提交 4186bc0a 编写于 作者: P Peng Lyu

menu items

上级 a69d0f8b
......@@ -1347,6 +1347,14 @@ export interface CommentReaction {
readonly canEdit?: boolean;
* @internal
export enum CommentMode {
Editing = 0,
Preview = 1
* @internal
......@@ -1363,6 +1371,7 @@ export interface Comment {
readonly isDraft?: boolean;
readonly commentReactions?: CommentReaction[];
readonly label?: string;
readonly mode?: CommentMode;
......@@ -95,6 +95,10 @@ export const enum MenuId {
export interface IMenuActionOptions {
......@@ -8940,6 +8940,176 @@ declare module 'vscode' {
export const onDidChange: Event<void>;
//#region Comments
* Collapsible state of a [comment thread](#CommentThread)
export enum CommentThreadCollapsibleState {
* Determines an item is collapsed
Collapsed = 0,
* Determines an item is expanded
Expanded = 1
export enum CommentMode {
Editing = 0,
Preview = 1
* A collection of [comments](#Comment) representing a conversation at a particular range in a document.
export interface CommentThread {
* The uri of the document the thread has been created on.
readonly resource: Uri;
* The range the comment thread is located within the document. The thread icon will be shown
* at the first line of the range.
readonly range: Range;
* The ordered comments of the thread.
comments: ReadonlyArray<Comment>;
* Whether the thread should be collapsed or expanded when opening the document.
* Defaults to Collapsed.
collapsibleState: CommentThreadCollapsibleState;
* The optional human-readable label describing the [Comment Thread](#CommentThread)
label?: string;
* Dispose this comment thread.
* Once disposed, this comment thread will be removed from visible editors and Comment Panel when approriate.
dispose(): void;
* Author information of a [comment](#Comment)
export interface CommentAuthorInformation {
* The display name of the author of the comment
name: string;
* The optional icon path for the author
iconPath?: Uri;
* A comment is displayed within the editor or the Comments Panel, depending on how it is provided.
export interface Comment {
* The human-readable comment body
body: string | MarkdownString;
mode: CommentMode;
* The author information of the comment
author: CommentAuthorInformation;
* Optional label describing the [Comment](#Comment)
* Label will be rendered next to authorName if exists.
label?: string;
export interface CommentReply {
thread: CommentThread;
text: string;
* Commenting range provider for a [comment controller](#CommentController).
export interface CommentingRangeProvider {
* Provide a list of ranges which allow new comment threads creation or null for a given document
provideCommentingRanges(document: TextDocument, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<Range[]>;
* A comment controller is able to provide [comments](#CommentThread) support to the editor and
* provide users various ways to interact with comments.
export interface CommentController {
* The id of this comment controller.
readonly id: string;
* The human-readable label of this comment controller.
readonly label: string;
* Optional commenting range provider. Provide a list [ranges](#Range) which support commenting to any given resource uri.
* If not provided and `emptyCommentThreadFactory` exits, users can leave comments in any document opened in the editor.
commentingRangeProvider?: CommentingRangeProvider;
* Create a [comment thread](#CommentThread). The comment thread will be displayed in visible text editors (if the resource matches)
* and Comments Panel once created.
* @param id An `id` for the comment thread.
* @param resource The uri of the document the thread has been created on.
* @param range The range the comment thread is located within the document.
* @param comments The ordered comments of the thread.
createCommentThread(uri: Uri, range: Range, comments: Comment[]): CommentThread;
* Dispose this comment controller.
* Once disposed, all [comment threads](#CommentThread) created by this comment controller will also be removed from the editor
* and Comments Panel.
dispose(): void;
namespace comment {
* Creates a new [comment controller](#CommentController) instance.
* @param id An `id` for the comment controller.
* @param label A human-readable string for the comment controller.
* @return An instance of [comment controller](#CommentController).
export function createCommentController(id: string, label: string): CommentController;
......@@ -939,15 +939,6 @@ declare module 'vscode' {
reactionProvider?: CommentReactionProvider;
export interface CommentController {
* The active [comment thread](#CommentThread) or `undefined`. The `activeCommentThread` is the comment thread of
* the comment widget that currently has focus. It's `undefined` when the focus is not in any comment thread widget, or
* the comment widget created from [comment thread template](#CommentThreadTemplate).
readonly activeCommentThread: CommentThread | undefined;
namespace workspace {
......@@ -961,21 +952,6 @@ declare module 'vscode' {
export function registerWorkspaceCommentProvider(provider: WorkspaceCommentProvider): Disposable;
* Collapsible state of a [comment thread](#CommentThread)
export enum CommentThreadCollapsibleState {
* Determines an item is collapsed
Collapsed = 0,
* Determines an item is expanded
Expanded = 1
* A collection of [comments](#Comment) representing a conversation at a particular range in a document.
......@@ -990,28 +966,6 @@ declare module 'vscode' {
readonly uri: Uri;
* The range the comment thread is located within the document. The thread icon will be shown
* at the first line of the range.
readonly range: Range;
* The ordered comments of the thread.
comments: Comment[];
* Whether the thread should be collapsed or expanded when opening the document.
* Defaults to Collapsed.
collapsibleState: CommentThreadCollapsibleState;
* The optional human-readable label describing the [Comment Thread](#CommentThread)
label?: string;
* Optional accept input command
......@@ -1020,46 +974,6 @@ declare module 'vscode' {
* This command will disabled when the comment editor is empty.
acceptInputCommand?: Command;
* Dispose this comment thread.
* Once disposed, this comment thread will be removed from visible editors and Comment Panel when approriate.
dispose(): void;
* Author information of a [comment](#Comment)
export interface CommentAuthorInformation {
* The display name of the author of the comment
name: string;
* The optional icon path for the author
iconPath?: Uri;
* Author information of a [comment](#Comment)
export interface CommentAuthorInformation {
* The display name of the author of the comment
name: string;
* The optional icon path for the author
iconPath?: Uri;
......@@ -1071,22 +985,6 @@ declare module 'vscode' {
id: string;
* The human-readable comment body
body: MarkdownString;
* The author information of the comment
author: CommentAuthorInformation;
* Optional label describing the [Comment](#Comment)
* Label will be rendered next to authorName if exists.
label?: string;
* The command to be executed if the comment is selected in the Comments Panel
......@@ -1106,16 +1004,6 @@ declare module 'vscode' {
* Setter and getter for the contents of the comment input box
value: string;
* The uri of the document comment input box has been created on
resource: Uri;
* The range the comment input box is located within the document
range: Range;
......@@ -1128,36 +1016,12 @@ declare module 'vscode' {
provideCommentingRanges(document: TextDocument, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<Range[]>;
* Comment thread template for new comment thread creation.
export interface CommentThreadTemplate {
export interface EmptyCommentThreadFactory {
* The human-readable label describing the [Comment Thread](#CommentThread)
* The method `createEmptyCommentThread` is called when users attempt to create new comment thread from the gutter or command palette.
* Extensions still need to call `createCommentThread` inside this call when appropriate.
readonly label: string;
* Optional accept input command
* `acceptInputCommand` is the default action rendered on Comment Widget, which is always placed rightmost.
* This command will be invoked when users the user accepts the value in the comment editor.
* This command will disabled when the comment editor is empty.
readonly acceptInputCommand?: Command;
* Optional additonal commands.
* `additionalCommands` are the secondary actions rendered on Comment Widget.
readonly additionalCommands?: Command[];
* The command to be executed when users try to delete the comment thread. Currently, this is only called
* when the user collapses a comment thread that has no comments in it.
readonly deleteCommand?: Command;
createEmptyCommentThread(document: TextDocument, range: Range): ProviderResult<void>;
......@@ -1165,41 +1029,12 @@ declare module 'vscode' {
* provide users various ways to interact with comments.
export interface CommentController {
* The id of this comment controller.
readonly id: string;
* The human-readable label of this comment controller.
readonly label: string;
* The active [comment input box](#CommentInputBox) or `undefined`. The active `inputBox` is the input box of
* the comment thread widget that currently has focus. It's `undefined` when the focus is not in any CommentInputBox.
readonly inputBox: CommentInputBox | undefined;
* Optional comment thread template information.
* The comment controller will use this information to create the comment widget when users attempt to create new comment thread
* from the gutter or command palette.
* When users run `CommentThreadTemplate.acceptInputCommand` or `CommentThreadTemplate.additionalCommands`, extensions should create
* the approriate [CommentThread](#CommentThread).
* If not provided, users won't be able to create new comment threads in the editor.
template?: CommentThreadTemplate;
* Optional commenting range provider. Provide a list [ranges](#Range) which support commenting to any given resource uri.
* If not provided and `emptyCommentThreadFactory` exits, users can leave comments in any document opened in the editor.
commentingRangeProvider?: CommentingRangeProvider;
readonly inputBox?: CommentInputBox;
* Create a [comment thread](#CommentThread). The comment thread will be displayed in visible text editors (if the resource matches)
......@@ -1212,6 +1047,16 @@ declare module 'vscode' {
createCommentThread(id: string, uri: Uri, range: Range, comments: Comment[]): CommentThread;
* Optional new comment thread factory.
emptyCommentThreadFactory?: EmptyCommentThreadFactory;
* Optional reaction provider
reactionProvider?: CommentReactionProvider;
* Dispose this comment controller.
......@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ import { PanelRegistry, Extensions as PanelExtensions, PanelDescriptor } from 'v
import { IRange, Range } from 'vs/editor/common/core/range';
import { Emitter, Event } from 'vs/base/common/event';
import { CancellationToken } from 'vs/base/common/cancellation';
import { IContextKey } from 'vs/platform/contextkey/common/contextkey';
import { CommentContextKeys } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/comments/common/commentContextKeys';
export class MainThreadDocumentCommentProvider implements modes.DocumentCommentProvider {
private readonly _proxy: ExtHostCommentsShape;
......@@ -247,6 +249,10 @@ export class MainThreadCommentController {
return this._id;
get contextValue(): string {
return this._id;
get proxy(): ExtHostCommentsShape {
return this._proxy;
......@@ -377,31 +383,26 @@ export class MainThreadCommentController {
let commentingRanges = await this._proxy.$provideCommentingRanges(this.handle, resource, token);
let staticContribution = await this._proxy.$checkStaticContribution(this.handle);
return <ICommentInfo>{
owner: this._uniqueId,
label: this.label,
threads: ret,
commentingRanges: commentingRanges ?
resource: resource, ranges: commentingRanges, newCommentThreadCallback: async (uri: UriComponents, range: IRange) => {
let threadHandle = await this._proxy.$createNewCommentWidgetCallback(this.handle, uri, range, token);
if (threadHandle !== undefined) {
return this.getKnownThread(threadHandle);
commentingRanges: commentingRanges ? {
resource: resource,
ranges: commentingRanges,
newCommentThreadCallback: staticContribution ? undefined : async (uri: UriComponents, range: IRange) => {
let threadHandle = await this._proxy.$createNewCommentWidgetCallback(this.handle, uri, range, token);
if (threadHandle !== undefined) {
return this.getKnownThread(threadHandle);
} : [],
draftMode: modes.DraftMode.NotSupported,
template: this._features.commentThreadTemplate ? {
controllerHandle: this.handle,
label: this._features.commentThreadTemplate.label,
acceptInputCommand: this._features.commentThreadTemplate.acceptInputCommand,
additionalCommands: this._features.commentThreadTemplate.additionalCommands,
deleteCommand: this._features.commentThreadTemplate.deleteCommand
} : undefined
} : [],
draftMode: modes.DraftMode.NotSupported
......@@ -427,26 +428,8 @@ export class MainThreadCommentController {
return ret;
getCommentThreadFromTemplate(resource: UriComponents, range: IRange): MainThreadCommentThread {
let thread = new MainThreadCommentThread(
let template = this._features.commentThreadTemplate;
if (template) {
thread.acceptInputCommand = template.acceptInputCommand;
thread.additionalCommands = template.additionalCommands;
thread.deleteCommand = template.deleteCommand;
thread.label = template.label;
return thread;
createCommentThreadTemplate(resource: UriComponents, range: IRange): void {
this._proxy.$createCommentThreadTemplate(this.handle, resource, range);
toJSON(): any {
......@@ -471,18 +454,27 @@ export class MainThreadComments extends Disposable implements MainThreadComments
private _input?: modes.CommentInput;
private _openPanelListener: IDisposable | null;
private _commentThreadEmpty: IContextKey<boolean>;
private _commentEmpty: IContextKey<boolean>;
extHostContext: IExtHostContext,
@IEditorService private readonly _editorService: IEditorService,
@ICommentService private readonly _commentService: ICommentService,
@IPanelService private readonly _panelService: IPanelService,
@ITelemetryService private readonly _telemetryService: ITelemetryService,
@IConfigurationService private readonly _configurationService: IConfigurationService
@IConfigurationService private readonly _configurationService: IConfigurationService,
) {
this._disposables = [];
this._activeCommentThreadDisposables = [];
this._proxy = extHostContext.getProxy(ExtHostContext.ExtHostComments);
this._commentThreadEmpty = CommentContextKeys.commentThreadIsEmpty.bindTo(_commentService.contextKeyService);
this._commentEmpty = CommentContextKeys.commentIsEmpty.bindTo(_commentService.contextKeyService);
this._disposables.push(this._commentService.onDidChangeActiveCommentThread(async thread => {
let handle = (thread as MainThreadCommentThread).controllerHandle;
let controller = this._commentControllers.get(handle);
......@@ -495,9 +487,12 @@ export class MainThreadComments extends Disposable implements MainThreadComments
this._activeCommentThread = thread as MainThreadCommentThread;
controller.activeCommentThread = this._activeCommentThread;
this._commentThreadEmpty.set(controller.activeCommentThread.comments!.length === 0);
this._activeCommentThreadDisposables.push(this._activeCommentThread.onDidChangeInput(input => { // todo, dispose
this._input = input;
this._proxy.$onCommentWidgetInputChange(handle, URI.parse(this._activeCommentThread!.resource), this._activeCommentThread!.range, this._input ? this._input.value : undefined);
this._commentEmpty.set(this._input ? true : this._input!.value.length === 0);
await this._proxy.$onActiveCommentThreadChange(controller.handle, controller.activeCommentThread.commentThreadHandle);
......@@ -1210,9 +1210,11 @@ export interface ExtHostProgressShape {
export interface ExtHostCommentsShape {
$provideDocumentComments(handle: number, document: UriComponents): Promise<modes.CommentInfo | null>;
$createNewCommentThread(handle: number, document: UriComponents, range: IRange, text: string): Promise<modes.CommentThread | null>;
$createCommentThreadTemplate(commentControllerHandle: number, uriComponents: UriComponents, range: IRange): void;
$onCommentWidgetInputChange(commentControllerHandle: number, document: UriComponents, range: IRange, input: string | undefined): Promise<number | undefined>;
$onActiveCommentThreadChange(commentControllerHandle: number, threadHandle: number | undefined): Promise<number | undefined>;
$provideCommentingRanges(commentControllerHandle: number, uriComponents: UriComponents, token: CancellationToken): Promise<IRange[] | undefined>;
$checkStaticContribution(commentControllerHandle: number): Promise<boolean>;
$provideReactionGroup(commentControllerHandle: number): Promise<modes.CommentReaction[] | undefined>;
$toggleReaction(commentControllerHandle: number, threadHandle: number, uri: UriComponents, comment: modes.Comment, reaction: modes.CommentReaction): Promise<void>;
$createNewCommentWidgetCallback(commentControllerHandle: number, uriComponents: UriComponents, range: IRange, token: CancellationToken): Promise<void>;
......@@ -88,6 +88,16 @@ export class ExtHostComments implements ExtHostCommentsShape {
return commentController;
$createCommentThreadTemplate(commentControllerHandle: number, uriComponents: UriComponents, range: IRange): void {
const commentController = this._commentControllers.get(commentControllerHandle);
if (!commentController) {
commentController.$createCommentThreadTemplate(uriComponents, range);
$onCommentWidgetInputChange(commentControllerHandle: number, uriComponents: UriComponents, range: IRange, input: string): Promise<number | undefined> {
const commentController = this._commentControllers.get(commentControllerHandle);
......@@ -164,7 +174,7 @@ export class ExtHostComments implements ExtHostCommentsShape {
return Promise.resolve();
if (!(commentController as any).emptyCommentThreadFactory && !(commentController.commentingRangeProvider && commentController.commentingRangeProvider.createEmptyCommentThread)) {
if (!(commentController as any).emptyCommentThreadFactory) {
return Promise.resolve();
......@@ -173,13 +183,23 @@ export class ExtHostComments implements ExtHostCommentsShape {
if ((commentController as any).emptyCommentThreadFactory) {
return (commentController as any).emptyCommentThreadFactory!.createEmptyCommentThread(document, extHostTypeConverter.Range.to(range));
if (commentController.commentingRangeProvider && commentController.commentingRangeProvider.createEmptyCommentThread) {
return commentController.commentingRangeProvider.createEmptyCommentThread(document, extHostTypeConverter.Range.to(range));
}).then(() => Promise.resolve());
$checkStaticContribution(commentControllerHandle: number): Promise<boolean> {
const commentController = this._commentControllers.get(commentControllerHandle);
if (!commentController) {
return Promise.resolve(false);
if (!(commentController as any).emptyCommentThreadFactory) {
return Promise.resolve(true);
return Promise.resolve(false);
extensionId: ExtensionIdentifier,
provider: vscode.WorkspaceCommentProvider
......@@ -618,30 +638,6 @@ class ExtHostCommentController implements vscode.CommentController {
private _threads: Map<number, ExtHostCommentThread> = new Map<number, ExtHostCommentThread>();
commentingRangeProvider?: vscode.CommentingRangeProvider & { createEmptyCommentThread: (document: vscode.TextDocument, range: types.Range) => Promise<vscode.CommentThread>; };
private _template: vscode.CommentThreadTemplate | undefined;
get template(): vscode.CommentThreadTemplate | undefined {
return this._template;
set template(newTemplate: vscode.CommentThreadTemplate | undefined) {
this._template = newTemplate;
if (newTemplate) {
const acceptInputCommand = newTemplate.acceptInputCommand ? this._commandsConverter.toInternal(newTemplate.acceptInputCommand) : undefined;
const additionalCommands = newTemplate.additionalCommands ? newTemplate.additionalCommands.map(x => this._commandsConverter.toInternal(x)) : [];
const deleteCommand = newTemplate.deleteCommand ? this._commandsConverter.toInternal(newTemplate.deleteCommand) : undefined;
this._proxy.$updateCommentControllerFeatures(this.handle, {
commentThreadTemplate: {
label: newTemplate.label,
private _commentReactionProvider?: vscode.CommentReactionProvider;
get reactionProvider(): vscode.CommentReactionProvider | undefined {
......@@ -666,8 +662,23 @@ class ExtHostCommentController implements vscode.CommentController {
this._proxy.$registerCommentController(this.handle, _id, _label);
createCommentThread(id: string, resource: vscode.Uri, range: vscode.Range, comments: vscode.Comment[]): vscode.CommentThread {
const commentThread = new ExtHostCommentThread(this._proxy, this._commandsConverter, this, id, resource, range, comments);
createCommentThread(resource: vscode.Uri, range: vscode.Range, comments: vscode.Comment[]): vscode.CommentThread;
createCommentThread(id: string, resource: vscode.Uri, range: vscode.Range, comments: vscode.Comment[]): vscode.CommentThread;
createCommentThread(arg0: vscode.Uri | string, arg1: vscode.Uri | vscode.Range, arg2: vscode.Range | vscode.Comment[], arg3?: vscode.Comment[]): vscode.CommentThread {
if (typeof arg0 === 'string') {
const commentThread = new ExtHostCommentThread(this._proxy, this._commandsConverter, this, arg0, arg1 as vscode.Uri, arg2 as vscode.Range, arg3 as vscode.Comment[]);
this._threads.set(commentThread.handle, commentThread);
return commentThread;
} else {
const commentThread = new ExtHostCommentThread(this._proxy, this._commandsConverter, this, '', arg0 as vscode.Uri, arg1 as vscode.Range, arg2 as vscode.Comment[]);
this._threads.set(commentThread.handle, commentThread);
return commentThread;
$createCommentThreadTemplate(uriComponents: UriComponents, range: IRange) {
const commentThread = new ExtHostCommentThread(this._proxy, this._commandsConverter, this, '', URI.revive(uriComponents), extHostTypeConverter.Range.to(range), []);
commentThread.collapsibleState = modes.CommentThreadCollapsibleState.Expanded;
this._threads.set(commentThread.handle, commentThread);
return commentThread;
......@@ -759,7 +770,8 @@ function convertFromComment(comment: modes.Comment): vscode.Comment {
count: reaction.count,
hasReacted: reaction.hasReacted
}) : undefined
}) : undefined,
mode: comment.mode ? comment.mode : modes.CommentMode.Preview
......@@ -2297,6 +2297,12 @@ export enum CommentThreadCollapsibleState {
Expanded = 1
export enum CommentMode {
Editing = 0,
Preview = 1
......@@ -45,6 +45,10 @@ namespace schema {
case 'statusBar/windowIndicator': return MenuId.StatusBarWindowIndicatorMenu;
case 'view/title': return MenuId.ViewTitle;
case 'view/item/context': return MenuId.ViewItemContext;
case 'commentThread/title': return MenuId.CommentThreadTitle;
case 'commentThread/actions': return MenuId.CommentThreadActions;
case 'comment/title': return MenuId.CommentTitle;
case 'comment/actions': return MenuId.CommentActions;
return undefined;
......@@ -182,7 +186,27 @@ namespace schema {
description: localize('view.itemContext', "The contributed view item context menu"),
type: 'array',
items: menuItem
'commentThread/title': {
description: localize('commentThread.title', "The contributed comment thread title menu"),
type: 'array',
items: menuItem
'commentThread/actions': {
description: localize('commentThread.actions', "The contributed comment thread actions"),
type: 'array',
items: menuItem
'comment/title': {
description: localize('comment.title', "The contributed comment title menu"),
type: 'array',
items: menuItem
'comment/actions': {
description: localize('comment.actions', "The contributed comment actions"),
type: 'array',
items: menuItem
......@@ -771,6 +771,7 @@ export function createApiFactory(
ColorInformation: extHostTypes.ColorInformation,
ColorPresentation: extHostTypes.ColorPresentation,
CommentThreadCollapsibleState: extHostTypes.CommentThreadCollapsibleState,
CommentMode: extHostTypes.CommentMode,
CompletionItem: extHostTypes.CompletionItem,
CompletionItemKind: extHostTypes.CompletionItemKind,
CompletionList: extHostTypes.CompletionList,
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import { IDisposable } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle';
import { IContextKeyService } from 'vs/platform/contextkey/common/contextkey';
import { IMenu, IMenuService, MenuId } from 'vs/platform/actions/common/actions';
import { IAction } from 'vs/base/common/actions';
import { MainThreadCommentController } from 'vs/workbench/api/browser/mainThreadComments';
import { IContextMenuService } from 'vs/platform/contextview/browser/contextView';
import { Comment, CommentThread2 } from 'vs/editor/common/modes';
import { fillInContextMenuActions } from 'vs/platform/actions/browser/menuEntryActionViewItem';
export class CommentMenus implements IDisposable {
private titleMenu: IMenu;
private titleActions: IAction[] = [];
private readonly disposables: IDisposable[] = [];
controller: MainThreadCommentController,
private contextKeyService: IContextKeyService,
@IMenuService private readonly menuService: IMenuService,
@IContextMenuService private readonly contextMenuService: IContextMenuService
) {
const commentControllerKey = this.contextKeyService.createKey<string | undefined>('commentController', undefined);
getCommentThreadTitleActions(commentThread: CommentThread2): IAction[] {
return this.getActions(MenuId.CommentThreadTitle, commentThread).primary;
getCommentThreadActions(commentThread: CommentThread2): IAction[] {
return [];
getCommentTitleActions(comment: Comment): IAction[] {
return [];
getCommentActions(comment: Comment): IAction[] {
return [];
private getActions(menuId: MenuId, thread: CommentThread2) {
const contextKeyService = this.contextKeyService.createScoped();
// contextKeyService.createKey('commentThread', thread.threadId);
const menu = this.menuService.createMenu(menuId, contextKeyService);
const primary: IAction[] = [];
const secondary: IAction[] = [];
const result = { primary, secondary };
fillInContextMenuActions(menu, { shouldForwardArgs: true }, result, this.contextMenuService, g => true);
return result;
dispose(): void {
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
import { CommentThread, DocumentCommentProvider, CommentThreadChangedEvent, CommentInfo, Comment, CommentReaction, CommentingRanges, CommentThread2 } from 'vs/editor/common/modes';
import { createDecorator } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/instantiation';
import { createDecorator, IInstantiationService } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/instantiation';
import { Event, Emitter } from 'vs/base/common/event';
import { Disposable } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle';
import { URI } from 'vs/base/common/uri';
......@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ import { CancellationToken } from 'vs/base/common/cancellation';
import { assign } from 'vs/base/common/objects';
import { ICommentThreadChangedEvent } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/comments/common/commentModel';
import { MainThreadCommentController } from 'vs/workbench/api/browser/mainThreadComments';
import { CommentMenus } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/comments/browser/commentMenus';
import { IContextKeyService } from 'vs/platform/contextkey/common/contextkey';
import { IContext } from 'vs/base/parts/quickopen/browser/quickOpenModel';
export const ICommentService = createDecorator<ICommentService>('commentService');
......@@ -42,11 +45,14 @@ export interface ICommentService {
readonly onDidChangeInput: Event<string>;
readonly onDidSetDataProvider: Event<void>;
readonly onDidDeleteDataProvider: Event<string>;
readonly contextKeyService: IContextKeyService;
setDocumentComments(resource: URI, commentInfos: ICommentInfo[]): void;
setWorkspaceComments(owner: string, commentsByResource: CommentThread[] | CommentThread2[]): void;
removeWorkspaceComments(owner: string): void;
registerCommentController(owner: string, commentControl: MainThreadCommentController): void;
unregisterCommentController(owner: string): void;
createCommentThreadTemplate(owner: string, resource: URI, range: Range): void;
getCommentMenus(owner: string): CommentMenus;
registerDataProvider(owner: string, commentProvider: DocumentCommentProvider): void;
unregisterDataProvider(owner: string): void;
updateComments(ownerId: string, event: CommentThreadChangedEvent): void;
......@@ -66,7 +72,6 @@ export interface ICommentService {
deleteReaction(owner: string, resource: URI, comment: Comment, reaction: CommentReaction): Promise<void>;
getReactionGroup(owner: string): CommentReaction[] | undefined;
toggleReaction(owner: string, resource: URI, thread: CommentThread2, comment: Comment, reaction: CommentReaction): Promise<void>;
getCommentThreadFromTemplate(owner: string, resource: URI, range: IRange, ): CommentThread2 | undefined;
setActiveCommentThread(commentThread: CommentThread | null): void;
setInput(input: string): void;
......@@ -106,9 +111,15 @@ export class CommentService extends Disposable implements ICommentService {
private _commentProviders = new Map<string, DocumentCommentProvider>();
private _commentControls = new Map<string, MainThreadCommentController>();
private _commentMenus = new Map<string, CommentMenus>();
contextKeyService: IContextKeyService;
constructor() {
@IInstantiationService protected instantiationService: IInstantiationService,
@IContextKeyService contextKeyService: IContextKeyService
) {
this.contextKeyService = contextKeyService.createScoped();
setActiveCommentThread(commentThread: CommentThread | null) {
......@@ -141,6 +152,28 @@ export class CommentService extends Disposable implements ICommentService {
createCommentThreadTemplate(owner: string, resource: URI, range: Range): void {
const commentController = this._commentControls.get(owner);
if (!commentController) {
commentController.createCommentThreadTemplate(resource, range);
getCommentMenus(owner: string): CommentMenus {
if (this._commentMenus.get(owner)) {
return this._commentMenus.get(owner)!;
let controller = this._commentControls.get(owner);
let menu = this.instantiationService.createInstance(CommentMenus, controller!, this.contextKeyService);
this._commentMenus.set(owner, menu);
return menu;
registerDataProvider(owner: string, commentProvider: DocumentCommentProvider): void {
this._commentProviders.set(owner, commentProvider);
......@@ -256,16 +289,6 @@ export class CommentService extends Disposable implements ICommentService {
getCommentThreadFromTemplate(owner: string, resource: URI, range: IRange, ): CommentThread2 | undefined {
const commentController = this._commentControls.get(owner);
if (commentController) {
return commentController.getCommentThreadFromTemplate(resource, range);
return undefined;
getReactionGroup(owner: string): CommentReaction[] | undefined {
const commentProvider = this._commentControls.get(owner);
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import * as nls from 'vs/nls';
import * as dom from 'vs/base/browser/dom';
import { ActionBar } from 'vs/base/browser/ui/actionbar/actionbar';
import { Button } from 'vs/base/browser/ui/button/button';
import { Action } from 'vs/base/common/actions';
import { Action, IAction } from 'vs/base/common/actions';
import * as arrays from 'vs/base/common/arrays';
import { Color } from 'vs/base/common/color';
import { Emitter, Event } from 'vs/base/common/event';
......@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ import { ICommandService } from 'vs/platform/commands/common/commands';
import { generateUuid } from 'vs/base/common/uuid';
import { ICommentThreadWidget } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/comments/common/commentThreadWidget';
import { withNullAsUndefined } from 'vs/base/common/types';
import { CommentMenus } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/comments/browser/commentMenus';
export const COMMENTEDITOR_DECORATION_KEY = 'commenteditordecoration';
const COLLAPSE_ACTION_CLASS = 'expand-review-action octicon octicon-x';
......@@ -86,6 +87,8 @@ export class ReviewZoneWidget extends ZoneWidget implements ICommentThreadWidget
return this._draftMode;
private _commentMenus: CommentMenus;
editor: ICodeEditor,
private _owner: string,
......@@ -107,6 +110,7 @@ export class ReviewZoneWidget extends ZoneWidget implements ICommentThreadWidget
this._commentThreadDisposables = [];
this._submitActionsDisposables = [];
this._formActions = null;
this._commentMenus = this.commentService.getCommentMenus(this._owner);
this._styleElement = dom.createStyleSheet(this.domNode);
......@@ -203,7 +207,13 @@ export class ReviewZoneWidget extends ZoneWidget implements ICommentThreadWidget
this._collapseAction = new Action('review.expand', nls.localize('label.collapse', "Collapse"), COLLAPSE_ACTION_CLASS, true, () => this.collapse());
this._actionbarWidget.push(this._collapseAction, { label: false, icon: true });
let secondaryActions: IAction[] = [];
if ((this._commentThread as modes.CommentThread2).commentThreadHandle !== undefined) {
secondaryActions = this._commentMenus.getCommentThreadTitleActions(this._commentThread as modes.CommentThread2);
this._actionbarWidget.push([...secondaryActions, this._collapseAction], { label: false, icon: true });
this._actionbarWidget.context = this._commentThread;
public collapse(): Promise<void> {
......@@ -245,7 +255,7 @@ export class ReviewZoneWidget extends ZoneWidget implements ICommentThreadWidget
async update(commentThread: modes.CommentThread | modes.CommentThread2, replaceTemplate: boolean = false) {
async update(commentThread: modes.CommentThread | modes.CommentThread2) {
const oldCommentsLen = this._commentElements.length;
const newCommentsLen = commentThread.comments ? commentThread.comments.length : 0;
......@@ -294,26 +304,12 @@ export class ReviewZoneWidget extends ZoneWidget implements ICommentThreadWidget
this._commentThread = commentThread;
this._commentElements = newCommentNodeList;
if (replaceTemplate) {
// since we are replacing the old comment thread, we need to rebind the listeners.
this._commentThreadDisposables.forEach(global => global.dispose());
this._commentThreadDisposables = [];
if (replaceTemplate) {
if (this._formActions && this._commentEditor.hasModel()) {
const model = this._commentEditor.getModel();
this.createCommentWidgetActions2(this._formActions, model);
if (replaceTemplate) {
this.createCommentWidgetActionsListener(this._formActions, model);
// Move comment glyph widget and show position if the line has changed.
......@@ -368,7 +364,7 @@ export class ReviewZoneWidget extends ZoneWidget implements ICommentThreadWidget
this._commentEditor.layout({ height: 5 * 18, width: widthInPixel - 54 /* margin 20px * 10 + scrollbar 14px*/ });
display(lineNumber: number, fromTemplate: boolean = false) {
display(lineNumber: number) {
this._commentGlyph = new CommentGlyphWidget(this.editor, lineNumber);
this._disposables.push(this.editor.onMouseDown(e => this.onEditorMouseDown(e)));
......@@ -426,9 +422,7 @@ export class ReviewZoneWidget extends ZoneWidget implements ICommentThreadWidget
this._formActions = dom.append(this._commentForm, dom.$('.form-actions'));
if ((this._commentThread as modes.CommentThread2).commentThreadHandle !== undefined) {
this.createCommentWidgetActions2(this._formActions, model);
if (!fromTemplate) {
this.createCommentWidgetActionsListener(this._formActions, model);
this.createCommentWidgetActionsListener(this._formActions, model);
} else {
this.createCommentWidgetActions(this._formActions, model);
......@@ -827,14 +821,13 @@ export class ReviewZoneWidget extends ZoneWidget implements ICommentThreadWidget
private createThreadLabel(replaceTemplate: boolean = false) {
private createThreadLabel() {
let label: string | undefined;
if ((this._commentThread as modes.CommentThread2).commentThreadHandle !== undefined) {
label = (this._commentThread as modes.CommentThread2).label;
if (label === undefined && !replaceTemplate) {
// if it's for replacing the comment thread template, the comment thread widget title can be undefined as extensions may set it later
if (label === undefined) {
if (this._commentThread.comments && this._commentThread.comments.length) {
const participantsList = this._commentThread.comments.filter(arrays.uniqueFilter(comment => comment.userName)).map(comment => `@${comment.userName}`).join(', ');
label = nls.localize('commentThreadParticipants', "Participants: {0}", participantsList);
......@@ -847,7 +840,6 @@ export class ReviewZoneWidget extends ZoneWidget implements ICommentThreadWidget
this._headingLabel.innerHTML = strings.escape(label);
this._headingLabel.setAttribute('aria-label', label);
private expandReplyArea() {
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ class CommentingRangeDecoration {
return this._decorationId;
constructor(private _editor: ICodeEditor, private _ownerId: string, private _extensionId: string | undefined, private _label: string | undefined, private _range: IRange, private _reply: modes.Command | undefined, commentingOptions: ModelDecorationOptions, private _template: modes.CommentThreadTemplate | undefined, private commentingRangesInfo?: modes.CommentingRanges) {
constructor(private _editor: ICodeEditor, private _ownerId: string, private _extensionId: string | undefined, private _label: string | undefined, private _range: IRange, private _reply: modes.Command | undefined, commentingOptions: ModelDecorationOptions, private commentingRangesInfo?: modes.CommentingRanges) {
const startLineNumber = _range.startLineNumber;
const endLineNumber = _range.endLineNumber;
let commentingRangeDecorations = [{
......@@ -81,14 +81,13 @@ class CommentingRangeDecoration {
public getCommentAction(): { replyCommand: modes.Command | undefined, ownerId: string, extensionId: string | undefined, label: string | undefined, commentingRangesInfo: modes.CommentingRanges | undefined, template: modes.CommentThreadTemplate | undefined } {
public getCommentAction(): { replyCommand: modes.Command | undefined, ownerId: string, extensionId: string | undefined, label: string | undefined, commentingRangesInfo: modes.CommentingRanges | undefined } {
return {
extensionId: this._extensionId,
label: this._label,
replyCommand: this._reply,
ownerId: this._ownerId,
commentingRangesInfo: this.commentingRangesInfo,
template: this._template
commentingRangesInfo: this.commentingRangesInfo
......@@ -125,11 +124,11 @@ class CommentingRangeDecorator {
for (const info of commentInfos) {
if (Array.isArray(info.commentingRanges)) {
info.commentingRanges.forEach(range => {
commentingRangeDecorations.push(new CommentingRangeDecoration(editor, info.owner, info.extensionId, info.label, range, info.reply, this.decorationOptions, info.template));
commentingRangeDecorations.push(new CommentingRangeDecoration(editor, info.owner, info.extensionId, info.label, range, info.reply, this.decorationOptions));
} else {
(info.commentingRanges ? info.commentingRanges.ranges : []).forEach(range => {
commentingRangeDecorations.push(new CommentingRangeDecoration(editor, info.owner, info.extensionId, info.label, range, undefined, this.decorationOptions, info.template, info.commentingRanges as modes.CommentingRanges));
commentingRangeDecorations.push(new CommentingRangeDecoration(editor, info.owner, info.extensionId, info.label, range, undefined, this.decorationOptions, info.commentingRanges as modes.CommentingRanges));
......@@ -449,7 +448,7 @@ export class ReviewController implements IEditorContribution {
let matchedNewCommentThreadZones = this._commentWidgets.filter(zoneWidget => zoneWidget.owner === e.owner && (zoneWidget.commentThread as any).commentThreadHandle === -1 && Range.equalsRange(zoneWidget.commentThread.range, thread.range));
if (matchedNewCommentThreadZones.length) {
matchedNewCommentThreadZones[0].update(thread, true);
......@@ -469,22 +468,6 @@ export class ReviewController implements IEditorContribution {
private addCommentThreadFromTemplate(lineNumber: number, ownerId: string): ReviewZoneWidget {
let templateCommentThread = this.commentService.getCommentThreadFromTemplate(ownerId, this.editor.getModel()!.uri, {
startLineNumber: lineNumber,
startColumn: 1,
endLineNumber: lineNumber,
endColumn: 1
templateCommentThread.collapsibleState = modes.CommentThreadCollapsibleState.Expanded;
templateCommentThread.comments = [];
let templateReviewZoneWidget = this.instantiationService.createInstance(ReviewZoneWidget, this.editor, ownerId, templateCommentThread, '', modes.DraftMode.NotSupported);
return templateReviewZoneWidget;
private addComment(lineNumber: number, replyCommand: modes.Command | undefined, ownerId: string, extensionId: string | undefined, draftMode: modes.DraftMode | undefined, pendingComment: string | null) {
if (this._newCommentWidget) {
this.notificationService.warn(`Please submit the comment at line ${this._newCommentWidget.position ? this._newCommentWidget.position.lineNumber : -1} before creating a new one.`);
......@@ -640,16 +623,16 @@ export class ReviewController implements IEditorContribution {
const commentInfos = newCommentInfos.filter(info => info.ownerId === pick.id);
if (commentInfos.length) {
const { replyCommand, ownerId, extensionId, commentingRangesInfo, template } = commentInfos[0];
this.addCommentAtLine2(lineNumber, replyCommand, ownerId, extensionId, commentingRangesInfo, template);
const { replyCommand, ownerId, extensionId, commentingRangesInfo } = commentInfos[0];
this.addCommentAtLine2(lineNumber, replyCommand, ownerId, extensionId, commentingRangesInfo);
}).then(() => {
this._addInProgress = false;
} else {
const { replyCommand, ownerId, extensionId, commentingRangesInfo, template } = newCommentInfos[0]!;
this.addCommentAtLine2(lineNumber, replyCommand, ownerId, extensionId, commentingRangesInfo, template);
const { replyCommand, ownerId, extensionId, commentingRangesInfo } = newCommentInfos[0]!;
this.addCommentAtLine2(lineNumber, replyCommand, ownerId, extensionId, commentingRangesInfo);
return Promise.resolve();
......@@ -668,11 +651,11 @@ export class ReviewController implements IEditorContribution {
return picks;
private getContextMenuActions(commentInfos: { replyCommand: modes.Command | undefined, ownerId: string, extensionId: string | undefined, label: string | undefined, commentingRangesInfo: modes.CommentingRanges | undefined, template: modes.CommentThreadTemplate | undefined }[], lineNumber: number): (IAction | ContextSubMenu)[] {
private getContextMenuActions(commentInfos: { replyCommand: modes.Command | undefined, ownerId: string, extensionId: string | undefined, label: string | undefined, commentingRangesInfo: modes.CommentingRanges | undefined }[], lineNumber: number): (IAction | ContextSubMenu)[] {
const actions: (IAction | ContextSubMenu)[] = [];
commentInfos.forEach(commentInfo => {
const { replyCommand, ownerId, extensionId, label, commentingRangesInfo, template } = commentInfo;
const { replyCommand, ownerId, extensionId, label, commentingRangesInfo } = commentInfo;
actions.push(new Action(
......@@ -680,7 +663,7 @@ export class ReviewController implements IEditorContribution {
() => {
this.addCommentAtLine2(lineNumber, replyCommand, ownerId, extensionId, commentingRangesInfo, template);
this.addCommentAtLine2(lineNumber, replyCommand, ownerId, extensionId, commentingRangesInfo);
return Promise.resolve();
......@@ -688,23 +671,10 @@ export class ReviewController implements IEditorContribution {
return actions;
public addCommentAtLine2(lineNumber: number, replyCommand: modes.Command | undefined, ownerId: string, extensionId: string | undefined, commentingRangesInfo: modes.CommentingRanges | undefined, template: modes.CommentThreadTemplate | undefined) {
public addCommentAtLine2(lineNumber: number, replyCommand: modes.Command | undefined, ownerId: string, extensionId: string | undefined, commentingRangesInfo: modes.CommentingRanges | undefined) {
if (commentingRangesInfo) {
let range = new Range(lineNumber, 1, lineNumber, 1);
if (template) {
// create comment widget through template
let commentThreadWidget = this.addCommentThreadFromTemplate(lineNumber, ownerId);
commentThreadWidget.display(lineNumber, true);
commentThreadWidget.onDidClose(() => {
this._commentWidgets = this._commentWidgets.filter(zoneWidget => !(
zoneWidget.owner === commentThreadWidget.owner &&
(zoneWidget.commentThread as any).commentThreadHandle === -1 &&
Range.equalsRange(zoneWidget.commentThread.range, commentThreadWidget.commentThread.range)
} else if (commentingRangesInfo.newCommentThreadCallback) {
if (commentingRangesInfo.newCommentThreadCallback) {
return commentingRangesInfo.newCommentThreadCallback(this.editor.getModel()!.uri, range)
.then(_ => {
......@@ -713,6 +683,11 @@ export class ReviewController implements IEditorContribution {
this.notificationService.error(nls.localize('commentThreadAddFailure', "Adding a new comment thread failed: {0}.", e.message));
} else {
// latest api, no comments creation callback
this.commentService.createCommentThreadTemplate(ownerId, this.editor.getModel()!.uri, range);
} else {
const commentInfo = this._commentInfos.filter(info => info.owner === ownerId);
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import { ContextKeyExpr, RawContextKey } from 'vs/platform/contextkey/common/contextkey';
export namespace CommentContextKeys {
* A context key that is set when the editor's text has focus (cursor is blinking).
export const commentThreadIsEmpty = new RawContextKey<boolean>('commentThreadIsEmpty', false);
* A context key that is set when the editor's text or an editor's widget has focus.
export const commentIsEmpty = new RawContextKey<boolean>('commentIsEmpty', false);
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