main.contribution.ts 25.2 KB
Newer Older
Erich Gamma 已提交
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
 *  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
 *  Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.

'use strict';

Johannes Rieken 已提交
import { Registry } from 'vs/platform/platform';
Erich Gamma 已提交
import nls = require('vs/nls');
import product from 'vs/platform/node/product';
import * as os from 'os';
Johannes Rieken 已提交
12 13 14 15
import { SyncActionDescriptor } from 'vs/platform/actions/common/actions';
import { IConfigurationRegistry, Extensions as ConfigurationExtensions } from 'vs/platform/configuration/common/configurationRegistry';
import { IWorkbenchActionRegistry, Extensions } from 'vs/workbench/common/actionRegistry';
import { KeyMod, KeyChord, KeyCode } from 'vs/base/common/keyCodes';
import { isWindows, isLinux, isMacintosh } from 'vs/base/common/platform';
Benjamin Pasero 已提交
import { CloseEditorAction, KeybindingsReferenceAction, OpenDocumentationUrlAction, OpenIntroductoryVideosUrlAction, ReportIssueAction, ReportPerformanceIssueAction, ZoomResetAction, ZoomOutAction, ZoomInAction, ToggleFullScreenAction, ToggleMenuBarAction, CloseFolderAction, CloseWindowAction, SwitchWindow, NewWindowAction, CloseMessagesAction, NavigateUpAction, NavigateDownAction, NavigateLeftAction, NavigateRightAction, IncreaseViewSizeAction, DecreaseViewSizeAction, ShowStartupPerformance, ToggleSharedProcessAction, QuickSwitchWindow, QuickOpenRecentAction } from 'vs/workbench/electron-browser/actions';
import { MessagesVisibleContext } from 'vs/workbench/electron-browser/workbench';
import { IJSONSchema } from 'vs/base/common/jsonSchema';
import { registerCommands } from 'vs/workbench/electron-browser/commands';
Erich Gamma 已提交

22 23
// Contribute Commands

Erich Gamma 已提交
25 26
// Contribute Global Actions
const viewCategory = nls.localize('view', "View");
Benjamin Pasero 已提交
const helpCategory = nls.localize('help', "Help");
Benjamin Pasero 已提交
const fileCategory = nls.localize('file', "File");
Benjamin Pasero 已提交
const workbenchActionsRegistry =<IWorkbenchActionRegistry>(Extensions.WorkbenchActions);
30 31
workbenchActionsRegistry.registerWorkbenchAction(new SyncActionDescriptor(NewWindowAction, NewWindowAction.ID, NewWindowAction.LABEL, { primary: KeyMod.CtrlCmd | KeyMod.Shift | KeyCode.KEY_N }), 'New Window');
workbenchActionsRegistry.registerWorkbenchAction(new SyncActionDescriptor(CloseWindowAction, CloseWindowAction.ID, CloseWindowAction.LABEL, { primary: KeyMod.CtrlCmd | KeyMod.Shift | KeyCode.KEY_W }), 'Close Window');
Benjamin Pasero 已提交
32 33 34
workbenchActionsRegistry.registerWorkbenchAction(new SyncActionDescriptor(SwitchWindow, SwitchWindow.ID, SwitchWindow.LABEL, { primary: null, mac: { primary: KeyMod.WinCtrl | KeyCode.KEY_W } }), 'Switch Window...');
workbenchActionsRegistry.registerWorkbenchAction(new SyncActionDescriptor(QuickSwitchWindow, QuickSwitchWindow.ID, QuickSwitchWindow.LABEL), 'Quick Switch Window...');
workbenchActionsRegistry.registerWorkbenchAction(new SyncActionDescriptor(QuickOpenRecentAction, QuickOpenRecentAction.ID, QuickOpenRecentAction.LABEL), 'File: Quick Open Recent...', fileCategory);
Alex Dima 已提交
workbenchActionsRegistry.registerWorkbenchAction(new SyncActionDescriptor(CloseFolderAction, CloseFolderAction.ID, CloseFolderAction.LABEL, { primary: KeyChord(KeyMod.CtrlCmd | KeyCode.KEY_K, KeyCode.KEY_F) }), 'File: Close Folder', fileCategory);
Benjamin Pasero 已提交
36 37
if (!!product.reportIssueUrl) {
	workbenchActionsRegistry.registerWorkbenchAction(new SyncActionDescriptor(ReportIssueAction, ReportIssueAction.ID, ReportIssueAction.LABEL), 'Help: Report Issues', helpCategory);
	workbenchActionsRegistry.registerWorkbenchAction(new SyncActionDescriptor(ReportPerformanceIssueAction, ReportPerformanceIssueAction.ID, ReportPerformanceIssueAction.LABEL), 'Help: Report Performance Issue', helpCategory);
Benjamin Pasero 已提交
if (KeybindingsReferenceAction.AVAILABLE) {
Christof Marti 已提交
	workbenchActionsRegistry.registerWorkbenchAction(new SyncActionDescriptor(KeybindingsReferenceAction, KeybindingsReferenceAction.ID, KeybindingsReferenceAction.LABEL, { primary: KeyChord(KeyMod.CtrlCmd | KeyCode.KEY_K, KeyMod.CtrlCmd | KeyCode.KEY_R) }), 'Help: Keyboard Shortcuts Reference', helpCategory);
Christof Marti 已提交
43 44 45
if (OpenDocumentationUrlAction.AVAILABLE) {
	workbenchActionsRegistry.registerWorkbenchAction(new SyncActionDescriptor(OpenDocumentationUrlAction, OpenDocumentationUrlAction.ID, OpenDocumentationUrlAction.LABEL), 'Help: Documentation', helpCategory);
46 47 48
if (OpenIntroductoryVideosUrlAction.AVAILABLE) {
	workbenchActionsRegistry.registerWorkbenchAction(new SyncActionDescriptor(OpenIntroductoryVideosUrlAction, OpenIntroductoryVideosUrlAction.ID, OpenIntroductoryVideosUrlAction.LABEL), 'Help: Introductory Videos', helpCategory);
49 50 51 52 53
	new SyncActionDescriptor(ZoomInAction, ZoomInAction.ID, ZoomInAction.LABEL, {
		primary: KeyMod.CtrlCmd | KeyCode.US_EQUAL,
		secondary: [KeyMod.CtrlCmd | KeyMod.Shift | KeyCode.US_EQUAL, KeyMod.CtrlCmd | KeyCode.NUMPAD_ADD]
	}), 'View: Zoom In', viewCategory);
54 55 56
	new SyncActionDescriptor(ZoomOutAction, ZoomOutAction.ID, ZoomOutAction.LABEL, {
		primary: KeyMod.CtrlCmd | KeyCode.US_MINUS,
57 58
		secondary: [KeyMod.CtrlCmd | KeyMod.Shift | KeyCode.US_MINUS, KeyMod.CtrlCmd | KeyCode.NUMPAD_SUBTRACT],
		linux: { primary: KeyMod.CtrlCmd | KeyCode.US_MINUS, secondary: [KeyMod.CtrlCmd | KeyCode.NUMPAD_SUBTRACT] }
59 60
	}), 'View: Zoom Out', viewCategory
61 62 63 64 65
	new SyncActionDescriptor(ZoomResetAction, ZoomResetAction.ID, ZoomResetAction.LABEL, {
		primary: KeyMod.CtrlCmd | KeyCode.NUMPAD_0
	}), 'View: Reset Zoom', viewCategory
Alex Dima 已提交
workbenchActionsRegistry.registerWorkbenchAction(new SyncActionDescriptor(CloseMessagesAction, CloseMessagesAction.ID, CloseMessagesAction.LABEL, { primary: KeyCode.Escape, secondary: [KeyMod.Shift | KeyCode.Escape] }, MessagesVisibleContext), 'Close Notification Messages');
workbenchActionsRegistry.registerWorkbenchAction(new SyncActionDescriptor(CloseEditorAction, CloseEditorAction.ID, CloseEditorAction.LABEL, { primary: KeyMod.CtrlCmd | KeyCode.KEY_W, win: { primary: KeyMod.CtrlCmd | KeyCode.F4, secondary: [KeyMod.CtrlCmd | KeyCode.KEY_W] } }), 'View: Close Editor', viewCategory);
workbenchActionsRegistry.registerWorkbenchAction(new SyncActionDescriptor(ToggleFullScreenAction, ToggleFullScreenAction.ID, ToggleFullScreenAction.LABEL, { primary: KeyCode.F11, mac: { primary: KeyMod.CtrlCmd | KeyMod.WinCtrl | KeyCode.KEY_F } }), 'View: Toggle Full Screen', viewCategory);
if (isWindows || isLinux) {
	workbenchActionsRegistry.registerWorkbenchAction(new SyncActionDescriptor(ToggleMenuBarAction, ToggleMenuBarAction.ID, ToggleMenuBarAction.LABEL), 'View: Toggle Menu Bar', viewCategory);
72 73 74 75
workbenchActionsRegistry.registerWorkbenchAction(new SyncActionDescriptor(NavigateUpAction, NavigateUpAction.ID, NavigateUpAction.LABEL, null), 'View: Move to the View Above', viewCategory);
workbenchActionsRegistry.registerWorkbenchAction(new SyncActionDescriptor(NavigateDownAction, NavigateDownAction.ID, NavigateDownAction.LABEL, null), 'View: Move to the View Below', viewCategory);
workbenchActionsRegistry.registerWorkbenchAction(new SyncActionDescriptor(NavigateLeftAction, NavigateLeftAction.ID, NavigateLeftAction.LABEL, null), 'View: Move to the View on the Left', viewCategory);
workbenchActionsRegistry.registerWorkbenchAction(new SyncActionDescriptor(NavigateRightAction, NavigateRightAction.ID, NavigateRightAction.LABEL, null), 'View: Move to the View on the Right', viewCategory);
Erich Gamma 已提交

77 78
workbenchActionsRegistry.registerWorkbenchAction(new SyncActionDescriptor(IncreaseViewSizeAction, IncreaseViewSizeAction.ID, IncreaseViewSizeAction.LABEL, null), 'View: Increase Current View Size', viewCategory);
workbenchActionsRegistry.registerWorkbenchAction(new SyncActionDescriptor(DecreaseViewSizeAction, DecreaseViewSizeAction.ID, DecreaseViewSizeAction.LABEL, null), 'View: Decrease Current View Size', viewCategory);

80 81 82 83 84
// Developer related actions
const developerCategory = nls.localize('developer', "Developer");
workbenchActionsRegistry.registerWorkbenchAction(new SyncActionDescriptor(ShowStartupPerformance, ShowStartupPerformance.ID, ShowStartupPerformance.LABEL), 'Developer: Startup Performance', developerCategory);
workbenchActionsRegistry.registerWorkbenchAction(new SyncActionDescriptor(ToggleSharedProcessAction, ToggleSharedProcessAction.ID, ToggleSharedProcessAction.LABEL), 'Developer: Toggle Shared Process', developerCategory);

// Configuration: Workbench
Benjamin Pasero 已提交
const configurationRegistry =<IConfigurationRegistry>(ConfigurationExtensions.Configuration);
87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125

let workbenchProperties: { [path: string]: IJSONSchema; } = {
	'workbench.editor.showTabs': {
		'type': 'boolean',
		'description': nls.localize('showEditorTabs', "Controls if opened editors should show in tabs or not."),
		'default': true
	'workbench.editor.tabCloseButton': {
		'type': 'string',
		'enum': ['left', 'right', 'off'],
		'default': 'right',
		'description': nls.localize({ comment: ['This is the description for a setting. Values surrounded by single quotes are not to be translated.'], key: 'editorTabCloseButton' }, "Controls the position of the editor's tabs close buttons or disables them when set to 'off'.")
	'workbench.editor.showIcons': {
		'type': 'boolean',
		'description': nls.localize('showIcons', "Controls if opened editors should show with an icon or not. This requires an icon theme to be enabled as well."),
		'default': true
	'workbench.editor.enablePreview': {
		'type': 'boolean',
		'description': nls.localize('enablePreview', "Controls if opened editors show as preview. Preview editors are reused until they are kept (e.g. via double click or editing)."),
		'default': true
	'workbench.editor.enablePreviewFromQuickOpen': {
		'type': 'boolean',
		'description': nls.localize('enablePreviewFromQuickOpen', "Controls if opened editors from Quick Open show as preview. Preview editors are reused until they are kept (e.g. via double click or editing)."),
		'default': true
	'workbench.editor.openPositioning': {
		'type': 'string',
		'enum': ['left', 'right', 'first', 'last'],
		'default': 'right',
		'description': nls.localize({ comment: ['This is the description for a setting. Values surrounded by single quotes are not to be translated.'], key: 'editorOpenPositioning' }, "Controls where editors open. Select 'left' or 'right' to open editors to the left or right of the current active one. Select 'first' or 'last' to open editors independently from the currently active one.")
	'workbench.editor.revealIfOpen': {
		'type': 'boolean',
		'description': nls.localize('revealIfOpen', "Controls if an editor is revealed in any of the visible groups if opened. If disabled, an editor will prefer to open in the currently active editor group. If enabled, an already opened editor will be revealed instead of opened again in the currently active editor group. Note that there are some cases where this setting is ignored, e.g. when forcing an editor to open in a specific group or to the side of the currently active group."),
		'default': false
126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135
	'workbench.commandPalette.history': {
		'type': 'number',
		'description': nls.localize('commandHistory', "Controls if the number of recently used commands to keep in history for the command palette. Set to 0 to disable command history."),
		'default': 50
	'workbench.commandPalette.preserveInput': {
		'type': 'boolean',
		'description': nls.localize('preserveInput', "Controls if the last typed input to the command palette should be restored when opening it the next time."),
		'default': false
136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177
	'workbench.quickOpen.closeOnFocusLost': {
		'type': 'boolean',
		'description': nls.localize('closeOnFocusLost', "Controls if Quick Open should close automatically once it loses focus."),
		'default': true
	'workbench.settings.openDefaultSettings': {
		'type': 'boolean',
		'description': nls.localize('openDefaultSettings', "Controls if opening settings also opens an editor showing all default settings."),
		'default': true
	'workbench.sideBar.location': {
		'type': 'string',
		'enum': ['left', 'right'],
		'default': 'left',
		'description': nls.localize('sideBarLocation', "Controls the location of the sidebar. It can either show on the left or right of the workbench.")
	'workbench.statusBar.visible': {
		'type': 'boolean',
		'default': true,
		'description': nls.localize('statusBarVisibility', "Controls the visibility of the status bar at the bottom of the workbench.")
	'workbench.activityBar.visible': {
		'type': 'boolean',
		'default': true,
		'description': nls.localize('activityBarVisibility', "Controls the visibility of the activity bar in the workbench.")
	'workbench.editor.closeOnFileDelete': {
		'type': 'boolean',
		'description': nls.localize('closeOnFileDelete', "Controls if editors showing a file should close automatically when the file is deleted or renamed by some other process. Disabling this will keep the editor open as dirty on such an event. Note that deleting from within the application will always close the editor and that dirty files will never close to preserve your data."),
		'default': true

if (isMacintosh) {
	workbenchProperties['workbench.editor.swipeToNavigate'] = {
		'type': 'boolean',
		'description': nls.localize('swipeToNavigate', "Navigate between open files using three-finger swipe horizontally."),
		'default': false

178 179 180 181 182
	'id': 'workbench',
	'order': 7,
	'title': nls.localize('workbenchConfigurationTitle', "Workbench"),
	'type': 'object',
	'properties': workbenchProperties
184 185


// Configuration: Window
188 189
let properties: { [path: string]: IJSONSchema; } = {
	'window.openFilesInNewWindow': {
190 191
		'type': 'string',
		'enum': ['on', 'off', 'default'],
		'enumDescriptions': [
193 194 195
			nls.localize({ comment: ['This is the description for a setting. Values surrounded by single quotes are not to be translated.'], key: 'window.openFilesInNewWindow.on' }, "Files will open in a new window"),
			nls.localize({ comment: ['This is the description for a setting. Values surrounded by single quotes are not to be translated.'], key: '' }, "Files will open in the window with the files' folder open or the last active window"),
			nls.localize({ comment: ['This is the description for a setting. Values surrounded by single quotes are not to be translated.'], key: 'window.openFilesInNewWindow.default' }, "Files will open in the window with the files' folder open or the last active window unless opened via the dock or from finder (macOS only)")
		'default': 'off',
198 199
chrmarti 已提交
200 201
			`Controls if files should open in a new window.
- default: files will open in the window with the files' folder open or the last active window unless opened via the dock or from finder (macOS only)
- on: files will open in a new window
chrmarti 已提交
- off: files will open in the window with the files' folder open or the last active window
Note that there can still be cases where this setting is ignored (e.g. when using the -new-window or -reuse-window command line option).`
	'window.openFoldersInNewWindow': {
208 209
		'type': 'string',
		'enum': ['on', 'off', 'default'],
		'enumDescriptions': [
211 212 213
			nls.localize({ comment: ['This is the description for a setting. Values surrounded by single quotes are not to be translated.'], key: 'window.openFoldersInNewWindow.on' }, "Folders will open in a new window"),
			nls.localize({ comment: ['This is the description for a setting. Values surrounded by single quotes are not to be translated.'], key: '' }, "Folders will replace the last active window"),
			nls.localize({ comment: ['This is the description for a setting. Values surrounded by single quotes are not to be translated.'], key: 'window.openFoldersInNewWindow.default' }, "Folders will open in a new window unless a folder is picked from within the application (e.g. via the File menu)")
215 216
		'default': 'default',
		'description': nls.localize('openFoldersInNewWindow',
Benjamin Pasero 已提交
			`Controls if folders should open in a new window or replace the last active window.
218 219
- default: folders will open in a new window unless a folder is picked from within the application (e.g. via the File menu)
- on: folders will open in a new window
Benjamin Pasero 已提交
- off: folders will replace the last active window
221 222
Note that there can still be cases where this setting is ignored (e.g. when using the -new-window or -reuse-window command line option).`
223 224 225 226
	'window.reopenFolders': {
		'type': 'string',
		'enum': ['none', 'one', 'all'],
		'enumDescriptions': [
228 229 230
			nls.localize({ comment: ['This is the description for a setting. Values surrounded by single quotes are not to be translated.'], key: 'window.reopenFolders.none' }, "Never reopen a folder."),
			nls.localize({ comment: ['This is the description for a setting. Values surrounded by single quotes are not to be translated.'], key: '' }, "Reopen the last active folder."),
			nls.localize({ comment: ['This is the description for a setting. Values surrounded by single quotes are not to be translated.'], key: 'window.reopenFolders.all' }, "Reopen all folders of the last session."),
232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244
		'default': 'one',
		'description': nls.localize('reopenFolders', "Controls how folders are being reopened after a restart. Select 'none' to never reopen a folder, 'one' to reopen the last folder you worked on or 'all' to reopen all folders of your last session.")
	'window.restoreFullscreen': {
		'type': 'boolean',
		'default': false,
		'description': nls.localize('restoreFullscreen', "Controls if a window should restore to full screen mode if it was exited in full screen mode.")
	'window.zoomLevel': {
		'type': 'number',
		'default': 0,
		'description': nls.localize('zoomLevel', "Adjust the zoom level of the window. The original size is 0 and each increment above (e.g. 1) or below (e.g. -1) represents zooming 20% larger or smaller. You can also enter decimals to adjust the zoom level with a finer granularity.")
245 246
	'window.title': {
		'type': 'string',
Benjamin Pasero 已提交
		'default': isMacintosh ? '${activeEditorShort}${separator}${rootName}' : '${dirty}${activeEditorShort}${separator}${rootName}${separator}${appName}',
Benjamin Pasero 已提交
		'description': nls.localize({ comment: ['This is the description for a setting. Values surrounded by parenthesis are not to be translated.'], key: 'title' },
			`Controls the window title based on the active editor. Variables are substituted based on the context:
Benjamin Pasero 已提交
250 251 252
\${activeEditorShort}: e.g. myFile.txt
\${activeEditorMedium}: e.g. myFolder/myFile.txt
\${activeEditorLong}: e.g. /Users/Development/myProject/myFolder/myFile.txt
253 254 255 256 257
\${rootName}: e.g. myProject
\${rootPath}: e.g. /Users/Development/myProject
\${appName}: e.g. VS Code
\${dirty}: a dirty indicator if the active editor is dirty
\${separator}: a conditional separator (" - ") that only shows when surrounded by variables with values`)
258 259 260 261
	'window.newWindowDimensions': {
		'type': 'string',
		'enum': ['default', 'inherit', 'maximized', 'fullscreen'],
		'enumDescriptions': [
263 264 265 266
			nls.localize({ comment: ['This is the description for a setting. Values surrounded by single quotes are not to be translated.'], key: 'window.newWindowDimensions.default' }, "Open new windows in the center of the screen."),
			nls.localize({ comment: ['This is the description for a setting. Values surrounded by single quotes are not to be translated.'], key: 'window.newWindowDimensions.inherit' }, "Open new windows with same dimension as last active one."),
			nls.localize({ comment: ['This is the description for a setting. Values surrounded by single quotes are not to be translated.'], key: 'window.newWindowDimensions.maximized' }, "Open new windows maximized."),
			nls.localize({ comment: ['This is the description for a setting. Values surrounded by single quotes are not to be translated.'], key: 'window.newWindowDimensions.fullscreen' }, "Open new windows in full screen mode.")
		'default': 'default',
Benjamin Pasero 已提交
		'description': nls.localize('newWindowDimensions', "Controls the dimensions of opening a new window when at least one window is already opened. By default, a new window will open in the center of the screen with small dimensions. When set to 'inherit', the window will get the same dimensions as the last window that was active. When set to 'maximized', the window will open maximized and fullscreen if configured to 'fullscreen'. Note that this setting does not have an impact on the first window that is opened. The first window will always restore the size and location as you left it before closing.")
271 272

if (isWindows || isLinux) {
274 275
	properties['window.menuBarVisibility'] = {
		'type': 'string',
		'enum': ['default', 'visible', 'toggle', 'hidden'],
		'enumDescriptions': [
278 279 280 281
			nls.localize({ comment: ['This is the description for a setting. Values surrounded by single quotes are not to be translated.'], key: 'window.menuBarVisibility.default' }, "Menu is only hidden in full screen mode."),
			nls.localize({ comment: ['This is the description for a setting. Values surrounded by single quotes are not to be translated.'], key: 'window.menuBarVisibility.visible' }, "Menu is always visible even in full screen mode."),
			nls.localize({ comment: ['This is the description for a setting. Values surrounded by single quotes are not to be translated.'], key: 'window.menuBarVisibility.toggle' }, "Menu is hidden but can be displayed via Alt key."),
			nls.localize({ comment: ['This is the description for a setting. Values surrounded by single quotes are not to be translated.'], key: 'window.menuBarVisibility.hidden' }, "Menu is always hidden.")
283 284
		'default': 'default',
		'description': nls.localize('menuBarVisibility', "Control the visibility of the menu bar. A setting of 'toggle' means that the menu bar is hidden and a single press of the Alt key will show it. By default, the menu bar will be visible, unless the window is full screen.")
286 287 288 289 290
	properties['window.enableMenuBarMnemonics'] = {
		'type': 'boolean',
		'default': true,
		'description': nls.localize('enableMenuBarMnemonics', "If enabled, the main menus can be opened via Alt-key shortcuts. Disabling mnemonics allows to bind these Alt-key shortcuts to editor commands instead.")

if (isWindows) {
294 295 296
	properties['window.autoDetectHighContrast'] = {
		'type': 'boolean',
		'default': true,
297 298
		'description': nls.localize('autoDetectHighContrast', "If enabled, will automatically change to high contrast theme if Windows is using a high contrast theme, and to dark theme when switching away from a Windows high contrast theme."),
299 300

if (isMacintosh) {
302 303 304 305 306 307
	properties['window.titleBarStyle'] = {
		'type': 'string',
		'enum': ['native', 'custom'],
		'default': 'custom',
		'description': nls.localize('titleBarStyle', "Adjust the appearance of the window title bar. Changes require a full restart to apply.")

Benjamin Pasero 已提交
309 310
	// macOS Sierra (10.12.x = darwin 16.x) and electron > 1.4.6 only
	if (os.release().indexOf('16.') === 0 && process.versions.electron !== '1.4.6') {
311 312 313 314 315 316
		properties['window.nativeTabs'] = {
			'type': 'boolean',
			'default': false,
			'description': nls.localize('window.nativeTabs', "Enables macOS Sierra window tabs. Note that changes require a full restart to apply and that native tabs will disable a custom title bar style if configured.")
317 318

Erich Gamma 已提交
319 320
	'id': 'window',
	'order': 8,
	'title': nls.localize('windowConfigurationTitle', "Window"),
Erich Gamma 已提交
	'type': 'object',
	'properties': properties
isidor 已提交
326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347

// Configuration: Zen Mode
	'id': 'zenMode',
	'order': 9,
	'title': nls.localize('zenModeConfigurationTitle', "Zen Mode"),
	'type': 'object',
	'properties': {
		'zenMode.fullScreen': {
			'type': 'boolean',
			'default': true,
			'description': nls.localize('zenMode.fullScreen', "Controls if turning on Zen Mode also puts the workbench into full screen mode.")
		'zenMode.hideTabs': {
			'type': 'boolean',
			'default': true,
			'description': nls.localize('zenMode.hideTabs', "Controls if turning on Zen Mode also hides workbench tabs.")
		'zenMode.hideStatusBar': {
			'type': 'boolean',
			'default': true,
			'description': nls.localize('zenMode.hideStatusBar', "Controls if turning on Zen Mode also hides the status bar at the bottom of the workbench.")
isidor 已提交
349 350 351
		'zenMode.hideActivityBar': {
			'type': 'boolean',
			'default': true,
isidor 已提交
			'description': nls.localize('zenMode.hideActivityBar', "Controls if turning on Zen Mode also hides the activity bar at the left of the workbench.")
isidor 已提交
354 355 356 357
		'zenMode.restore': {
			'type': 'boolean',
			'default': false,
			'description': nls.localize('zenMode.restore', "Controls if a window should restore to zen mode if it was exited in zen mode.")
isidor 已提交
358 359
360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388

// Configuration: Workspace
	'id': 'workspace',
	'order': 10000,
	'title': nls.localize('workspaceConfigurationTitle', "Workspace"),
	'type': 'object',
	'properties': {
		'workspace': {
			'type': 'array',
			'title': nls.localize('workspaces.title', "Folder configuration of the workspace"),
			'items': {
				'required': ['path'],
				'type': 'object',
				'defaultSnippets': [{ 'body': { 'path': '$1', 'folders': ['$2'] } }],
				'properties': {
					'path': {
						'type': 'string',
						'description': nls.localize('workspaces.path', "Path of the folder to configure folders for"),
					'folders': {
						'description': nls.localize('workspaces.additionalFolders', "Folders of this workspace"),
						'type': 'array'