提交 4929acf9 编写于 作者: B Benjamin Pasero

debt - async/await in workbench

上级 2058f276
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ abstract class BaseNavigationAction extends Action {
return this.panelService.openPanel(activePanelId, true)!;
protected navigateToSidebar(): Promise<IViewlet | boolean> {
protected async navigateToSidebar(): Promise<IViewlet | boolean> {
if (!this.layoutService.isVisible(Parts.SIDEBAR_PART)) {
return Promise.resolve(false);
......@@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ abstract class BaseNavigationAction extends Action {
const activeViewletId = activeViewlet.getId();
return this.viewletService.openViewlet(activeViewletId, true)
.then(value => value === null ? false : value);
const value = await this.viewletService.openViewlet(activeViewletId, true);
return value === null ? false : value;
protected navigateAcrossEditorGroup(direction: GroupDirection): boolean {
......@@ -160,21 +160,18 @@ export class GlobalRemoveRootFolderAction extends Action {
super(id, label);
run(): Promise<any> {
async run(): Promise<any> {
const state = this.contextService.getWorkbenchState();
// Workspace / Folder
if (state === WorkbenchState.WORKSPACE || state === WorkbenchState.FOLDER) {
return this.commandService.executeCommand<IWorkspaceFolder>(PICK_WORKSPACE_FOLDER_COMMAND_ID).then(folder => {
if (folder) {
return this.workspaceEditingService.removeFolders([folder.uri]).then(() => true);
return true;
const folder = await this.commandService.executeCommand<IWorkspaceFolder>(PICK_WORKSPACE_FOLDER_COMMAND_ID);
if (folder) {
await this.workspaceEditingService.removeFolders([folder.uri]);
return Promise.resolve(true);
return true;
......@@ -193,20 +190,18 @@ export class SaveWorkspaceAsAction extends Action {
super(id, label);
run(): Promise<any> {
return this.workspaceEditingService.pickNewWorkspacePath().then((configPathUri): Promise<void> | void => {
if (configPathUri) {
switch (this.contextService.getWorkbenchState()) {
case WorkbenchState.EMPTY:
case WorkbenchState.FOLDER:
const folders = this.contextService.getWorkspace().folders.map(folder => ({ uri: folder.uri }));
return this.workspaceEditingService.createAndEnterWorkspace(folders, configPathUri);
case WorkbenchState.WORKSPACE:
return this.workspaceEditingService.saveAndEnterWorkspace(configPathUri);
async run(): Promise<any> {
const configPathUri = await this.workspaceEditingService.pickNewWorkspacePath();
if (configPathUri) {
switch (this.contextService.getWorkbenchState()) {
case WorkbenchState.EMPTY:
case WorkbenchState.FOLDER:
const folders = this.contextService.getWorkspace().folders.map(folder => ({ uri: folder.uri }));
return this.workspaceEditingService.createAndEnterWorkspace(folders, configPathUri);
case WorkbenchState.WORKSPACE:
return this.workspaceEditingService.saveAndEnterWorkspace(configPathUri);
......@@ -296,14 +291,13 @@ export class DuplicateWorkspaceInNewWindowAction extends Action {
super(id, label);
run(): Promise<any> {
async run(): Promise<any> {
const folders = this.workspaceContextService.getWorkspace().folders;
const remoteAuthority = this.environmentService.configuration.remoteAuthority;
return this.workspacesService.createUntitledWorkspace(folders, remoteAuthority).then(newWorkspace => {
return this.workspaceEditingService.copyWorkspaceSettings(newWorkspace).then(() => {
return this.windowService.openWindow([{ workspaceUri: newWorkspace.configPath }], { forceNewWindow: true });
const newWorkspace = await this.workspacesService.createUntitledWorkspace(folders, remoteAuthority);
await this.workspaceEditingService.copyWorkspaceSettings(newWorkspace);
return this.windowService.openWindow([{ workspaceUri: newWorkspace.configPath }], { forceNewWindow: true });
......@@ -54,30 +54,28 @@ CommandsRegistry.registerCommand({
handler: (accessor) => {
handler: async (accessor) => {
const viewletService = accessor.get(IViewletService);
const workspaceEditingService = accessor.get(IWorkspaceEditingService);
const dialogsService = accessor.get(IFileDialogService);
return dialogsService.showOpenDialog({
const folders = await dialogsService.showOpenDialog({
openLabel: mnemonicButtonLabel(nls.localize({ key: 'add', comment: ['&& denotes a mnemonic'] }, "&&Add")),
title: nls.localize('addFolderToWorkspaceTitle', "Add Folder to Workspace"),
canSelectFolders: true,
canSelectMany: true,
defaultUri: dialogsService.defaultFolderPath()
}).then((folders): Promise<any> | null => {
if (!folders || !folders.length) {
return null;
// Add and show Files Explorer viewlet
return workspaceEditingService.addFolders(folders.map(folder => ({ uri: resources.removeTrailingPathSeparator(folder) })))
.then(() => viewletService.openViewlet(viewletService.getDefaultViewletId(), true))
.then(() => undefined);
if (!folders || !folders.length) {
await workspaceEditingService.addFolders(folders.map(folder => ({ uri: resources.removeTrailingPathSeparator(folder) })));
await viewletService.openViewlet(viewletService.getDefaultViewletId(), true);
CommandsRegistry.registerCommand(PICK_WORKSPACE_FOLDER_COMMAND_ID, function (accessor, args?: [IPickOptions<IQuickPickItem>, CancellationToken]) {
CommandsRegistry.registerCommand(PICK_WORKSPACE_FOLDER_COMMAND_ID, async function (accessor, args?: [IPickOptions<IQuickPickItem>, CancellationToken]) {
const quickInputService = accessor.get(IQuickInputService);
const labelService = accessor.get(ILabelService);
const contextService = accessor.get(IWorkspaceContextService);
......@@ -86,7 +84,7 @@ CommandsRegistry.registerCommand(PICK_WORKSPACE_FOLDER_COMMAND_ID, function (acc
const folders = contextService.getWorkspace().folders;
if (!folders.length) {
return undefined;
const folderPicks: IQuickPickItem[] = folders.map(folder => {
......@@ -113,12 +111,11 @@ CommandsRegistry.registerCommand(PICK_WORKSPACE_FOLDER_COMMAND_ID, function (acc
const token: CancellationToken = (args ? args[1] : undefined) || CancellationToken.None;
const pick = await quickInputService.pick(folderPicks, options, token);
return quickInputService.pick(folderPicks, options, token).then(pick => {
if (!pick) {
return undefined;
if (pick) {
return folders[folderPicks.indexOf(pick)];
......@@ -170,53 +170,52 @@ export class ResourcesDropHandler {
) {
handleDrop(event: DragEvent, resolveTargetGroup: () => IEditorGroup | undefined, afterDrop: (targetGroup: IEditorGroup | undefined) => void, targetIndex?: number): void {
async handleDrop(event: DragEvent, resolveTargetGroup: () => IEditorGroup | undefined, afterDrop: (targetGroup: IEditorGroup | undefined) => void, targetIndex?: number): Promise<void> {
const untitledOrFileResources = extractResources(event).filter(r => this.fileService.canHandleResource(r.resource) || r.resource.scheme === Schemas.untitled);
if (!untitledOrFileResources.length) {
// Make the window active to handle the drop properly within
this.windowService.focusWindow().then(() => {
await this.windowService.focusWindow();
// Check for special things being dropped
return this.doHandleDrop(untitledOrFileResources).then(isWorkspaceOpening => {
if (isWorkspaceOpening) {
return undefined; // return early if the drop operation resulted in this window changing to a workspace
// Check for special things being dropped
const isWorkspaceOpening = await this.doHandleDrop(untitledOrFileResources);
// Add external ones to recently open list unless dropped resource is a workspace
const recents: IRecentFile[] = untitledOrFileResources.filter(d => d.isExternal && d.resource.scheme === Schemas.file).map(d => ({ fileUri: d.resource }));
if (recents.length) {
if (isWorkspaceOpening) {
return; // return early if the drop operation resulted in this window changing to a workspace
const editors: IResourceEditor[] = untitledOrFileResources.map(untitledOrFileResource => ({
resource: untitledOrFileResource.resource,
options: {
pinned: true,
index: targetIndex,
viewState: (untitledOrFileResource as IDraggedEditor).viewState
// Add external ones to recently open list unless dropped resource is a workspace
const recents: IRecentFile[] = untitledOrFileResources.filter(d => d.isExternal && d.resource.scheme === Schemas.file).map(d => ({ fileUri: d.resource }));
if (recents.length) {
// Open in Editor
const targetGroup = resolveTargetGroup();
return this.editorService.openEditors(editors, targetGroup).then(() => {
const editors: IResourceEditor[] = untitledOrFileResources.map(untitledOrFileResource => ({
resource: untitledOrFileResource.resource,
options: {
pinned: true,
index: targetIndex,
viewState: (untitledOrFileResource as IDraggedEditor).viewState
// Finish with provided function
// Open in Editor
const targetGroup = resolveTargetGroup();
await this.editorService.openEditors(editors, targetGroup);
// Finish with provided function
private doHandleDrop(untitledOrFileResources: Array<IDraggedResource | IDraggedEditor>): Promise<boolean> {
private async doHandleDrop(untitledOrFileResources: Array<IDraggedResource | IDraggedEditor>): Promise<boolean> {
// Check for dirty editors being dropped
const resourcesWithBackups: IDraggedEditor[] = untitledOrFileResources.filter(resource => !resource.isExternal && !!(resource as IDraggedEditor).backupResource);
if (resourcesWithBackups.length > 0) {
return Promise.all(resourcesWithBackups.map(resourceWithBackup => this.handleDirtyEditorDrop(resourceWithBackup))).then(() => false);
await Promise.all(resourcesWithBackups.map(resourceWithBackup => this.handleDirtyEditorDrop(resourceWithBackup)));
return false;
// Check for workspace file being dropped if we are allowed to do so
......@@ -227,10 +226,10 @@ export class ResourcesDropHandler {
return Promise.resolve(false);
return false;
private handleDirtyEditorDrop(droppedDirtyEditor: IDraggedEditor): Promise<boolean> {
private async handleDirtyEditorDrop(droppedDirtyEditor: IDraggedEditor): Promise<boolean> {
// Untitled: always ensure that we open a new untitled for each file we drop
if (droppedDirtyEditor.resource.scheme === Schemas.untitled) {
......@@ -239,15 +238,18 @@ export class ResourcesDropHandler {
// Return early if the resource is already dirty in target or opened already
if (this.textFileService.isDirty(droppedDirtyEditor.resource) || this.editorService.isOpen({ resource: droppedDirtyEditor.resource })) {
return Promise.resolve(false);
return false;
// Resolve the contents of the dropped dirty resource from source
return this.backupFileService.resolveBackupContent(droppedDirtyEditor.backupResource!).then(content => {
try {
const content = await this.backupFileService.resolveBackupContent((droppedDirtyEditor.backupResource!));
await this.backupFileService.backupResource(droppedDirtyEditor.resource, content.value.create(this.getDefaultEOL()).createSnapshot(true));
} catch (e) {
// Ignore error
// Set the contents of to the resource to the target
return this.backupFileService.backupResource(droppedDirtyEditor.resource, content.value.create(this.getDefaultEOL()).createSnapshot(true));
}).then(() => false, () => false /* ignore any error */);
return false;
private getDefaultEOL(): DefaultEndOfLine {
......@@ -259,44 +261,50 @@ export class ResourcesDropHandler {
return DefaultEndOfLine.LF;
private handleWorkspaceFileDrop(fileOnDiskResources: URI[]): Promise<boolean> {
private async handleWorkspaceFileDrop(fileOnDiskResources: URI[]): Promise<boolean> {
const urisToOpen: IURIToOpen[] = [];
const folderURIs: IWorkspaceFolderCreationData[] = [];
return Promise.all(fileOnDiskResources.map(fileOnDiskResource => {
await Promise.all(fileOnDiskResources.map(async fileOnDiskResource => {
// Check for Workspace
if (hasWorkspaceFileExtension(fileOnDiskResource)) {
urisToOpen.push({ workspaceUri: fileOnDiskResource });
return undefined;
// Check for Folder
return this.fileService.resolve(fileOnDiskResource).then(stat => {
try {
const stat = await this.fileService.resolve(fileOnDiskResource);
if (stat.isDirectory) {
urisToOpen.push({ folderUri: stat.resource });
folderURIs.push({ uri: stat.resource });
}, error => undefined);
})).then(_ => {
// Return early if no external resource is a folder or workspace
if (urisToOpen.length === 0) {
return false;
} catch (error) {
// Ignore error
// Pass focus to window
// Return early if no external resource is a folder or workspace
if (urisToOpen.length === 0) {
return false;
// Open in separate windows if we drop workspaces or just one folder
if (urisToOpen.length > folderURIs.length || folderURIs.length === 1) {
return this.windowService.openWindow(urisToOpen, { forceReuseWindow: true }).then(_ => true);
// Pass focus to window
// folders.length > 1: Multiple folders: Create new workspace with folders and open
return this.workspaceEditingService.createAndEnterWorkspace(folderURIs).then(_ => true);
// Open in separate windows if we drop workspaces or just one folder
if (urisToOpen.length > folderURIs.length || folderURIs.length === 1) {
await this.windowService.openWindow(urisToOpen, { forceReuseWindow: true });
// folders.length > 1: Multiple folders: Create new workspace with folders and open
else {
await this.workspaceEditingService.createAndEnterWorkspace(folderURIs);
return true;
......@@ -42,15 +42,15 @@ export class ViewletActivityAction extends ActivityAction {
run(event: any): Promise<any> {
async run(event: any): Promise<any> {
if (event instanceof MouseEvent && event.button === 2) {
return Promise.resolve(false); // do not run on right click
return false; // do not run on right click
// prevent accident trigger on a doubleclick (to help nervous people)
const now = Date.now();
if (now > this.lastRun /* https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/25830 */ && now - this.lastRun < ViewletActivityAction.preventDoubleClickDelay) {
return Promise.resolve(true);
return true;
this.lastRun = now;
......@@ -61,11 +61,12 @@ export class ViewletActivityAction extends ActivityAction {
if (sideBarVisible && activeViewlet && activeViewlet.getId() === this.activity.id) {
return Promise.resolve();
return true;
return this.viewletService.openViewlet(this.activity.id, true).then(() => this.activate());
await this.viewletService.openViewlet(this.activity.id, true);
return this.activate();
private logAction(action: string) {
......@@ -204,12 +204,13 @@ export class CompositeBar extends Widget implements ICompositeBar {
return toDisposable(() => this.model.removeActivity(compositeId, activity));
pin(compositeId: string, open?: boolean): void {
async pin(compositeId: string, open?: boolean): Promise<void> {
if (this.model.setPinned(compositeId, true)) {
if (open) {
this.options.openComposite(compositeId).then(() => this.activateComposite(compositeId)); // Activate after opening
await this.options.openComposite(compositeId);
this.activateComposite(compositeId); // Activate after opening
......@@ -74,44 +74,33 @@ export abstract class BaseBinaryResourceEditor extends BaseEditor {
setInput(input: EditorInput, options: EditorOptions, token: CancellationToken): Promise<void> {
return super.setInput(input, options, token).then(() => {
return input.resolve().then(model => {
// Check for cancellation
if (token.isCancellationRequested) {
return undefined;
// Assert Model instance
if (!(model instanceof BinaryEditorModel)) {
return Promise.reject(new Error('Unable to open file as binary'));
// Render Input
this.resourceViewerContext = ResourceViewer.show(
{ name: model.getName(), resource: model.getResource(), size: model.getSize(), etag: model.getETag(), mime: model.getMime() },
openInternalClb: _ => this.handleOpenInternalCallback(input, options),
openExternalClb: this.environmentService.configuration.remoteAuthority ? undefined : resource => this.callbacks.openExternal(resource),
metadataClb: meta => this.handleMetadataChanged(meta)
return undefined;
async setInput(input: EditorInput, options: EditorOptions, token: CancellationToken): Promise<void> {
await super.setInput(input, options, token);
const model = await input.resolve();
// Check for cancellation
if (token.isCancellationRequested) {
// Assert Model instance
if (!(model instanceof BinaryEditorModel)) {
throw new Error('Unable to open file as binary');
// Render Input
this.resourceViewerContext = ResourceViewer.show({ name: model.getName(), resource: model.getResource(), size: model.getSize(), etag: model.getETag(), mime: model.getMime() }, this.textFileService, this.binaryContainer, this.scrollbar, {
openInternalClb: () => this.handleOpenInternalCallback(input, options),
openExternalClb: this.environmentService.configuration.remoteAuthority ? undefined : resource => this.callbacks.openExternal(resource),
metadataClb: meta => this.handleMetadataChanged(meta)
private handleOpenInternalCallback(input: EditorInput, options: EditorOptions) {
this.callbacks.openInternal(input, options).then(() => {
private async handleOpenInternalCallback(input: EditorInput, options: EditorOptions): Promise<void> {
await this.callbacks.openInternal(input, options);
// Signal to listeners that the binary editor has been opened in-place
// Signal to listeners that the binary editor has been opened in-place
private handleMetadataChanged(meta: string | undefined): void {
......@@ -539,23 +539,27 @@ export class RevertAndCloseEditorAction extends Action {
super(id, label);
run(): Promise<any> {
async run(): Promise<any> {
const activeControl = this.editorService.activeControl;
if (activeControl) {
const editor = activeControl.input;
const group = activeControl.group;
// first try a normal revert where the contents of the editor are restored
return editor.revert().then(() => group.closeEditor(editor), error => {
try {
await editor.revert();
} catch (error) {
// if that fails, since we are about to close the editor, we accept that
// the editor cannot be reverted and instead do a soft revert that just
// enables us to close the editor. With this, a user can always close a
// dirty editor even when reverting fails.
return editor.revert({ soft: true }).then(() => group.closeEditor(editor));
await editor.revert({ soft: true });
return Promise.resolve(false);
return true;
......@@ -618,7 +622,7 @@ export abstract class BaseCloseAllAction extends Action {
return groupsToClose;
run(): Promise<any> {
async run(): Promise<any> {
// Just close all if there are no or one dirty editor
if (this.textFileService.getDirty().length < 2) {
......@@ -626,26 +630,23 @@ export abstract class BaseCloseAllAction extends Action {
// Otherwise ask for combined confirmation
return this.textFileService.confirmSave().then(confirm => {
if (confirm === ConfirmResult.CANCEL) {
return undefined;
let saveOrRevertPromise: Promise<boolean>;
if (confirm === ConfirmResult.DONT_SAVE) {
saveOrRevertPromise = this.textFileService.revertAll(undefined, { soft: true }).then(() => true);
} else {
saveOrRevertPromise = this.textFileService.saveAll(true).then(res => res.results.every(r => !!r.success));
const confirm = await this.textFileService.confirmSave();
if (confirm === ConfirmResult.CANCEL) {
return saveOrRevertPromise.then(success => {
if (success) {
return this.doCloseAll();
let saveOrRevert: boolean;
if (confirm === ConfirmResult.DONT_SAVE) {
await this.textFileService.revertAll(undefined, { soft: true });
saveOrRevert = true;
} else {
const res = await this.textFileService.saveAll(true);
saveOrRevert = res.results.every(r => !!r.success);
return undefined;
if (saveOrRevert) {
return this.doCloseAll();
protected abstract doCloseAll(): Promise<any>;
......@@ -684,10 +685,10 @@ export class CloseAllEditorGroupsAction extends BaseCloseAllAction {
super(id, label, undefined, textFileService, editorGroupService);
protected doCloseAll(): Promise<any> {
return Promise.all(this.groupsToClose.map(g => g.closeAllEditors())).then(() => {
this.groupsToClose.forEach(group => this.editorGroupService.removeGroup(group));
protected async doCloseAll(): Promise<any> {
await Promise.all(this.groupsToClose.map(group => group.closeAllEditors()));
this.groupsToClose.forEach(group => this.editorGroupService.removeGroup(group));
......@@ -670,19 +670,17 @@ function registerCloseEditorCommands() {
CommandsRegistry.registerCommand(CLOSE_EDITORS_AND_GROUP_COMMAND_ID, (accessor: ServicesAccessor, resourceOrContext: URI | IEditorCommandsContext, context?: IEditorCommandsContext) => {
CommandsRegistry.registerCommand(CLOSE_EDITORS_AND_GROUP_COMMAND_ID, async (accessor: ServicesAccessor, resourceOrContext: URI | IEditorCommandsContext, context?: IEditorCommandsContext) => {
const editorGroupService = accessor.get(IEditorGroupsService);
const { group } = resolveCommandsContext(editorGroupService, getCommandsContext(resourceOrContext, context));
if (group) {
return group.closeAllEditors().then(() => {
if (group.count === 0 && editorGroupService.getGroup(group.id) /* could be gone by now */) {
editorGroupService.removeGroup(group); // only remove group if it is now empty
await group.closeAllEditors();
return undefined;
if (group.count === 0 && editorGroupService.getGroup(group.id) /* could be gone by now */) {
editorGroupService.removeGroup(group); // only remove group if it is now empty
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export class EditorControl extends Disposable {
return this._activeControl as IVisibleEditor | null;
openEditor(editor: EditorInput, options?: EditorOptions): Promise<IOpenEditorResult> {
async openEditor(editor: EditorInput, options?: EditorOptions): Promise<IOpenEditorResult> {
// Editor control
const descriptor = Registry.as<IEditorRegistry>(EditorExtensions.Editors).getEditor(editor);
......@@ -68,7 +68,8 @@ export class EditorControl extends Disposable {
const control = this.doShowEditorControl(descriptor);
// Set input
return this.doSetInput(control, editor, withUndefinedAsNull(options)).then((editorChanged => (({ control, editorChanged }))));
const editorChanged = await this.doSetInput(control, editor, withUndefinedAsNull(options));
return { control, editorChanged };
private doShowEditorControl(descriptor: IEditorDescriptor): BaseEditor {
......@@ -150,7 +151,7 @@ export class EditorControl extends Disposable {
private doSetInput(control: BaseEditor, editor: EditorInput, options: EditorOptions | null): Promise<boolean> {
private async doSetInput(control: BaseEditor, editor: EditorInput, options: EditorOptions | null): Promise<boolean> {
// If the input did not change, return early and only apply the options
// unless the options instruct us to force open it even if it is the same
......@@ -167,7 +168,7 @@ export class EditorControl extends Disposable {
return Promise.resolve(false);
return false;
// Show progress while setting input after a certain timeout. If the workbench is opening
......@@ -176,7 +177,8 @@ export class EditorControl extends Disposable {
// Call into editor control
const editorWillChange = !inputMatches;
return control.setInput(editor, options, operation.token).then(() => {
try {
await control.setInput(editor, options, operation.token);
// Focus (unless prevented or another operation is running)
if (operation.isCurrent()) {
......@@ -186,17 +188,10 @@ export class EditorControl extends Disposable {
// Operation done
return editorWillChange;
}, e => {
// Operation done
} finally {
return Promise.reject(e);
private doHideActiveEditorControl(): void {
......@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ export class EditorGroupView extends Themable implements IEditorGroupView {
private restoreEditors(from: IEditorGroupView | ISerializedEditorGroup): Promise<void> {
private async restoreEditors(from: IEditorGroupView | ISerializedEditorGroup): Promise<void> {
if (this._group.count === 0) {
return Promise.resolve(); // nothing to show
......@@ -424,16 +424,15 @@ export class EditorGroupView extends Themable implements IEditorGroupView {
const activeElement = document.activeElement;
// Show active editor
return this.doShowEditor(activeEditor, true, options).then(() => {
// Set focused now if this is the active group and focus has
// not changed meanwhile. This prevents focus from being
// stolen accidentally on startup when the user already
// clicked somewhere.
if (this.accessor.activeGroup === this && activeElement === document.activeElement) {
await this.doShowEditor(activeEditor, true, options);
// Set focused now if this is the active group and focus has
// not changed meanwhile. This prevents focus from being
// stolen accidentally on startup when the user already
// clicked somewhere.
if (this.accessor.activeGroup === this && activeElement === document.activeElement) {
//#region event handling
......@@ -815,34 +814,33 @@ export class EditorGroupView extends Themable implements IEditorGroupView {
return this.doShowEditor(editor, !!openEditorOptions.active, options);
private doShowEditor(editor: EditorInput, active: boolean, options?: EditorOptions): Promise<IEditor | null> {
private async doShowEditor(editor: EditorInput, active: boolean, options?: EditorOptions): Promise<IEditor | null> {
// Show in editor control if the active editor changed
let openEditorPromise: Promise<IEditor | null>;
let openEditor: IEditor | null = null;
if (active) {
openEditorPromise = this.editorControl.openEditor(editor, options).then(result => {
try {
const result = await this.editorControl.openEditor(editor, options);
// Editor change event
if (result.editorChanged) {
this._onDidGroupChange.fire({ kind: GroupChangeKind.EDITOR_ACTIVE, editor });
return result.control;
}, error => {
openEditor = result.control;
} catch (error) {
// Handle errors but do not bubble them up
this.doHandleOpenEditorError(error, editor, options);
return null; // error: return NULL as result to signal this
} else {
openEditorPromise = Promise.resolve(null); // inactive: return NULL as result to signal this
openEditor = null; // inactive: return NULL as result to signal this
// Show in title control after editor control because some actions depend on it
return openEditorPromise;
return openEditor;
private doHandleOpenEditorError(error: Error, editor: EditorInput, options?: EditorOptions): void {
......@@ -878,37 +876,33 @@ export class EditorGroupView extends Themable implements IEditorGroupView {
//#region openEditors()
openEditors(editors: { editor: EditorInput, options?: EditorOptions }[]): Promise<IEditor | null> {
async openEditors(editors: { editor: EditorInput, options?: EditorOptions }[]): Promise<IEditor | null> {
if (!editors.length) {
return Promise.resolve(null);
return null;
// Do not modify original array
editors = editors.slice(0);
let result: IEditor | null;
// Use the first editor as active editor
const { editor, options } = editors.shift()!;
return this.openEditor(editor, options).then(activeEditor => {
result = activeEditor; // this can be NULL if the opening failed
const startingIndex = this.getIndexOfEditor(editor) + 1;
// Open the other ones inactive
return Promise.all(editors.map(({ editor, options }, index) => {
const adjustedEditorOptions = options || new EditorOptions();
adjustedEditorOptions.inactive = true;
adjustedEditorOptions.pinned = true;
adjustedEditorOptions.index = startingIndex + index;
return this.openEditor(editor, adjustedEditorOptions).then(activeEditor => {
if (!result) {
result = activeEditor; // only take if the first editor opening failed
})).then(() => result);
let firstEditor = await this.openEditor(editor, options);
// Open the other ones inactive
const startingIndex = this.getIndexOfEditor(editor) + 1;
await Promise.all(editors.map(async ({ editor, options }, index) => {
const adjustedEditorOptions = options || new EditorOptions();
adjustedEditorOptions.inactive = true;
adjustedEditorOptions.pinned = true;
adjustedEditorOptions.index = startingIndex + index;
const openedEditor = await this.openEditor(editor, adjustedEditorOptions);
if (!firstEditor) {
firstEditor = openedEditor; // only take if the first editor opening failed
return firstEditor;
......@@ -989,20 +983,19 @@ export class EditorGroupView extends Themable implements IEditorGroupView {
//#region closeEditor()
closeEditor(editor: EditorInput | undefined = this.activeEditor || undefined, options?: ICloseEditorOptions): Promise<void> {
async closeEditor(editor: EditorInput | undefined = this.activeEditor || undefined, options?: ICloseEditorOptions): Promise<void> {
if (!editor) {
return Promise.resolve();
// Check for dirty and veto
return this.handleDirty([editor]).then(veto => {
if (veto) {
const veto = await this.handleDirty([editor]);
if (veto) {
// Do close
this.doCloseEditor(editor, options && options.preserveFocus ? false : undefined);
// Do close
this.doCloseEditor(editor, options && options.preserveFocus ? false : undefined);
private doCloseEditor(editor: EditorInput, focusNext = (this.accessor.activeGroup === this), fromError?: boolean): void {
......@@ -1107,7 +1100,7 @@ export class EditorGroupView extends Themable implements IEditorGroupView {
private handleDirty(editors: EditorInput[]): Promise<boolean /* veto */> {
private async handleDirty(editors: EditorInput[]): Promise<boolean /* veto */> {
if (!editors.length) {
return Promise.resolve(false); // no veto
......@@ -1122,22 +1115,21 @@ export class EditorGroupView extends Themable implements IEditorGroupView {
this.mapEditorToPendingConfirmation.set(editor, handleDirtyPromise);
return handleDirtyPromise.then(veto => {
const veto = await handleDirtyPromise;
// Make sure to remove from our map of cached pending confirmations
// Make sure to remove from our map of cached pending confirmations
// Return for the first veto we got
if (veto) {
return veto;
// Return for the first veto we got
if (veto) {
return veto;
// Otherwise continue with the remainders
return this.handleDirty(editors);
// Otherwise continue with the remainders
return this.handleDirty(editors);
private doHandleDirty(editor: EditorInput): Promise<boolean /* veto */> {
private async doHandleDirty(editor: EditorInput): Promise<boolean /* veto */> {
if (
!editor.isDirty() || // editor must be dirty
this.accessor.groups.some(groupView => groupView !== this && groupView.group.contains(editor, true /* support side by side */)) || // editor is opened in other group
......@@ -1147,59 +1139,65 @@ export class EditorGroupView extends Themable implements IEditorGroupView {
// Switch to editor that we want to handle and confirm to save/revert
return this.openEditor(editor).then(() => editor.confirmSave().then(res => {
// It could be that the editor saved meanwhile, so we check again
// to see if anything needs to happen before closing for good.
// This can happen for example if autoSave: onFocusChange is configured
// so that the save happens when the dialog opens.
if (!editor.isDirty()) {
return res === ConfirmResult.CANCEL ? true : false;
await this.openEditor(editor);
const res = await editor.confirmSave();
// It could be that the editor saved meanwhile, so we check again
// to see if anything needs to happen before closing for good.
// This can happen for example if autoSave: onFocusChange is configured
// so that the save happens when the dialog opens.
if (!editor.isDirty()) {
return res === ConfirmResult.CANCEL ? true : false;
// Otherwise, handle accordingly
switch (res) {
case ConfirmResult.SAVE:
return editor.save().then(ok => !ok);
// Otherwise, handle accordingly
switch (res) {
case ConfirmResult.SAVE:
const result = await editor.save();
case ConfirmResult.DONT_SAVE:
return !result;
case ConfirmResult.DONT_SAVE:
try {
// first try a normal revert where the contents of the editor are restored
return editor.revert().then(ok => !ok, error => {
const result = await editor.revert();
// if that fails, since we are about to close the editor, we accept that
// the editor cannot be reverted and instead do a soft revert that just
// enables us to close the editor. With this, a user can always close a
// dirty editor even when reverting fails.
return editor.revert({ soft: true }).then(ok => !ok);
return !result;
} catch (error) {
// if that fails, since we are about to close the editor, we accept that
// the editor cannot be reverted and instead do a soft revert that just
// enables us to close the editor. With this, a user can always close a
// dirty editor even when reverting fails.
const result = await editor.revert({ soft: true });
case ConfirmResult.CANCEL:
return true; // veto
return !result;
case ConfirmResult.CANCEL:
return true; // veto
//#region closeEditors()
closeEditors(args: EditorInput[] | ICloseEditorsFilter, options?: ICloseEditorOptions): Promise<void> {
async closeEditors(args: EditorInput[] | ICloseEditorsFilter, options?: ICloseEditorOptions): Promise<void> {
if (this.isEmpty()) {
return Promise.resolve();
const editors = this.getEditorsToClose(args);
// Check for dirty and veto
return this.handleDirty(editors.slice(0)).then(veto => {
if (veto) {
const veto = await this.handleDirty(editors.slice(0));
if (veto) {
// Do close
this.doCloseEditors(editors, options);
// Do close
this.doCloseEditors(editors, options);
private getEditorsToClose(editors: EditorInput[] | ICloseEditorsFilter): EditorInput[] {
......@@ -1257,7 +1255,7 @@ export class EditorGroupView extends Themable implements IEditorGroupView {
//#region closeAllEditors()
closeAllEditors(): Promise<void> {
async closeAllEditors(): Promise<void> {
if (this.isEmpty()) {
// If the group is empty and the request is to close all editors, we still close
......@@ -1267,19 +1265,18 @@ export class EditorGroupView extends Themable implements IEditorGroupView {
return Promise.resolve();
// Check for dirty and veto
const editors = this._group.getEditors(true);
return this.handleDirty(editors.slice(0)).then(veto => {
if (veto) {
const veto = await this.handleDirty(editors.slice(0));
if (veto) {
// Do close
// Do close
private doCloseAllEditors(): void {
......@@ -1302,7 +1299,7 @@ export class EditorGroupView extends Themable implements IEditorGroupView {
//#region replaceEditors()
replaceEditors(editors: EditorReplacement[]): Promise<void> {
async replaceEditors(editors: EditorReplacement[]): Promise<void> {
// Extract active vs. inactive replacements
let activeReplacement: EditorReplacement | undefined;
......@@ -1360,10 +1357,8 @@ export class EditorGroupView extends Themable implements IEditorGroupView {
return openEditorResult.then(() => undefined);
await openEditorResult;
return Promise.resolve();
......@@ -855,8 +855,8 @@ export class ShowLanguageExtensionsAction extends Action {
this.enabled = galleryService.isEnabled();
run(): Promise<void> {
return this.commandService.executeCommand('workbench.extensions.action.showExtensionsForLanguage', this.fileExtension).then(() => undefined);
async run(): Promise<void> {
await this.commandService.executeCommand('workbench.extensions.action.showExtensionsForLanguage', this.fileExtension);
......@@ -880,7 +880,7 @@ export class ChangeModeAction extends Action {
super(actionId, actionLabel);
run(): Promise<any> {
async run(): Promise<any> {
const activeTextEditorWidget = getCodeEditor(this.editorService.activeTextEditorWidget);
if (!activeTextEditorWidget) {
return this.quickInputService.pick([{ label: nls.localize('noEditor', "No text editor active at this time") }]);
......@@ -1030,31 +1030,30 @@ export class ChangeModeAction extends Action {
setTimeout(() => {
this.quickInputService.pick(picks, { placeHolder: nls.localize('pickLanguageToConfigure', "Select Language Mode to Associate with '{0}'", extension || base) }).then(language => {
if (language) {
const fileAssociationsConfig = this.configurationService.inspect<{}>(FILES_ASSOCIATIONS_CONFIG);
setTimeout(async () => {
const language = await this.quickInputService.pick(picks, { placeHolder: nls.localize('pickLanguageToConfigure', "Select Language Mode to Associate with '{0}'", extension || base) });
if (language) {
const fileAssociationsConfig = this.configurationService.inspect<{}>(FILES_ASSOCIATIONS_CONFIG);
let associationKey: string;
if (extension && base[0] !== '.') {
associationKey = `*${extension}`; // only use "*.ext" if the file path is in the form of <name>.<ext>
} else {
associationKey = base; // otherwise use the basename (e.g. .gitignore, Dockerfile)
let associationKey: string;
if (extension && base[0] !== '.') {
associationKey = `*${extension}`; // only use "*.ext" if the file path is in the form of <name>.<ext>
} else {
associationKey = base; // otherwise use the basename (e.g. .gitignore, Dockerfile)
// If the association is already being made in the workspace, make sure to target workspace settings
let target = ConfigurationTarget.USER;
if (fileAssociationsConfig.workspace && !!fileAssociationsConfig.workspace[associationKey]) {
target = ConfigurationTarget.WORKSPACE;
// If the association is already being made in the workspace, make sure to target workspace settings
let target = ConfigurationTarget.USER;
if (fileAssociationsConfig.workspace && !!fileAssociationsConfig.workspace[associationKey]) {
target = ConfigurationTarget.WORKSPACE;
// Make sure to write into the value of the target and not the merged value from USER and WORKSPACE config
const currentAssociations = deepClone((target === ConfigurationTarget.WORKSPACE) ? fileAssociationsConfig.workspace : fileAssociationsConfig.user) || Object.create(null);
currentAssociations[associationKey] = language.id;
// Make sure to write into the value of the target and not the merged value from USER and WORKSPACE config
const currentAssociations = deepClone((target === ConfigurationTarget.WORKSPACE) ? fileAssociationsConfig.workspace : fileAssociationsConfig.user) || Object.create(null);
currentAssociations[associationKey] = language.id;
this.configurationService.updateValue(FILES_ASSOCIATIONS_CONFIG, currentAssociations, target);
this.configurationService.updateValue(FILES_ASSOCIATIONS_CONFIG, currentAssociations, target);
}, 50 /* quick open is sensitive to being opened so soon after another */);
......@@ -1077,7 +1076,7 @@ class ChangeIndentationAction extends Action {
super(actionId, actionLabel);
run(): Promise<any> {
async run(): Promise<any> {
const activeTextEditorWidget = getCodeEditor(this.editorService.activeTextEditorWidget);
if (!activeTextEditorWidget) {
return this.quickInputService.pick([{ label: nls.localize('noEditor', "No text editor active at this time") }]);
......@@ -1109,7 +1108,8 @@ class ChangeIndentationAction extends Action {
picks.splice(3, 0, { type: 'separator', label: nls.localize('indentConvert', "convert file") });
picks.unshift({ type: 'separator', label: nls.localize('indentView', "change view") });
return this.quickInputService.pick(picks, { placeHolder: nls.localize('pickAction', "Select Action"), matchOnDetail: true }).then(action => action && action.run());
const action = await this.quickInputService.pick(picks, { placeHolder: nls.localize('pickAction', "Select Action"), matchOnDetail: true });
return action && action.run();
......@@ -1127,7 +1127,7 @@ export class ChangeEOLAction extends Action {
super(actionId, actionLabel);
run(): Promise<any> {
async run(): Promise<any> {
const activeTextEditorWidget = getCodeEditor(this.editorService.activeTextEditorWidget);
if (!activeTextEditorWidget) {
return this.quickInputService.pick([{ label: nls.localize('noEditor', "No text editor active at this time") }]);
......@@ -1137,7 +1137,7 @@ export class ChangeEOLAction extends Action {
return this.quickInputService.pick([{ label: nls.localize('noWritableCodeEditor', "The active code editor is read-only.") }]);
const textModel = activeTextEditorWidget.getModel();
let textModel = activeTextEditorWidget.getModel();
const EOLOptions: IChangeEOLEntry[] = [
{ label: nlsEOLLF, eol: EndOfLineSequence.LF },
......@@ -1146,15 +1146,14 @@ export class ChangeEOLAction extends Action {
const selectedIndex = (textModel && textModel.getEOL() === '\n') ? 0 : 1;
return this.quickInputService.pick(EOLOptions, { placeHolder: nls.localize('pickEndOfLine', "Select End of Line Sequence"), activeItem: EOLOptions[selectedIndex] }).then(eol => {
if (eol) {
const activeCodeEditor = getCodeEditor(this.editorService.activeTextEditorWidget);
if (activeCodeEditor && activeCodeEditor.hasModel() && isWritableCodeEditor(activeCodeEditor)) {
const textModel = activeCodeEditor.getModel();
const eol = await this.quickInputService.pick(EOLOptions, { placeHolder: nls.localize('pickEndOfLine', "Select End of Line Sequence"), activeItem: EOLOptions[selectedIndex] });
if (eol) {
const activeCodeEditor = getCodeEditor(this.editorService.activeTextEditorWidget);
if (activeCodeEditor && activeCodeEditor.hasModel() && isWritableCodeEditor(activeCodeEditor)) {
textModel = activeCodeEditor.getModel();
......@@ -567,16 +567,15 @@ class InlineImageView {
return context;
private static imageSrc(descriptor: IResourceDescriptor, textFileService: ITextFileService): Promise<string> {
private static async imageSrc(descriptor: IResourceDescriptor, textFileService: ITextFileService): Promise<string> {
if (descriptor.resource.scheme === Schemas.data) {
return Promise.resolve(descriptor.resource.toString(true /* skip encoding */));
return textFileService.read(descriptor.resource, { encoding: 'base64' }).then(data => {
const mime = getMime(descriptor);
const data = await textFileService.read(descriptor.resource, { encoding: 'base64' });
const mime = getMime(descriptor);
return `data:${mime};base64,${data.value}`;
return `data:${mime};base64,${data.value}`;
......@@ -93,10 +93,11 @@ export class SideBySideEditor extends BaseEditor {
setInput(newInput: EditorInput, options: EditorOptions, token: CancellationToken): Promise<void> {
async setInput(newInput: EditorInput, options: EditorOptions, token: CancellationToken): Promise<void> {
const oldInput = this.input as SideBySideEditorInput;
return super.setInput(newInput, options, token)
.then(() => this.updateInput(oldInput, newInput as SideBySideEditorInput, options, token));
await super.setInput(newInput, options, token);
return this.updateInput(oldInput, (newInput as SideBySideEditorInput), options, token);
setOptions(options: EditorOptions): void {
......@@ -158,7 +159,7 @@ export class SideBySideEditor extends BaseEditor {
return this.detailsEditor;
private updateInput(oldInput: SideBySideEditorInput, newInput: SideBySideEditorInput, options: EditorOptions, token: CancellationToken): Promise<void> {
private async updateInput(oldInput: SideBySideEditorInput, newInput: SideBySideEditorInput, options: EditorOptions, token: CancellationToken): Promise<void> {
if (!newInput.matches(oldInput)) {
if (oldInput) {
......@@ -166,14 +167,15 @@ export class SideBySideEditor extends BaseEditor {
return this.setNewInput(newInput, options, token);
if (!this.detailsEditor || !this.masterEditor) {
return Promise.resolve();
return Promise.all([
await Promise.all([
this.detailsEditor.setInput(newInput.details, null, token),
this.masterEditor.setInput(newInput.master, options, token)]
).then(() => undefined);
this.masterEditor.setInput(newInput.master, options, token)
private setNewInput(newInput: SideBySideEditorInput, options: EditorOptions, token: CancellationToken): Promise<void> {
......@@ -196,7 +198,7 @@ export class SideBySideEditor extends BaseEditor {
return editor;
private onEditorsCreated(details: BaseEditor, master: BaseEditor, detailsInput: EditorInput, masterInput: EditorInput, options: EditorOptions, token: CancellationToken): Promise<void> {
private async onEditorsCreated(details: BaseEditor, master: BaseEditor, detailsInput: EditorInput, masterInput: EditorInput, options: EditorOptions, token: CancellationToken): Promise<void> {
this.detailsEditor = details;
this.masterEditor = master;
......@@ -207,7 +209,12 @@ export class SideBySideEditor extends BaseEditor {
return Promise.all([this.detailsEditor.setInput(detailsInput, null, token), this.masterEditor.setInput(masterInput, options, token)]).then(() => this.focus());
await Promise.all([
this.detailsEditor.setInput(detailsInput, null, token),
this.masterEditor.setInput(masterInput, options, token)]
return this.focus();
updateStyles(): void {
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ export class TextDiffEditor extends BaseTextEditor implements ITextDiffEditor {
return this.instantiationService.createInstance(DiffEditorWidget, parent, configuration);
setInput(input: EditorInput, options: EditorOptions, token: CancellationToken): Promise<void> {
async setInput(input: EditorInput, options: EditorOptions, token: CancellationToken): Promise<void> {
// Dispose previous diff navigator
this.diffNavigatorDisposables = dispose(this.diffNavigatorDisposables);
......@@ -81,56 +81,55 @@ export class TextDiffEditor extends BaseTextEditor implements ITextDiffEditor {
// Set input and resolve
return super.setInput(input, options, token).then(() => {
return input.resolve().then(resolvedModel => {
await super.setInput(input, options, token);
// Check for cancellation
if (token.isCancellationRequested) {
return undefined;
try {
const resolvedModel = await input.resolve();
// Assert Model Instance
if (!(resolvedModel instanceof TextDiffEditorModel) && this.openAsBinary(input, options)) {
return undefined;
// Check for cancellation
if (token.isCancellationRequested) {
return undefined;
// Set Editor Model
const diffEditor = this.getControl();
const resolvedDiffEditorModel = <TextDiffEditorModel>resolvedModel;
// Assert Model Instance
if (!(resolvedModel instanceof TextDiffEditorModel) && this.openAsBinary(input, options)) {
return undefined;
// Apply Options from TextOptions
let optionsGotApplied = false;
if (options && types.isFunction((<TextEditorOptions>options).apply)) {
optionsGotApplied = (<TextEditorOptions>options).apply(diffEditor, ScrollType.Immediate);
// Set Editor Model
const diffEditor = this.getControl();
const resolvedDiffEditorModel = <TextDiffEditorModel>resolvedModel;
// Otherwise restore View State
let hasPreviousViewState = false;
if (!optionsGotApplied) {
hasPreviousViewState = this.restoreTextDiffEditorViewState(input);
// Apply Options from TextOptions
let optionsGotApplied = false;
if (options && types.isFunction((<TextEditorOptions>options).apply)) {
optionsGotApplied = (<TextEditorOptions>options).apply(diffEditor, ScrollType.Immediate);
// Diff navigator
this.diffNavigator = new DiffNavigator(diffEditor, {
alwaysRevealFirst: !optionsGotApplied && !hasPreviousViewState // only reveal first change if we had no options or viewstate
// Otherwise restore View State
let hasPreviousViewState = false;
if (!optionsGotApplied) {
hasPreviousViewState = this.restoreTextDiffEditorViewState(input);
// Readonly flag
diffEditor.updateOptions({ readOnly: resolvedDiffEditorModel.isReadonly() });
return undefined;
}, error => {
// Diff navigator
this.diffNavigator = new DiffNavigator(diffEditor, {
alwaysRevealFirst: !optionsGotApplied && !hasPreviousViewState // only reveal first change if we had no options or viewstate
// In case we tried to open a file and the response indicates that this is not a text file, fallback to binary diff.
if (this.isFileBinaryError(error) && this.openAsBinary(input, options)) {
return null;
// Readonly flag
diffEditor.updateOptions({ readOnly: resolvedDiffEditorModel.isReadonly() });
} catch (error) {
// Otherwise make sure the error bubbles up
return Promise.reject(error);
// In case we tried to open a file and the response indicates that this is not a text file, fallback to binary diff.
if (this.isFileBinaryError(error) && this.openAsBinary(input, options)) {
throw error;
setOptions(options: EditorOptions): void {
......@@ -191,14 +191,13 @@ export abstract class BaseTextEditor extends BaseEditor implements ITextEditor {
return this.instantiationService.createInstance(CodeEditorWidget, parent, configuration, {});
setInput(input: EditorInput, options: EditorOptions, token: CancellationToken): Promise<void> {
return super.setInput(input, options, token).then(() => {
async setInput(input: EditorInput, options: EditorOptions, token: CancellationToken): Promise<void> {
await super.setInput(input, options, token);
// Update editor options after having set the input. We do this because there can be
// editor input specific options (e.g. an ARIA label depending on the input showing)
this._editorContainer.setAttribute('aria-label', this.computeAriaLabel());
// Update editor options after having set the input. We do this because there can be
// editor input specific options (e.g. an ARIA label depending on the input showing)
this._editorContainer.setAttribute('aria-label', this.computeAriaLabel());
protected setEditorVisible(visible: boolean, group: IEditorGroup): void {
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import * as nls from 'vs/nls';
import * as types from 'vs/base/common/types';
import { ICodeEditor } from 'vs/editor/browser/editorBrowser';
import { IEditorOptions } from 'vs/editor/common/config/editorOptions';
import { TextEditorOptions, EditorModel, EditorInput, EditorOptions } from 'vs/workbench/common/editor';
import { TextEditorOptions, EditorInput, EditorOptions } from 'vs/workbench/common/editor';
import { ResourceEditorInput } from 'vs/workbench/common/editor/resourceEditorInput';
import { BaseTextEditorModel } from 'vs/workbench/common/editor/textEditorModel';
import { UntitledEditorInput } from 'vs/workbench/common/editor/untitledEditorInput';
......@@ -54,45 +54,41 @@ export class AbstractTextResourceEditor extends BaseTextEditor {
return nls.localize('textEditor', "Text Editor");
setInput(input: EditorInput, options: EditorOptions, token: CancellationToken): Promise<void> {
async setInput(input: EditorInput, options: EditorOptions, token: CancellationToken): Promise<void> {
// Remember view settings if input changes
// Set input and resolve
return super.setInput(input, options, token).then(() => {
return input.resolve().then((resolvedModel: EditorModel) => {
// Check for cancellation
if (token.isCancellationRequested) {
return undefined;
// Assert Model instance
if (!(resolvedModel instanceof BaseTextEditorModel)) {
return Promise.reject(new Error('Unable to open file as text'));
// Set Editor Model
const textEditor = this.getControl();
const textEditorModel = resolvedModel.textEditorModel;
// Apply Options from TextOptions
let optionsGotApplied = false;
const textOptions = <TextEditorOptions>options;
if (textOptions && types.isFunction(textOptions.apply)) {
optionsGotApplied = textOptions.apply(textEditor, ScrollType.Immediate);
// Otherwise restore View State
if (!optionsGotApplied) {
return undefined;
await super.setInput(input, options, token);
const resolvedModel = await input.resolve();
// Check for cancellation
if (token.isCancellationRequested) {
return undefined;
// Assert Model instance
if (!(resolvedModel instanceof BaseTextEditorModel)) {
return Promise.reject(new Error('Unable to open file as text'));
// Set Editor Model
const textEditor = this.getControl();
const textEditorModel = resolvedModel.textEditorModel;
// Apply Options from TextOptions
let optionsGotApplied = false;
const textOptions = <TextEditorOptions>options;
if (textOptions && types.isFunction(textOptions.apply)) {
optionsGotApplied = textOptions.apply(textEditor, ScrollType.Immediate);
// Otherwise restore View State
if (!optionsGotApplied) {
private restoreTextResourceEditorViewState(input: EditorInput) {
......@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ export class NotificationActionRunner extends ActionRunner {
protected runAction(action: IAction, context: INotificationViewItem): Promise<any> {
protected async runAction(action: IAction, context: INotificationViewItem): Promise<any> {
/* __GDPR__
"workbenchActionExecuted" : {
......@@ -171,8 +171,10 @@ export class NotificationActionRunner extends ActionRunner {
this.telemetryService.publicLog('workbenchActionExecuted', { id: action.id, from: 'message' });
// Run and make sure to notify on any error again
super.runAction(action, context).then(undefined, error => this.notificationService.error(error));
return Promise.resolve();
try {
await super.runAction(action, context);
} catch (error) {
......@@ -93,18 +93,17 @@ export class NotificationsToasts extends Themable {
private onCanShowNotifications(): Promise<void> {
private async onCanShowNotifications(): Promise<void> {
// Wait for the running phase to ensure we can draw notifications properly
return this.lifecycleService.when(LifecyclePhase.Ready).then(() => {
// Push notificiations out until either workbench is restored
// or some time has ellapsed to reduce pressure on the startup
return Promise.race([
await this.lifecycleService.when(LifecyclePhase.Ready);
// Push notificiations out until either workbench is restored
// or some time has ellapsed to reduce pressure on the startup
return Promise.race([
private onDidNotificationChange(e: INotificationChangeEvent): void {
......@@ -259,8 +259,7 @@ export class QuickOpenController extends Component implements IQuickOpenService
// Pass to handlers
for (let prefix in this.mapResolvedHandlersToPrefix) {
const promise = this.mapResolvedHandlersToPrefix[prefix];
promise.then(handler => {
this.mapResolvedHandlersToPrefix[prefix].then(handler => {
this.handlerOnOpenCalled[prefix] = false;
handler.onClose(reason === HideReason.CANCELED); // Don't check if onOpen was called to preserve old behaviour for now
......@@ -429,7 +428,7 @@ export class QuickOpenController extends Component implements IQuickOpenService
private handleDefaultHandler(handler: QuickOpenHandlerDescriptor, value: string, token: CancellationToken): Promise<void> {
private async handleDefaultHandler(handler: QuickOpenHandlerDescriptor, value: string, token: CancellationToken): Promise<void> {
// Fill in history results if matching and we are configured to search in history
let matchingHistoryEntries: QuickOpenEntry[];
......@@ -444,47 +443,41 @@ export class QuickOpenController extends Component implements IQuickOpenService
// Resolve
return this.resolveHandler(handler).then(resolvedHandler => {
const quickOpenModel = new QuickOpenModel(matchingHistoryEntries, this.actionProvider);
let inputSet = false;
// If we have matching entries from history we want to show them directly and not wait for the other results to come in
// This also applies when we used to have entries from a previous run and now there are no more history results matching
const previousInput = this.quickOpenWidget.getInput();
const wasShowingHistory = previousInput && previousInput.entries && previousInput.entries.some(e => e instanceof EditorHistoryEntry || e instanceof EditorHistoryEntryGroup);
if (wasShowingHistory || matchingHistoryEntries.length > 0) {
let responseDelay: Promise<void>;
if (resolvedHandler.hasShortResponseTime()) {
responseDelay = timeout(QuickOpenController.MAX_SHORT_RESPONSE_TIME);
} else {
responseDelay = Promise.resolve();
const resolvedHandler = await this.resolveHandler(handler);
responseDelay.then(() => {
if (!token.isCancellationRequested && !inputSet) {
this.quickOpenWidget.setInput(quickOpenModel, { autoFocusFirstEntry: true });
inputSet = true;
const quickOpenModel = new QuickOpenModel(matchingHistoryEntries, this.actionProvider);
let inputSet = false;
// If we have matching entries from history we want to show them directly and not wait for the other results to come in
// This also applies when we used to have entries from a previous run and now there are no more history results matching
const previousInput = this.quickOpenWidget.getInput();
const wasShowingHistory = previousInput && previousInput.entries && previousInput.entries.some(e => e instanceof EditorHistoryEntry || e instanceof EditorHistoryEntryGroup);
if (wasShowingHistory || matchingHistoryEntries.length > 0) {
if (resolvedHandler.hasShortResponseTime()) {
await timeout(QuickOpenController.MAX_SHORT_RESPONSE_TIME);
// Get results
return resolvedHandler.getResults(value, token).then(result => {
if (!token.isCancellationRequested) {
if (!token.isCancellationRequested && !inputSet) {
this.quickOpenWidget.setInput(quickOpenModel, { autoFocusFirstEntry: true });
inputSet = true;
// now is the time to show the input if we did not have set it before
if (!inputSet) {
this.quickOpenWidget.setInput(quickOpenModel, { autoFocusFirstEntry: true });
inputSet = true;
// Get results
const result = await resolvedHandler.getResults(value, token);
if (!token.isCancellationRequested) {
// merge history and default handler results
const handlerResults = (result && result.entries) || [];
this.mergeResults(quickOpenModel, handlerResults, types.withNullAsUndefined(resolvedHandler.getGroupLabel()));
// now is the time to show the input if we did not have set it before
if (!inputSet) {
this.quickOpenWidget.setInput(quickOpenModel, { autoFocusFirstEntry: true });
inputSet = true;
// merge history and default handler results
const handlerResults = (result && result.entries) || [];
this.mergeResults(quickOpenModel, handlerResults, types.withNullAsUndefined(resolvedHandler.getGroupLabel()));
private mergeResults(quickOpenModel: QuickOpenModel, handlerResults: QuickOpenEntry[], groupLabel: string | undefined): void {
......@@ -516,46 +509,44 @@ export class QuickOpenController extends Component implements IQuickOpenService
private handleSpecificHandler(handlerDescriptor: QuickOpenHandlerDescriptor, value: string, token: CancellationToken): Promise<void> {
return this.resolveHandler(handlerDescriptor).then((resolvedHandler: QuickOpenHandler) => {
private async handleSpecificHandler(handlerDescriptor: QuickOpenHandlerDescriptor, value: string, token: CancellationToken): Promise<void> {
const resolvedHandler = await this.resolveHandler(handlerDescriptor);
// Remove handler prefix from search value
value = value.substr(handlerDescriptor.prefix.length);
// Remove handler prefix from search value
value = value.substr(handlerDescriptor.prefix.length);
// Return early if the handler can not run in the current environment and inform the user
const canRun = resolvedHandler.canRun();
if (types.isUndefinedOrNull(canRun) || (typeof canRun === 'boolean' && !canRun) || typeof canRun === 'string') {
const placeHolderLabel = (typeof canRun === 'string') ? canRun : nls.localize('canNotRunPlaceholder', "This quick open handler can not be used in the current context");
// Return early if the handler can not run in the current environment and inform the user
const canRun = resolvedHandler.canRun();
if (types.isUndefinedOrNull(canRun) || (typeof canRun === 'boolean' && !canRun) || typeof canRun === 'string') {
const placeHolderLabel = (typeof canRun === 'string') ? canRun : nls.localize('canNotRunPlaceholder', "This quick open handler can not be used in the current context");
const model = new QuickOpenModel([new PlaceholderQuickOpenEntry(placeHolderLabel)], this.actionProvider);
this.showModel(model, resolvedHandler.getAutoFocus(value, { model, quickNavigateConfiguration: this.quickOpenWidget.getQuickNavigateConfiguration() }), types.withNullAsUndefined(resolvedHandler.getAriaLabel()));
const model = new QuickOpenModel([new PlaceholderQuickOpenEntry(placeHolderLabel)], this.actionProvider);
this.showModel(model, resolvedHandler.getAutoFocus(value, { model, quickNavigateConfiguration: this.quickOpenWidget.getQuickNavigateConfiguration() }), types.withNullAsUndefined(resolvedHandler.getAriaLabel()));
return Promise.resolve(undefined);
return Promise.resolve(undefined);
// Support extra class from handler
const extraClass = resolvedHandler.getClass();
if (extraClass) {
// Support extra class from handler
const extraClass = resolvedHandler.getClass();
if (extraClass) {
// When handlers change, clear the result list first before loading the new results
if (this.previousActiveHandlerDescriptor !== handlerDescriptor) {
// When handlers change, clear the result list first before loading the new results
if (this.previousActiveHandlerDescriptor !== handlerDescriptor) {
// Receive Results from Handler and apply
return resolvedHandler.getResults(value, token).then(result => {
if (!token.isCancellationRequested) {
if (!result || !result.entries.length) {
const model = new QuickOpenModel([new PlaceholderQuickOpenEntry(resolvedHandler.getEmptyLabel(value))]);
this.showModel(model, resolvedHandler.getAutoFocus(value, { model, quickNavigateConfiguration: this.quickOpenWidget.getQuickNavigateConfiguration() }), types.withNullAsUndefined(resolvedHandler.getAriaLabel()));
} else {
this.showModel(result, resolvedHandler.getAutoFocus(value, { model: result, quickNavigateConfiguration: this.quickOpenWidget.getQuickNavigateConfiguration() }), types.withNullAsUndefined(resolvedHandler.getAriaLabel()));
// Receive Results from Handler and apply
const result = await resolvedHandler.getResults(value, token);
if (!token.isCancellationRequested) {
if (!result || !result.entries.length) {
const model = new QuickOpenModel([new PlaceholderQuickOpenEntry(resolvedHandler.getEmptyLabel(value))]);
this.showModel(model, resolvedHandler.getAutoFocus(value, { model, quickNavigateConfiguration: this.quickOpenWidget.getQuickNavigateConfiguration() }), types.withNullAsUndefined(resolvedHandler.getAriaLabel()));
} else {
this.showModel(result, resolvedHandler.getAutoFocus(value, { model: result, quickNavigateConfiguration: this.quickOpenWidget.getQuickNavigateConfiguration() }), types.withNullAsUndefined(resolvedHandler.getAriaLabel()));
private showModel(model: IModel<any>, autoFocus?: IAutoFocus, ariaLabel?: string): void {
......@@ -837,7 +828,7 @@ export class RemoveFromEditorHistoryAction extends Action {
super(id, label);
run(): Promise<any> {
async run(): Promise<any> {
interface IHistoryPickEntry extends IQuickPickItem {
input: IEditorInput | IResourceInput;
......@@ -854,11 +845,10 @@ export class RemoveFromEditorHistoryAction extends Action {
return this.quickInputService.pick(picks, { placeHolder: nls.localize('pickHistory', "Select an editor entry to remove from history"), matchOnDescription: true }).then(pick => {
if (pick) {
const pick = await this.quickInputService.pick(picks, { placeHolder: nls.localize('pickHistory', "Select an editor entry to remove from history"), matchOnDescription: true });
if (pick) {
......@@ -23,12 +23,10 @@ export const QUICKOPEN_ACION_LABEL = nls.localize('quickOpen', "Go to File...");
handler: function (accessor: ServicesAccessor, prefix: string | null = null) {
handler: async function (accessor: ServicesAccessor, prefix: string | null = null) {
const quickOpenService = accessor.get(IQuickOpenService);
return quickOpenService.show(typeof prefix === 'string' ? prefix : undefined).then(() => {
return undefined;
await quickOpenService.show(typeof prefix === 'string' ? prefix : undefined);
description: {
description: `Quick open`,
......@@ -42,12 +40,10 @@ CommandsRegistry.registerCommand({
export const QUICKOPEN_FOCUS_SECONDARY_ACTION_ID = 'workbench.action.quickOpenPreviousEditor';
CommandsRegistry.registerCommand(QUICKOPEN_FOCUS_SECONDARY_ACTION_ID, function (accessor: ServicesAccessor, prefix: string | null = null) {
CommandsRegistry.registerCommand(QUICKOPEN_FOCUS_SECONDARY_ACTION_ID, async function (accessor: ServicesAccessor, prefix: string | null = null) {
const quickOpenService = accessor.get(IQuickOpenService);
return quickOpenService.show(undefined, { autoFocus: { autoFocusSecondEntry: true } }).then(() => {
return undefined;
await quickOpenService.show(undefined, { autoFocus: { autoFocusSecondEntry: true } });
export class BaseQuickOpenNavigateAction extends Action {
......@@ -189,19 +189,18 @@ export class SidebarPart extends CompositePart<Viewlet> implements IViewletServi
openViewlet(id: string | undefined, focus?: boolean): Promise<IViewlet | null> {
async openViewlet(id: string | undefined, focus?: boolean): Promise<IViewlet | null> {
if (typeof id === 'string' && this.getViewlet(id)) {
return Promise.resolve(this.doOpenViewlet(id, focus));
return this.extensionService.whenInstalledExtensionsRegistered()
.then(() => {
if (typeof id === 'string' && this.getViewlet(id)) {
return this.doOpenViewlet(id, focus);
await this.extensionService.whenInstalledExtensionsRegistered();
return null;
if (typeof id === 'string' && this.getViewlet(id)) {
return this.doOpenViewlet(id, focus);
return null;
getViewlets(): ViewletDescriptor[] {
......@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ class StatusBarEntryItem extends Disposable {
private executeCommand(id: string, args?: unknown[]) {
private async executeCommand(id: string, args?: unknown[]): Promise<void> {
args = args || [];
// Maintain old behaviour of always focusing the editor here
......@@ -398,7 +398,11 @@ class StatusBarEntryItem extends Disposable {
this.telemetryService.publicLog('workbenchActionExecuted', { id, from: 'status bar' });
this.commandService.executeCommand(id, ...args).then(undefined, err => this.notificationService.error(toErrorMessage(err)));
try {
await this.commandService.executeCommand(id, ...args);
} catch (error) {
dispose(): void {
......@@ -391,14 +391,13 @@ export class TitlebarPart extends Part implements ITitleService {
const restoreIconContainer = append(this.windowControls, $('div.window-icon-bg'));
this.maxRestoreControl = append(restoreIconContainer, $('div.window-icon'));
addClass(this.maxRestoreControl, 'window-max-restore');
this._register(addDisposableListener(this.maxRestoreControl, EventType.CLICK, e => {
this.windowService.isMaximized().then((maximized) => {
if (maximized) {
return this.windowService.unmaximizeWindow();
return this.windowService.maximizeWindow();
this._register(addDisposableListener(this.maxRestoreControl, EventType.CLICK, async e => {
const maximized = await this.windowService.isMaximized();
if (maximized) {
return this.windowService.unmaximizeWindow();
return this.windowService.maximizeWindow();
// Close
......@@ -251,15 +251,13 @@ export class CustomTreeView extends Disposable implements ITreeView {
set dataProvider(dataProvider: ITreeViewDataProvider | null) {
if (dataProvider) {
this._dataProvider = new class implements ITreeViewDataProvider {
getChildren(node: ITreeItem): Promise<ITreeItem[]> {
async getChildren(node: ITreeItem): Promise<ITreeItem[]> {
if (node && node.children) {
return Promise.resolve(node.children);
const promise = node instanceof Root ? dataProvider.getChildren() : dataProvider.getChildren(node);
return promise.then(children => {
node.children = children;
return children;
const children = await (node instanceof Root ? dataProvider.getChildren() : dataProvider.getChildren(node));
node.children = children;
return children;
......@@ -524,19 +522,16 @@ export class CustomTreeView extends Disposable implements ITreeView {
private refreshing: boolean = false;
private doRefresh(elements: ITreeItem[]): Promise<void> {
private async doRefresh(elements: ITreeItem[]): Promise<void> {
if (this.tree) {
this.refreshing = true;
return Promise.all(elements.map(e => this.tree.refresh(e)))
.then(() => {
this.refreshing = false;
if (this.focused) {
await Promise.all(elements.map(e => this.tree.refresh(e)));
this.refreshing = false;
if (this.focused) {
return Promise.resolve(undefined);
private updateContentAreas(): void {
......@@ -618,21 +618,19 @@ export class ViewsService extends Disposable implements IViewsService {
return viewDescriptorCollectionItem ? viewDescriptorCollectionItem.viewDescriptorCollection : null;
openView(id: string, focus: boolean): Promise<IView | null> {
async openView(id: string, focus: boolean): Promise<IView | null> {
const viewContainer = Registry.as<IViewsRegistry>(ViewExtensions.ViewsRegistry).getViewContainer(id);
if (viewContainer) {
const viewletDescriptor = this.viewletService.getViewlet(viewContainer.id);
if (viewletDescriptor) {
return this.viewletService.openViewlet(viewletDescriptor.id, focus)
.then((viewlet: IViewsViewlet) => {
if (viewlet && viewlet.openView) {
return viewlet.openView(id, focus);
return null;
const viewlet = await this.viewletService.openViewlet(viewletDescriptor.id, focus) as IViewsViewlet | null;
if (viewlet && viewlet.openView) {
return viewlet.openView(id, focus);
return Promise.resolve(null);
return null;
private onDidRegisterViewContainer(viewContainer: ViewContainer): void {
......@@ -669,7 +667,7 @@ export class ViewsService extends Disposable implements IViewsService {
const when = ContextKeyExpr.has(`${viewDescriptor.id}.active`);
disposables.push(CommandsRegistry.registerCommand(command.id, () => this.openView(viewDescriptor.id, true).then(() => null)));
disposables.push(CommandsRegistry.registerCommand(command.id, () => this.openView(viewDescriptor.id, true)));
disposables.push(MenuRegistry.appendMenuItem(MenuId.CommandPalette, {
......@@ -26,28 +26,27 @@ class CodeRendererMain extends Disposable {
private workbench: Workbench;
open(): Promise<void> {
async open(): Promise<void> {
const services = this.initServices();
return domContentLoaded().then(() => {
await domContentLoaded();
// Create Workbench
this.workbench = new Workbench(
// Create Workbench
this.workbench = new Workbench(
// Layout
this._register(addDisposableListener(window, EventType.RESIZE, () => this.workbench.layout()));
// Layout
this._register(addDisposableListener(window, EventType.RESIZE, () => this.workbench.layout()));
// Workbench Lifecycle
this._register(this.workbench.onShutdown(() => this.dispose()));
// Workbench Lifecycle
this._register(this.workbench.onShutdown(() => this.dispose()));
// Startup
// Startup
private initServices(): { serviceCollection: ServiceCollection, logService: ILogService } {
......@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ export class Workbench extends Layout {
// Services
const instantiationService = this.initServices(this.serviceCollection);
instantiationService.invokeFunction(accessor => {
instantiationService.invokeFunction(async accessor => {
const lifecycleService = accessor.get(ILifecycleService);
const storageService = accessor.get(IStorageService);
const configurationService = accessor.get(IConfigurationService);
......@@ -156,7 +156,11 @@ export class Workbench extends Layout {
// Restore
this.restoreWorkbench(accessor.get(IEditorService), accessor.get(IEditorGroupsService), accessor.get(IViewletService), accessor.get(IPanelService), accessor.get(ILogService), lifecycleService).then(undefined, error => onUnexpectedError(error));
try {
await this.restoreWorkbench(accessor.get(IEditorService), accessor.get(IEditorGroupsService), accessor.get(IViewletService), accessor.get(IPanelService), accessor.get(ILogService), lifecycleService);
} catch (error) {
return instantiationService;
......@@ -331,7 +335,7 @@ export class Workbench extends Layout {
registerNotificationCommands(notificationsCenter, notificationsToasts);
private restoreWorkbench(
private async restoreWorkbench(
editorService: IEditorService,
editorGroupService: IEditorGroupsService,
viewletService: IViewletService,
......@@ -342,36 +346,39 @@ export class Workbench extends Layout {
const restorePromises: Promise<void>[] = [];
// Restore editors
restorePromises.push(editorGroupService.whenRestored.then(() => {
restorePromises.push((async () => {
function openEditors(editors: IResourceEditor[], editorService: IEditorService) {
if (editors.length) {
return editorService.openEditors(editors);
// first ensure the editor part is restored
await editorGroupService.whenRestored;
return Promise.resolve(undefined);
// then see for editors to open as instructed
let editors: IResourceEditor[];
if (Array.isArray(this.state.editor.editorsToOpen)) {
editors = this.state.editor.editorsToOpen;
} else {
editors = await this.state.editor.editorsToOpen;
if (Array.isArray(this.state.editor.editorsToOpen)) {
return openEditors(this.state.editor.editorsToOpen, editorService);
if (editors.length) {
await editorService.openEditors(editors);
return this.state.editor.editorsToOpen.then(editors => openEditors(editors, editorService));
}).then(() => mark('didRestoreEditors')));
// Restore Sidebar
if (this.state.sideBar.viewletToRestore) {
.then(viewlet => {
if (!viewlet) {
return viewletService.openViewlet(viewletService.getDefaultViewletId()); // fallback to default viewlet as needed
return viewlet;
.then(() => mark('didRestoreViewlet')));
restorePromises.push((async () => {
const viewlet = await viewletService.openViewlet(this.state.sideBar.viewletToRestore);
if (!viewlet) {
await viewletService.openViewlet(viewletService.getDefaultViewletId()); // fallback to default viewlet as needed
// Restore Panel
......@@ -394,23 +401,24 @@ export class Workbench extends Layout {
// Emit a warning after 10s if restore does not complete
const restoreTimeoutHandle = setTimeout(() => logService.warn('Workbench did not finish loading in 10 seconds, that might be a problem that should be reported.'), 10000);
return Promise.all(restorePromises)
.then(() => clearTimeout(restoreTimeoutHandle))
.catch(error => onUnexpectedError(error))
.finally(() => {
try {
await Promise.all(restorePromises);
// Set lifecycle phase to `Restored`
lifecycleService.phase = LifecyclePhase.Restored;
} catch (error) {
} finally {
// Set lifecycle phase to `Eventually` after a short delay and when idle (min 2.5sec, max 5sec)
setTimeout(() => {
this._register(runWhenIdle(() => {
lifecycleService.phase = LifecyclePhase.Eventually;
}, 2500));
}, 2500);
// Set lifecycle phase to `Restored`
lifecycleService.phase = LifecyclePhase.Restored;
// Telemetry: startup metrics
// Set lifecycle phase to `Eventually` after a short delay and when idle (min 2.5sec, max 5sec)
setTimeout(() => {
this._register(runWhenIdle(() => lifecycleService.phase = LifecyclePhase.Eventually, 2500));
}, 2500);
// Telemetry: startup metrics
......@@ -82,46 +82,40 @@ Registry.add(Extensions.WorkbenchActions, new class implements IWorkbenchActionR
private createCommandHandler(descriptor: SyncActionDescriptor): ICommandHandler {
return (accessor, args) => {
return async (accessor, args) => {
const notificationService = accessor.get(INotificationService);
const instantiationService = accessor.get(IInstantiationService);
const lifecycleService = accessor.get(ILifecycleService);
Promise.resolve(this.triggerAndDisposeAction(instantiationService, lifecycleService, descriptor, args)).then(undefined, err => {
try {
await this.triggerAndDisposeAction(instantiationService, lifecycleService, descriptor, args);
} catch (error) {
private triggerAndDisposeAction(instantiationService: IInstantiationService, lifecycleService: ILifecycleService, descriptor: SyncActionDescriptor, args: any): Promise<void> {
private async triggerAndDisposeAction(instantiationService: IInstantiationService, lifecycleService: ILifecycleService, descriptor: SyncActionDescriptor, args: any): Promise<void> {
// run action when workbench is created
return lifecycleService.when(LifecyclePhase.Ready).then(() => {
const actionInstance = instantiationService.createInstance(descriptor.syncDescriptor);
try {
actionInstance.label = descriptor.label || actionInstance.label;
// don't run the action when not enabled
if (!actionInstance.enabled) {
return undefined;
await lifecycleService.when(LifecyclePhase.Ready);
const from = args && args.from || 'keybinding';
const actionInstance = instantiationService.createInstance(descriptor.syncDescriptor);
actionInstance.label = descriptor.label || actionInstance.label;
return Promise.resolve(actionInstance.run(undefined, { from })).then(() => {
}, err => {
// don't run the action when not enabled
if (!actionInstance.enabled) {
return Promise.reject(err);
} catch (err) {
return Promise.reject(err);
// otherwise run and dispose
try {
const from = args && args.from || 'keybinding';
await actionInstance.run(undefined, { from });
} finally {
......@@ -80,9 +80,7 @@ class WorkbenchContributionsRegistry implements IWorkbenchContributionsRegistry
// Otherwise wait for phase to be reached
else {
lifecycleService.when(phase).then(() => {
this.doInstantiateByPhase(instantiationService, phase);
lifecycleService.when(phase).then(() => this.doInstantiateByPhase(instantiationService, phase));
......@@ -72,20 +72,17 @@ export class BinaryEditorModel extends EditorModel {
return this.etag;
load(): Promise<BinaryEditorModel> {
async load(): Promise<BinaryEditorModel> {
// Make sure to resolve up to date stat for file resources
if (this.fileService.canHandleResource(this.resource)) {
return this.fileService.resolve(this.resource, { resolveMetadata: true }).then(stat => {
this.etag = stat.etag;
if (typeof stat.size === 'number') {
this.size = stat.size;
return this;
const stat = await this.fileService.resolve(this.resource, { resolveMetadata: true });
this.etag = stat.etag;
if (typeof stat.size === 'number') {
this.size = stat.size;
return Promise.resolve(this);
return this;
......@@ -34,45 +34,44 @@ export class DiffEditorInput extends SideBySideEditorInput {
return this.master;
resolve(): Promise<EditorModel> {
async resolve(): Promise<EditorModel> {
// Create Model - we never reuse our cached model if refresh is true because we cannot
// decide for the inputs within if the cached model can be reused or not. There may be
// inputs that need to be loaded again and thus we always recreate the model and dispose
// the previous one - if any.
return this.createModel().then(resolvedModel => {
if (this.cachedModel) {
const resolvedModel = await this.createModel();
if (this.cachedModel) {
this.cachedModel = resolvedModel;
this.cachedModel = resolvedModel;
return this.cachedModel;
return this.cachedModel;
getPreferredEditorId(candidates: string[]): string {
return this.forceOpenAsBinary ? BINARY_DIFF_EDITOR_ID : TEXT_DIFF_EDITOR_ID;
private createModel(): Promise<DiffEditorModel> {
private async createModel(): Promise<DiffEditorModel> {
// Join resolve call over two inputs and build diff editor model
return Promise.all([
const models = await Promise.all([
]).then(models => {
const originalEditorModel = models[0];
const modifiedEditorModel = models[1];
// If both are text models, return textdiffeditor model
if (modifiedEditorModel instanceof BaseTextEditorModel && originalEditorModel instanceof BaseTextEditorModel) {
return new TextDiffEditorModel(originalEditorModel, modifiedEditorModel);
// Otherwise return normal diff model
return new DiffEditorModel(originalEditorModel, modifiedEditorModel);
const originalEditorModel = models[0];
const modifiedEditorModel = models[1];
// If both are text models, return textdiffeditor model
if (modifiedEditorModel instanceof BaseTextEditorModel && originalEditorModel instanceof BaseTextEditorModel) {
return new TextDiffEditorModel(originalEditorModel, modifiedEditorModel);
// Otherwise return normal diff model
return new DiffEditorModel(originalEditorModel, modifiedEditorModel);
dispose(): void {
......@@ -37,11 +37,13 @@ export class DiffEditorModel extends EditorModel {
return this._modifiedModel;
load(): Promise<EditorModel> {
return Promise.all([
async load(): Promise<EditorModel> {
await Promise.all([
this._originalModel ? this._originalModel.load() : Promise.resolve(undefined),
this._modifiedModel ? this._modifiedModel.load() : Promise.resolve(undefined),
]).then(() => this);
return this;
isResolved(): boolean {
......@@ -76,31 +76,31 @@ export class ResourceEditorInput extends EditorInput implements IModeSupport {
this.preferredMode = mode;
resolve(): Promise<ITextEditorModel> {
async resolve(): Promise<ITextEditorModel> {
if (!this.modelReference) {
this.modelReference = this.textModelResolverService.createModelReference(this.resource);
return this.modelReference.then(ref => {
const model = ref.object;
const ref = await this.modelReference;
// Ensure the resolved model is of expected type
if (!(model instanceof ResourceEditorModel)) {
this.modelReference = null;
const model = ref.object;
return Promise.reject(new Error(`Unexpected model for ResourceInput: ${this.resource}`));
// Ensure the resolved model is of expected type
if (!(model instanceof ResourceEditorModel)) {
this.modelReference = null;
return Promise.reject(new Error(`Unexpected model for ResourceInput: ${this.resource}`));
this.cachedModel = model;
this.cachedModel = model;
// Set mode if we have a preferred mode configured
if (this.preferredMode) {
// Set mode if we have a preferred mode configured
if (this.preferredMode) {
return model;
return model;
matches(otherInput: unknown): boolean {
......@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ export class ResourceEditorModel extends BaseTextEditorModel {
dispose(): void {
// TODO@Joao: force this class to dispose the underlying model
if (this.textEditorModelHandle) {
......@@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ export class TextDiffEditorModel extends DiffEditorModel {
return this._modifiedModel;
load(): Promise<EditorModel> {
return super.load().then(() => {
async load(): Promise<EditorModel> {
await super.load();
return this;
return this;
private updateTextDiffEditorModel(): void {
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import { IModeService } from 'vs/editor/common/services/modeService';
import { IModelService } from 'vs/editor/common/services/modelService';
import { Event, Emitter } from 'vs/base/common/event';
import { RunOnceScheduler } from 'vs/base/common/async';
import { IBackupFileService } from 'vs/workbench/services/backup/common/backup';
import { IBackupFileService, IResolvedBackup } from 'vs/workbench/services/backup/common/backup';
import { ITextResourceConfigurationService } from 'vs/editor/common/services/resourceConfiguration';
import { ITextBufferFactory } from 'vs/editor/common/model';
import { createTextBufferFactory } from 'vs/editor/common/model/textModel';
......@@ -133,52 +133,48 @@ export class UntitledEditorModel extends BaseTextEditorModel implements IEncodin
return Promise.resolve();
load(): Promise<UntitledEditorModel & IResolvedTextEditorModel> {
async load(): Promise<UntitledEditorModel & IResolvedTextEditorModel> {
// Check for backups first
return this.backupFileService.loadBackupResource(this.resource).then(backupResource => {
if (backupResource) {
return this.backupFileService.resolveBackupContent(backupResource);
return Promise.resolve(undefined);
}).then(backup => {
const hasBackup = !!backup;
let backup: IResolvedBackup<object> | undefined = undefined;
const backupResource = await this.backupFileService.loadBackupResource(this.resource);
if (backupResource) {
backup = await this.backupFileService.resolveBackupContent(backupResource);
// untitled associated to file path are dirty right away as well as untitled with content
this.setDirty(this._hasAssociatedFilePath || hasBackup || !!this.initialValue);
// untitled associated to file path are dirty right away as well as untitled with content
this.setDirty(this._hasAssociatedFilePath || !!backup || !!this.initialValue);
let untitledContents: ITextBufferFactory;
if (backup) {
untitledContents = backup.value;
} else {
untitledContents = createTextBufferFactory(this.initialValue || '');
let untitledContents: ITextBufferFactory;
if (backup) {
untitledContents = backup.value;
} else {
untitledContents = createTextBufferFactory(this.initialValue || '');
// Create text editor model if not yet done
if (!this.textEditorModel) {
this.createTextEditorModel(untitledContents, this.resource, this.preferredMode);
// Create text editor model if not yet done
if (!this.textEditorModel) {
this.createTextEditorModel(untitledContents, this.resource, this.preferredMode);
// Otherwise update
else {
this.updateTextEditorModel(untitledContents, this.preferredMode);
// Otherwise update
else {
this.updateTextEditorModel(untitledContents, this.preferredMode);
// Encoding
this.configuredEncoding = this.configurationService.getValue<string>(this.resource, 'files.encoding');
// Encoding
this.configuredEncoding = this.configurationService.getValue<string>(this.resource, 'files.encoding');
// We know for a fact there is a text editor model here
const textEditorModel = this.textEditorModel!;
// We know for a fact there is a text editor model here
const textEditorModel = this.textEditorModel!;
// Listen to content changes
this._register(textEditorModel.onDidChangeContent(() => this.onModelContentChanged()));
// Listen to content changes
this._register(textEditorModel.onDidChangeContent(() => this.onModelContentChanged()));
// Listen to mode changes
this._register(textEditorModel.onDidChangeLanguage(() => this.onConfigurationChange())); // mode change can have impact on config
// Listen to mode changes
this._register(textEditorModel.onDidChangeLanguage(() => this.onConfigurationChange())); // mode change can have impact on config
return this as UntitledEditorModel & IResolvedTextEditorModel;
return this as UntitledEditorModel & IResolvedTextEditorModel;
private onModelContentChanged(): void {
......@@ -113,11 +113,10 @@ export class OpenNewsletterSignupUrlAction extends Action {
this.telemetryService = telemetryService;
run(): Promise<void> {
this.telemetryService.getTelemetryInfo().then(info => {
return Promise.resolve();
async run(): Promise<void> {
const info = await this.telemetryService.getTelemetryInfo();
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ export abstract class BaseZoomAction extends Action {
super(id, label);
protected setConfiguredZoomLevel(level: number): void {
protected async setConfiguredZoomLevel(level: number): Promise<void> {
level = Math.round(level); // when reaching smallest zoom, prevent fractional zoom levels
const applyZoom = () => {
......@@ -98,7 +98,9 @@ export abstract class BaseZoomAction extends Action {
browser.setZoomLevel(webFrame.getZoomLevel(), /*isTrusted*/false);
this.configurationService.updateValue(BaseZoomAction.SETTING_KEY, level).then(() => applyZoom());
await this.configurationService.updateValue(BaseZoomAction.SETTING_KEY, level);
......@@ -175,8 +177,10 @@ export class ReloadWindowAction extends Action {
super(id, label);
run(): Promise<boolean> {
return this.windowService.reloadWindow().then(() => true);
async run(): Promise<boolean> {
await this.windowService.reloadWindow();
return true;
......@@ -193,8 +197,10 @@ export class ReloadWindowWithExtensionsDisabledAction extends Action {
super(id, label);
run(): Promise<boolean> {
return this.windowService.reloadWindow({ _: [], 'disable-extensions': true }).then(() => true);
async run(): Promise<boolean> {
await this.windowService.reloadWindow({ _: [], 'disable-extensions': true });
return true;
......@@ -221,41 +227,38 @@ export abstract class BaseSwitchWindow extends Action {
protected abstract isQuickNavigate(): boolean;
run(): Promise<void> {
async run(): Promise<void> {
const currentWindowId = this.windowService.windowId;
return this.windowsService.getWindows().then(windows => {
const placeHolder = nls.localize('switchWindowPlaceHolder', "Select a window to switch to");
const picks = windows.map(win => {
const resource = win.filename ? URI.file(win.filename) : win.folderUri ? win.folderUri : win.workspace ? win.workspace.configPath : undefined;
const fileKind = win.filename ? FileKind.FILE : win.workspace ? FileKind.ROOT_FOLDER : win.folderUri ? FileKind.FOLDER : FileKind.FILE;
return {
payload: win.id,
label: win.title,
iconClasses: getIconClasses(this.modelService, this.modeService, resource, fileKind),
description: (currentWindowId === win.id) ? nls.localize('current', "Current Window") : undefined,
buttons: (!this.isQuickNavigate() && currentWindowId !== win.id) ? [this.closeWindowAction] : undefined
const autoFocusIndex = (picks.indexOf(picks.filter(pick => pick.payload === currentWindowId)[0]) + 1) % picks.length;
return this.quickInputService.pick(picks, {
contextKey: 'inWindowsPicker',
activeItem: picks[autoFocusIndex],
quickNavigate: this.isQuickNavigate() ? { keybindings: this.keybindingService.lookupKeybindings(this.id) } : undefined,
onDidTriggerItemButton: context => {
this.windowsService.closeWindow(context.item.payload).then(() => {
}).then(pick => {
if (pick) {
const windows = await this.windowsService.getWindows();
const placeHolder = nls.localize('switchWindowPlaceHolder', "Select a window to switch to");
const picks = windows.map(win => {
const resource = win.filename ? URI.file(win.filename) : win.folderUri ? win.folderUri : win.workspace ? win.workspace.configPath : undefined;
const fileKind = win.filename ? FileKind.FILE : win.workspace ? FileKind.ROOT_FOLDER : win.folderUri ? FileKind.FOLDER : FileKind.FILE;
return {
payload: win.id,
label: win.title,
iconClasses: getIconClasses(this.modelService, this.modeService, resource, fileKind),
description: (currentWindowId === win.id) ? nls.localize('current', "Current Window") : undefined,
buttons: (!this.isQuickNavigate() && currentWindowId !== win.id) ? [this.closeWindowAction] : undefined
const autoFocusIndex = (picks.indexOf(picks.filter(pick => pick.payload === currentWindowId)[0]) + 1) % picks.length;
const pick = await this.quickInputService.pick(picks, {
contextKey: 'inWindowsPicker',
activeItem: picks[autoFocusIndex],
quickNavigate: this.isQuickNavigate() ? { keybindings: this.keybindingService.lookupKeybindings(this.id) } : undefined,
onDidTriggerItemButton: async context => {
await this.windowsService.closeWindow(context.item.payload);
if (pick) {
......@@ -331,12 +334,13 @@ export abstract class BaseOpenRecentAction extends Action {
protected abstract isQuickNavigate(): boolean;
run(): Promise<void> {
return this.windowService.getRecentlyOpened()
.then(({ workspaces, files }) => this.openRecent(workspaces, files));
async run(): Promise<void> {
const { workspaces, files } = await this.windowService.getRecentlyOpened();
this.openRecent(workspaces, files);
private openRecent(recentWorkspaces: Array<IRecentWorkspace | IRecentFolder>, recentFiles: IRecentFile[]): void {
private async openRecent(recentWorkspaces: Array<IRecentWorkspace | IRecentFolder>, recentFiles: IRecentFile[]): Promise<void> {
const toPick = (recent: IRecent, labelService: ILabelService, buttons: IQuickInputButton[] | undefined) => {
let uriToOpen: IURIToOpen | undefined;
......@@ -376,26 +380,26 @@ export abstract class BaseOpenRecentAction extends Action {
const firstEntry = recentWorkspaces[0];
let autoFocusSecondEntry: boolean = firstEntry && this.contextService.isCurrentWorkspace(isRecentWorkspace(firstEntry) ? firstEntry.workspace : firstEntry.folderUri);
let keyMods: IKeyMods;
let keyMods: IKeyMods | undefined;
const workspaceSeparator: IQuickPickSeparator = { type: 'separator', label: nls.localize('workspaces', "workspaces") };
const fileSeparator: IQuickPickSeparator = { type: 'separator', label: nls.localize('files', "files") };
const picks = [workspaceSeparator, ...workspacePicks, fileSeparator, ...filePicks];
this.quickInputService.pick(picks, {
const pick = await this.quickInputService.pick(picks, {
contextKey: inRecentFilesPickerContextKey,
activeItem: [...workspacePicks, ...filePicks][autoFocusSecondEntry ? 1 : 0],
placeHolder: isMacintosh ? nls.localize('openRecentPlaceHolderMac', "Select to open (hold Cmd-key to open in new window)") : nls.localize('openRecentPlaceHolder', "Select to open (hold Ctrl-key to open in new window)"),
matchOnDescription: true,
onKeyMods: mods => keyMods = mods,
quickNavigate: this.isQuickNavigate() ? { keybindings: this.keybindingService.lookupKeybindings(this.id) } : undefined,
onDidTriggerItemButton: context => {
this.windowsService.removeFromRecentlyOpened([context.item.resource]).then(() => context.removeItem());
}).then((pick): Promise<void> | void => {
if (pick) {
const forceNewWindow = keyMods.ctrlCmd;
return this.windowService.openWindow([pick.uriToOpen], { forceNewWindow });
onDidTriggerItemButton: async context => {
await this.windowsService.removeFromRecentlyOpened([context.item.resource]);
if (pick) {
return this.windowService.openWindow([pick.uriToOpen], { forceNewWindow: keyMods && keyMods.ctrlCmd });
......@@ -106,42 +106,39 @@ class CodeRendererMain extends Disposable {
open(): Promise<void> {
return this.initServices().then(services => {
async open(): Promise<void> {
const services = await this.initServices();
await domContentLoaded();
return domContentLoaded().then(() => {
// Create Workbench
this.workbench = new Workbench(document.body, services.serviceCollection, services.logService);
// Create Workbench
this.workbench = new Workbench(document.body, services.serviceCollection, services.logService);
// Layout
this._register(addDisposableListener(window, EventType.RESIZE, e => this.onWindowResize(e, true)));
// Layout
this._register(addDisposableListener(window, EventType.RESIZE, e => this.onWindowResize(e, true)));
// Workbench Lifecycle
this._register(this.workbench.onShutdown(() => this.dispose()));
this._register(this.workbench.onWillShutdown(event => event.join(services.storageService.close())));
// Workbench Lifecycle
this._register(this.workbench.onShutdown(() => this.dispose()));
this._register(this.workbench.onWillShutdown(event => event.join(services.storageService.close())));
// Startup
const instantiationService = this.workbench.startup();
// Startup
const instantiationService = this.workbench.startup();
// Window
// Window
// Driver
if (this.configuration.driver) {
instantiationService.invokeFunction(accessor => registerWindowDriver(accessor).then(disposable => this._register(disposable)));
// Driver
if (this.configuration.driver) {
instantiationService.invokeFunction(async accessor => this._register(await registerWindowDriver(accessor)));
// Config Exporter
if (this.configuration['export-default-configuration']) {
// Config Exporter
if (this.configuration['export-default-configuration']) {
// Logging
services.logService.trace('workbench configuration', JSON.stringify(this.configuration));
// Logging
services.logService.trace('workbench configuration', JSON.stringify(this.configuration));
private onWindowResize(e: Event, retry: boolean): void {
......@@ -162,7 +159,7 @@ class CodeRendererMain extends Disposable {
private initServices(): Promise<{ serviceCollection: ServiceCollection, logService: ILogService, storageService: StorageService }> {
private async initServices(): Promise<{ serviceCollection: ServiceCollection, logService: ILogService, storageService: StorageService }> {
const serviceCollection = new ServiceCollection();
// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
......@@ -203,7 +200,9 @@ class CodeRendererMain extends Disposable {
fileService.registerProvider(Schemas.vscodeRemote, remoteFileSystemProvider);
return this.resolveWorkspaceInitializationPayload(environmentService).then(payload => Promise.all([
const payload = await this.resolveWorkspaceInitializationPayload(environmentService);
const services = await Promise.all([
this.createWorkspaceService(payload, environmentService, fileService, remoteAgentService, logService).then(service => {
// Workspace
......@@ -222,10 +221,12 @@ class CodeRendererMain extends Disposable {
return service;
]).then(services => ({ serviceCollection, logService, storageService: services[1] })));
return { serviceCollection, logService, storageService: services[1] };
private resolveWorkspaceInitializationPayload(environmentService: IWorkbenchEnvironmentService): Promise<IWorkspaceInitializationPayload> {
private async resolveWorkspaceInitializationPayload(environmentService: IWorkbenchEnvironmentService): Promise<IWorkspaceInitializationPayload> {
// Multi-root workspace
if (this.configuration.workspace) {
......@@ -233,32 +234,29 @@ class CodeRendererMain extends Disposable {
// Single-folder workspace
let workspaceInitializationPayload: Promise<IWorkspaceInitializationPayload | undefined> = Promise.resolve(undefined);
let workspaceInitializationPayload: IWorkspaceInitializationPayload | undefined;
if (this.configuration.folderUri) {
workspaceInitializationPayload = this.resolveSingleFolderWorkspaceInitializationPayload(this.configuration.folderUri);
workspaceInitializationPayload = await this.resolveSingleFolderWorkspaceInitializationPayload(this.configuration.folderUri);
return workspaceInitializationPayload.then(payload => {
// Fallback to empty workspace if we have no payload yet.
if (!payload) {
let id: string;
if (this.configuration.backupPath) {
id = basename(this.configuration.backupPath); // we know the backupPath must be a unique path so we leverage its name as workspace ID
} else if (environmentService.isExtensionDevelopment) {
id = 'ext-dev'; // extension development window never stores backups and is a singleton
} else {
return Promise.reject(new Error('Unexpected window configuration without backupPath'));
payload = { id };
// Fallback to empty workspace if we have no payload yet.
if (!workspaceInitializationPayload) {
let id: string;
if (this.configuration.backupPath) {
id = basename(this.configuration.backupPath); // we know the backupPath must be a unique path so we leverage its name as workspace ID
} else if (environmentService.isExtensionDevelopment) {
id = 'ext-dev'; // extension development window never stores backups and is a singleton
} else {
throw new Error('Unexpected window configuration without backupPath');
return payload;
workspaceInitializationPayload = { id };
return workspaceInitializationPayload;
private resolveSingleFolderWorkspaceInitializationPayload(folderUri: ISingleFolderWorkspaceIdentifier): Promise<ISingleFolderWorkspaceInitializationPayload | undefined> {
private async resolveSingleFolderWorkspaceInitializationPayload(folderUri: ISingleFolderWorkspaceIdentifier): Promise<ISingleFolderWorkspaceInitializationPayload | undefined> {
// Return early the folder is not local
if (folderUri.scheme !== Schemas.file) {
......@@ -285,40 +283,54 @@ class CodeRendererMain extends Disposable {
// For local: ensure path is absolute and exists
const sanitizedFolderPath = sanitizeFilePath(folderUri.fsPath, process.env['VSCODE_CWD'] || process.cwd());
return stat(sanitizedFolderPath).then(stat => {
try {
const sanitizedFolderPath = sanitizeFilePath(folderUri.fsPath, process.env['VSCODE_CWD'] || process.cwd());
const fileStat = await stat(sanitizedFolderPath);
const sanitizedFolderUri = URI.file(sanitizedFolderPath);
return {
id: computeLocalDiskFolderId(sanitizedFolderUri, stat),
id: computeLocalDiskFolderId(sanitizedFolderUri, fileStat),
folder: sanitizedFolderUri
}, error => onUnexpectedError(error));
} catch (error) {
private createWorkspaceService(payload: IWorkspaceInitializationPayload, environmentService: IWorkbenchEnvironmentService, fileService: FileService, remoteAgentService: IRemoteAgentService, logService: ILogService): Promise<WorkspaceService> {
private async createWorkspaceService(payload: IWorkspaceInitializationPayload, environmentService: IWorkbenchEnvironmentService, fileService: FileService, remoteAgentService: IRemoteAgentService, logService: ILogService): Promise<WorkspaceService> {
const configurationFileService = new ConfigurationFileService();
configurationFileService.fileService = fileService;
const workspaceService = new WorkspaceService({ userSettingsResource: URI.file(environmentService.appSettingsPath), remoteAuthority: this.configuration.remoteAuthority, configurationCache: new ConfigurationCache(environmentService) }, configurationFileService, remoteAgentService);
return workspaceService.initialize(payload).then(() => workspaceService, error => {
try {
await workspaceService.initialize(payload);
return workspaceService;
} catch (error) {
return workspaceService;
private createStorageService(payload: IWorkspaceInitializationPayload, environmentService: IWorkbenchEnvironmentService, logService: ILogService, mainProcessService: IMainProcessService): Promise<StorageService> {
private async createStorageService(payload: IWorkspaceInitializationPayload, environmentService: IWorkbenchEnvironmentService, logService: ILogService, mainProcessService: IMainProcessService): Promise<StorageService> {
const globalStorageDatabase = new GlobalStorageDatabaseChannelClient(mainProcessService.getChannel('storage'));
const storageService = new StorageService(globalStorageDatabase, logService, environmentService);
return storageService.initialize(payload).then(() => storageService, error => {
try {
await storageService.initialize(payload);
return storageService;
} catch (error) {
return storageService;
private createLogService(mainProcessService: IMainProcessService, environmentService: IWorkbenchEnvironmentService): ILogService {
......@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ export class ElectronWindow extends Disposable {
// Support runAction event
ipc.on('vscode:runAction', (event: Event, request: IRunActionInWindowRequest) => {
ipc.on('vscode:runAction', async (event: Event, request: IRunActionInWindowRequest) => {
const args: unknown[] = request.args || [];
// If we run an action from the touchbar, we fill in the currently active resource
......@@ -134,7 +134,9 @@ export class ElectronWindow extends Disposable {
args.push({ from: request.from }); // TODO@telemetry this is a bit weird to send this to every action?
this.commandService.executeCommand(request.id, ...args).then(_ => {
try {
await this.commandService.executeCommand(request.id, ...args);
/* __GDPR__
"commandExecuted" : {
"id" : { "classification": "SystemMetaData", "purpose": "FeatureInsight" },
......@@ -142,9 +144,9 @@ export class ElectronWindow extends Disposable {
this.telemetryService.publicLog('commandExecuted', { id: request.id, from: request.from });
}, err => {
} catch (error) {
// Support runKeybinding event
......@@ -173,34 +175,30 @@ export class ElectronWindow extends Disposable {
// Fullscreen Events
ipc.on('vscode:enterFullScreen', () => {
this.lifecycleService.when(LifecyclePhase.Ready).then(() => {
ipc.on('vscode:enterFullScreen', async () => {
await this.lifecycleService.when(LifecyclePhase.Ready);
ipc.on('vscode:leaveFullScreen', () => {
this.lifecycleService.when(LifecyclePhase.Ready).then(() => {
ipc.on('vscode:leaveFullScreen', async () => {
await this.lifecycleService.when(LifecyclePhase.Ready);
// High Contrast Events
ipc.on('vscode:enterHighContrast', () => {
ipc.on('vscode:enterHighContrast', async () => {
const windowConfig = this.configurationService.getValue<IWindowSettings>('window');
if (windowConfig && windowConfig.autoDetectHighContrast) {
this.lifecycleService.when(LifecyclePhase.Ready).then(() => {
this.themeService.setColorTheme(VS_HC_THEME, undefined);
await this.lifecycleService.when(LifecyclePhase.Ready);
this.themeService.setColorTheme(VS_HC_THEME, undefined);
ipc.on('vscode:leaveHighContrast', () => {
ipc.on('vscode:leaveHighContrast', async () => {
const windowConfig = this.configurationService.getValue<IWindowSettings>('window');
if (windowConfig && windowConfig.autoDetectHighContrast) {
this.lifecycleService.when(LifecyclePhase.Ready).then(() => {
await this.lifecycleService.when(LifecyclePhase.Ready);
......@@ -310,32 +308,28 @@ export class ElectronWindow extends Disposable {
// Emit event when vscode is ready
this.lifecycleService.when(LifecyclePhase.Ready).then(() => {
ipc.send('vscode:workbenchReady', this.windowService.windowId);
this.lifecycleService.when(LifecyclePhase.Ready).then(() => ipc.send('vscode:workbenchReady', this.windowService.windowId));
// Integrity warning
this.integrityService.isPure().then(res => this.titleService.updateProperties({ isPure: res.isPure }));
// Root warning
this.lifecycleService.when(LifecyclePhase.Restored).then(() => {
let isAdminPromise: Promise<boolean>;
this.lifecycleService.when(LifecyclePhase.Restored).then(async () => {
let isAdmin: boolean;
if (isWindows) {
isAdminPromise = import('native-is-elevated').then(isElevated => isElevated());
const isElevated = await import('native-is-elevated');
isAdmin = isElevated();
} else {
isAdminPromise = Promise.resolve(isRootUser());
isAdmin = isRootUser();
return isAdminPromise.then(isAdmin => {
// Update title
this.titleService.updateProperties({ isAdmin });
// Update title
this.titleService.updateProperties({ isAdmin });
// Show warning message (unix only)
if (isAdmin && !isWindows) {
this.notificationService.warn(nls.localize('runningAsRoot', "It is not recommended to run {0} as root user.", product.nameShort));
// Show warning message (unix only)
if (isAdmin && !isWindows) {
this.notificationService.warn(nls.localize('runningAsRoot', "It is not recommended to run {0} as root user.", product.nameShort));
// Touchbar menu (if enabled)
......@@ -408,7 +402,7 @@ export class ElectronWindow extends Disposable {
private setupCrashReporter(): void {
private async setupCrashReporter(): Promise<void> {
// base options with product info
const options = {
......@@ -422,18 +416,14 @@ export class ElectronWindow extends Disposable {
// mixin telemetry info
.then(info => {
assign(options.extra, {
vscode_sessionId: info.sessionId
const info = await this.telemetryService.getTelemetryInfo();
assign(options.extra, { vscode_sessionId: info.sessionId });
// start crash reporter right here
// start crash reporter right here
// start crash reporter in the main process
return this.windowsService.startCrashReporter(options);
// start crash reporter in the main process
return this.windowsService.startCrashReporter(options);
private onAddFoldersRequest(request: IAddFoldersRequest): void {
......@@ -525,22 +515,21 @@ export class ElectronWindow extends Disposable {
private openResources(resources: Array<IResourceInput | IUntitledResourceInput>, diffMode: boolean): void {
this.lifecycleService.when(LifecyclePhase.Ready).then((): Promise<unknown> => {
private async openResources(resources: Array<IResourceInput | IUntitledResourceInput>, diffMode: boolean): Promise<unknown> {
await this.lifecycleService.when(LifecyclePhase.Ready);
// In diffMode we open 2 resources as diff
if (diffMode && resources.length === 2) {
return this.editorService.openEditor({ leftResource: resources[0].resource!, rightResource: resources[1].resource!, options: { pinned: true } });
// In diffMode we open 2 resources as diff
if (diffMode && resources.length === 2) {
return this.editorService.openEditor({ leftResource: resources[0].resource!, rightResource: resources[1].resource!, options: { pinned: true } });
// For one file, just put it into the current active editor
if (resources.length === 1) {
return this.editorService.openEditor(resources[0]);
// For one file, just put it into the current active editor
if (resources.length === 1) {
return this.editorService.openEditor(resources[0]);
// Otherwise open all
return this.editorService.openEditors(resources);
// Otherwise open all
return this.editorService.openEditors(resources);
dispose(): void {
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