提交 468dd75a 编写于 作者: J Joao Moreno

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'

......@@ -58,9 +58,13 @@ function compileTask(out, build) {
return function () {
var compile = createCompile(build, true);
var src = es.merge(gulp.src('src/**', { base: 'src' }), gulp.src('node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.d.ts'));
// Do not write .d.ts files to disk, as they are not needed there.
var dtsFilter = util.filter(function (data) { return !/\.d\.ts$/.test(data.path); });
return src
.pipe(monacodtsTask(out, false));
......@@ -70,54 +74,19 @@ function watchTask(out, build) {
var compile = createCompile(build);
var src = es.merge(gulp.src('src/**', { base: 'src' }), gulp.src('node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.d.ts'));
var watchSrc = watch('src/**', { base: 'src' });
// Do not write .d.ts files to disk, as they are not needed there.
var dtsFilter = util.filter(function (data) { return !/\.d\.ts$/.test(data.path); });
return watchSrc
.pipe(util.incremental(compile, src, true))
.pipe(monacodtsTask(out, true));
exports.watchTask = watchTask;
function reloadTypeScriptNodeModule() {
var util = require('gulp-util');
function log(message) {
var rest = [];
for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
rest[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
util.log.apply(util, [util.colors.cyan('[memory watch dog]'), message].concat(rest));
function heapUsed() {
return (process.memoryUsage().heapUsed / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(2) + ' MB';
return es.through(function (data) {
this.emit('data', data);
}, function () {
log('memory usage after compilation finished: ' + heapUsed());
// It appears we are running into some variant of
// https://bugs.chromium.org/p/v8/issues/detail?id=2073
// Even though all references are dropped, some
// optimized methods in the TS compiler end up holding references
// to the entire TypeScript language host (>600MB)
// The idea is to force v8 to drop references to these
// optimized methods, by "reloading" the typescript node module
log('Reloading typescript node module...');
var resolvedName = require.resolve('typescript');
var originalModule = require.cache[resolvedName];
delete require.cache[resolvedName];
var newExports = require('typescript');
require.cache[resolvedName] = originalModule;
for (var prop in newExports) {
if (newExports.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
originalModule.exports[prop] = newExports[prop];
log('typescript node module reloaded.');
function monacodtsTask(out, isWatch) {
var basePath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), out);
var neededFiles = {};
monacodts.getFilesToWatch(out).forEach(function (filePath) {
filePath = path.normalize(filePath);
......@@ -160,7 +129,7 @@ function monacodtsTask(out, isWatch) {
resultStream = es.through(function (data) {
var filePath = path.normalize(data.path);
var filePath = path.normalize(path.resolve(basePath, data.relative));
if (neededFiles[filePath]) {
setInputFile(filePath, data.contents.toString());
......@@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ function createCompile(build: boolean, emitError?: boolean): (token?: util.ICanc
// .pipe(build ? reloadTypeScriptNodeModule() : es.through())
.pipe(build ? nls() : es.through())
......@@ -75,9 +74,14 @@ export function compileTask(out: string, build: boolean): () => NodeJS.ReadWrite
// Do not write .d.ts files to disk, as they are not needed there.
const dtsFilter = util.filter(data => !/\.d\.ts$/.test(data.path));
return src
.pipe(monacodtsTask(out, false));
......@@ -93,62 +97,22 @@ export function watchTask(out: string, build: boolean): () => NodeJS.ReadWriteSt
const watchSrc = watch('src/**', { base: 'src' });
// Do not write .d.ts files to disk, as they are not needed there.
const dtsFilter = util.filter(data => !/\.d\.ts$/.test(data.path));
return watchSrc
.pipe(util.incremental(compile, src, true))
.pipe(monacodtsTask(out, true));
function reloadTypeScriptNodeModule(): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream {
var util = require('gulp-util');
function log(message: any, ...rest: any[]): void {
util.log(util.colors.cyan('[memory watch dog]'), message, ...rest);
function heapUsed(): string {
return (process.memoryUsage().heapUsed / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(2) + ' MB';
return es.through(function (data) {
this.emit('data', data);
}, function () {
log('memory usage after compilation finished: ' + heapUsed());
// It appears we are running into some variant of
// https://bugs.chromium.org/p/v8/issues/detail?id=2073
// Even though all references are dropped, some
// optimized methods in the TS compiler end up holding references
// to the entire TypeScript language host (>600MB)
// The idea is to force v8 to drop references to these
// optimized methods, by "reloading" the typescript node module
log('Reloading typescript node module...');
var resolvedName = require.resolve('typescript');
var originalModule = require.cache[resolvedName];
delete require.cache[resolvedName];
var newExports = require('typescript');
require.cache[resolvedName] = originalModule;
for (var prop in newExports) {
if (newExports.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
originalModule.exports[prop] = newExports[prop];
log('typescript node module reloaded.');
function monacodtsTask(out: string, isWatch: boolean): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream {
const basePath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), out);
const neededFiles: { [file: string]: boolean; } = {};
monacodts.getFilesToWatch(out).forEach(function (filePath) {
filePath = path.normalize(filePath);
......@@ -196,7 +160,7 @@ function monacodtsTask(out: string, isWatch: boolean): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream {
resultStream = es.through(function (data) {
const filePath = path.normalize(data.path);
const filePath = path.normalize(path.resolve(basePath, data.relative));
if (neededFiles[filePath]) {
setInputFile(filePath, data.contents.toString());
......@@ -1316,25 +1316,26 @@ export class CommandCenter {
const picks = remotes.map(r => ({ label: r.name, description: r.url }));
const remotePicks = remotes.map(r => ({ label: r.name, description: r.url }));
const placeHolder = localize('pick remote pull repo', "Pick a remote to pull the branch from");
const pick = await window.showQuickPick(picks, { placeHolder });
const remotePick = await window.showQuickPick(remotePicks, { placeHolder });
if (!pick) {
if (!remotePick) {
const branchName = await window.showInputBox({
placeHolder: localize('branch name', "Branch name"),
prompt: localize('provide branch name', "Please provide a branch name"),
ignoreFocusOut: true
const remoteRefs = repository.refs;
const remoteRefsFiltered = remoteRefs.filter(r => (r.remote === remotePick.label));
const branchPicks = remoteRefsFiltered.map(r => ({ label: r.name})) as {label : string; description : string}[];
const branchPick = await window.showQuickPick(branchPicks, { placeHolder });
if (!branchName) {
if (!branchPick) {
repository.pull(false, pick.label, branchName);
const remoteCharCnt = remotePick.label.length;
repository.pull(false, remotePick.label, branchPick.label.slice(remoteCharCnt+1));
@command('git.pull', { repository: true })
......@@ -1150,7 +1150,7 @@ export class Repository {
async getRefs(): Promise<Ref[]> {
const result = await this.run(['for-each-ref', '--format', '%(refname) %(objectname)']);
const result = await this.run(['for-each-ref', '--format', '%(refname) %(objectname)', '--sort', '-committerdate']);
const fn = (line: string): Ref | null => {
let match: RegExpExecArray | null;
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