未验证 提交 3cd470ed 编写于 作者: S SteVen Batten 提交者: GitHub

improve titlebarpart layout perf (#60566)

* clean up titlebar layout

* validating fix on macOS and re-adding comment
上级 c11c4163
......@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@
-webkit-app-region: no-drag;
height: 100%;
width: 138px;
margin-left: auto;
.monaco-workbench.fullscreen > .part.titlebar > .window-controls-container {
......@@ -366,13 +366,17 @@ export class MenubarControl extends Disposable {
private hideMenubar(): void {
this.container.style.display = 'none';
if (this.container.style.display !== 'none') {
this.container.style.display = 'none';
private showMenubar(): void {
this.container.style.display = 'flex';
if (this.container.style.display !== 'flex') {
this.container.style.display = 'flex';
private onModifierKeyToggled(modifierKeyStatus: IModifierKeyStatus): void {
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import { isMacintosh, isWindows, isLinux } from 'vs/base/common/platform';
import { URI } from 'vs/base/common/uri';
import { Color } from 'vs/base/common/color';
import { trim } from 'vs/base/common/strings';
import { EventType, EventHelper, Dimension, isAncestor, hide, show, removeClass, addClass, append, $, addDisposableListener, getComputedStyle } from 'vs/base/browser/dom';
import { EventType, EventHelper, Dimension, isAncestor, hide, show, removeClass, addClass, append, $, addDisposableListener } from 'vs/base/browser/dom';
import { MenubarControl } from 'vs/workbench/browser/parts/titlebar/menubarControl';
import { IInstantiationService } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/instantiation';
import { template, getBaseLabel } from 'vs/base/common/labels';
......@@ -57,14 +57,6 @@ export class TitlebarPart extends Part implements ITitleService {
private pendingTitle: string;
private representedFileName: string;
private initialSizing: {
titleFontSize?: number;
titlebarHeight?: number;
controlsWidth?: number;
appIconSize?: number;
appIconWidth?: number;
} = Object.create(null);
private isInactive: boolean;
private properties: ITitleProperties;
......@@ -499,93 +491,45 @@ export class TitlebarPart extends Part implements ITitleService {
private adjustTitleMarginToCenter(): void {
setTimeout(() => {
// Center the title in the window
const currentAppIconWidth = this.appIcon ? parseInt(getComputedStyle(this.appIcon).width, 10) : 0;
let currentMenubarWidth = parseInt(getComputedStyle(this.menubar).width, 10);
currentMenubarWidth = isNaN(currentMenubarWidth) ? 0 : currentMenubarWidth;
const currentTotalWidth = parseInt(getComputedStyle(document.body).width, 10);
const currentTitleWidth = parseInt(getComputedStyle(this.title).width, 10);
const currentWindowControlsWidth = this.windowControls ? parseInt(getComputedStyle(this.windowControls).width, 10) : 0;
let leftMargin = (currentTotalWidth / 2) - (currentTitleWidth / 2) - (currentMenubarWidth + currentAppIconWidth);
let rightMargin = currentTotalWidth - (currentAppIconWidth + currentMenubarWidth + leftMargin + currentTitleWidth + currentWindowControlsWidth);
// Center if we can, leaving some space on both sides
if (leftMargin >= 20 && rightMargin >= 20) {
this.title.style.marginLeft = `${leftMargin}px`;
// Cannot center
if (!isMacintosh &&
(this.appIcon.clientWidth + this.menubar.clientWidth + 10 > (this.titleContainer.clientWidth - this.title.clientWidth) / 2 ||
this.titleContainer.clientWidth - this.windowControls.clientWidth - 10 < (this.titleContainer.clientWidth + this.title.clientWidth) / 2)) {
this.title.style.position = null;
this.title.style.left = null;
this.title.style.transform = null;
} else {
this.title.style.marginLeft = null;
this.title.style.position = 'absolute';
this.title.style.left = '50%';
this.title.style.transform = 'translate(-50%, 0)';
}, 0); // delay so that we can get accurate information about the widths
}, 0); // delay so that we can get accurate information about widths
private updateLayout(dimension: Dimension) {
// Store initital title sizing if we need to prevent zooming
if (typeof this.initialSizing.titleFontSize !== 'number') {
this.initialSizing.titleFontSize = parseInt(getComputedStyle(this.title).fontSize, 10);
if (typeof this.initialSizing.titlebarHeight !== 'number') {
this.initialSizing.titlebarHeight = parseInt(getComputedStyle(this.title).height, 10);
// Only prevent zooming behavior on macOS or when the menubar is not visible
if (isMacintosh || this.configurationService.getValue<MenuBarVisibility>('window.menuBarVisibility') === 'hidden') {
// To prevent zooming we need to adjust the font size with the zoom factor
const newHeight = this.initialSizing.titlebarHeight / getZoomFactor();
this.title.style.fontSize = `${this.initialSizing.titleFontSize / getZoomFactor()}px`;
this.title.style.lineHeight = `${newHeight}px`;
// Windows/Linux specific layout
if (isWindows || isLinux) {
if (typeof this.initialSizing.controlsWidth !== 'number') {
this.initialSizing.controlsWidth = parseInt(getComputedStyle(this.windowControls).width, 10);
const appIconComputedStyles = getComputedStyle(this.appIcon);
if (typeof this.initialSizing.appIconWidth !== 'number') {
this.initialSizing.appIconWidth = parseInt(appIconComputedStyles.width, 10);
layout(dimension: Dimension): Dimension[] {
if (this.configurationService.getValue<string>('window.titleBarStyle') === 'custom') {
// Only prevent zooming behavior on macOS or when the menubar is not visible
if (isMacintosh || this.configurationService.getValue<MenuBarVisibility>('window.menuBarVisibility') === 'hidden') {
this.title.style.zoom = `${1.0 / getZoomFactor()}`;
if (isWindows || isLinux) {
this.appIcon.style.zoom = `${1.0 / getZoomFactor()}`;
this.windowControls.style.zoom = `${1.0 / getZoomFactor()}`;
if (typeof this.initialSizing.appIconSize !== 'number') {
this.initialSizing.appIconSize = parseInt(appIconComputedStyles.backgroundSize, 10);
} else {
this.title.style.zoom = null;
if (isWindows || isLinux) {
this.appIcon.style.zoom = null;
this.windowControls.style.zoom = null;
const currentAppIconHeight = parseInt(appIconComputedStyles.height, 10);
const newControlsWidth = this.initialSizing.controlsWidth / getZoomFactor();
const newAppIconWidth = this.initialSizing.appIconWidth / getZoomFactor();
const newAppIconSize = this.initialSizing.appIconSize / getZoomFactor();
// Adjust app icon mimic menubar
this.appIcon.style.width = `${newAppIconWidth}px`;
this.appIcon.style.backgroundSize = `${newAppIconSize}px`;
this.appIcon.style.paddingTop = `${(newHeight - currentAppIconHeight) / 2.0}px`;
this.appIcon.style.paddingBottom = `${(newHeight - currentAppIconHeight) / 2.0}px`;
// Adjust windows controls
this.windowControls.style.width = `${newControlsWidth}px`;
} else {
// We need to undo zoom prevention
this.title.style.fontSize = null;
this.title.style.lineHeight = null;
this.appIcon.style.width = null;
this.appIcon.style.backgroundSize = null;
this.appIcon.style.paddingTop = null;
this.appIcon.style.paddingBottom = null;
this.windowControls.style.width = null;
if (this.menubarPart) {
const menubarDimension = new Dimension(undefined, dimension.height);
if (this.menubarPart) {
const menubarDimension = new Dimension(undefined, dimension.height);
layout(dimension: Dimension): Dimension[] {
return super.layout(dimension);
......@@ -533,11 +533,8 @@ export class Workbench extends Disposable implements IPartService {
if (visible !== this.menubarToggled) {
this.menubarToggled = visible;
if (this.menubarVisibility === 'toggle' || (browser.isFullscreen() && this.menubarVisibility === 'default')) {
if (browser.isFullscreen() && this.menubarVisibility === 'default') {
if (browser.isFullscreen() && (this.menubarVisibility === 'toggle' || this.menubarVisibility === 'default')) {
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