提交 36c6c834 编写于 作者: M Matt Bierner

Use more explicit states for code actions model

Switch to use a more explicit, more state-machine like approach to states for code actions
上级 e3573bd2
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import { IContextMenuService } from 'vs/platform/contextview/browser/contextView
import { IKeybindingService } from 'vs/platform/keybinding/common/keybinding';
import { IMarkerService } from 'vs/platform/markers/common/markers';
import { IProgressService } from 'vs/platform/progress/common/progress';
import { CodeActionModel, CodeActionsComputeEvent, SUPPORTED_CODE_ACTIONS } from './codeActionModel';
import { CodeActionModel, SUPPORTED_CODE_ACTIONS, CodeActionsState, CodeActionsTriggeredState } from './codeActionModel';
import { CodeActionAutoApply, CodeActionFilter, CodeActionKind } from './codeActionTrigger';
import { CodeActionContextMenu } from './codeActionWidget';
import { LightBulbWidget } from './lightBulbWidget';
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ export class QuickFixController implements IEditorContribution {
this._codeActionContextMenu.onDidExecuteCodeAction(_ => this._model.trigger({ type: 'auto', filter: {} })),
this._lightBulbWidget.onClick(this._handleLightBulbSelect, this),
this._model.onDidChangeFixes(e => this._onCodeActionsEvent(e)),
this._model.onDidChangeState(e => this._onDidChangeCodeActionsState(e)),
this._keybindingService.onDidUpdateKeybindings(this._updateLightBulbTitle, this)
......@@ -79,47 +79,40 @@ export class QuickFixController implements IEditorContribution {
private _onCodeActionsEvent(e: CodeActionsComputeEvent): void {
private _onDidChangeCodeActionsState(newState: CodeActionsState): void {
if (this._activeRequest) {
this._activeRequest = undefined;
const actions = e && e.actions;
if (actions) {
this._activeRequest = e.actions;
if (actions && e.trigger.filter && e.trigger.filter.kind) {
// Triggered for specific scope
// Apply if we only have one action or requested autoApply, otherwise show menu
actions.then(fixes => {
if (fixes.length > 0 && e.trigger.autoApply === CodeActionAutoApply.First || (e.trigger.autoApply === CodeActionAutoApply.IfSingle && fixes.length === 1)) {
if (newState.type === CodeActionsTriggeredState.type) {
this._activeRequest = newState.actions;
if (newState.trigger.filter && newState.trigger.filter.kind) {
// Triggered for specific scope
// Apply if we only have one action or requested autoApply, otherwise show menu
newState.actions.then(fixes => {
if (fixes.length > 0 && newState.trigger.autoApply === CodeActionAutoApply.First || (newState.trigger.autoApply === CodeActionAutoApply.IfSingle && fixes.length === 1)) {
} else {
this._codeActionContextMenu.show(newState.actions, newState.position);
} else if (newState.trigger.type === 'manual') {
this._codeActionContextMenu.show(newState.actions, newState.position);
} else {
// auto magically triggered
// * update an existing list of code actions
// * manage light bulb
if (this._codeActionContextMenu.isVisible) {
this._codeActionContextMenu.show(newState.actions, newState.position);
} else {
this._codeActionContextMenu.show(actions, e.position);
this._lightBulbWidget.state = newState;
if (e && e.trigger.type === 'manual') {
if (actions) {
this._codeActionContextMenu.show(actions, e.position);
} else if (actions) {
// auto magically triggered
// * update an existing list of code actions
// * manage light bulb
if (this._codeActionContextMenu.isVisible) {
this._codeActionContextMenu.show(actions, e.position);
} else {
this._lightBulbWidget.model = e;
} else {
public getId(): string {
......@@ -127,8 +120,8 @@ export class QuickFixController implements IEditorContribution {
private _handleLightBulbSelect(coords: { x: number, y: number }): void {
if (this._lightBulbWidget.model && this._lightBulbWidget.model.actions) {
this._codeActionContextMenu.show(this._lightBulbWidget.model.actions, coords);
if (this._lightBulbWidget.state.type === CodeActionsTriggeredState.type) {
this._codeActionContextMenu.show(this._lightBulbWidget.state.actions, coords);
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ export class CodeActionOracle {
private _editor: ICodeEditor,
private readonly _markerService: IMarkerService,
private _signalChange: (e: CodeActionsComputeEvent) => any,
private _signalChange: (newState: CodeActionsState) => void,
private readonly _delay: number = 250,
private readonly _progressService?: IProgressService,
) {
......@@ -115,23 +115,13 @@ export class CodeActionOracle {
private _createEventAndSignalChange(trigger: CodeActionTrigger, selection: Selection | undefined): Promise<CodeAction[] | undefined> {
if (!selection) {
// cancel
rangeOrSelection: undefined,
position: undefined,
actions: undefined,
return Promise.resolve(undefined);
} else {
const model = this._editor.getModel();
if (!model) {
// cancel
rangeOrSelection: undefined,
position: undefined,
actions: undefined,
return Promise.resolve(undefined);
......@@ -143,30 +133,39 @@ export class CodeActionOracle {
this._progressService.showWhile(actions, 250);
this._signalChange(new CodeActionsTriggeredState(
rangeOrSelection: selection,
return actions;
export interface CodeActionsComputeEvent {
trigger: CodeActionTrigger;
rangeOrSelection: Range | Selection | undefined;
position: Position | undefined;
actions: CancelablePromise<CodeAction[]> | undefined;
export const CodeActionsEmptyState = new class { readonly type = 'empty'; };
export class CodeActionsTriggeredState {
static readonly type = 'triggered';
readonly type = CodeActionsTriggeredState.type;
public readonly trigger: CodeActionTrigger,
public readonly rangeOrSelection: Range | Selection,
public readonly position: Position,
public readonly actions: CancelablePromise<CodeAction[]>,
) { }
export type CodeActionsState = typeof CodeActionsEmptyState | CodeActionsTriggeredState;
export class CodeActionModel {
private _editor: ICodeEditor;
private _markerService: IMarkerService;
private _codeActionOracle?: CodeActionOracle;
private _onDidChangeFixes = new Emitter<CodeActionsComputeEvent>();
private _onDidChangeState = new Emitter<CodeActionsState>();
private _disposables: IDisposable[] = [];
private readonly _supportedCodeActions: IContextKey<string>;
......@@ -188,8 +187,8 @@ export class CodeActionModel {
get onDidChangeFixes(): Event<CodeActionsComputeEvent> {
return this._onDidChangeFixes.event;
get onDidChangeState(): Event<CodeActionsState> {
return this._onDidChangeState.event;
private _update(): void {
......@@ -197,13 +196,14 @@ export class CodeActionModel {
if (this._codeActionOracle) {
this._codeActionOracle = undefined;
const model = this._editor.getModel();
if (model
&& CodeActionProviderRegistry.has(model)
&& !this._editor.getConfiguration().readOnly) {
&& !this._editor.getConfiguration().readOnly
) {
const supportedActions: string[] = [];
for (const provider of CodeActionProviderRegistry.all(model)) {
......@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ export class CodeActionModel {
this._supportedCodeActions.set(supportedActions.join(' '));
this._codeActionOracle = new CodeActionOracle(this._editor, this._markerService, p => this._onDidChangeFixes.fire(p), undefined, this._progressService);
this._codeActionOracle = new CodeActionOracle(this._editor, this._markerService, newState => this._onDidChangeState.fire(newState), undefined, this._progressService);
this._codeActionOracle.trigger({ type: 'auto' });
} else {
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import { dispose, IDisposable } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle';
import 'vs/css!./lightBulbWidget';
import { ContentWidgetPositionPreference, ICodeEditor, IContentWidget, IContentWidgetPosition } from 'vs/editor/browser/editorBrowser';
import { TextModel } from 'vs/editor/common/model/textModel';
import { CodeActionsComputeEvent } from './codeActionModel';
import { CodeActionsState, CodeActionsEmptyState, CodeActionsTriggeredState } from './codeActionModel';
export class LightBulbWidget implements IDisposable, IContentWidget {
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ export class LightBulbWidget implements IDisposable, IContentWidget {
readonly onClick: Event<{ x: number, y: number }> = this._onClick.event;
private _position: IContentWidgetPosition | null;
private _model: CodeActionsComputeEvent | null;
private _state: CodeActionsState = CodeActionsEmptyState;
private _futureFixes = new CancellationTokenSource();
constructor(editor: ICodeEditor) {
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ export class LightBulbWidget implements IDisposable, IContentWidget {
this._disposables.push(this._editor.onDidChangeModelContent(_ => {
// cancel when the line in question has been removed
const editorModel = this._editor.getModel();
if (!this.model || !this.model.position || !editorModel || this.model.position.lineNumber >= editorModel.getLineCount()) {
if (this.state.type !== CodeActionsTriggeredState.type || !editorModel || this.state.position.lineNumber >= editorModel.getLineCount()) {
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ export class LightBulbWidget implements IDisposable, IContentWidget {
const { lineHeight } = this._editor.getConfiguration();
let pad = Math.floor(lineHeight / 3);
if (this._position && this._model && this._model.position && this._position.position !== null && this._position.position.lineNumber < this._model.position.lineNumber) {
if (this._position && this._state.type === CodeActionsTriggeredState.type && this._position.position !== null && this._position.position.lineNumber < this._state.position.lineNumber) {
pad += lineHeight;
......@@ -100,9 +100,9 @@ export class LightBulbWidget implements IDisposable, IContentWidget {
return this._position;
set model(value: CodeActionsComputeEvent | null) {
set state(newState: CodeActionsState) {
if (!value || this._position && (!value.position || this._position.position && this._position.position.lineNumber !== value.position.lineNumber)) {
if (newState.type !== 'triggered' || this._position && (!newState.position || this._position.position && this._position.position.lineNumber !== newState.position.lineNumber)) {
// hide when getting a 'hide'-request or when currently
// showing on another line
......@@ -113,14 +113,14 @@ export class LightBulbWidget implements IDisposable, IContentWidget {
this._futureFixes = new CancellationTokenSource();
const { token } = this._futureFixes;
this._model = value;
this._state = newState;
if (!this._model || !this._model.actions) {
if (this._state.type === CodeActionsEmptyState.type) {
const selection = this._model.rangeOrSelection;
this._model.actions.then(fixes => {
const selection = this._state.rangeOrSelection;
this._state.actions.then(fixes => {
if (!token.isCancellationRequested && fixes && fixes.length > 0 && selection) {
} else {
......@@ -131,8 +131,8 @@ export class LightBulbWidget implements IDisposable, IContentWidget {
get model(): CodeActionsComputeEvent | null {
return this._model;
get state(): CodeActionsState {
return this._state;
set title(value: string) {
......@@ -148,10 +148,10 @@ export class LightBulbWidget implements IDisposable, IContentWidget {
if (!config.contribInfo.lightbulbEnabled) {
if (!this._model || !this._model.position) {
if (this._state.type !== CodeActionsTriggeredState.type) {
const { lineNumber, column } = this._model.position;
const { lineNumber, column } = this._state.position;
const model = this._editor.getModel();
if (!model) {
......@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ export class LightBulbWidget implements IDisposable, IContentWidget {
hide(): void {
this._position = null;
this._model = null;
this._state = CodeActionsEmptyState;
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import { ICodeEditor } from 'vs/editor/browser/editorBrowser';
import { Selection } from 'vs/editor/common/core/selection';
import { TextModel } from 'vs/editor/common/model/textModel';
import { CodeActionProviderRegistry, LanguageIdentifier } from 'vs/editor/common/modes';
import { CodeActionOracle } from 'vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/codeActionModel';
import { CodeActionOracle, CodeActionsTriggeredState } from 'vs/editor/contrib/codeAction/codeActionModel';
import { createTestCodeEditor } from 'vs/editor/test/browser/testCodeEditor';
import { MarkerService } from 'vs/platform/markers/common/markerService';
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ suite('CodeAction', () => {
const reg = CodeActionProviderRegistry.register(languageIdentifier.language, testProvider);
const oracle = new CodeActionOracle(editor, markerService, e => {
const oracle = new CodeActionOracle(editor, markerService, (e: CodeActionsTriggeredState) => {
assert.equal(e.trigger.type, 'auto');
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ suite('CodeAction', () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const oracle = new CodeActionOracle(editor, markerService, e => {
const oracle = new CodeActionOracle(editor, markerService, (e: CodeActionsTriggeredState) => {
assert.equal(e.trigger.type, 'auto');
e.actions!.then(fixes => {
......@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ suite('CodeAction', () => {
// case 1 - drag selection over multiple lines -> range of enclosed marker, position or marker
await new Promise(resolve => {
let oracle = new CodeActionOracle(editor, markerService, e => {
let oracle = new CodeActionOracle(editor, markerService, (e: CodeActionsTriggeredState) => {
assert.equal(e.trigger.type, 'auto');
const selection = <Selection>e.rangeOrSelection;
assert.deepEqual(selection.selectionStartLineNumber, 1);
......@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ suite('CodeAction', () => {
let triggerCount = 0;
const oracle = new CodeActionOracle(editor, markerService, e => {
const oracle = new CodeActionOracle(editor, markerService, (e: CodeActionsTriggeredState) => {
assert.equal(e.trigger.type, 'auto');
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