提交 0bc81da1 编写于 作者: J Joao Moreno

💄 grid, cleanup getViews()

上级 533dc643
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import 'vs/css!./gridview';
import { Orientation } from 'vs/base/browser/ui/sash/sash';
import { IDisposable, dispose } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle';
import { tail2 as tail } from 'vs/base/common/arrays';
import { orthogonal, IView, GridView, Sizing as GridViewSizing } from './gridview';
import { orthogonal, IView, GridView, Sizing as GridViewSizing, Box } from './gridview';
export { Orientation } from './gridview';
......@@ -31,12 +31,12 @@ function oppositeDirection(direction: Direction): Direction {
export interface GridLeafNode<T extends IView> {
readonly view: T;
readonly size: number;
readonly box: Box;
export interface GridBranchNode<T extends IView> {
readonly children: GridNode<T>[];
readonly size: number;
readonly box: Box;
export type GridNode<T extends IView> = GridLeafNode<T> | GridBranchNode<T>;
......@@ -45,63 +45,17 @@ export function isGridBranchNode<T extends IView>(node: GridNode<T>): node is Gr
return !!(node as any).children;
interface Box {
top: number;
left: number;
width: number;
height: number;
interface BoxLeafNode<T extends IView> {
readonly node: GridLeafNode<T>;
readonly box: Box;
interface BoxBranchNode<T extends IView> {
readonly children: BoxNode<T>[];
readonly box: Box;
// TODO@Joao: should GridNodes already contain Box information? that would save us some memory here
type BoxNode<T extends IView> = BoxLeafNode<T> | BoxBranchNode<T>;
function isBoxBranchNode<T extends IView>(node: BoxNode<T>): node is BoxBranchNode<T> {
return !!(node as any).children;
function toBoxNode<T extends IView>(node: GridNode<T>, orientation: Orientation, box: Box): BoxNode<T> {
if (!isGridBranchNode(node)) {
return { node, box };
const children: BoxNode<T>[] = [];
let offset = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) {
const child = node.children[i];
const childOrientation = orthogonal(orientation);
const childBox: Box = orientation === Orientation.HORIZONTAL
? { top: box.top, left: box.left + offset, width: child.size, height: box.height }
: { top: box.top + offset, left: box.left, width: box.width, height: child.size };
children.push(toBoxNode(child, childOrientation, childBox));
offset += child.size;
return { children, box };
function getBoxNode<T extends IView>(node: BoxNode<T>, location: number[]): BoxNode<T> {
function getGridNode<T extends IView>(node: GridNode<T>, location: number[]): GridNode<T> {
if (location.length === 0) {
return node;
if (!isBoxBranchNode(node)) {
if (!isGridBranchNode(node)) {
throw new Error('Invalid location');
const [index, ...rest] = location;
return getBoxNode(node.children[index], rest);
return getGridNode(node.children[index], rest);
interface Range {
......@@ -133,11 +87,11 @@ function getBoxBoundary(box: Box, direction: Direction): Boundary {
return { offset, range };
function findAdjacentBoxLeafNodes<T extends IView>(boxNode: BoxNode<T>, direction: Direction, boundary: Boundary): BoxLeafNode<T>[] {
const result: BoxLeafNode<T>[] = [];
function findAdjacentBoxLeafNodes<T extends IView>(boxNode: GridNode<T>, direction: Direction, boundary: Boundary): GridLeafNode<T>[] {
const result: GridLeafNode<T>[] = [];
function _(boxNode: BoxNode<T>, direction: Direction, boundary: Boundary): void {
if (isBoxBranchNode(boxNode)) {
function _(boxNode: GridNode<T>, direction: Direction, boundary: Boundary): void {
if (isGridBranchNode(boxNode)) {
for (const child of boxNode.children) {
_(child, direction, boundary);
......@@ -335,24 +289,23 @@ export class Grid<T extends IView> implements IDisposable {
getNeighborViews(view: T, direction: Direction, wrap: boolean = false): T[] {
const location = this.getViewLocation(view);
const root = this.getViews();
const boxRoot = toBoxNode(root, this.orientation, { top: 0, left: 0, width: this.width, height: this.height });
const boxNode = getBoxNode(boxRoot, location);
let boundary = getBoxBoundary(boxNode.box, direction);
const node = getGridNode(root, location);
let boundary = getBoxBoundary(node.box, direction);
if (wrap) {
if (direction === Direction.Up && boxNode.box.top === 0) {
boundary = { offset: boxRoot.box.top + boxRoot.box.height, range: boundary.range };
} else if (direction === Direction.Right && boxNode.box.left + boxNode.box.width === boxRoot.box.width) {
if (direction === Direction.Up && node.box.top === 0) {
boundary = { offset: root.box.top + root.box.height, range: boundary.range };
} else if (direction === Direction.Right && node.box.left + node.box.width === root.box.width) {
boundary = { offset: 0, range: boundary.range };
} else if (direction === Direction.Down && boxNode.box.top + boxNode.box.height === boxRoot.box.height) {
} else if (direction === Direction.Down && node.box.top + node.box.height === root.box.height) {
boundary = { offset: 0, range: boundary.range };
} else if (direction === Direction.Left && boxNode.box.left === 0) {
boundary = { offset: boxRoot.box.left + boxRoot.box.width, range: boundary.range };
} else if (direction === Direction.Left && node.box.left === 0) {
boundary = { offset: root.box.left + root.box.width, range: boundary.range };
return findAdjacentBoxLeafNodes(boxRoot, oppositeDirection(direction), boundary)
.map(boxNode => boxNode.node.view);
return findAdjacentBoxLeafNodes(root, oppositeDirection(direction), boundary)
.map(node => node.view);
private getViewLocation(view: T): number[] {
......@@ -414,15 +367,17 @@ export interface ISerializedGrid {
export class SerializableGrid<T extends ISerializableView> extends Grid<T> {
private static serializeNode<T extends ISerializableView>(node: GridNode<T>): ISerializedNode {
if (isGridBranchNode(node)) {
return { type: 'branch', data: node.children.map(c => SerializableGrid.serializeNode(c)), size: node.size };
} else {
return { type: 'leaf', data: node.view.toJSON(), size: node.size };
private static serializeNode<T extends ISerializableView>(node: GridNode<T>, orientation: Orientation): ISerializedNode {
const size = orientation === Orientation.VERTICAL ? node.box.width : node.box.height;
if (!isGridBranchNode(node)) {
return { type: 'leaf', data: node.view.toJSON(), size };
return { type: 'branch', data: node.children.map(c => SerializableGrid.serializeNode(c, orthogonal(orientation))), size };
private static deserializeNode<T extends ISerializableView>(json: ISerializedNode, deserializer: IViewDeserializer<T>): GridNode<T> {
private static deserializeNode<T extends ISerializableView>(json: ISerializedNode, orientation: Orientation, box: Box, deserializer: IViewDeserializer<T>): GridNode<T> {
if (!json || typeof json !== 'object') {
throw new Error('Invalid JSON');
......@@ -433,25 +388,29 @@ export class SerializableGrid<T extends ISerializableView> extends Grid<T> {
if (type === 'branch') {
if (!Array.isArray(data)) {
throw new Error('Invalid JSON: \'data\' property of branch must be an array.');
} else if (typeof json.size !== 'number') {
throw new Error('Invalid JSON: \'size\' property of branch must be a number.');
const nodes = data as ISerializedNode[];
const children = nodes.map(c => SerializableGrid.deserializeNode(c, deserializer));
const size = json.size as number;
const children: GridNode<T>[] = [];
let offset = 0;
return { children, size };
for (const child of data) {
if (typeof child.size !== 'number') {
throw new Error('Invalid JSON: \'size\' property of node must be a number.');
} else if (type === 'leaf') {
if (typeof json.size !== 'number') {
throw new Error('Invalid JSON: \'size\' property of leaf must be a number.');
const childBox: Box = orientation === Orientation.HORIZONTAL
? { top: box.top, left: box.left + offset, width: child.size, height: box.height }
: { top: box.top + offset, left: box.left, width: box.width, height: child.size };
children.push(SerializableGrid.deserializeNode(child, orthogonal(orientation), childBox, deserializer));
offset += child.size;
const view = deserializer.fromJSON(data) as T;
const size = json.size as number;
return { children, box };
return { view, size };
} else if (type === 'leaf') {
const view = deserializer.fromJSON(data) as T;
return { view, box };
throw new Error('Invalid JSON: \'type\' property must be either \'branch\' or \'leaf\'.');
......@@ -474,17 +433,18 @@ export class SerializableGrid<T extends ISerializableView> extends Grid<T> {
throw new Error('Invalid JSON: \'height\' property must be a number.');
const root = SerializableGrid.deserializeNode(json.root, deserializer) as GridBranchNode<T>;
const orientation = json.orientation as Orientation;
const width = json.width as number;
const height = json.height as number;
const box: Box = { top: 0, left: 0, width, height };
const root = SerializableGrid.deserializeNode(json.root, orientation, box, deserializer) as GridBranchNode<T>;
const firstLeaf = SerializableGrid.getFirstLeaf(root);
if (!firstLeaf) {
throw new Error('Invalid serialized state, first leaf not found');
const orientation = json.orientation as Orientation;
const width = json.width as number;
const height = json.height as number;
const result = new SerializableGrid<T>(container, firstLeaf.view);
result.orientation = orientation;
result.restoreViews(firstLeaf.view, orientation, root);
......@@ -501,7 +461,7 @@ export class SerializableGrid<T extends ISerializableView> extends Grid<T> {
serialize(): ISerializedGrid {
return {
root: SerializableGrid.serializeNode(this.getViews()),
root: SerializableGrid.serializeNode(this.getViews(), this.orientation),
orientation: this.orientation,
width: this.width,
height: this.height
......@@ -532,7 +492,8 @@ export class SerializableGrid<T extends ISerializableView> extends Grid<T> {
const firstLeaves = node.children.map(c => SerializableGrid.getFirstLeaf(c));
for (let i = 1; i < firstLeaves.length; i++) {
this.addView(firstLeaves[i].view, firstLeaves[i].size, referenceView, direction);
const size = orientation === Orientation.VERTICAL ? firstLeaves[i].box.height : firstLeaves[i].box.width;
this.addView(firstLeaves[i].view, size, referenceView, direction);
referenceView = firstLeaves[i].view;
......@@ -557,7 +518,8 @@ export class SerializableGrid<T extends ISerializableView> extends Grid<T> {
const childLocation = [...location, i];
if (i < node.children.length - 1) {
this.gridview.resizeView(childLocation, Math.floor(child.size * scale));
const size = orientation === Orientation.VERTICAL ? child.box.height : child.box.width;
this.gridview.resizeView(childLocation, Math.floor(size * scale));
this.restoreViewsSize(childLocation, child, orthogonal(orientation), widthScale, heightScale);
......@@ -38,14 +38,21 @@ export function orthogonal(orientation: Orientation): Orientation {
return orientation === Orientation.VERTICAL ? Orientation.HORIZONTAL : Orientation.VERTICAL;
export interface Box {
top: number;
left: number;
width: number;
height: number;
export interface GridLeafNode {
readonly view: IView;
readonly size: number;
readonly box: Box;
export interface GridBranchNode {
readonly children: GridNode[];
readonly size: number;
readonly box: Box;
export type GridNode = GridLeafNode | GridBranchNode;
......@@ -559,15 +566,29 @@ export class GridView implements IDisposable {
getViews(): GridBranchNode {
return this._getViews(this.root) as GridBranchNode;
return this._getViews(this.root, this.orientation, { top: 0, left: 0, width: this.width, height: this.height }) as GridBranchNode;
private _getViews(node: Node): GridNode {
if (node instanceof BranchNode) {
return { children: node.children.map(c => this._getViews(c)), size: node.orthogonalSize };
} else {
return { view: node.view, size: node.size };
private _getViews(node: Node, orientation: Orientation, box: Box): GridNode {
if (node instanceof LeafNode) {
return { view: node.view, box };
const children: GridNode[] = [];
let offset = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) {
const child = node.children[i];
const childOrientation = orthogonal(orientation);
const childBox: Box = orientation === Orientation.HORIZONTAL
? { top: box.top, left: box.left + offset, width: child.width, height: box.height }
: { top: box.top + offset, left: box.left, width: box.width, height: child.height };
children.push(this._getViews(child, childOrientation, childBox));
offset += orientation === Orientation.HORIZONTAL ? child.width : child.height;
return { children, box };
private getNode(location: number[], node: Node = this.root, path: BranchNode[] = []): [BranchNode[], Node] {
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ suite('Gridview', function () {
test('empty gridview is empty', function () {
const gridview = new GridView(container);
assert.deepEqual(gridview.getViews(), { children: [], size: 0 });
assert.deepEqual(nodesToArrays(gridview.getViews()), []);
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