提交 1cf93ab7 编写于 作者: J Joao Moreno

update to uglify-es

上级 c2d9659f
...@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ var sourcemaps = require("gulp-sourcemaps"); ...@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ var sourcemaps = require("gulp-sourcemaps");
var filter = require("gulp-filter"); var filter = require("gulp-filter");
var minifyCSS = require("gulp-cssnano"); var minifyCSS = require("gulp-cssnano");
var uglify = require("gulp-uglify"); var uglify = require("gulp-uglify");
var composer = require("gulp-uglify/composer");
var uglifyes = require("uglify-es");
var es = require("event-stream"); var es = require("event-stream");
var concat = require("gulp-concat"); var concat = require("gulp-concat");
var VinylFile = require("vinyl"); var VinylFile = require("vinyl");
...@@ -201,12 +203,13 @@ function uglifyWithCopyrights() { ...@@ -201,12 +203,13 @@ function uglifyWithCopyrights() {
return false; return false;
}; };
}; };
var minify = composer(uglifyes);
var input = es.through(); var input = es.through();
var output = input var output = input
.pipe(flatmap(function (stream, f) { .pipe(flatmap(function (stream, f) {
return stream.pipe(uglify({ return stream.pipe(minify({
preserveComments: preserveComments(f),
output: { output: {
comments: preserveComments(f),
// linux tfs build agent is crashing, does this help?§ // linux tfs build agent is crashing, does this help?§
max_line_len: 3200000 max_line_len: 3200000
} }
...@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ import * as sourcemaps from 'gulp-sourcemaps'; ...@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ import * as sourcemaps from 'gulp-sourcemaps';
import * as filter from 'gulp-filter'; import * as filter from 'gulp-filter';
import * as minifyCSS from 'gulp-cssnano'; import * as minifyCSS from 'gulp-cssnano';
import * as uglify from 'gulp-uglify'; import * as uglify from 'gulp-uglify';
import * as composer from 'gulp-uglify/composer';
import * as uglifyes from 'uglify-es';
import * as es from 'event-stream'; import * as es from 'event-stream';
import * as concat from 'gulp-concat'; import * as concat from 'gulp-concat';
import * as VinylFile from 'vinyl'; import * as VinylFile from 'vinyl';
...@@ -276,12 +278,13 @@ function uglifyWithCopyrights(): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream { ...@@ -276,12 +278,13 @@ function uglifyWithCopyrights(): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream {
}; };
}; };
const minify = composer(uglifyes);
const input = es.through(); const input = es.through();
const output = input const output = input
.pipe(flatmap((stream, f) => { .pipe(flatmap((stream, f) => {
return stream.pipe(uglify({ return stream.pipe(minify({
preserveComments: preserveComments(<FileWithCopyright>f),
output: { output: {
comments: preserveComments(<FileWithCopyright>f),
// linux tfs build agent is crashing, does this help?§ // linux tfs build agent is crashing, does this help?§
max_line_len: 3200000 max_line_len: 3200000
} }
// Type definitions for gulp-uglify
// Project: https://github.com/terinjokes/gulp-uglify
// Definitions by: Christopher Haws <https://github.com/ChristopherHaws/>
// Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
declare module "gulp-uglify" {
import * as UglifyJS from 'uglify-js';
namespace GulpUglify {
interface Options {
* Pass false to skip mangling names.
mangle?: boolean;
* Pass if you wish to specify additional output options. The defaults are optimized for best compression.
output?: UglifyJS.BeautifierOptions;
* Pass an object to specify custom compressor options. Pass false to skip compression completely.
compress?: UglifyJS.CompressorOptions | boolean;
* A convenience option for options.output.comments. Defaults to preserving no comments.
* all - Preserve all comments in code blocks
* some - Preserve comments that start with a bang (!) or include a Closure Compiler directive (@preserve, @license, @cc_on)
* function - Specify your own comment preservation function. You will be passed the current node and the current comment and are expected to return either true or false.
preserveComments?: string | ((node: any, comment: UglifyJS.Tokenizer) => boolean);
warnings?: boolean;
class GulpUglifyError {
cause: {
filename: string;
function GulpUglify(options?: GulpUglify.Options): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream;
export = GulpUglify;
\ No newline at end of file
// Type definitions for UglifyJS 2 v2.6.1
// Project: https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2
// Definitions by: Tanguy Krotoff <https://github.com/tkrotoff>
// Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
declare module 'uglify-js' {
import * as MOZ_SourceMap from 'source-map';
namespace UglifyJS {
interface Tokenizer {
* The type of this token.
* Can be "num", "string", "regexp", "operator", "punc", "atom", "name", "keyword", "comment1" or "comment2".
* "comment1" and "comment2" are for single-line, respectively multi-line comments.
type: string;
* The name of the file where this token originated from. Useful when compressing multiple files at once to generate the proper source map.
file: string;
* The "value" of the token.
* That's additional information and depends on the token type: "num", "string" and "regexp" tokens you get their literal value.
* - For "operator" you get the operator.
* - For "punc" it's the punctuation sign (parens, comma, semicolon etc).
* - For "atom", "name" and "keyword" it's the name of the identifier
* - For comments it's the body of the comment (excluding the initial "//" and "/*".
value: string;
* The line number of this token in the original code.
* 1-based index.
line: number;
* The column number of this token in the original code.
* 0-based index.
col: number;
* Short for "newline before", it's a boolean that tells us whether there was a newline before this node in the original source. It helps for automatic semicolon insertion.
* For multi-line comments in particular this will be set to true if there either was a newline before this comment, or * * if this comment contains a newline.
nlb: boolean;
* This doesn't apply for comment tokens, but for all other token types it will be an array of comment tokens that were found before.
comments_before: string[];
interface AST_Node {
// The first token of this node
start: AST_Node;
// The last token of this node
end: AST_Node;
transform(tt: TreeTransformer): AST_Toplevel;
interface AST_Toplevel extends AST_Node {
// UglifyJS contains a scope analyzer which figures out variable/function definitions, references etc.
// You need to call it manually before compression or mangling.
// The figure_out_scope method is defined only on the AST_Toplevel node.
figure_out_scope(): void;
// Get names that are optimized for GZip compression (names will be generated using the most frequent characters first)
compute_char_frequency(): void;
mangle_names(): void;
print(stream: OutputStream): void;
print_to_string(options?: BeautifierOptions): string;
interface MinifyOptions {
spidermonkey?: boolean;
outSourceMap?: string;
sourceRoot?: string;
inSourceMap?: string;
fromString?: boolean;
warnings?: boolean;
mangle?: Object;
output?: MinifyOutput,
compress?: Object;
interface MinifyOutput {
code: string;
map: string;
function minify(files: string | Array<string>, options?: MinifyOptions): MinifyOutput;
interface ParseOptions {
// Default is false
strict?: boolean;
// Input file name, default is null
filename?: string;
// Default is null
toplevel?: AST_Toplevel;
* The parser creates a custom abstract syntax tree given a piece of JavaScript code.
* Perhaps you should read about the AST first.
function parse(code: string, options?: ParseOptions): AST_Toplevel;
interface BeautifierOptions {
* Start indentation on every line (only when `beautify`)
indent_start?: number;
* Indentation level (only when `beautify`)
indent_level?: number;
* Quote all keys in object literals?
quote_keys?: boolean;
* Add a space after colon signs?
space_colon?: boolean;
* Output ASCII-safe? (encodes Unicode characters as ASCII)
ascii_only?: boolean;
* Escape "</script"?
inline_script?: boolean;
* Informative maximum line width (for beautified output)
width?: number;
* Maximum line length (for non-beautified output)
max_line_len?: number;
* Output IE-safe code?
ie_proof?: boolean;
* Beautify output?
beautify?: boolean;
* Output a source map
source_map?: SourceMapOptions;
* Use brackets every time?
bracketize?: boolean;
* Output comments?
comments?: boolean;
* Use semicolons to separate statements? (otherwise, newlines)
semicolons?: boolean;
interface OutputStream {
// Return the output so far as a string
get(): string;
toString(): string;
// Insert one indentation string (usually 4 characters).
// Optionally pass true to indent half the width (I'm using that for case and default lines in switch blocks.
// If beautify is off, this function does nothing.
indent(half?: boolean): void;
// Return the current indentation width (not level; for example if we're in level 2 and indent_level is 4, this method would return 8.
indentation(): number;
// return the width of the current line text minus indentation.
current_width(): number
// Return true if current_width() is bigger than options.width (assuming options.width is non-null, non-zero).
should_break(): boolean;
// If beautification is on, this inserts a newline. Otherwise it does nothing.
newline(): void;
// Include the given string into the output, adjusting current_line, current_col and current_pos accordingly.
print(str: string): void;
// If beautification is on this always includes a space character.
// Otherwise it saves a hint somewhere that a space might be needed at current point.
// The space will go in at the next output but only when absolutely required, for example it will insert the space in return 10 but not in return"stuff".
space(): void;
// Inserts a comma, and calls space() — that is, if beautification is on you'll get a space after the comma.
comma(): void;
// Inserts a colon, and calls space() if options.space_colon is set.
colon(): void;
// Returns the last printed chunk.
last(): string;
// If beautification is on it always inserts a semicolon.
// Otherwise it saves a hint that a semicolon might be needed at current point.
// The semicolon is inserted when the next output comes in, only if required to not break the JS syntax.
semicolon(): void;
// Always inserts a semicolon and clears the hint that a semicolon might be needed.
force_semicolon(): void;
// Encodes any non-ASCII characters in string with JavaScript's conventions (using \uCODE).
to_ascii(str: string): void;
// Prints an identifier. If options.ascii_only is set, non-ASCII chars will be encoded with JavaScript conventions.
print_name(name: string): void;
// Prints a string. It adds quotes automatically.
// It prefers double-quotes, but will actually count any quotes in the string and will use single-quotes if the output proves to be shorter (depending on how many backslashes it has to insert).
// It encodes to ASCII if options.ascii_only is set.
print_string(str: string): void;
// Returns the width of the next indentation level. For example if current level is 2 and options.indent_level is 4, it'll return 12.
next_indent(): number;
// Sets the current indentation to col (column), calls the function and thereafter restores the previous indentation level.
// If beautification is off it simply calls func.
with_indent(col: number, func: Function): void;
// This is used to output blocks in curly brackets.
// It'll print an open bracket at current point, then call newline() and with the next indentation level it calls your func.
// Lastly, it'll print an indented closing bracket. As usual, if beautification is off you'll just get {x} where x is whatever func outputs.
with_block(func: Function): void;
// Adds parens around the output that your function prints.
with_parens(func: Function): void;
// Adds square brackets around the output that your function prints.
with_square(func: Function): void;
// If options.source_map is set, this will generate a source mapping between the given token (which should be an AST_Token-like object) and the current line/col.
// The name is optional; in most cases it will be inferred from the token.
add_mapping(token: AST_Node, name?: string): void;
// Returns the option with the given name.
option(name: string): any;
// Returns the current line in the output (1-based).
line(): number;
// Returns the current column in the output (zero-based).
col(): number;
// Push the given node into an internal stack. This is used to keep track of current node's parent(s).
push_node(node: AST_Node): void;
// Pops the top of the stack and returns it.
pop_node(): AST_Node;
// Returns that internal stack.
stack(): any;
// Returns the n-th parent node (where zero means the direct parent).
parent(n: number): AST_Node;
* The code generator is a recursive process of getting back source code from an AST returned by the parser.
* Every AST node has a “print” method that takes an OutputStream and dumps the code from that node into it.
* The stream object supports a lot of options that control the output.
* You can specify whether you'd like to get human-readable (indented) output, the indentation level, whether you'd like to quote all properties in object literals etc.
function OutputStream(options?: BeautifierOptions): OutputStream;
interface SourceMapOptions {
* The compressed file name
file?: string;
* The root URL to the original sources
root?: string;
* The input source map.
* Useful when you compress code that was generated from some other source (possibly other programming language).
* If you have an input source map, pass it in this argument and UglifyJS will generate a mapping that maps back
* to the original source (as opposed to the compiled code that you are compressing).
orig?: Object | JSON;
interface SourceMap {
add(source: string, gen_line: number, gen_col: number, orig_line: number, orig_col: number, name?: string): void;
get(): MOZ_SourceMap.SourceMapGenerator;
toString(): string;
* The output stream keeps track of the current line/column in the output and can trivially generate a source mapping to the original code via Mozilla's source-map library.
* To use this functionality, you must load this library (it's automatically require-d by UglifyJS in the NodeJS version, but in a browser you must load it yourself)
* and make it available via the global MOZ_SourceMap variable.
function SourceMap(options?: SourceMapOptions): SourceMap;
interface CompressorOptions {
// Join consecutive statemets with the “comma operator”
sequences?: boolean;
// Optimize property access: a["foo"] → a.foo
properties?: boolean;
// Discard unreachable code
dead_code?: boolean;
// Discard “debugger” statements
drop_debugger?: boolean;
// Some unsafe optimizations (see below)
unsafe?: boolean;
// Optimize if-s and conditional expressions
conditionals?: boolean;
// Optimize comparisons
comparisons?: boolean;
// Evaluate constant expressions
evaluate?: boolean;
// Optimize boolean expressions
booleans?: boolean;
// Optimize loops
loops?: boolean;
// Drop unused variables/functions
unused?: boolean;
// Hoist function declarations
hoist_funs?: boolean;
// Hoist variable declarations
hoist_vars?: boolean;
// Optimize if-s followed by return/continue
if_return?: boolean;
// Join var declarations
join_vars?: boolean;
// Try to cascade `right` into `left` in sequences
cascade?: boolean;
// Drop side-effect-free statements
side_effects?: boolean;
// Warn about potentially dangerous optimizations/code
warnings?: boolean;
// Global definitions
global_defs?: Object;
* The compressor is a tree transformer which reduces the code size by applying various optimizations on the AST
function Compressor(options?: CompressorOptions): AST_Toplevel;
interface TreeWalker {
type visitor = (node: AST_Node, descend: Function) => boolean;
* UglifyJS provides a TreeWalker object and every node has a walk method that given a walker will apply your visitor to each node in the tree.
* Your visitor can return a non-falsy value in order to prevent descending the current node.
function TreeWalker(visitor: visitor): TreeWalker;
interface TreeTransformer extends TreeWalker {
* The tree transformer is a special case of a tree walker.
* In fact it even inherits from TreeWalker and you can use the same methods, but initialization and visitor protocol are a bit different.
function TreeTransformer(before: visitor, after: visitor): TreeTransformer;
export = UglifyJS;
\ No newline at end of file
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