { [node: string]: number; } = {},
inverseEdges: IGraph = {};
......@@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ function topologicalSort(graph: IGraph): string[] {
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topological_sorting
let S: string[] = [],
const S: string[] = [],
L: string[] = [];
Object.keys(allNodes).forEach((node: string) => {
......@@ -623,10 +623,10 @@ function topologicalSort(graph: IGraph): string[] {
// Ensure the exact same order all the time with the same inputs
let n: string = S.shift()!;
const n: string = S.shift()!;
let myInverseEdges = inverseEdges[n] || [];
const myInverseEdges = inverseEdges[n] || [];
myInverseEdges.forEach((m: string) => {
if (outgoingEdgeCount[m] === 0) {
......@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ function monacodtsTask(out: string, isWatch: boolean): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream {
const inputFiles: { [file: string]: string; } = {};
for (let filePath in neededFiles) {
for (const filePath in neededFiles) {
if (/\bsrc(\/|\\)vs\b/.test(filePath)) {
// This file is needed from source => simply read it now
inputFiles[filePath] = fs.readFileSync(filePath).toString();
......@@ -35,11 +35,11 @@ function fromLocal(extensionPath: string, sourceMappingURLBase?: string): Stream
function fromLocalWebpack(extensionPath: string, sourceMappingURLBase: string | undefined): Stream {
let result = es.through();
const result = es.through();
let packagedDependencies: string[] = [];
let packageJsonConfig = require(path.join(extensionPath, 'package.json'));
let webpackRootConfig = require(path.join(extensionPath, 'extension.webpack.config.js'));
const packagedDependencies: string[] = [];
const packageJsonConfig = require(path.join(extensionPath, 'package.json'));
const webpackRootConfig = require(path.join(extensionPath, 'extension.webpack.config.js'));
for (const key in webpackRootConfig.externals) {
if (key in packageJsonConfig.dependencies) {
......@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ function fromLocalWebpack(extensionPath: string, sourceMappingURLBase: string |
...{ mode: 'production' }
let relativeOutputPath = path.relative(extensionPath, webpackConfig.output.path);
const relativeOutputPath = path.relative(extensionPath, webpackConfig.output.path);
return webpackGulp(webpackConfig, webpack, webpackDone)
.pipe(es.through(function (data) {
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ function collect(node: ts.Node, fn: (node: ts.Node) => CollectStepResult): ts.No
const result: ts.Node[] = [];
function loop(node: ts.Node) {
let stepResult = fn(node);
const stepResult = fn(node);
if (stepResult === CollectStepResult.Yes || stepResult === CollectStepResult.YesAndRecurse) {
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ function collect(node: ts.Node, fn: (node: ts.Node) => CollectStepResult): ts.No
function clone<T>(object: T): T {
const result = <T>{};
for (let id in object) {
for (const id in object) {
result[id] = object[id];
return result;
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class Entry {
return `Stats for '${util.colors.grey(this.name)}': ${Math.round(this.totalSize / 1204)}KB`;
} else {
let count = this.totalCount < 100
const count = this.totalCount < 100
? util.colors.green(this.totalCount.toString())
: util.colors.red(this.totalCount.toString());
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ export function createStatsStream(group: string, log?: boolean): es.ThroughStrea
_entries.set(entry.name, entry);
return es.through(function (data) {
let file = data as File;
const file = data as File;
if (typeof file.path === 'string') {
entry.totalCount += 1;
if (Buffer.isBuffer(file.contents)) {
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ export function createStatsStream(group: string, log?: boolean): es.ThroughStrea
util.log(`Stats for '${util.colors.grey(entry.name)}': ${Math.round(entry.totalSize / 1204)}KB`);
} else {
let count = entry.totalCount < 100
const count = entry.totalCount < 100
? util.colors.green(entry.totalCount.toString())
: util.colors.red(entry.totalCount.toString());
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ export function createStatsStream(group: string, log?: boolean): es.ThroughStrea
export function submitAllStats(productJson: any, commit: string): Promise<boolean> {
let sorted: Entry[] = [];
const sorted: Entry[] = [];
// move entries for single files to the front
_entries.forEach(value => {
if (value.totalCount === 1) {
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ suite('XLF Parser Tests', () => {
const translatedMessages = { key1: 'Кнопка #1', key2: 'Кнопка #2 &' };
test('Keys & messages to XLF conversion', () => {
let xlf = new i18n.XLF('vscode-workbench');
const xlf = new i18n.XLF('vscode-workbench');
xlf.addFile(originalFilePath, keys, messages);
const xlfString = xlf.toString();
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ export class Rule extends Lint.Rules.AbstractRule {
public apply(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile): Lint.RuleFailure[] {
const parts = dirname(sourceFile.fileName).split(/\\|\//);
let ruleArgs = this.getOptions().ruleArguments[0];
const ruleArgs = this.getOptions().ruleArguments[0];
let config: Config | undefined;
for (let i = parts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
......@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ class LayeringRule extends Lint.RuleWalker {
static _print(set: Set<string>): string {
let r: string[] = [];
const r: string[] = [];
set.forEach(e => r.push(e));
return r.join(', ');
......@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ class NoUnexternalizedStringsRuleWalker extends Lint.RuleWalker {
this.messageIndex = undefined;
this.keyIndex = undefined;
this.usedKeys = Object.create(null);
let options: any[] = this.getOptions();
let first: UnexternalizedStringsOptions = options && options.length > 0 ? options[0] : null;
const options: any[] = this.getOptions();
const first: UnexternalizedStringsOptions = options && options.length > 0 ? options[0] : null;
if (first) {
if (Array.isArray(first.signatures)) {
first.signatures.forEach((signature: string) => this.signatures[signature] = true);
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class NoUnexternalizedStringsRuleWalker extends Lint.RuleWalker {
protected visitSourceFile(node: ts.SourceFile): void {
Object.keys(this.usedKeys).forEach(key => {
let occurrences = this.usedKeys[key];
const occurrences = this.usedKeys[key];
if (occurrences.length > 1) {
occurrences.forEach(occurrence => {
this.addFailure((this.createFailure(occurrence.key.getStart(), occurrence.key.getWidth(), `Duplicate key ${occurrence.key.getText()} with different message value.`)));
......@@ -99,9 +99,9 @@ class NoUnexternalizedStringsRuleWalker extends Lint.RuleWalker {
private checkStringLiteral(node: ts.StringLiteral): void {
let text = node.getText();
let doubleQuoted = text.length >= 2 && text[0] === NoUnexternalizedStringsRuleWalker.DOUBLE_QUOTE && text[text.length - 1] === NoUnexternalizedStringsRuleWalker.DOUBLE_QUOTE;
let info = this.findDescribingParent(node);
const text = node.getText();
const doubleQuoted = text.length >= 2 && text[0] === NoUnexternalizedStringsRuleWalker.DOUBLE_QUOTE && text[text.length - 1] === NoUnexternalizedStringsRuleWalker.DOUBLE_QUOTE;
const info = this.findDescribingParent(node);
// Ignore strings in import and export nodes.
if (info && info.isImport && doubleQuoted) {
const fix = [
......@@ -115,8 +115,8 @@ class NoUnexternalizedStringsRuleWalker extends Lint.RuleWalker {
let callInfo = info ? info.callInfo : null;
let functionName = callInfo ? callInfo.callExpression.expression.getText() : null;
const callInfo = info ? info.callInfo : null;
const functionName = callInfo ? callInfo.callExpression.expression.getText() : null;
if (functionName && this.ignores[functionName]) {
......@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ class NoUnexternalizedStringsRuleWalker extends Lint.RuleWalker {
// We have a string that is a direct argument into the localize call.
let keyArg: ts.Expression | null = callInfo && callInfo.argIndex === this.keyIndex
const keyArg: ts.Expression | null = callInfo && callInfo.argIndex === this.keyIndex
? callInfo.callExpression.arguments[this.keyIndex]
: null;
if (keyArg) {
......@@ -142,11 +142,11 @@ class NoUnexternalizedStringsRuleWalker extends Lint.RuleWalker {
this.recordKey(keyArg, this.messageIndex && callInfo ? callInfo.callExpression.arguments[this.messageIndex] : undefined);
} else if (isObjectLiteral(keyArg)) {
for (let i = 0; i < keyArg.properties.length; i++) {
let property = keyArg.properties[i];
const property = keyArg.properties[i];
if (isPropertyAssignment(property)) {
let name = property.name.getText();
const name = property.name.getText();
if (name === 'key') {
let initializer = property.initializer;
const initializer = property.initializer;
if (isStringLiteral(initializer)) {
this.recordKey(initializer, this.messageIndex && callInfo ? callInfo.callExpression.arguments[this.messageIndex] : undefined);
......@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ class NoUnexternalizedStringsRuleWalker extends Lint.RuleWalker {
private recordKey(keyNode: ts.StringLiteral, messageNode: ts.Node | undefined) {
let text = keyNode.getText();
const text = keyNode.getText();
// We have an empty key
if (text.match(/(['"]) *\1/)) {
if (messageNode) {
......@@ -194,9 +194,9 @@ class NoUnexternalizedStringsRuleWalker extends Lint.RuleWalker {
private findDescribingParent(node: ts.Node): { callInfo?: { callExpression: ts.CallExpression, argIndex: number }, isImport?: boolean; } | null {
let parent: ts.Node;
while ((parent = node.parent)) {
let kind = parent.kind;
const kind = parent.kind;
if (kind === ts.SyntaxKind.CallExpression) {
let callExpression = parent as ts.CallExpression;
const callExpression = parent as ts.CallExpression;
return { callInfo: { callExpression: callExpression, argIndex: callExpression.arguments.indexOf(<any>node) } };
} else if (kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ImportEqualsDeclaration || kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ImportDeclaration || kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ExportDeclaration) {
return { isImport: true };
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