提交 281cf393 编写于 作者: J Johannes Rieken

re-escape choice elements when checking for bogous snippets. fixes #31521

A marker now has a `toTextmateString` method which must return the escaped input string to generate itself.
上级 dee172df
......@@ -129,14 +129,6 @@ export class Scanner {
export abstract class Marker {
static toString(marker?: Marker[]): string {
let result = '';
for (const m of marker) {
result += m.toString();
return result;
readonly _markerBrand: any;
public parent: Marker;
......@@ -181,9 +173,11 @@ export abstract class Marker {
toString() {
return '';
return this.children.reduce((prev, cur) => prev + cur.toString(), '');
abstract toTextmateString(): string;
len(): number {
return 0;
......@@ -198,6 +192,9 @@ export class Text extends Marker {
toString() {
return this.value;
toTextmateString(): string {
return this.value.replace(/\$|}|\\/g, '\\$&');
len(): number {
return this.value.length;
......@@ -238,8 +235,14 @@ export class Placeholder extends Marker {
: undefined;
toString() {
return Marker.toString(this.children);
toTextmateString(): string {
if (this.children.length === 0) {
return `\$${this.index}`;
} else if (this.choice) {
return `\${${this.index}|${this.choice.toTextmateString()}|}`;
} else {
return `\${${this.index}:${this.children.map(child => child.toTextmateString()).join('')}}`;
clone(): Placeholder {
......@@ -265,6 +268,12 @@ export class Choice extends Marker {
return this.options[0].value;
toTextmateString(): string {
return this.options
.map(option => option.value.replace(/\||,/g, '\\$&'))
len(): number {
return this.options[0].len();
......@@ -291,8 +300,12 @@ export class Variable extends Marker {
return false;
toString() {
return Marker.toString(this.children);
toTextmateString(): string {
if (this.children.length === 0) {
return `\${${this.name}}`;
} else {
return `\${${this.name}:${this.children.map(child => child.toTextmateString()).join('')}}`;
clone(): Variable {
......@@ -375,10 +388,6 @@ export class TextmateSnippet extends Marker {
return ret;
get text() {
return Marker.toString(this.children);
resolveVariables(resolver: VariableResolver): this {
this.walk(candidate => {
if (candidate instanceof Variable) {
......@@ -401,6 +410,10 @@ export class TextmateSnippet extends Marker {
return super.replace(child, others);
toTextmateString(): string {
return this.children.reduce((prev, cur) => prev + cur.toTextmateString(), '');
clone(): TextmateSnippet {
let ret = new TextmateSnippet();
this._children = this.children.map(child => child.clone());
......@@ -422,7 +435,7 @@ export class SnippetParser {
private _token: Token;
text(value: string): string {
return this.parse(value).text;
return this.parse(value).toString();
parse(value: string, insertFinalTabstop?: boolean, enforceFinalTabstop?: boolean): TextmateSnippet {
......@@ -299,12 +299,12 @@ export class SnippetSession {
.resolveVariables(new EditorSnippetVariableResolver(model, selection));
const offset = model.getOffsetAt(start) + delta;
delta += snippet.text.length - model.getValueLengthInRange(snippetSelection);
delta += snippet.toString().length - model.getValueLengthInRange(snippetSelection);
// store snippets with the index of their originating selection.
// that ensures the primiary cursor stays primary despite not being
// the one with lowest start position
edits[idx] = EditOperation.replace(snippetSelection, snippet.text);
edits[idx] = EditOperation.replace(snippetSelection, snippet.toString());
snippets[idx] = new OneSnippet(editor, snippet, offset);
......@@ -231,6 +231,60 @@ suite('SnippetParser', () => {
test('Snippet choices: unable to escape comma and pipe, #31521', function () {
assertTextAndMarker('console.log(${1|not\\, not, five, 5, 1 23|});', 'console.log(not, not);', Text, Placeholder, Text);
test('Marker, toTextmateString()', function () {
function assertTextsnippetString(input: string, expected: string): void {
const snippet = new SnippetParser().parse(input);
const actual = snippet.toTextmateString();
assert.equal(actual, expected);
assertTextsnippetString('$1', '$1');
assertTextsnippetString('\\$1', '\\$1');
assertTextsnippetString('console.log(${1|not\\, not, five, 5, 1 23|});', 'console.log(${1|not\\, not, five, 5, 1 23|});');
assertTextsnippetString('console.log(${1|not\\, not, \\| five, 5, 1 23|});', 'console.log(${1|not\\, not, \\| five, 5, 1 23|});');
assertTextsnippetString('this is text', 'this is text');
assertTextsnippetString('this ${1:is ${2:nested with $var}}', 'this ${1:is ${2:nested with ${var}}}');
assertTextsnippetString('this ${1:is ${2:nested with $var}}}', 'this ${1:is ${2:nested with ${var}}}\\}');
test('Marker, toTextmateString() <-> identity', function () {
function assertIdent(input: string): void {
// full loop: (1) parse input, (2) generate textmate string, (3) parse, (4) ensure both trees are equal
const snippet = new SnippetParser().parse(input);
const input2 = snippet.toTextmateString();
const snippet2 = new SnippetParser().parse(input2);
function checkCheckChildren(marker1: Marker, marker2: Marker) {
assert.ok(marker1 instanceof Object.getPrototypeOf(marker2).constructor);
assert.ok(marker2 instanceof Object.getPrototypeOf(marker1).constructor);
assert.equal(marker1.children.length, marker2.children.length);
assert.equal(marker1.toString(), marker2.toString());
for (let i = 0; i < marker1.children.length; i++) {
checkCheckChildren(marker1.children[i], marker2.children[i]);
checkCheckChildren(snippet, snippet2);
assertIdent('console.log(${1|not\\, not, five, 5, 1 23|});');
assertIdent('console.log(${1|not\\, not, \\| five, 5, 1 23|});');
assertIdent('this is text');
assertIdent('this ${1:is ${2:nested with $var}}');
assertIdent('this ${1:is ${2:nested with $var}}}');
assertIdent('this ${1:is ${2:nested with $var}} and repeating $1');
test('Parser, choise marker', () => {
const { placeholders } = new SnippetParser().parse('${1|one,two,three|}');
......@@ -418,7 +472,7 @@ suite('SnippetParser', () => {
let nested = new SnippetParser().parse('ddd$1eee$0', true);
snippet.replace(second, nested.children);
assert.equal(snippet.text, 'aaabbbdddeee');
assert.equal(snippet.toString(), 'aaabbbdddeee');
assert.equal(snippet.placeholders.length, 4);
assert.equal(snippet.placeholders[0].index, '1');
assert.equal(snippet.placeholders[1].index, '1');
......@@ -441,7 +495,7 @@ suite('SnippetParser', () => {
let nested = new SnippetParser().parse('dddeee$0', true);
snippet.replace(second, nested.children);
assert.equal(snippet.text, 'aaabbbdddeee');
assert.equal(snippet.toString(), 'aaabbbdddeee');
assert.equal(snippet.placeholders.length, 3);
......@@ -100,16 +100,16 @@ suite('Snippet Variables Resolver', function () {
test('TextmateSnippet, resolve variable', function () {
const snippet = new SnippetParser().parse('"$TM_CURRENT_WORD"', true);
assert.equal(snippet.text, '""');
assert.equal(snippet.toString(), '""');
assert.equal(snippet.text, '"this"');
assert.equal(snippet.toString(), '"this"');
test('TextmateSnippet, resolve variable with default', function () {
const snippet = new SnippetParser().parse('"${TM_CURRENT_WORD:foo}"', true);
assert.equal(snippet.text, '"foo"');
assert.equal(snippet.toString(), '"foo"');
assert.equal(snippet.text, '"this"');
assert.equal(snippet.toString(), '"this"');
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import { ISnippetsService, ISnippet } from 'vs/workbench/parts/snippets/electron
import { IModeService } from 'vs/editor/common/services/modeService';
import { languagesExtPoint } from 'vs/workbench/services/mode/common/workbenchModeService';
import { LanguageIdentifier } from 'vs/editor/common/modes';
import { SnippetParser, Marker, Placeholder, Variable, Text } from 'vs/editor/contrib/snippet/browser/snippetParser';
import { SnippetParser, Placeholder, Variable, Text } from 'vs/editor/contrib/snippet/browser/snippetParser';
import { EditorSnippetVariableResolver } from 'vs/editor/contrib/snippet/browser/snippetVariables';
interface ISnippetsExtensionPoint {
......@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ function parseSnippetFile(snippetFileContent: string, extensionName?: string, co
return result;
function _rewriteBogousVariables(snippet: ISnippet): boolean {
export function _rewriteBogousVariables(snippet: ISnippet): boolean {
const textmateSnippet = new SnippetParser().parse(snippet.codeSnippet, false);
let placeholders = new Map<string, number>();
......@@ -167,40 +167,33 @@ function _rewriteBogousVariables(snippet: ISnippet): boolean {
placeholderMax = Math.max(placeholderMax, placeholder.index);
function fixBogousVariables(marker: Marker): string {
if (marker instanceof Text) {
return SnippetParser.escape(marker.value);
let didChange = false;
let stack = [...textmateSnippet.children];
} else if (marker instanceof Placeholder) {
if (marker.choice) {
return `\${${marker.index}|${marker.choice.options.map(fixBogousVariables).join(',')}|}`;
while (stack.length > 0) {
let marker = stack.shift();
} else if (marker.children.length > 0) {
return `\${${marker.index}:${marker.children.map(fixBogousVariables).join('')}}`;
if (
marker instanceof Variable
&& marker.children.length === 0
&& !EditorSnippetVariableResolver.VariableNames[marker.name]
) {
// a 'variable' without a default value and not being one of our supported
// variables is automatically turing into a placeholder. This is to restore
// a bug we had before. So `${foo}` becomes `${N:foo}`
const index = placeholders.has(marker.name) ? placeholders.get(marker.name) : ++placeholderMax;
placeholders.set(marker.name, index);
const synthetic = new Placeholder(index).appendChild(new Text(marker.name));
textmateSnippet.replace(marker, [synthetic]);
didChange = true;
} else {
return `\$${marker.index}`;
} else if (marker instanceof Variable) {
if (marker.children.length === 0 && !EditorSnippetVariableResolver.VariableNames[marker.name]) {
// a 'variable' without a default value and not being one of our supported
// variables is automatically turing into a placeholder. This is to restore
// a bug we had before. So `${foo}` becomes `${N:foo}`
let index = placeholders.has(marker.name) ? placeholders.get(marker.name) : ++placeholderMax;
placeholders.set(marker.name, index);
return `\${${index++}:${marker.name}}`;
} else if (marker.children.length > 0) {
return `\${${marker.name}:${marker.children.map(fixBogousVariables).join('')}}`;
} else {
return `\${${marker.name}}`;
} else {
throw new Error('unexpected marker: ' + marker);
// recurse
const placeholderCountBefore = placeholderMax;
snippet.codeSnippet = textmateSnippet.children.map(fixBogousVariables).join('');
return placeholderCountBefore !== placeholderMax;
snippet.codeSnippet = textmateSnippet.toTextmateString();
return didChange;
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
import * as assert from 'assert';
import { _rewriteBogousVariables } from 'vs/workbench/parts/snippets/electron-browser/TMSnippets';
suite('TMSnippets', function () {
function assertRewrite(input: string, expected: string): void {
let snippet = { codeSnippet: input, description: undefined, extensionName: undefined, name: undefined, prefix: undefined };
assert.equal(snippet.codeSnippet, expected);
test('bogous variable rewrite', function () {
assertRewrite('foo', 'foo');
assertRewrite('hello $1 world$0', 'hello $1 world$0');
assertRewrite('$foo and $foo', '${1:foo} and ${1:foo}');
assertRewrite('$1 and $SELECTION and $foo', '$1 and ${SELECTION} and ${2:foo}');
'for (var ${index} = 0; ${index} < ${array}.length; ${index}++) {',
'\tvar ${element} = ${array}[${index}];',
'for (var ${1:index} = 0; ${1:index} < ${2:array}.length; ${1:index}++) {',
'\tvar ${3:element} = ${2:array}[${1:index}];',
test('Snippet choices: unable to escape comma and pipe, #31521', function () {
assertRewrite('console.log(${1|not\\, not, five, 5, 1 23|});', 'console.log(${1|not\\, not, five, 5, 1 23|});');
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