提交 2e50c91b 编写于 作者: J Johannes Rieken

correct command argument caching for CodeLensProvider, fixes #1698

上级 fa1c52de
......@@ -72,13 +72,19 @@ class OutlineAdapter implements IOutlineSupport {
interface CachedCodeLens {
symbols: modes.ICodeLensSymbol[];
lenses: vscode.CodeLens[];
disposables: IDisposable[];
class CodeLensAdapter implements modes.ICodeLensSupport {
private _documents: ExtHostModelService;
private _commands: ExtHostCommands;
private _provider: vscode.CodeLensProvider;
private _cache: { [uri: string]: [vscode.CodeLens[], IDisposable[]] } = Object.create(null);
private _cache: { [uri: string]: { version: number; data: TPromise<CachedCodeLens>; } } = Object.create(null);
constructor(documents: ExtHostModelService, commands: ExtHostCommands, provider: vscode.CodeLensProvider) {
this._documents = documents;
......@@ -87,64 +93,91 @@ class CodeLensAdapter implements modes.ICodeLensSupport {
findCodeLensSymbols(resource: URI): TPromise<modes.ICodeLensSymbol[]> {
let doc = this._documents.getDocument(resource);
let key = resource.toString();
const doc = this._documents.getDocument(resource);
const version = doc.version;
const key = resource.toString();
// from cache
let entry = this._cache[key];
if (entry) {
// disposeAll(entry[1]);
delete this._cache[key];
if (entry && entry.version === version) {
return entry.data.then(cached => cached.symbols);
return asWinJsPromise(token => this._provider.provideCodeLenses(doc, token)).then(value => {
if (!Array.isArray(value)) {
const newCodeLensData = asWinJsPromise(token => this._provider.provideCodeLenses(doc, token)).then(lenses => {
if (!Array.isArray(lenses)) {
entry = [value, []];
this._cache[key] = entry;
const data: CachedCodeLens = {
symbols: [],
disposables: [],
return value.map((lens, i) => {
return <modes.ICodeLensSymbol>{
lenses.forEach((lens, i) => {
id: String(i),
range: TypeConverters.fromRange(lens.range),
command: TypeConverters.Command.from(lens.command, { commands: this._commands, disposables: entry[1] })
command: TypeConverters.Command.from(lens.command, { commands: this._commands, disposables: data.disposables })
return data;
this._cache[key] = {
data: newCodeLensData
return newCodeLensData.then(newCached => {
if (entry) {
// only now dispose old commands et al
entry.data.then(oldCached => disposeAll(oldCached.disposables));
return newCached && newCached.symbols;
resolveCodeLensSymbol(resource: URI, symbol: modes.ICodeLensSymbol): TPromise<modes.ICodeLensSymbol> {
let [lenses, disposables] = this._cache[resource.toString()];
if (!lenses) {
const entry = this._cache[resource.toString()];
if (!entry) {
let lens = lenses[Number(symbol.id)];
if (!lens) {
return entry.data.then(cachedData => {
let resolve: TPromise<vscode.CodeLens>;
if (typeof this._provider.resolveCodeLens !== 'function' || lens.isResolved) {
resolve = TPromise.as(lens);
} else {
resolve = asWinJsPromise(token => this._provider.resolveCodeLens(lens, token));
if (!cachedData) {
return resolve.then(newLens => {
lens = newLens || lens;
let command = lens.command;
if (!command) {
command = {
title: '<<MISSING COMMAND>>',
command: 'missing',
let lens = cachedData.lenses[Number(symbol.id)];
if (!lens) {
let resolve: TPromise<vscode.CodeLens>;
if (typeof this._provider.resolveCodeLens !== 'function' || lens.isResolved) {
resolve = TPromise.as(lens);
} else {
resolve = asWinJsPromise(token => this._provider.resolveCodeLens(lens, token));
symbol.command = TypeConverters.Command.from(command, { commands: this._commands, disposables });
return symbol;
return resolve.then(newLens => {
lens = newLens || lens;
let command = lens.command;
if (!command) {
command = {
title: '<<MISSING COMMAND>>',
command: 'missing',
symbol.command = TypeConverters.Command.from(command, { commands: this._commands, disposables: cachedData.disposables });
return symbol;
......@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ export namespace Command {
if (!isFalsyOrEmpty(command.arguments)) {
// keep command around
const id = `temp-command-${_idPool++}`;
const id = `${command.command}-no-args-wrapper-${_idPool++}`;
result.id = id;
_cache[id] = command;
......@@ -308,9 +308,16 @@ suite('ExtHostLanguageFeatureCommands', function() {
// --- code lens
test('CodeLens, back and forth', function(done) {
const complexArg = {
foo() { },
bar() { },
big: extHost
disposables.push(extHost.registerCodeLensProvider(defaultSelector, <vscode.CodeLensProvider>{
provideCodeLenses(): any {
return [new types.CodeLens(new types.Range(0, 0, 1, 1), { title: 'Title', command: 'cmd', arguments: [1, 2, true] })];
return [new types.CodeLens(new types.Range(0, 0, 1, 1), { title: 'Title', command: 'cmd', arguments: [1, true, complexArg] })];
......@@ -321,7 +328,9 @@ suite('ExtHostLanguageFeatureCommands', function() {
assert.equal(first.command.title, 'Title');
assert.equal(first.command.command, 'cmd');
assert.deepEqual(first.command.arguments, [1, 2, true]);
assert.equal(first.command.arguments[0], 1);
assert.equal(first.command.arguments[1], true);
assert.equal(first.command.arguments[2], complexArg);
}, done);
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