提交 3a81a7ef 编写于 作者: A Andre Weinand

debt: clean up sessions IDs

上级 15f5bf1e
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
import { IDisposable, dispose } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle';
import { URI as uri } from 'vs/base/common/uri';
import { IDebugService, IConfig, IDebugConfigurationProvider, IBreakpoint, IFunctionBreakpoint, IBreakpointData, IAdapterExecutable, ITerminalSettings, IDebugAdapter, IDebugAdapterProvider, ISession } from 'vs/workbench/parts/debug/common/debug';
import { IDebugService, IConfig, IDebugConfigurationProvider, IBreakpoint, IFunctionBreakpoint, IBreakpointData, IAdapterExecutable, ITerminalSettings, IDebugAdapter, IDebugAdapterProvider } from 'vs/workbench/parts/debug/common/debug';
import { TPromise } from 'vs/base/common/winjs.base';
import {
ExtHostContext, ExtHostDebugServiceShape, MainThreadDebugServiceShape, DebugSessionUUID, MainContext,
......@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ export class MainThreadDebugService implements MainThreadDebugServiceShape, IDeb
private _breakpointEventsActive: boolean;
private _debugAdapters: Map<number, ExtensionHostDebugAdapter>;
private _debugAdaptersHandleCounter = 1;
private _sessions: Map<DebugSessionUUID, ISession>;
extHostContext: IExtHostContext,
......@@ -39,19 +38,12 @@ export class MainThreadDebugService implements MainThreadDebugServiceShape, IDeb
this._toDispose.push(debugService.onDidNewSession(session => {
this._proxy.$acceptDebugSessionStarted(<DebugSessionUUID>session.getId(), session.configuration.type, session.getName(false));
this._sessions = new Map();
// Need to start listening early to new session events because a custom event can come while a session is initialising
this._toDispose.push(debugService.onWillNewSession(session => {
this._sessions.set(session.getId(), session);
// Need to start listening early to new session events because a custom event can come while a session is initialising
this._toDispose.push(session.onDidCustomEvent(event => {
if (event && event.sessionId) {
this._proxy.$acceptDebugSessionCustomEvent(event.sessionId, session.configuration.type, session.configuration.name, event);
this._toDispose.push(session.onDidCustomEvent(event => this._proxy.$acceptDebugSessionCustomEvent(session.getId(), session.configuration.type, session.configuration.name, event)));
this._toDispose.push(debugService.onDidEndSession(session => {
this._proxy.$acceptDebugSessionTerminated(<DebugSessionUUID>session.getId(), session.configuration.type, session.getName(false));
this._toDispose.push(debugService.getViewModel().onDidFocusSession(proc => {
if (proc) {
......@@ -226,7 +218,7 @@ export class MainThreadDebugService implements MainThreadDebugServiceShape, IDeb
public $customDebugAdapterRequest(sessionId: DebugSessionUUID, request: string, args: any): TPromise<any> {
const session = this._sessions.get(sessionId);
const session = this.debugService.getSession(sessionId);
if (session) {
return session.raw.custom(request, args).then(response => {
if (response && response.success) {
......@@ -162,8 +162,11 @@ export interface ISession extends ITreeElement, IDisposable {
* Allows to register on custom DAP events.
onDidCustomEvent: Event<DebugEvent>;
onDidCustomEvent: Event<DebugProtocol.Event>;
* Allows to register on DA events.
onDidExitAdapter: Event<void>;
......@@ -582,10 +585,6 @@ export interface ILaunch {
export const IDebugService = createDecorator<IDebugService>(DEBUG_SERVICE_ID);
export interface DebugEvent extends DebugProtocol.Event {
sessionId?: string;
export interface LoadedSourceEvent {
reason: string;
source: Source;
......@@ -737,6 +736,11 @@ export interface IDebugService {
sourceIsNotAvailable(uri: uri): void;
* returns Session with the given ID (or undefined if ID is not found)
getSession(sessionId: string): ISession;
* Gets the current debug model.
......@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
import * as nls from 'vs/nls';
import { Event, Emitter } from 'vs/base/common/event';
import * as resources from 'vs/base/common/resources';
import { generateUuid } from 'vs/base/common/uuid';
import { URI as uri } from 'vs/base/common/uri';
import { first, distinct } from 'vs/base/common/arrays';
import { isObject, isUndefinedOrNull } from 'vs/base/common/types';
......@@ -129,7 +128,7 @@ export class DebugService implements IDebugService {
this.lifecycleService.onShutdown(this.dispose, this);
this.toDispose.push(this.broadcastService.onBroadcast(broadcast => {
const session = <Session>this.allSessions.get(broadcast.payload.debugId);
const session = <Session>this.getSession(broadcast.payload.debugId);
if (session) {
switch (broadcast.channel) {
......@@ -160,6 +159,10 @@ export class DebugService implements IDebugService {
getSession(sessionId: string): ISession {
return this.allSessions.get(sessionId);
getModel(): IModel {
return this.model;
......@@ -236,12 +239,15 @@ export class DebugService implements IDebugService {
//---- life cycle management
* main entry point
startDebugging(launch: ILaunch, configOrName?: IConfig | string, noDebug = false, unresolvedConfiguration?: IConfig, ): TPromise<void> {
const sessionId = generateUuid();
// make sure to save all files and that the configuration is up to date
return this.extensionService.activateByEvent('onDebug').then(() => this.textFileService.saveAll().then(() => this.configurationService.reloadConfiguration(launch ? launch.workspace : undefined).then(() =>
this.extensionService.whenInstalledExtensionsRegistered().then(() => {
if (this.model.getSessions().length === 0) {
......@@ -328,7 +334,7 @@ export class DebugService implements IDebugService {
this.configurationManager.resolveConfigurationByProviders(launch && launch.workspace ? launch.workspace.uri : undefined, type, config).then(config => {
// a falsy config indicates an aborted launch
if (config && config.type) {
return this.createSession(launch, config, unresolvedConfiguration, sessionId);
return this.createSession(launch, config, unresolvedConfiguration);
if (launch && type) {
......@@ -342,7 +348,7 @@ export class DebugService implements IDebugService {
private createSession(launch: ILaunch, config: IConfig, unresolvedConfig: IConfig, sessionId: string): TPromise<void> {
private createSession(launch: ILaunch, config: IConfig, unresolvedConfig: IConfig): TPromise<void> {
......@@ -369,12 +375,12 @@ export class DebugService implements IDebugService {
const workspace = launch ? launch.workspace : undefined;
return this.runTask(sessionId, workspace, resolvedConfig.preLaunchTask, resolvedConfig, unresolvedConfig).then(success => {
return this.runTask(workspace, resolvedConfig.preLaunchTask, resolvedConfig, unresolvedConfig).then(success => {
if (!success) {
return undefined;
return this.doCreateSession(workspace, { resolved: resolvedConfig, unresolved: unresolvedConfig }, sessionId);
return this.doCreateSession(workspace, { resolved: resolvedConfig, unresolved: unresolvedConfig });
}, err => {
if (err && err.message) {
......@@ -395,78 +401,88 @@ export class DebugService implements IDebugService {
private attachExtensionHost(session: Session, port: number): TPromise<void> {
session.configuration.request = 'attach';
session.configuration.port = port;
const dbgr = this.configurationManager.getDebugger(session.configuration.type);
return session.initialize(dbgr).then(() => {
this.focusStackFrame(undefined, undefined, session);
(<RawDebugSession>session.raw).attach(session.configuration).then(result => {
this.focusStackFrame(undefined, undefined, session);
private doCreateSession(root: IWorkspaceFolder, configuration: { resolved: IConfig, unresolved: IConfig }, sessionId: string): TPromise<any> {
private doCreateSession(root: IWorkspaceFolder, configuration: { resolved: IConfig, unresolved: IConfig }): TPromise<any> {
const resolved = configuration.resolved;
resolved.__sessionId = sessionId;
const session = this.instantiationService.createInstance(Session, configuration, root, this.model);
this.allSessions.set(session.getId(), session);
const dbgr = this.configurationManager.getDebugger(resolved.type);
const session = this.instantiationService.createInstance(Session, sessionId, configuration, root, this.model);
this.allSessions.set(sessionId, session);
const resolved = configuration.resolved;
resolved.__sessionId = session.getId();
const dbgr = this.configurationManager.getDebugger(resolved.type);
return session.initialize(dbgr).then(() => {
const raw = <RawDebugSession>session.raw;
return (resolved.request === 'attach' ? raw.attach(resolved) : raw.launch(resolved))
.then((result: DebugProtocol.Response) => {
if (raw.disconnected) {
return TPromise.as(null);
this.focusStackFrame(undefined, undefined, session);
const internalConsoleOptions = resolved.internalConsoleOptions || this.configurationService.getValue<IDebugConfiguration>('debug').internalConsoleOptions;
if (internalConsoleOptions === 'openOnSessionStart' || (this.viewModel.firstSessionStart && internalConsoleOptions === 'openOnFirstSessionStart')) {
this.panelService.openPanel(REPL_ID, false);
return (resolved.request === 'attach' ? raw.attach(resolved) : raw.launch(resolved)).then(result => {
const openDebug = this.configurationService.getValue<IDebugConfiguration>('debug').openDebug;
// Open debug viewlet based on the visibility of the side bar and openDebug setting
if (openDebug === 'openOnSessionStart' || (openDebug === 'openOnFirstSessionStart' && this.viewModel.firstSessionStart)) {
this.viewModel.firstSessionStart = false;
if (raw.disconnected) {
return TPromise.as(null);
if (this.model.getSessions().length > 1) {
this.focusStackFrame(undefined, undefined, session);
return this.telemetryDebugSessionStart(root, resolved.type, dbgr.extensionDescription);
}).then(() => session, (error: Error | string) => {
if (session) {
const internalConsoleOptions = resolved.internalConsoleOptions || this.configurationService.getValue<IDebugConfiguration>('debug').internalConsoleOptions;
if (internalConsoleOptions === 'openOnSessionStart' || (this.viewModel.firstSessionStart && internalConsoleOptions === 'openOnFirstSessionStart')) {
this.panelService.openPanel(REPL_ID, false);
if (errors.isPromiseCanceledError(error)) {
// Do not show 'canceled' error messages to the user #7906
return TPromise.as(null);
const openDebug = this.configurationService.getValue<IDebugConfiguration>('debug').openDebug;
// Open debug viewlet based on the visibility of the side bar and openDebug setting
if (openDebug === 'openOnSessionStart' || (openDebug === 'openOnFirstSessionStart' && this.viewModel.firstSessionStart)) {
this.viewModel.firstSessionStart = false;
// Show the repl if some error got logged there #5870
if (this.model.getReplElements().length > 0) {
this.panelService.openPanel(REPL_ID, false);
if (this.model.getSessions().length > 1) {
if (resolved && resolved.request === 'attach' && resolved.__autoAttach) {
// ignore attach timeouts in auto attach mode
} else {
const errorMessage = error instanceof Error ? error.message : error;
this.telemetryDebugMisconfiguration(resolved ? resolved.type : undefined, errorMessage);
this.showError(errorMessage, errors.isErrorWithActions(error) ? error.actions : []);
return undefined;
return this.telemetryDebugSessionStart(root, resolved.type, dbgr.extensionDescription);
}).then(() => session, (error: Error | string) => {
if (session) {
if (errors.isPromiseCanceledError(error)) {
// Do not show 'canceled' error messages to the user #7906
return TPromise.as(null);
// Show the repl if some error got logged there #5870
if (this.model.getReplElements().length > 0) {
this.panelService.openPanel(REPL_ID, false);
if (resolved && resolved.request === 'attach' && resolved.__autoAttach) {
// ignore attach timeouts in auto attach mode
} else {
const errorMessage = error instanceof Error ? error.message : error;
this.telemetryDebugMisconfiguration(resolved ? resolved.type : undefined, errorMessage);
this.showError(errorMessage, errors.isErrorWithActions(error) ? error.actions : []);
return undefined;
}).then(undefined, err => {
if (session) {
......@@ -499,7 +515,7 @@ export class DebugService implements IDebugService {
if (session.configuration.postDebugTask) {
this.doRunTask(session.getId(), session.root, session.configuration.postDebugTask).then(undefined, err =>
this.doRunTask(session.root, session.configuration.postDebugTask).then(undefined, err =>
......@@ -527,8 +543,8 @@ export class DebugService implements IDebugService {
return this.textFileService.saveAll().then(() => {
const unresolvedConfiguration = (<Session>session).unresolvedConfiguration;
if (session.capabilities.supportsRestartRequest) {
return this.runTask(session.getId(), session.root, session.configuration.postDebugTask, session.configuration, unresolvedConfiguration)
.then(success => success ? this.runTask(session.getId(), session.root, session.configuration.preLaunchTask, session.configuration, unresolvedConfiguration)
return this.runTask(session.root, session.configuration.postDebugTask, session.configuration, unresolvedConfiguration)
.then(success => success ? this.runTask(session.root, session.configuration.preLaunchTask, session.configuration, unresolvedConfiguration)
.then(success => success ? session.raw.custom('restart', null) : undefined) : TPromise.as(<any>undefined));
......@@ -580,6 +596,7 @@ export class DebugService implements IDebugService {
stopSession(session: ISession): TPromise<any> {
if (session) {
return session.raw.terminate();
......@@ -629,12 +646,13 @@ export class DebugService implements IDebugService {
//---- task management
private runTask(sessionId: string, root: IWorkspaceFolder, taskId: string | TaskIdentifier, config: IConfig, unresolvedConfig: IConfig): TPromise<boolean> {
private runTask(root: IWorkspaceFolder, taskId: string | TaskIdentifier, config: IConfig, unresolvedConfig: IConfig): TPromise<boolean> {
const debugAnywayAction = new Action('debug.debugAnyway', nls.localize('debugAnyway', "Debug Anyway"), undefined, true, () => {
return this.doCreateSession(root, { resolved: config, unresolved: unresolvedConfig }, sessionId);
return this.doCreateSession(root, { resolved: config, unresolved: unresolvedConfig });
return this.doRunTask(sessionId, root, taskId).then((taskSummary: ITaskSummary) => {
return this.doRunTask(root, taskId).then((taskSummary: ITaskSummary) => {
const errorCount = config.preLaunchTask ? this.markerService.getStatistics().errors : 0;
const successExitCode = taskSummary && taskSummary.exitCode === 0;
const failureExitCode = taskSummary && taskSummary.exitCode !== undefined && taskSummary.exitCode !== 0;
......@@ -656,7 +674,7 @@ export class DebugService implements IDebugService {
private doRunTask(sessionId: string, root: IWorkspaceFolder, taskId: string | TaskIdentifier): TPromise<ITaskSummary> {
private doRunTask(root: IWorkspaceFolder, taskId: string | TaskIdentifier): TPromise<ITaskSummary> {
if (!taskId || this.skipRunningTask) {
this.skipRunningTask = false;
return TPromise.as(null);
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import { Event, Emitter } from 'vs/base/common/event';
import { ISuggestion } from 'vs/editor/common/modes';
import { Position } from 'vs/editor/common/core/position';
import * as aria from 'vs/base/browser/ui/aria/aria';
import { ISession, IConfig, IThread, IRawModelUpdate, IDebugService, IRawStoppedDetails, State, IRawSession, LoadedSourceEvent, DebugEvent } from 'vs/workbench/parts/debug/common/debug';
import { ISession, IConfig, IThread, IRawModelUpdate, IDebugService, IRawStoppedDetails, State, IRawSession, LoadedSourceEvent } from 'vs/workbench/parts/debug/common/debug';
import { Source } from 'vs/workbench/parts/debug/common/debugSource';
import { mixin } from 'vs/base/common/objects';
import { Thread, ExpressionContainer, Model } from 'vs/workbench/parts/debug/common/debugModel';
......@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ import { ITelemetryService } from 'vs/platform/telemetry/common/telemetry';
export class Session implements ISession {
private id: string;
private sources = new Map<string, Source>();
private threads = new Map<number, Thread>();
private rawListeners: IDisposable[] = [];
......@@ -37,12 +39,11 @@ export class Session implements ISession {
private _raw: RawDebugSession;
private _state: State;
private readonly _onDidLoadedSource = new Emitter<LoadedSourceEvent>();
private readonly _onDidCustomEvent = new Emitter<DebugEvent>();
private readonly _onDidCustomEvent = new Emitter<DebugProtocol.Event>();
private readonly _onDidChangeState = new Emitter<State>();
private readonly _onDidExitAdapter = new Emitter<void>();
private id: string,
private _configuration: { resolved: IConfig, unresolved: IConfig },
public root: IWorkspaceFolder,
private model: Model,
......@@ -51,9 +52,14 @@ export class Session implements ISession {
@IDebugService private debugService: IDebugService,
@ITelemetryService private telemetryService: ITelemetryService,
) {
this.id = generateUuid();
this.state = State.Initializing;
getId(): string {
return this.id;
get raw(): IRawSession {
return this._raw;
......@@ -87,10 +93,6 @@ export class Session implements ISession {
return this._onDidChangeState.event;
getId(): string {
return this.id;
getSourceForUri(modelUri: uri): Source {
return this.sources.get(modelUri.toString());
......@@ -133,7 +135,7 @@ export class Session implements ISession {
return this._onDidLoadedSource.event;
get onDidCustomEvent(): Event<DebugEvent> {
get onDidCustomEvent(): Event<DebugProtocol.Event> {
return this._onDidCustomEvent.event;
......@@ -233,7 +235,7 @@ export class Session implements ISession {
return dbgr.getCustomTelemetryService().then(customTelemetryService => {
this._raw = this.instantiationService.createInstance(RawDebugSession, this.id, this._configuration.resolved.debugServer, dbgr, customTelemetryService, this.root);
this._raw = this.instantiationService.createInstance(RawDebugSession, this._configuration.resolved.debugServer, dbgr, customTelemetryService, this.root);
return this._raw.initialize({
......@@ -16,54 +16,41 @@ import { IWorkspaceFolder } from 'vs/platform/workspace/common/workspace';
import { INotificationService } from 'vs/platform/notification/common/notification';
import { formatPII } from 'vs/workbench/parts/debug/common/debugUtils';
import { SocketDebugAdapter } from 'vs/workbench/parts/debug/node/debugAdapter';
import { DebugEvent, IRawSession, IDebugAdapter } from 'vs/workbench/parts/debug/common/debug';
import { IRawSession, IDebugAdapter } from 'vs/workbench/parts/debug/common/debug';
import { CancellationToken, CancellationTokenSource } from 'vs/base/common/cancellation';
export interface SessionExitedEvent extends DebugEvent {
body: {
exitCode: number,
sessionId: string
export interface SessionTerminatedEvent extends DebugEvent {
body: {
restart?: boolean,
sessionId: string
export class RawDebugSession implements IRawSession {
private debugAdapter: IDebugAdapter;
public emittedStopped: boolean;
public readyForBreakpoints: boolean;
public disconnected: boolean;
private debugAdapter: IDebugAdapter;
private cachedInitServerP: TPromise<void>;
private startTime: number;
public disconnected: boolean;
private terminated: boolean;
private cancellationTokens: CancellationTokenSource[];
private _capabilities: DebugProtocol.Capabilities;
private allThreadsContinued: boolean;
private isAttached: boolean;
// DAP events
private readonly _onDidInitialize: Emitter<DebugProtocol.InitializedEvent>;
private readonly _onDidStop: Emitter<DebugProtocol.StoppedEvent>;
private readonly _onDidContinued: Emitter<DebugProtocol.ContinuedEvent>;
private readonly _onDidTerminateDebugee: Emitter<SessionTerminatedEvent>;
private readonly _onDidTerminateDebugee: Emitter<DebugProtocol.TerminatedEvent>;
private readonly _onDidExitDebugee: Emitter<DebugProtocol.ExitedEvent>;
private readonly _onDidExitAdapter: Emitter<{ sessionId: string }>;
private readonly _onDidThread: Emitter<DebugProtocol.ThreadEvent>;
private readonly _onDidOutput: Emitter<DebugProtocol.OutputEvent>;
private readonly _onDidBreakpoint: Emitter<DebugProtocol.BreakpointEvent>;
private readonly _onDidLoadedSource: Emitter<DebugProtocol.LoadedSourceEvent>;
private readonly _onDidCustomEvent: Emitter<DebugEvent>;
private readonly _onDidCustomEvent: Emitter<DebugProtocol.Event>;
private readonly _onDidEvent: Emitter<DebugProtocol.Event>;
// DA events
private readonly _onDidExitAdapter: Emitter<void>;
private sessionId: string,
private debugServerPort: number,
private _debugger: Debugger,
public customTelemetryService: ITelemetryService,
......@@ -80,17 +67,20 @@ export class RawDebugSession implements IRawSession {
this._onDidInitialize = new Emitter<DebugProtocol.InitializedEvent>();
this._onDidStop = new Emitter<DebugProtocol.StoppedEvent>();
this._onDidContinued = new Emitter<DebugProtocol.ContinuedEvent>();
this._onDidTerminateDebugee = new Emitter<SessionTerminatedEvent>();
this._onDidTerminateDebugee = new Emitter<DebugProtocol.TerminatedEvent>();
this._onDidExitDebugee = new Emitter<DebugProtocol.ExitedEvent>();
this._onDidExitAdapter = new Emitter<{ sessionId: string }>();
this._onDidThread = new Emitter<DebugProtocol.ThreadEvent>();
this._onDidOutput = new Emitter<DebugProtocol.OutputEvent>();
this._onDidBreakpoint = new Emitter<DebugProtocol.BreakpointEvent>();
this._onDidLoadedSource = new Emitter<DebugProtocol.LoadedSourceEvent>();
this._onDidCustomEvent = new Emitter<DebugEvent>();
this._onDidCustomEvent = new Emitter<DebugProtocol.Event>();
this._onDidEvent = new Emitter<DebugProtocol.Event>();
this._onDidExitAdapter = new Emitter<void>();
// DAP events
public get onDidInitialize(): Event<DebugProtocol.InitializedEvent> {
return this._onDidInitialize.event;
......@@ -103,7 +93,7 @@ export class RawDebugSession implements IRawSession {
return this._onDidContinued.event;
public get onDidTerminateDebugee(): Event<SessionTerminatedEvent> {
public get onDidTerminateDebugee(): Event<DebugProtocol.TerminatedEvent> {
return this._onDidTerminateDebugee.event;
......@@ -111,10 +101,6 @@ export class RawDebugSession implements IRawSession {
return this._onDidExitDebugee.event;
public get onDidExitAdapter(): Event<{ sessionId: string }> {
return this._onDidExitAdapter.event;
public get onDidThread(): Event<DebugProtocol.ThreadEvent> {
return this._onDidThread.event;
......@@ -131,7 +117,7 @@ export class RawDebugSession implements IRawSession {
return this._onDidLoadedSource.event;
public get onDidCustomEvent(): Event<DebugEvent> {
public get onDidCustomEvent(): Event<DebugProtocol.Event> {
return this._onDidCustomEvent.event;
......@@ -139,6 +125,11 @@ export class RawDebugSession implements IRawSession {
return this._onDidEvent.event;
// DA event
public get onDidExitAdapter(): Event<void> {
return this._onDidExitAdapter.event;
private initServer(): TPromise<void> {
if (this.cachedInitServerP) {
......@@ -233,37 +224,49 @@ export class RawDebugSession implements IRawSession {
private onDapEvent(event: DebugEvent): void {
event.sessionId = this.sessionId;
if (event.event === 'loadedSource') { // most frequent comes first
} else if (event.event === 'initialized') {
this.readyForBreakpoints = true;
} else if (event.event === 'capabilities' && event.body) {
const capabilites = (<DebugProtocol.CapabilitiesEvent>event).body.capabilities;
this._capabilities = objects.mixin(this._capabilities, capabilites);
} else if (event.event === 'stopped') {
this.emittedStopped = true;
} else if (event.event === 'continued') {
this.allThreadsContinued = (<DebugProtocol.ContinuedEvent>event).body.allThreadsContinued === false ? false : true;
} else if (event.event === 'thread') {
} else if (event.event === 'output') {
} else if (event.event === 'breakpoint') {
} else if (event.event === 'terminated') {
} else if (event.event === 'exit') {
} else {
private onDapEvent(event: DebugProtocol.Event): void {
switch (event.event) {
case 'initialized':
this.readyForBreakpoints = true;
case 'loadedSource':
case 'capabilities':
if (event.body) {
const capabilites = (<DebugProtocol.CapabilitiesEvent>event).body.capabilities;
this._capabilities = objects.mixin(this._capabilities, capabilites);
case 'stopped':
this.emittedStopped = true;
case 'continued':
this.allThreadsContinued = (<DebugProtocol.ContinuedEvent>event).body.allThreadsContinued === false ? false : true;
case 'thread':
case 'output':
case 'breakpoint':
case 'terminated':
case 'exit':
......@@ -279,7 +282,6 @@ export class RawDebugSession implements IRawSession {
if (response) {
this._capabilities = objects.mixin(this._capabilities, response.body);
return response;
......@@ -347,11 +349,11 @@ export class RawDebugSession implements IRawSession {
public terminate(restart = false): TPromise<DebugProtocol.TerminateResponse> {
if (this.capabilities.supportsTerminateRequest && !this.terminated && !this.isAttached) {
this.terminated = true;
return this.send('terminate', { restart });
return this.disconnect(restart);
......@@ -508,7 +510,7 @@ export class RawDebugSession implements IRawSession {
this.cachedInitServerP = null;
this._onDidExitAdapter.fire({ sessionId: this.sessionId });
this.disconnected = true;
if (!this.debugAdapter || this.debugAdapter instanceof SocketDebugAdapter) {
return TPromise.as(null);
......@@ -528,6 +530,6 @@ export class RawDebugSession implements IRawSession {
if (!this.disconnected) {
this.notificationService.error(nls.localize('debugAdapterCrash', "Debug adapter process has terminated unexpectedly"));
this._onDidExitAdapter.fire({ sessionId: this.sessionId });
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import { Event } from 'vs/base/common/event';
import { TPromise } from 'vs/base/common/winjs.base';
import { IWorkspaceFolder } from 'vs/platform/workspace/common/workspace';
import { Position } from 'vs/editor/common/core/position';
import { ILaunch, IDebugService, State, DebugEvent, ISession, IConfigurationManager, IStackFrame, IBreakpointData, IBreakpointUpdateData, IConfig, IModel, IViewModel, IRawSession, IBreakpoint, LoadedSourceEvent, IThread, IRawModelUpdate } from 'vs/workbench/parts/debug/common/debug';
import { ILaunch, IDebugService, State, ISession, IConfigurationManager, IStackFrame, IBreakpointData, IBreakpointUpdateData, IConfig, IModel, IViewModel, IRawSession, IBreakpoint, LoadedSourceEvent, IThread, IRawModelUpdate } from 'vs/workbench/parts/debug/common/debug';
import { Source } from 'vs/workbench/parts/debug/common/debugSource';
import { ISuggestion } from 'vs/editor/common/modes';
......@@ -16,6 +16,10 @@ export class MockDebugService implements IDebugService {
public _serviceBrand: any;
getSession(sessionId: string): ISession {
return undefined;
public get state(): State {
return null;
......@@ -145,7 +149,7 @@ export class MockSession implements ISession {
return null;
get onDidCustomEvent(): Event<DebugEvent> {
get onDidCustomEvent(): Event<DebugProtocol.Event> {
return null;
......@@ -109,12 +109,12 @@ suite('Debug - Model', () => {
test('threads simple', () => {
const threadId = 1;
const threadName = 'firstThread';
const session = new Session('mock', { resolved: { name: 'mockSession', type: 'node', request: 'launch' }, unresolved: undefined }, undefined, model, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined);
const session = new Session({ resolved: { name: 'mockSession', type: 'node', request: 'launch' }, unresolved: undefined }, undefined, model, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined);
assert.equal(model.getSessions().length, 1);
sessionId: 'mock',
sessionId: session.getId(),
threadId: threadId,
thread: {
id: threadId,
......@@ -141,13 +141,13 @@ suite('Debug - Model', () => {
const stoppedReason = 'breakpoint';
// Add the threads
const session = new Session('mock', { resolved: { name: 'mockSession', type: 'node', request: 'launch' }, unresolved: undefined }, undefined, model, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined);
const session = new Session({ resolved: { name: 'mockSession', type: 'node', request: 'launch' }, unresolved: undefined }, undefined, model, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined);
session['_raw'] = <any>rawSession;
sessionId: 'mock',
sessionId: session.getId(),
threadId: threadId1,
thread: {
id: threadId1,
......@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ suite('Debug - Model', () => {
sessionId: 'mock',
sessionId: session.getId(),
threadId: threadId2,
thread: {
id: threadId2,
......@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ suite('Debug - Model', () => {
// Stopped event with all threads stopped
sessionId: 'mock',
sessionId: session.getId(),
threadId: threadId1,
stoppedDetails: {
reason: stoppedReason,
......@@ -234,14 +234,14 @@ suite('Debug - Model', () => {
const runningThreadId = 2;
const runningThreadName = 'runningThread';
const stoppedReason = 'breakpoint';
const session = new Session('mock', { resolved: { name: 'mockSession', type: 'node', request: 'launch' }, unresolved: undefined }, undefined, model, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined);
const session = new Session({ resolved: { name: 'mockSession', type: 'node', request: 'launch' }, unresolved: undefined }, undefined, model, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined);
session['_raw'] = <any>rawSession;
// Add the threads
sessionId: 'mock',
sessionId: session.getId(),
threadId: stoppedThreadId,
thread: {
id: stoppedThreadId,
......@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ suite('Debug - Model', () => {
sessionId: 'mock',
sessionId: session.getId(),
threadId: runningThreadId,
thread: {
id: runningThreadId,
......@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ suite('Debug - Model', () => {
// Stopped event with only one thread stopped
sessionId: 'mock',
sessionId: session.getId(),
threadId: stoppedThreadId,
stoppedDetails: {
reason: stoppedReason,
......@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ suite('Debug - Model', () => {
test('repl expressions', () => {
assert.equal(model.getReplElements().length, 0);
const session = new Session('mock', { resolved: { name: 'mockSession', type: 'node', request: 'launch' }, unresolved: undefined }, undefined, model, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined);
const session = new Session({ resolved: { name: 'mockSession', type: 'node', request: 'launch' }, unresolved: undefined }, undefined, model, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined);
session['_raw'] = <any>rawSession;
......@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ suite('Debug - Model', () => {
test('stack frame get specific source name', () => {
const session = new Session('mock', { resolved: { name: 'mockSession', type: 'node', request: 'launch' }, unresolved: undefined }, undefined, model, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined);
const session = new Session({ resolved: { name: 'mockSession', type: 'node', request: 'launch' }, unresolved: undefined }, undefined, model, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined);
let firstStackFrame: StackFrame;
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