fileEditorInput.ts 13.3 KB
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 *  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
 *  Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';

import nls = require('vs/nls');
import {Promise, TPromise} from 'vs/base/common/winjs.base';
import {Registry} from 'vs/platform/platform';
import types = require('vs/base/common/types');
import paths = require('vs/base/common/paths');
import {guessMimeTypes} from 'vs/base/common/mime';
import labels = require('vs/base/common/labels');
import URI from 'vs/base/common/uri';
import strings = require('vs/base/common/strings');
import assert = require('vs/base/common/assert');
import {EditorModel, IInputStatus, EncodingMode} from 'vs/workbench/common/editor';
import {IEditorRegistry, Extensions, EditorDescriptor} from 'vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/baseEditor';
import {BinaryEditorModel} from 'vs/workbench/common/editor/binaryEditorModel';
import {IFileOperationResult, FileOperationResult} from 'vs/platform/files/common/files';
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import {FileEditorDescriptor} from 'vs/workbench/parts/files/browser/files';
import {ITextFileService, BINARY_FILE_EDITOR_ID, FILE_EDITOR_INPUT_ID, FileEditorInput as CommonFileEditorInput} from 'vs/workbench/parts/files/common/files';
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import {CACHE, TextFileEditorModel, State} from 'vs/workbench/parts/files/browser/editors/textFileEditorModel';
import {IWorkspaceContextService} from 'vs/workbench/services/workspace/common/contextService';
import {IInstantiationService} from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/instantiation';

 * A file editor input is the input type for the file editor of file system resources.
export class FileEditorInput extends CommonFileEditorInput {

	// Do ref counting for all inputs that resolved to a model to be able to dispose when count = 0
	private static FILE_EDITOR_MODEL_CLIENTS: { [resource: string]: FileEditorInput[]; } = Object.create(null);

	// Keep promises that load a file editor model to avoid loading the same model twice
	private static FILE_EDITOR_MODEL_LOADERS: { [resource: string]: TPromise<EditorModel>; } = Object.create(null);

	// These nls things are looked up way too often to not cache them..
	private static nlsSavedDisplay = nls.localize('savedDisplay', "Saved");
	private static nlsSavedMeta = nls.localize('savedMeta', "All changes saved");
	private static nlsDirtyDisplay = nls.localize('dirtyDisplay', "Dirty");
	private static nlsDirtyMeta = nls.localize('dirtyMeta', "Changes have been made to the file...");
	private static nlsPendingSaveDisplay = nls.localize('savingDisplay', "Saving...");
	private static nlsPendingSaveMeta = nls.localize('pendingSaveMeeta', "Changes are currently being saved...");
	private static nlsErrorDisplay = nls.localize('saveErorDisplay', "Save error");
	private static nlsErrorMeta = nls.localize('saveErrorMeta', "Sorry, we are having trouble saving your changes");
	private static nlsConflictDisplay = nls.localize('saveConflictDisplay', "Conflict");
	private static nlsConflictMeta = nls.localize('saveConflictMeta', "Changes cannot be saved because they conflict with the version on disk");

	private resource: URI;
	private mime: string;
	private preferredEncoding: string;

	private name: string;
	private description: string;
	private verboseDescription: string;

	 * An editor input whos contents are retrieved from file services.
		resource: URI,
		mime: string,
		preferredEncoding: string,
		@IInstantiationService private instantiationService: IInstantiationService,
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		@IWorkspaceContextService private contextService: IWorkspaceContextService,
		@ITextFileService private textFileService: ITextFileService
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	) {

		if (resource) {
			this.setMime(mime || guessMimeTypes(this.resource.fsPath).join(', '));
			this.preferredEncoding = preferredEncoding;

	public setResource(resource: URI): void {
		if (resource.scheme !== 'file') {
			throw new Error('FileEditorInput can only handle file:// resources.');

		this.resource = resource;

		// Reset resource dependent properties = null;
		this.description = null;
		this.verboseDescription = null;

	public getResource(): URI {
		return this.resource;

	public getMime(): string {
		return this.mime;

	public setMime(mime: string): void {
		assert.ok(mime, 'Editor input needs mime type');

		this.mime = mime;

	public getEncoding(): string {
		let textModel = CACHE.get(this.resource);
		if (textModel) {
			return textModel.getEncoding();

		return this.preferredEncoding;

	public setEncoding(encoding: string, mode: EncodingMode): void {
		this.preferredEncoding = encoding;

		let textModel = CACHE.get(this.resource);
		if (textModel) {
			textModel.setEncoding(encoding, mode);

	public getId(): string {

	public getName(): string {
		if (! { = paths.basename(this.resource.fsPath);


	public getDescription(verbose?: boolean): string {
		if (!verbose) {
			if (!this.description) {
				this.description = labels.getPathLabel(paths.dirname(this.resource.fsPath), this.contextService);

			return this.description;

		if (!this.verboseDescription) {
			this.verboseDescription = labels.getPathLabel(this.resource.fsPath);

		return this.verboseDescription;

	public getStatus(): IInputStatus {
		let textModel = CACHE.get(this.resource);
		if (textModel) {
			let state = textModel.getState();
			switch (state) {
				case State.SAVED: {
					return { state: 'saved', displayText: FileEditorInput.nlsSavedDisplay, description: FileEditorInput.nlsSavedMeta };

				case State.DIRTY: {
					return { state: 'dirty', decoration: !this.textFileService.isAutoSaveEnabled() ? '\u25cf' : '', displayText: FileEditorInput.nlsDirtyDisplay, description: FileEditorInput.nlsDirtyMeta };
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				case State.PENDING_SAVE:
					return { state: 'saving', decoration: !this.textFileService.isAutoSaveEnabled() ? '\u25cf' : '', displayText: FileEditorInput.nlsPendingSaveDisplay, description: FileEditorInput.nlsPendingSaveMeta };
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				case State.ERROR:
					return { state: 'error', decoration: '\u25cf', displayText: FileEditorInput.nlsErrorDisplay, description: FileEditorInput.nlsErrorMeta };

				case State.CONFLICT:
					return { state: 'conflict', decoration: '\u25cf', displayText: FileEditorInput.nlsConflictDisplay, description: FileEditorInput.nlsConflictMeta };

		return null;

	public getPreferredEditorId(candidates: string[]): string {
		let editorRegistry = (<IEditorRegistry>;

		// Lookup Editor by Mime
		let descriptor: EditorDescriptor;
		let mimes = this.mime.split(',');
		for (let m = 0; m < mimes.length; m++) {
			let mime = strings.trim(mimes[m]);

			for (let i = 0; i < candidates.length; i++) {
				descriptor = editorRegistry.getEditorById(candidates[i]);

				if (types.isFunction((<FileEditorDescriptor>descriptor).getMimeTypes)) {
					let mimetypes = (<FileEditorDescriptor>descriptor).getMimeTypes();
					for (let j = 0; j < mimetypes.length; j++) {
						let mimetype = mimetypes[j];

						// Check for direct mime match
						if (mime === mimetype) {
							return descriptor.getId();

						// Otherwise check for wildcard mime matches
						if (strings.endsWith(mimetype, '/*') && strings.startsWith(mime, mimetype.substring(0, mimetype.length - 1))) {
							return descriptor.getId();

		// Otherwise use default editor

	public resolve(refresh?: boolean): TPromise<EditorModel> {
		let modelPromise: TPromise<EditorModel>;

		// Keep clients who resolved the input to support proper disposal
		let clients = FileEditorInput.FILE_EDITOR_MODEL_CLIENTS[this.resource.toString()];
		if (types.isUndefinedOrNull(clients)) {
			FileEditorInput.FILE_EDITOR_MODEL_CLIENTS[this.resource.toString()] = [this];
		} else if (this.indexOfClient() === -1) {

		// Check for running loader to ensure the model is only ever loaded once
		if (FileEditorInput.FILE_EDITOR_MODEL_LOADERS[this.resource.toString()]) {
			return FileEditorInput.FILE_EDITOR_MODEL_LOADERS[this.resource.toString()];

		// Use Cached Model if present
		let cachedModel = CACHE.get(this.resource);
		if (cachedModel && !refresh) {
			modelPromise =<EditorModel>(cachedModel);

		// Refresh Cached Model if present
		else if (cachedModel && refresh) {
			modelPromise = cachedModel.load();
			FileEditorInput.FILE_EDITOR_MODEL_LOADERS[this.resource.toString()] = modelPromise;

		// Otherwise Create Model and Load
		else {
			modelPromise = this.createAndLoadModel();
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			FileEditorInput.FILE_EDITOR_MODEL_LOADERS[this.resource.toString()] = modelPromise;

		return modelPromise.then((resolvedModel: TextFileEditorModel | BinaryEditorModel) => {
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			if (resolvedModel instanceof TextFileEditorModel) {
				CACHE.add(this.resource, resolvedModel); // Store into the text model cache unless this file is binary
			FileEditorInput.FILE_EDITOR_MODEL_LOADERS[this.resource.toString()] = null; // Remove from pending loaders

			return resolvedModel;
		}, (error) => {
			FileEditorInput.FILE_EDITOR_MODEL_LOADERS[this.resource.toString()] = null; // Remove from pending loaders in case of an error

			return Promise.wrapError(error);

	private indexOfClient(): number {
		if (!types.isUndefinedOrNull(FileEditorInput.FILE_EDITOR_MODEL_CLIENTS[this.resource.toString()])) {
			for (let i = 0; i < FileEditorInput.FILE_EDITOR_MODEL_CLIENTS[this.resource.toString()].length; i++) {
				let client = FileEditorInput.FILE_EDITOR_MODEL_CLIENTS[this.resource.toString()][i];
				if (client === this) {
					return i;

		return -1;

	private createAndLoadModel(): TPromise<EditorModel> {
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		let descriptor = (<IEditorRegistry>;
		if (!descriptor) {
			throw new Error('Unable to find an editor in the registry for this input.');

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		// Optimistically create a text model assuming that the file is not binary
		let textModel = this.instantiationService.createInstance(TextFileEditorModel, this.resource, this.preferredEncoding);
		return textModel.load().then(() => textModel, (error) => {
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			// In case of an error that indicates that the file is binary or too large, just return with the binary editor model
			if ((<IFileOperationResult>error).fileOperationResult === FileOperationResult.FILE_IS_BINARY || (<IFileOperationResult>error).fileOperationResult === FileOperationResult.FILE_TOO_LARGE) {
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				let binaryModel = new BinaryEditorModel(this.resource, this.getName());
				return binaryModel.load();

			// Bubble any other error up
			return Promise.wrapError(error);
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	public dispose(force?: boolean): void {

		// TextFileEditorModel
		let cachedModel = CACHE.get(this.resource);
		if (cachedModel) {

			// Only dispose if the last client called dispose() unless a forced dispose is triggered
			let index = this.indexOfClient();
			if (index >= 0) {

				// Remove from Clients List
				FileEditorInput.FILE_EDITOR_MODEL_CLIENTS[this.resource.toString()].splice(index, 1);

				// Still clients around, thereby do not dispose yet
				if (!force && FileEditorInput.FILE_EDITOR_MODEL_CLIENTS[this.resource.toString()].length > 0) {

				// We typically never want to dispose a file editor model because this means loosing undo/redo history.
				// For that, we will keep the model around unless someone forces a dispose on the input. A forced dispose
				// can happen when the model has not been used for a while or was changed outside the application which
				// means loosing the undo redo history anyways.
				if (!force) {

				// Dispose for real


	public matches(otherInput: any): boolean {
		if (super.matches(otherInput) === true) {
			return true;

		if (otherInput) {

			// Note that we can not test for the mime type here because we cache resolved file editor input models by resource. And
			// these models have a fixed mode association that can not be changed afterwards. As such, we always treat this input
			// equal if the resource is equal so that there is always just one text editor model (with undo hisotry etc.) around.
			return otherInput instanceof FileEditorInput && (<FileEditorInput>otherInput).resource.toString() === this.resource.toString();

		return false;

	 * Exposed so that other internal file API can access the list of all file editor inputs
	 * that have been loaded during the session.
	public static getAll(desiredFileOrFolderResource: URI): FileEditorInput[] {
		let inputsContainingResource: FileEditorInput[] = [];

		let clients = FileEditorInput.FILE_EDITOR_MODEL_CLIENTS;
		for (let resource in clients) {
			let inputs = clients[resource];

			// Check if path is identical or path is a folder that the content is inside
			if (paths.isEqualOrParent(resource, desiredFileOrFolderResource.toString())) {

		return inputsContainingResource;