fileService.ts 7.6 KB
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Erich Gamma 已提交
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 *  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
 *  Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';

import nls = require('vs/nls');
import {TPromise, Promise} from 'vs/base/common/winjs.base';
import paths = require('vs/base/common/paths');
import platform = require('vs/base/common/platform');
import encoding = require('vs/base/common/bits/encoding');
import errors = require('vs/base/common/errors');
import strings = require('vs/base/common/strings');
import uri from 'vs/base/common/uri';
import timer = require('vs/base/common/timer');
import files = require('vs/platform/files/common/files');
import {FileService as NodeFileService, IFileServiceOptions, IEncodingOverride} from 'vs/workbench/services/files/node/fileService';
import {IConfigurationService, IConfigurationServiceEvent, ConfigurationServiceEventTypes} from 'vs/platform/configuration/common/configuration';
import {IEventService} from 'vs/platform/event/common/event';
import {IWorkspaceContextService} from 'vs/platform/workspace/common/workspace';

import remote = require('remote');

const Shell = remote.require('shell');

export class FileService implements files.IFileService {
	public serviceId = files.IFileService;

	private raw: TPromise<files.IFileService>;

	private configurationChangeListenerUnbind: () => void;

		private configurationService: IConfigurationService,
		private eventService: IEventService,
		private contextService: IWorkspaceContextService
	) {

		// Init raw implementation
		this.raw = this.configurationService.loadConfiguration().then((configuration: files.IFilesConfiguration) => {

			// adjust encodings (TODO@Ben knowledge on settings location ('.vscode') is hardcoded)
			let encodingOverride: IEncodingOverride[] = [];
			encodingOverride.push({ resource: uri.file(this.contextService.getConfiguration().env.appSettingsHome), encoding: encoding.UTF8 });
			if (this.contextService.getWorkspace()) {
				encodingOverride.push({ resource: uri.file(paths.join(this.contextService.getWorkspace().resource.fsPath, '.vscode')), encoding: encoding.UTF8 });

			let doNotWatch = ['**/.git/objects/**']; 	// this folder does the heavy duty for git and we don't need to watch it
Erich Gamma 已提交
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			if (platform.isLinux) {
				doNotWatch.push('**/node_modules/**'); 	// Linux does not have a good watching implementation, so we exclude more

			// build config
			let fileServiceConfig: IFileServiceOptions = {
				errorLogger: (msg: string) => errors.onUnexpectedError(msg),
				encoding: configuration.files && configuration.files.encoding,
				encodingOverride: encodingOverride,
				watcherIgnoredPatterns: doNotWatch,
				verboseLogging: this.contextService.getConfiguration().env.verboseLogging

			// create service
			let workspace = this.contextService.getWorkspace();
Benjamin Pasero 已提交
			return new NodeFileService(workspace ? workspace.resource.fsPath : void 0, this.eventService, fileServiceConfig);
Erich Gamma 已提交
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		// Listeners
		this.raw.done((raw) => {
		}, errors.onUnexpectedError);

	private registerListeners(): void {

		// Config Changes
		this.configurationChangeListenerUnbind = this.configurationService.addListener(ConfigurationServiceEventTypes.UPDATED, (e: IConfigurationServiceEvent) => this.onConfigurationChange(e.config));

	private onConfigurationChange(configuration: files.IFilesConfiguration): void {

	public updateOptions(options: any): void {
		this.raw.done((raw) => {
		}, errors.onUnexpectedError);

	public resolveFile(resource: uri, options?: files.IResolveFileOptions): TPromise<files.IFileStat> {
		return this.raw.then((raw) => {
			return raw.resolveFile(resource, options);

	public resolveContent(resource: uri, options?: files.IResolveContentOptions): TPromise<files.IContent> {
		let contentId = resource.toString();
		let timerEvent = timer.start(timer.Topic.WORKBENCH, strings.format('Load {0}', contentId));

		return this.raw.then((raw) => {
			return raw.resolveContent(resource, options).then((result) => {

				return result;

	public resolveContents(resources: uri[]): TPromise<files.IContent[]> {
		return this.raw.then((raw) => {
			return raw.resolveContents(resources);

	public updateContent(resource: uri, value: string, options?: files.IUpdateContentOptions): TPromise<files.IFileStat> {
		let timerEvent = timer.start(timer.Topic.WORKBENCH, strings.format('Save {0}', resource.toString()));

		return this.raw.then((raw) => {
			return raw.updateContent(resource, value, options).then((result) => {

				return result;
			}, (error) => {

				return Promise.wrapError(error);

	public moveFile(source: uri, target: uri, overwrite?: boolean): TPromise<files.IFileStat> {
		return this.raw.then((raw) => {
			return raw.moveFile(source, target, overwrite);

	public copyFile(source: uri, target: uri, overwrite?: boolean): TPromise<files.IFileStat> {
		return this.raw.then((raw) => {
			return raw.copyFile(source, target, overwrite);

	public createFile(resource: uri, content?: string): TPromise<files.IFileStat> {
		return this.raw.then((raw) => {
			return raw.createFile(resource, content);

	public createFolder(resource: uri): TPromise<files.IFileStat> {
		return this.raw.then((raw) => {
			return raw.createFolder(resource);

	public rename(resource: uri, newName: string): TPromise<files.IFileStat> {
		return this.raw.then((raw) => {
			return raw.rename(resource, newName);

	public del(resource: uri, useTrash?: boolean): TPromise<void> {
		if (useTrash) {
			return this.doMoveItemToTrash(resource);

		return this.raw.then((raw) => {
			return raw.del(resource);

	private doMoveItemToTrash(resource: uri): Promise {
		let workspace = this.contextService.getWorkspace();
		if (!workspace) {
			return Promise.wrapError('Need a workspace to use this');

		let absolutePath = resource.fsPath;

		let result = Shell.moveItemToTrash(absolutePath);
		if (!result) {
			return TPromise.wrapError(new Error(nls.localize('trashFailed', "Failed to move '{0}' to the trash", paths.basename(absolutePath))));


	public importFile(source: uri, targetFolder: uri): TPromise<files.IImportResult> {
		return this.raw.then((raw) => {
			return raw.importFile(source, targetFolder).then((result) => {
				return <files.IImportResult> {
					isNew: result && result.isNew,
					stat: result && result.stat

	public watchFileChanges(resource: uri): void {
		if (!resource) {

		if (resource.scheme !== 'file') {
			return; // only support files

		// return early if the resource is inside the workspace for which we have another watcher in place
		if (this.contextService.isInsideWorkspace(resource)) {

		this.raw.then((raw) => {

	public unwatchFileChanges(resource: uri): void;
	public unwatchFileChanges(path: string): void;
	public unwatchFileChanges(arg1: any): void {
		this.raw.then((raw) => {

	public dispose(): void {

		// Listeners
		if (this.configurationChangeListenerUnbind) {
			this.configurationChangeListenerUnbind = null;

		// Dispose service
		this.raw.done((raw) => raw.dispose());