quickOpen.ts 2.2 KB
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Erich Gamma 已提交
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 *  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
 *  Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';

import {Keybinding} from 'vs/base/common/keyCodes';

export interface IQuickNavigateConfiguration {
	keybindings: Keybinding[];

export interface IAutoFocus {

	 * The index of the element to focus in the result list.
	autoFocusIndex?: number;

	 * If set to true, will automatically select the first entry from the result list.
	autoFocusFirstEntry?: boolean;

	 * If set to true, will automatically select the second entry from the result list.
	autoFocusSecondEntry?: boolean;

Pascal Borreli 已提交
	 * If set to true, will automatically select any entry whose label starts with the search
Erich Gamma 已提交
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	 * value. Since some entries to the top might match the query but not on the prefix, this
	 * allows to select the most accurate match (matching the prefix) while still showing other
	 * elements.
	autoFocusPrefixMatch?: string;

export enum Mode {

export interface IContext {
	event: any;
	quickNavigateConfiguration: IQuickNavigateConfiguration;

export interface IDataSource<T> {
	getId(entry: T): string;
	getLabel(entry: T): string;

Joao Moreno 已提交
 * See vs/base/parts/tree/browser/tree.ts - IRenderer
Erich Gamma 已提交
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export interface IRenderer<T> {
	getHeight(entry: T): number;
	getTemplateId(entry: T): string;
	renderTemplate(templateId: string, container: HTMLElement): any;
	renderElement(entry: T, templateId: string, templateData: any): void;
	disposeTemplate(templateId: string, templateData: any): void;

export interface IFilter<T> {
	isVisible(entry: T): boolean;

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export interface IAccessiblityProvider<T> {
	getAriaLabel(entry: T): string;

Erich Gamma 已提交
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export interface IRunner<T> {
	run(entry: T, mode: Mode, context: IContext): boolean;

export interface IModel<T> {
	entries: T[];
	dataSource: IDataSource<T>;
	renderer: IRenderer<T>;
	runner: IRunner<T>;
	filter?: IFilter<T>;
	accessibilityProvider?: IAccessiblityProvider<T>;
Erich Gamma 已提交