vscode.proposed.d.ts 9.6 KB
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 *  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
 *  Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.

// This is the place for API experiments and proposal.

declare module 'vscode' {

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	// export enum FileErrorCodes {
	// 	/**
	// 	 * Not owner.
	// 	 */
	// 	EPERM = 1,
	// 	/**
	// 	 * No such file or directory.
	// 	 */
	// 	ENOENT = 2,
	// 	/**
	// 	 * I/O error.
	// 	 */
	// 	EIO = 5,
	// 	/**
	// 	 * Permission denied.
	// 	 */
	// 	EACCES = 13,
	// 	/**
	// 	 * File exists.
	// 	 */
	// 	EEXIST = 17,
	// 	/**
	// 	 * Not a directory.
	// 	 */
	// 	ENOTDIR = 20,
	// 	/**
	// 	 * Is a directory.
	// 	 */
	// 	EISDIR = 21,
	// 	/**
	// 	 *  File too large.
	// 	 */
	// 	EFBIG = 27,
	// 	/**
	// 	 * No space left on device.
	// 	 */
	// 	ENOSPC = 28,
	// 	/**
	// 	 * Directory is not empty.
	// 	 */
	// 	ENOTEMPTY = 66,
	// 	/**
	// 	 * Invalid file handle.
	// 	 */
	// 	ESTALE = 70,
	// 	/**
	// 	 * Illegal NFS file handle.
	// 	 */
	// 	EBADHANDLE = 10001,
	// }

61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78
	export enum FileChangeType {
		Updated = 0,
		Added = 1,
		Deleted = 2

	export interface FileChange {
		type: FileChangeType;
		resource: Uri;

	export enum FileType {
		File = 0,
		Dir = 1,
		Symlink = 2

	export interface FileStat {
		id: number | string;
		mtime: number;
Johannes Rieken 已提交
		// atime: number;
82 83 84 85
		size: number;
		type: FileType;

Johannes Rieken 已提交
86 87 88 89 90 91 92
	export interface TextSearchQuery {
		pattern: string;
		isRegex?: boolean;
		isCaseSensitive?: boolean;
		isWordMatch?: boolean;

93 94 95 96 97
	export interface TextSearchOptions {
		includes: GlobPattern[];
		excludes: GlobPattern[];

Johannes Rieken 已提交
	export interface TextSearchResult {
99 100 101 102 103
		uri: Uri;
		range: Range;
		preview: { leading: string, matching: string, trailing: string };

Johannes Rieken 已提交
	// todo@joh discover files etc
Johannes Rieken 已提交
	// todo@joh CancellationToken everywhere
Johannes Rieken 已提交
	// todo@joh add open/close calls?
Johannes Rieken 已提交
	export interface FileSystemProvider {
Dirk Baeumer 已提交

Johannes Rieken 已提交
		readonly onDidChange?: Event<FileChange[]>;

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		// todo@joh - remove this
		readonly root?: Uri;

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		// more...
Johannes Rieken 已提交
		utimes(resource: Uri, mtime: number, atime: number): Thenable<FileStat>;

		stat(resource: Uri): Thenable<FileStat>;

		read(resource: Uri, offset: number, length: number, progress: Progress<Uint8Array>): Thenable<number>;

Johannes Rieken 已提交
		// todo@joh - have an option to create iff not exist
123 124 125 126
		// todo@remote
		// offset - byte offset to start
		// count - number of bytes to write
		// Thenable<number> - number of bytes actually written
		write(resource: Uri, content: Uint8Array): Thenable<void>;
128 129 130

		// todo@remote
		// Thenable<FileStat>
131 132 133 134 135
		move(resource: Uri, target: Uri): Thenable<FileStat>;

		// todo@remote
		// helps with performance bigly
		// copy?(from: Uri, to: Uri): Thenable<void>;
136 137 138

		// todo@remote
		// Thenable<FileStat>
		mkdir(resource: Uri): Thenable<FileStat>;

141 142 143 144 145
		readdir(resource: Uri): Thenable<[Uri, FileStat][]>;

		// todo@remote
		// ? merge both
		// ? recursive del
		rmdir(resource: Uri): Thenable<void>;
147 148 149 150
		unlink(resource: Uri): Thenable<void>;

		// todo@remote
		// create(resource: Uri): Thenable<FileStat>;
Johannes Rieken 已提交
151 152

		// find files by names
Johannes Rieken 已提交
		// todo@joh, move into its own provider
Johannes Rieken 已提交
		findFiles?(query: string, progress: Progress<Uri>, token: CancellationToken): Thenable<void>;
		provideTextSearchResults?(query: TextSearchQuery, options: TextSearchOptions, progress: Progress<TextSearchResult>, token: CancellationToken): Thenable<void>;
156 157

	export namespace workspace {
		export function registerFileSystemProvider(scheme: string, provider: FileSystemProvider): Disposable;
160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190

		 * Updates the workspace folders of the currently opened workspace. This method allows to add and remove
		 * workspace folders a the same time.
		 * Example: adding a new workspace folder at the end of workspace folders
		 * ```typescript
		 * workspace.updateWorkspaceFolders(workspace.workspaceFolders ? workspace.workspaceFolders.length : 0, null, [{ uri: ...}])
		 * ```
		 * Example: removing the first workspace folder
		 * ```typescript
		 * workspace.updateWorkspaceFolders(0, 1)
		 * ```
		 * Example: replacing an existing workspace folder with a new one
		 * ```typescript
		 * workspace.updateWorkspaceFolders(0, 1, [{ uri: ...}])
		 * ```
		 * Note: if the first workspace folder is removed or changed, all extensions will be restarted
		 * so that the (deprecated) `rootPath` property is updated to point to the first workspace
		 * folder.
		 * @param index the zero-based index in the list of currently opened [workspace folders](#WorkspaceFolder)
		 * from where to delete workspace folders or from where to add to.
		 * @param deleteCount the optional number of workspace folders to delete from the index that is provided.
		 * @param workspaceFoldersToAdd the optional number of workspace folders to add
		 * @return A thenable that resolves when the workspace folder was removed successfully
		export function updateWorkspaceFolders(index: number, deleteCount?: number, workspaceFoldersToAdd?: { uri: Uri, name?: string }[]): Thenable<boolean>;
191 192

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	export namespace window {

		export function sampleFunction(): Thenable<any>;
Pine Wu 已提交

Joao Moreno 已提交
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	 * The contiguous set of modified lines in a diff.
Joao Moreno 已提交
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	export interface LineChange {
		readonly originalStartLineNumber: number;
		readonly originalEndLineNumber: number;
		readonly modifiedStartLineNumber: number;
		readonly modifiedEndLineNumber: number;

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	export namespace commands {

		 * Registers a diff information command that can be invoked via a keyboard shortcut,
		 * a menu item, an action, or directly.
		 * Diff information commands are different from ordinary [commands](#commands.registerCommand) as
		 * they only execute when there is an active diff editor when the command is called, and the diff
		 * information has been computed. Also, the command handler of an editor command has access to
		 * the diff information.
		 * @param command A unique identifier for the command.
		 * @param callback A command handler function with access to the [diff information](#LineChange).
		 * @param thisArg The `this` context used when invoking the handler function.
		 * @return Disposable which unregisters this command on disposal.
		export function registerDiffInformationCommand(command: string, callback: (diff: LineChange[], ...args: any[]) => any, thisArg?: any): Disposable;
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	//#region decorations

	//todo@joh -> make class
	export interface DecorationData {
		priority?: number;
		title?: string;
		bubble?: boolean;
234 235
		abbreviation?: string;
		color?: ThemeColor;
		source?: string;
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	export interface SourceControlResourceDecorations {
		source?: string;
		letter?: string;
		color?: ThemeColor;

	export interface DecorationProvider {
		onDidChangeDecorations: Event<undefined | Uri | Uri[]>;
247 248 249 250
		provideDecoration(uri: Uri, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<DecorationData>;

	export namespace window {
		export function registerDecorationProvider(provider: DecorationProvider): Disposable;
252 253 254


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	export namespace debug {

		 * List of breakpoints.
		 * @readonly
		export let breakpoints: Breakpoint[];

		 * An event that is emitted when a breakpoint is added, removed, or changed.
		export const onDidChangeBreakpoints: Event<BreakpointsChangeEvent>;

	 * An event describing a change to the set of [breakpoints](#debug.Breakpoint).
	export interface BreakpointsChangeEvent {
		 * Added breakpoints.
		readonly added: Breakpoint[];

		 * Removed breakpoints.
		readonly removed: Breakpoint[];

		 * Changed breakpoints.
		readonly changed: Breakpoint[];

291 292 293 294
	 * The base class of all breakpoint types.
	export class Breakpoint {
295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306
		 * Is breakpoint enabled.
		readonly enabled: boolean;
		 * An optional expression for conditional breakpoints.
		readonly condition?: string;
		 * An optional expression that controls how many hits of the breakpoint are ignored.
		readonly hitCondition?: string;
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		protected constructor(enabled: boolean, condition: string, hitCondition: string);
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	 * A breakpoint specified by a source location.
	export class SourceBreakpoint extends Breakpoint {
		 * The source and line position of this breakpoint.
		readonly location: Location;
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		private constructor(enabled: boolean, condition: string, hitCondition: string, location: Location);
321 322

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	 * A breakpoint specified by a function name.
	export class FunctionBreakpoint extends Breakpoint {
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		 * The name of the function to which this breakpoint is attached.
		readonly functionName: string;
331 332

		private constructor(enabled: boolean, condition: string, hitCondition: string, functionName: string);
334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351

	 * The severity level of a log message
	export enum LogLevel {
		Trace = 1,
		Debug = 2,
		Info = 3,
		Warning = 4,
		Error = 5,
		Critical = 6,
		Off = 7

	 * A logger for writing to an extension's log file, and accessing its dedicated log directory.
	export interface Logger {
		readonly onDidChangeLogLevel: Event<LogLevel>;
		readonly currentLevel: LogLevel;
		readonly logDirectory: Thenable<string>;
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		trace(message: string, ...args: any[]): void;
		debug(message: string, ...args: any[]): void;
		info(message: string, ...args: any[]): void;
		warn(message: string, ...args: any[]): void;
		error(message: string | Error, ...args: any[]): void;
		critical(message: string | Error, ...args: any[]): void;

	export interface ExtensionContext {
Rob Lourens 已提交
		 * This extension's logger
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		logger: Logger;
Johannes Rieken 已提交