提交 04fcbabb 编写于 作者: B Benjamin Pasero


上级 8d253903
......@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
import URI from 'vs/base/common/uri';
import platform = require('vs/base/common/platform');
import types = require('vs/base/common/types');
import strings = require('vs/base/common/strings');
import paths = require('vs/base/common/paths');
import { nativeSep, isEqualOrParent, normalize } from 'vs/base/common/paths';
import { endsWith, ltrim } from 'vs/base/common/strings';
export interface ILabelProvider {
......@@ -44,19 +44,19 @@ export function getPathLabel(resource: URI | string, basePathProvider?: URI | st
const basepath = basePathProvider && getPath(basePathProvider);
if (basepath && paths.isEqualOrParent(absolutePath, basepath)) {
if (basepath && isEqualOrParent(absolutePath, basepath)) {
if (basepath === absolutePath) {
return ''; // no label if pathes are identical
return paths.normalize(strings.ltrim(absolutePath.substr(basepath.length), paths.nativeSep), true);
return normalize(ltrim(absolutePath.substr(basepath.length), nativeSep), true);
if (platform.isWindows && absolutePath && absolutePath[1] === ':') {
return paths.normalize(absolutePath.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + absolutePath.slice(1), true); // convert c:\something => C:\something
return normalize(absolutePath.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + absolutePath.slice(1), true); // convert c:\something => C:\something
return paths.normalize(absolutePath, true);
return normalize(absolutePath, true);
function getPath(arg1: URI | string | IWorkspaceProvider): string {
......@@ -74,4 +74,58 @@ function getPath(arg1: URI | string | IWorkspaceProvider): string {
return (<URI>arg1).fsPath;
* Shortens the paths but keeps them easy to distinguish.
* Replaces not important parts with ellipsis.
* Every shorten path matches only one original path and vice versa.
export function shorten(paths: string[]): string[] {
const ellipsis = '\u2026';
let shortenedPaths: string[] = new Array(paths.length);
let match = false;
// for every path
for (let path = 0; path < paths.length; path++) {
let segments: string[] = paths[path].split(nativeSep);
match = true;
// pick the first shortest subpath found
for (let subpathLength = 1; match && subpathLength <= segments.length; subpathLength++) {
for (let start = segments.length - subpathLength; match && start >= 0; start--) {
match = false;
let subpath = segments.slice(start, start + subpathLength).join(nativeSep);
// that is unique to any other path
for (let otherPath = 0; !match && otherPath < paths.length; otherPath++) {
if (otherPath !== path && paths[otherPath].indexOf(subpath) > -1) {
// suffix subpath treated specially as we consider no match 'x' and 'x/...'
let isSubpathEnding: boolean = (start + subpathLength === segments.length);
let isOtherPathEnding: boolean = endsWith(paths[otherPath], subpath);
match = !isSubpathEnding || isOtherPathEnding;
if (!match) {
// found unique subpath
let result = subpath;
if (start + subpathLength < segments.length) {
result = result + nativeSep + ellipsis;
if (start > 0) {
result = ellipsis + nativeSep + result;
shortenedPaths[path] = result;
if (match) {
// use full path if no unique subpaths found
shortenedPaths[path] = paths[path];
return shortenedPaths;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import { isLinux, isWindows } from 'vs/base/common/platform';
import { fill } from 'vs/base/common/arrays';
import { rtrim } from 'vs/base/common/strings';
import { CharCode } from 'vs/base/common/charCode';
import { endsWith } from 'vs/base/common/strings';
* The forward slash path separator.
......@@ -394,58 +393,4 @@ export const isAbsoluteRegex = /^((\/|[a-zA-Z]:\\)[^\(\)<>\\'\"\[\]]+)/;
export function isAbsolute(path: string): boolean {
return isAbsoluteRegex.test(path);
* Shortens the paths but keeps them easy to distinguish.
* Replaces not important parts with ellipsis.
* Every shorten path matches only one original path and vice versa.
export function shorten(paths: string[]): string[] {
const ellipsis = '\u2026';
let shortenedPaths: string[] = new Array(paths.length);
let match = false;
// for every path
for (let path = 0; path < paths.length; path++) {
let segments: string[] = paths[path].split(nativeSep);
match = true;
// pick the first shortest subpath found
for (let subpathLength = 1; match && subpathLength <= segments.length; subpathLength++) {
for (let start = segments.length - subpathLength; match && start >= 0; start--) {
match = false;
let subpath = segments.slice(start, start + subpathLength).join(nativeSep);
// that is unique to any other path
for (let otherPath = 0; !match && otherPath < paths.length; otherPath++) {
if (otherPath !== path && paths[otherPath].indexOf(subpath) > -1) {
// suffix subpath treated specially as we consider no match 'x' and 'x/...'
let isSubpathEnding: boolean = (start + subpathLength === segments.length);
let isOtherPathEnding: boolean = endsWith(paths[otherPath], subpath);
match = !isSubpathEnding || isOtherPathEnding;
if (!match) {
// found unique subpath
let result = subpath;
if (start + subpathLength < segments.length) {
result = result + nativeSep + ellipsis;
if (start > 0) {
result = ellipsis + nativeSep + result;
shortenedPaths[path] = result;
if (match) {
// use full path if no unique subpaths found
shortenedPaths[path] = paths[path];
return shortenedPaths;
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
// import * as assert from 'assert';
// import labels = require('vs/base/common/labels');
suite('Labels', () => {
test('shorten', () => {
// nothing to shorten
// assert.deepEqual(labels.shorten(['a']), ['a']);
// assert.deepEqual(labels.shorten(['a', 'b']), ['a', 'b']);
// assert.deepEqual(labels.shorten(['a', 'b', 'c']), ['a', 'b', 'c']);
// // completely different paths
// assert.deepEqual(labels.shorten(['a\\b', 'c\\d', 'e\\f']), ['…\\b', '…\\d', '…\\f']);
// // same beginning
// assert.deepEqual(labels.shorten(['a', 'a\\b']), ['a', '…\\b']);
// assert.deepEqual(labels.shorten(['a\\b', 'a\\b\\c']), ['…\\b', '…\\c']);
// assert.deepEqual(labels.shorten(['a', 'a\\b', 'a\\b\\c']), ['a', '…\\b', '…\\c']);
// assert.deepEqual(labels.shorten(['x:\\a\\b', 'x:\\a\\c']), ['…\\b', '…\\c'], 'TODO: drive letter (or schema) should be preserved');
// assert.deepEqual(labels.shorten(['\\\\a\\b', '\\\\a\\c']), ['…\\b', '…\\c'], 'TODO: root uri should be preserved');
// // same ending
// assert.deepEqual(labels.shorten(['a', 'b\\a']), ['a', 'b\\…']);
// assert.deepEqual(labels.shorten(['a\\b\\c', 'd\\b\\c']), ['a\\…', 'd\\…']);
// assert.deepEqual(labels.shorten(['a\\b\\c\\d', 'f\\b\\c\\d']), ['a\\…', 'f\\…']);
// assert.deepEqual(labels.shorten(['d\\e\\a\\b\\c', 'd\\b\\c']), ['…\\a\\…', 'd\\b\\…']);
// assert.deepEqual(labels.shorten(['a\\b\\c\\d', 'a\\f\\b\\c\\d']), ['a\\b\\…', '…\\f\\…']);
// assert.deepEqual(labels.shorten(['a\\b\\a', 'b\\b\\a']), ['a\\b\\…', 'b\\b\\…']);
// assert.deepEqual(labels.shorten(['d\\f\\a\\b\\c', 'h\\d\\b\\c']), ['…\\a\\…', 'h\\…']);
// assert.deepEqual(labels.shorten(['a\\b\\c', 'x:\\0\\a\\b\\c']), ['a\\b\\c', '…\\0\\…'], 'TODO: drive letter (or schema) should be always preserved');
// assert.deepEqual(labels.shorten(['x:\\a\\b', 'y:\\a\\b']), ['x:\\…', 'y:\\…']);
// assert.deepEqual(labels.shorten(['\\\\x\\b', '\\\\y\\b']), ['…\\x\\…', '…\\y\\…'], 'TODO: \\\\x instead of …\\x');
// // same in the middle
// assert.deepEqual(labels.shorten(['a\\b\\c', 'd\\b\\e']), ['…\\c', '…\\e']);
// // case-sensetive
// assert.deepEqual(labels.shorten(['a\\b\\c', 'd\\b\\C']), ['…\\c', '…\\C']);
// assert.deepEqual(labels.shorten(['a', 'a\\b', 'a\\b\\c', 'd\\b\\c', 'd\\b']), ['a', 'a\\b', 'a\\b\\c', 'd\\b\\c', 'd\\b']);
// assert.deepEqual(labels.shorten(['a', 'a\\b', 'b']), ['a', 'a\\b', 'b']);
// assert.deepEqual(labels.shorten(['', 'a', 'b', 'b\\c', 'a\\c']), ['', 'a', 'b', 'b\\c', 'a\\c']);
// assert.deepEqual(labels.shorten(['src\\vs\\workbench\\parts\\execution\\electron-browser', 'src\\vs\\workbench\\parts\\execution\\electron-browser\\something', 'src\\vs\\workbench\\parts\\terminal\\electron-browser']), ['…\\execution\\electron-browser', '…\\something', '…\\terminal\\…']);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -246,44 +246,4 @@ suite('Paths', () => {
assert.equal(paths.isAbsolute('F\\a\\b\\c'), false);
assert.equal(paths.isAbsolute('F:\\a'), true);
test('shorten', () => {
// nothing to shorten
assert.deepEqual(paths.shorten(['a']), ['a']);
assert.deepEqual(paths.shorten(['a', 'b']), ['a', 'b']);
assert.deepEqual(paths.shorten(['a', 'b', 'c']), ['a', 'b', 'c']);
// completely different paths
assert.deepEqual(paths.shorten(['a\\b', 'c\\d', 'e\\f']), ['\\b', '\\d', '\\f']);
// same beginning
assert.deepEqual(paths.shorten(['a', 'a\\b']), ['a', '\\b']);
assert.deepEqual(paths.shorten(['a\\b', 'a\\b\\c']), ['\\b', '\\c']);
assert.deepEqual(paths.shorten(['a', 'a\\b', 'a\\b\\c']), ['a', '\\b', '\\c']);
assert.deepEqual(paths.shorten(['x:\\a\\b', 'x:\\a\\c']), ['\\b', '\\c'], 'TODO: drive letter (or schema) should be preserved');
assert.deepEqual(paths.shorten(['\\\\a\\b', '\\\\a\\c']), ['\\b', '\\c'], 'TODO: root uri should be preserved');
// same ending
assert.deepEqual(paths.shorten(['a', 'b\\a']), ['a', 'b\\']);
assert.deepEqual(paths.shorten(['a\\b\\c', 'd\\b\\c']), ['a\\', 'd\\']);
assert.deepEqual(paths.shorten(['a\\b\\c\\d', 'f\\b\\c\\d']), ['a\\', 'f\\']);
assert.deepEqual(paths.shorten(['d\\e\\a\\b\\c', 'd\\b\\c']), ['\\a\\', 'd\\b\\']);
assert.deepEqual(paths.shorten(['a\\b\\c\\d', 'a\\f\\b\\c\\d']), ['a\\b\\', '\\f\\']);
assert.deepEqual(paths.shorten(['a\\b\\a', 'b\\b\\a']), ['a\\b\\', 'b\\b\\']);
assert.deepEqual(paths.shorten(['d\\f\\a\\b\\c', 'h\\d\\b\\c']), ['\\a\\', 'h\\']);
assert.deepEqual(paths.shorten(['a\\b\\c', 'x:\\0\\a\\b\\c']), ['a\\b\\c', '\\0\\'], 'TODO: drive letter (or schema) should be always preserved');
assert.deepEqual(paths.shorten(['x:\\a\\b', 'y:\\a\\b']), ['x:\\', 'y:\\']);
assert.deepEqual(paths.shorten(['\\\\x\\b', '\\\\y\\b']), ['\\x\\', '\\y\\'], 'TODO: \\\\x instead of …\\x');
// same in the middle
assert.deepEqual(paths.shorten(['a\\b\\c', 'd\\b\\e']), ['\\c', '\\e']);
// case-sensetive
assert.deepEqual(paths.shorten(['a\\b\\c', 'd\\b\\C']), ['\\c', '\\C']);
assert.deepEqual(paths.shorten(['a', 'a\\b', 'a\\b\\c', 'd\\b\\c', 'd\\b']), ['a', 'a\\b', 'a\\b\\c', 'd\\b\\c', 'd\\b']);
assert.deepEqual(paths.shorten(['a', 'a\\b', 'b']), ['a', 'a\\b', 'b']);
assert.deepEqual(paths.shorten(['', 'a', 'b', 'b\\c', 'a\\c']), ['', 'a', 'b', 'b\\c', 'a\\c']);
assert.deepEqual(paths.shorten(['src\\vs\\workbench\\parts\\execution\\electron-browser', 'src\\vs\\workbench\\parts\\execution\\electron-browser\\something', 'src\\vs\\workbench\\parts\\terminal\\electron-browser']), ['\\execution\\electron-browser', '\\something', '\\terminal\\']);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import errors = require('vs/base/common/errors');
import DOM = require('vs/base/browser/dom');
import { isMacintosh } from 'vs/base/common/platform';
import { MIME_BINARY } from 'vs/base/common/mime';
import { shorten } from 'vs/base/common/labels';
import { ActionRunner, IAction } from 'vs/base/common/actions';
import { Position, IEditorInput } from 'vs/platform/editor/common/editor';
import { IEditorGroup, toResource } from 'vs/workbench/common/editor';
......@@ -37,7 +38,6 @@ import { ScrollableElement } from 'vs/base/browser/ui/scrollbar/scrollableElemen
import { ScrollbarVisibility } from 'vs/base/common/scrollable';
import { extractResources } from 'vs/base/browser/dnd';
import { LinkedMap } from 'vs/base/common/map';
import paths = require('vs/base/common/paths');
interface IEditorInputLabel {
editor: IEditorInput;
......@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ export class TabsTitleControl extends TitleControl {
const labelDuplicates = mapLabelToDuplicates.values();
labelDuplicates.forEach(duplicates => {
if (duplicates.length > 1) {
let shortenedDescriptions = paths.shorten(duplicates.map(duplicate => duplicate.editor.getDescription()));
let shortenedDescriptions = shorten(duplicates.map(duplicate => duplicate.editor.getDescription()));
duplicates.forEach((duplicate, i) => {
duplicate.description = shortenedDescriptions[i];
duplicate.hasAmbiguousName = true;
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