提交 16214f14 编写于 作者: P Peng Lyu

fallback to partial diff when the commit does not exist locally.

上级 e9f5dc85
......@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ export function* parseDiffHunk(diffHunkPatch: string): IterableIterator<DiffHunk
const newLen = Number(matches[7]) | 0;
diffHunk = new DiffHunk(oriStartLine, oriLen, newStartLine, newLen, positionInHunk);
diffHunk.diffLines.push(new DiffLine(DiffChangeType.Context, oriStartLine, newStartLine, positionInHunk, line));
} else if (diffHunk !== null) {
let type = getDiffChangeType(line);
......@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ export class PullRequestModel {
return data;
async getBaseCommitSha() {
async fetchBaseCommitSha() {
if (!this.prItem.base) {
// this one is from search results, which is not complete.
const { data } = await this.otcokit.pullRequests.get({
......@@ -119,10 +119,8 @@ export class PullRequestModel {
repo: this.remote.repositoryName,
number: this.prItem.number
this.prItem = data;
return this.prItem.base.sha;
async getComments(): Promise<Comment[]> {
......@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ export class PRProvider implements vscode.TreeDataProvider<PRGroupTreeItem | Pul
if (element instanceof PullRequestModel) {
const comments = await element.getComments();
const data = await element.getFiles();
const baseSha = await element.getBaseCommitSha();
const richContentChanges = await parseDiff(data, this.repository, baseSha);
await element.fetchBaseCommitSha();
const richContentChanges = await parseDiff(data, this.repository, element.base.sha);
const commentsCache = new Map<String, Comment[]>();
let fileChanges = richContentChanges.map(change => {
let fileInRepo = path.resolve(this.repository.path, change.fileName);
......@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ export class GitContentProvider implements vscode.TextDocumentContentProvider {
private _onDidChange = new vscode.EventEmitter<vscode.Uri>();
get onDidChange(): vscode.Event<vscode.Uri> { return this._onDidChange.event; }
private _fallback: (uri: vscode.Uri) => Promise<string> = null;
constructor(private repository: Repository) { }
async provideTextDocumentContent(uri: vscode.Uri, token: vscode.CancellationToken): Promise<string> {
......@@ -25,8 +27,13 @@ export class GitContentProvider implements vscode.TextDocumentContentProvider {
if (!ret) {
vscode.window.showErrorMessage(`We couldn't find commit ${commit} locally. You may want to sync the branch with remote. Sometimes commits can disappear after a force-push`);
ret = await this._fallback(uri);
return ret || '';
registerTextDocumentContentFallback(provider: (uri: vscode.Uri) => Promise<string>) {
this._fallback = provider;
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import { parseDiff } from '../common/diff';
import { getDiffLineByPosition, getLastDiffLine, mapCommentsToHead, mapHeadLineToDiffHunkPosition, mapOldPositionToNew } from '../common/diffPositionMapping';
import { PullRequestGitHelper } from '../common/pullRequestGitHelper';
import { FileChangeTreeItem } from '../common/treeItems';
import { toGitUri } from '../common/uri';
import { toGitUri, fromGitUri } from '../common/uri';
import { groupBy } from '../common/util';
import { Comment } from '../models/comment';
import { GitChangeType } from '../models/file';
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import { PullRequestModel } from '../models/pullRequestModel';
import { Repository } from '../models/repository';
import { FileChangesProvider } from './fileChangesProvider';
import { GitContentProvider } from './gitContentProvider';
import { DiffChangeType } from '../models/diffHunk';
export class ReviewManager implements vscode.DecorationProvider {
......@@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ export class ReviewManager implements vscode.DecorationProvider {
this._workspaceCommentProvider = null;
this._command = null;
this._disposables = [];
this._disposables.push(vscode.workspace.registerTextDocumentContentProvider('review', new GitContentProvider(_repository)));
let gitContentProvider = new GitContentProvider(_repository);
this._disposables.push(vscode.workspace.registerTextDocumentContentProvider('review', gitContentProvider));
this._disposables.push(vscode.commands.registerCommand('review.openFile', (uri: vscode.Uri) => {
let params = JSON.parse(uri.query);
vscode.commands.executeCommand('vscode.open', vscode.Uri.file(path.resolve(this._repository.path, params.path)), {});
......@@ -318,7 +321,9 @@ export class ReviewManager implements vscode.DecorationProvider {
let outdatedComments = this._comments.filter(comment => !comment.position);
const data = await pr.getFiles();
const baseSha = await pr.getBaseCommitSha();
await pr.fetchBaseCommitSha();
let baseSha = pr.base.sha;
let headSha = pr.head.sha;
const richContentChanges = await parseDiff(data, this._repository, baseSha);
this._localFileChanges = richContentChanges.map(change => {
let changedItem = new FileChangeTreeItem(
......@@ -332,11 +337,12 @@ export class ReviewManager implements vscode.DecorationProvider {
changedItem.sha = headSha;
changedItem.comments = activeComments.filter(comment => comment.path === changedItem.fileName);
return changedItem;
let commitsGroup = groupBy(outdatedComments, comment => comment.commit_id);
let commitsGroup = groupBy(outdatedComments, comment => comment.original_commit_id);
this._obsoleteFileChanges = [];
for (let commit in commitsGroup) {
let commentsForCommit = commitsGroup[commit];
......@@ -355,6 +361,8 @@ export class ReviewManager implements vscode.DecorationProvider {
[] // @todo Peng.
obsoleteFileChange.sha = commit;
obsoleteFileChange.comments = oldComments;
......@@ -704,6 +712,45 @@ export class ReviewManager implements vscode.DecorationProvider {
async provideTextDocumentContent(uri: vscode.Uri): Promise<string> {
let { path, commit } = fromGitUri(uri);
let changedItems = this._localFileChanges
.filter(change => change.fileName === path)
.filter(fileChange => fileChange.sha === commit || (fileChange.parentSha ? fileChange.parentSha : `${fileChange.sha}^`) === commit);
if (changedItems.length) {
let changedItem = changedItems[0];
let diffChangeTypeFilter = commit === changedItem.sha ? DiffChangeType.Delete : DiffChangeType.Add;
let ret = changedItem.diffHunks.map(diffHunk => diffHunk.diffLines.filter(diffLine => diffLine.type !== diffChangeTypeFilter).map(diffLine => diffLine.text));
return ret.reduce((prev, curr) => prev.concat(...curr), []).join('\n');
changedItems = this._obsoleteFileChanges
.filter(change => change.fileName === path)
.filter(fileChange => fileChange.sha === commit || (fileChange.parentSha ? fileChange.parentSha : `${fileChange.sha}^`) === commit);
if (changedItems.length) {
// it's from obsolete file changes, which means the content is in complete.
let changedItem = changedItems[0];
let diffChangeTypeFilter = commit === changedItem.sha ? DiffChangeType.Delete : DiffChangeType.Add;
let ret = [];
let commentGroups = groupBy(changedItem.comments, comment => comment.original_position);
for (let comment_position in commentGroups) {
let lines = commentGroups[comment_position][0].diff_hunks
.map(diffHunk =>
diffHunk.diffLines.filter(diffLine => diffLine.type !== diffChangeTypeFilter)
.map(diffLine => diffLine.text)
).reduce((prev, curr) => prev.concat(...curr), []);
return ret.join('\n');
return null;
dispose() {
this._disposables.forEach(dispose => {
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