tokenClassificationRegistry.ts 15.4 KB
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 *  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
 *  Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.

import * as platform from 'vs/platform/registry/common/platform';
import { Color } from 'vs/base/common/color';
import { ITheme } from 'vs/platform/theme/common/themeService';
import * as nls from 'vs/nls';
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import { Extensions as JSONExtensions, IJSONContributionRegistry } from 'vs/platform/jsonschemas/common/jsonContributionRegistry';
import { RunOnceScheduler } from 'vs/base/common/async';
import { Event, Emitter } from 'vs/base/common/event';
import { IJSONSchema, IJSONSchemaMap } from 'vs/base/common/jsonSchema';
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//  ------ API types

export const TOKEN_TYPE_WILDCARD = '*';
export const TOKEN_TYPE_WILDCARD_NUM = -1;

// qualified string [type|*](.modifier)*
export type TokenClassificationString = string;

export interface TokenClassification {
	type: number;
	modifiers: number;

export interface TokenTypeOrModifierContribution {
	readonly num: number;
	readonly id: string;
	readonly description: string;
	readonly deprecationMessage: string | undefined;

export interface TokenStyleData {
	foreground?: Color;
	bold?: boolean;
	underline?: boolean;
	italic?: boolean;

export class TokenStyle implements Readonly<TokenStyleData> {
		public readonly foreground?: Color,
		public readonly bold?: boolean,
		public readonly underline?: boolean,
		public readonly italic?: boolean,
	) {

export namespace TokenStyle {
	export function fromData(data: { foreground?: Color, bold?: boolean, underline?: boolean, italic?: boolean }) {
		return new TokenStyle(data.foreground, data.bold, data.underline, data.italic);

export type ProbeScope = string[];

export interface TokenStyleFunction {
	(theme: ITheme): TokenStyle | undefined;

export interface TokenStyleDefaults {
	scopesToProbe: ProbeScope[];
	light: TokenStyleValue | null;
	dark: TokenStyleValue | null;
	hc: TokenStyleValue | null;

export interface TokenStylingDefaultRule {
	classification: TokenClassification;
	matchScore: number;
	defaults: TokenStyleDefaults;

export interface TokenStylingRule {
	classification: TokenClassification;
	matchScore: number;
	value: TokenStyle;

 * A TokenStyle Value is either a token style literal, or a TokenClassificationString
export type TokenStyleValue = TokenStyle | TokenClassificationString;

// TokenStyle registry
export const Extensions = {
	TokenClassificationContribution: 'base.contributions.tokenClassification'

export interface ITokenClassificationRegistry {

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	readonly onDidChangeSchema: Event<void>;

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	 * Register a token type to the registry.
	 * @param id The TokenType id as used in theme description files
	 * @description the description
	registerTokenType(id: string, description: string): void;

	 * Register a token modifier to the registry.
	 * @param id The TokenModifier id as used in theme description files
	 * @description the description
	registerTokenModifier(id: string, description: string): void;

	getTokenClassification(type: string, modifiers: string[]): TokenClassification | undefined;

	getTokenStylingRule(classification: TokenClassification, value: TokenStyle): TokenStylingRule;
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	 * Register a TokenStyle default to the registry.
	 * @param selector The rule selector
	 * @param defaults The default values
	registerTokenStyleDefault(selector: TokenClassification, defaults: TokenStyleDefaults): void;

	 * Deregister a TokenType from the registry.
	deregisterTokenType(id: string): void;

	 * Deregister a TokenModifier from the registry.
	deregisterTokenModifier(id: string): void;

	 * Get all TokenType contributions
	getTokenTypes(): TokenTypeOrModifierContribution[];

	 * Get all TokenModifier contributions
	getTokenModifiers(): TokenTypeOrModifierContribution[];

	 * The styling rules to used when a schema does not define any styling rules.
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	getTokenStylingDefaultRules(): TokenStylingDefaultRule[];
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	 * JSON schema for an object to assign styling to token classifications
	getTokenStylingSchema(): IJSONSchema;
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class TokenClassificationRegistry implements ITokenClassificationRegistry {

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	private readonly _onDidChangeSchema = new Emitter<void>();
	readonly onDidChangeSchema: Event<void> = this._onDidChangeSchema.event;

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	private currentTypeNumber = 0;
	private currentModifierBit = 1;

	private tokenTypeById: { [key: string]: TokenTypeOrModifierContribution };
	private tokenModifierById: { [key: string]: TokenTypeOrModifierContribution };

	private tokenStylingDefaultRules: TokenStylingDefaultRule[] = [];

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	private tokenStylingSchema: IJSONSchema & { properties: IJSONSchemaMap } = {
		type: 'object',
		properties: {},
		additionalProperties: getStylingSchemeEntry(),
171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199
		definitions: {
			style: {
				type: 'object',
				description: nls.localize('schema.token.settings', 'Colors and styles for the token.'),
				properties: {
					foreground: {
						type: 'string',
						description: nls.localize('schema.token.foreground', 'Foreground color for the token.'),
						format: 'color-hex',
						default: '#ff0000'
					background: {
						type: 'string',
						deprecationMessage: nls.localize('schema.token.background.warning', 'Token background colors are currently not supported.')
					fontStyle: {
						type: 'string',
						description: nls.localize('schema.token.fontStyle', 'Font style of the rule: \'italic\', \'bold\' or \'underline\', \'-italic\', \'-bold\' or \'-underline\'or a combination. The empty string unsets inherited settings.'),
						pattern: '^(\\s*(-?italic|-?bold|-?underline))*\\s*$',
						patternErrorMessage: nls.localize('schema.fontStyle.error', 'Font style must be \'italic\', \'bold\' or \'underline\' to set a style or \'-italic\', \'-bold\' or \'-underline\' to unset or a combination. The empty string unsets all styles.'),
						defaultSnippets: [{ label: nls.localize('schema.token.fontStyle.none', 'None (clear inherited style)'), bodyText: '""' }, { body: 'italic' }, { body: 'bold' }, { body: 'underline' }, { body: '-italic' }, { body: '-bold' }, { body: '-underline' }, { body: 'italic bold' }, { body: 'italic underline' }, { body: 'bold underline' }, { body: 'italic bold underline' }]
				additionalProperties: false,
				defaultSnippets: [{ body: { foreground: '${1:#FF0000}', fontStyle: '${2:bold}' } }]

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	constructor() {
		this.tokenTypeById = {};
		this.tokenModifierById = {};

		this.tokenTypeById[TOKEN_TYPE_WILDCARD] = { num: TOKEN_TYPE_WILDCARD_NUM, id: TOKEN_TYPE_WILDCARD, description: '', deprecationMessage: undefined };

	public registerTokenType(id: string, description: string, deprecationMessage?: string): void {
		const num = this.currentTypeNumber++;
		let tokenStyleContribution: TokenTypeOrModifierContribution = { num, id, description, deprecationMessage };
		this.tokenTypeById[id] = tokenStyleContribution;
211 212[id] = getStylingSchemeEntry(description, deprecationMessage);
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	public registerTokenModifier(id: string, description: string, deprecationMessage?: string): void {
		const num = this.currentModifierBit;
		this.currentModifierBit = this.currentModifierBit * 2;
		let tokenStyleContribution: TokenTypeOrModifierContribution = { num, id, description, deprecationMessage };
		this.tokenModifierById[id] = tokenStyleContribution;
220 221[`*.${id}`] = getStylingSchemeEntry(description, deprecationMessage);
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	public getTokenClassification(type: string, modifiers: string[]): TokenClassification | undefined {
		const tokenTypeDesc = this.tokenTypeById[type];
		if (!tokenTypeDesc) {
			return undefined;
		let allModifierBits = 0;
		for (const modifier of modifiers) {
			const tokenModifierDesc = this.tokenModifierById[modifier];
			if (tokenModifierDesc) {
				allModifierBits |= tokenModifierDesc.num;
		return { type: tokenTypeDesc.num, modifiers: allModifierBits };

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	public getTokenStylingRule(classification: TokenClassification, value: TokenStyle): TokenStylingRule {
		return { classification, matchScore: getTokenStylingScore(classification), value };
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	public registerTokenStyleDefault(classification: TokenClassification, defaults: TokenStyleDefaults): void {
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		this.tokenStylingDefaultRules.push({ classification, matchScore: getTokenStylingScore(classification), defaults });
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	public deregisterTokenType(id: string): void {
		delete this.tokenTypeById[id];
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	public deregisterTokenModifier(id: string): void {
		delete this.tokenModifierById[id];
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	public getTokenTypes(): TokenTypeOrModifierContribution[] {
		return Object.keys(this.tokenTypeById).map(id => this.tokenTypeById[id]);

	public getTokenModifiers(): TokenTypeOrModifierContribution[] {
		return Object.keys(this.tokenModifierById).map(id => this.tokenModifierById[id]);

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	public getTokenStylingSchema(): IJSONSchema {
		return this.tokenStylingSchema;

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	public getTokenStylingDefaultRules(): TokenStylingDefaultRule[] {
		return this.tokenStylingDefaultRules;
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	public toString() {
		let sorter = (a: string, b: string) => {
			let cat1 = a.indexOf('.') === -1 ? 0 : 1;
			let cat2 = b.indexOf('.') === -1 ? 0 : 1;
			if (cat1 !== cat2) {
				return cat1 - cat2;
			return a.localeCompare(b);

		return Object.keys(this.tokenTypeById).sort(sorter).map(k => `- \`${k}\`: ${this.tokenTypeById[k].description}`).join('\n');


export function matchTokenStylingRule(themeSelector: TokenStylingRule | TokenStylingDefaultRule, classification: TokenClassification): number {
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	const selectorType = themeSelector.classification.type;
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	if (selectorType !== TOKEN_TYPE_WILDCARD_NUM && selectorType !== classification.type) {
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		return -1;
	const selectorModifier = themeSelector.classification.modifiers;
	if ((classification.modifiers & selectorModifier) !== selectorModifier) {
		return -1;
	return themeSelector.matchScore;

const tokenClassificationRegistry = new TokenClassificationRegistry();
platform.Registry.add(Extensions.TokenClassificationContribution, tokenClassificationRegistry);

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export function registerTokenType(id: string, description: string, scopesToProbe: ProbeScope[] = [], extendsTC: string | null = null, deprecationMessage?: string): string {
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	tokenClassificationRegistry.registerTokenType(id, description, deprecationMessage);

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	if (scopesToProbe || extendsTC) {
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		const classification = tokenClassificationRegistry.getTokenClassification(id, []);
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		tokenClassificationRegistry.registerTokenStyleDefault(classification!, { scopesToProbe, light: extendsTC, dark: extendsTC, hc: extendsTC });
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	return id;

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export function registerTokenModifier(id: string, description: string, deprecationMessage?: string): string {
	tokenClassificationRegistry.registerTokenModifier(id, description, deprecationMessage);
	return id;

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export function getTokenClassificationRegistry(): ITokenClassificationRegistry {
	return tokenClassificationRegistry;

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// default token types

registerTokenType('comment', nls.localize('comment', "Style for comments."), [['comment']]);
registerTokenType('string', nls.localize('string', "Style for strings."), [['string']]);
registerTokenType('keyword', nls.localize('keyword', "Style for keywords."), [['keyword.control']]);
registerTokenType('number', nls.localize('number', "Style for numbers."), [['constant.numeric']]);
registerTokenType('regexp', nls.localize('regexp', "Style for expressions."), [['constant.regexp']]);
registerTokenType('operator', nls.localize('operator', "Style for operators."), [['keyword.operator']]);

registerTokenType('namespace', nls.localize('namespace', "Style for namespaces."), [['']]);

registerTokenType('type', nls.localize('type', "Style for types."), [[''], [''], ['support.type'], ['support.class']]);
registerTokenType('struct', nls.localize('struct', "Style for structs."), [['storage.type.struct']], 'type');
registerTokenType('class', nls.localize('class', "Style for classes."), [['']], 'type');
registerTokenType('interface', nls.localize('interface', "Style for interfaces."), undefined, 'type');
registerTokenType('enum', nls.localize('enum', "Style for enums."), undefined, 'type');
registerTokenType('parameterType', nls.localize('parameterType', "Style for parameter types."), undefined, 'type');

registerTokenType('function', nls.localize('function', "Style for functions"), [[''], ['support.function']]);
registerTokenType('macro', nls.localize('macro', "Style for macros."), undefined, 'function');

registerTokenType('variable', nls.localize('variable', "Style for variables."), [['variable'], ['']]);
registerTokenType('constant', nls.localize('constant', "Style for constants."), undefined, 'variable');
registerTokenType('parameter', nls.localize('parameter', "Style for parameters."), undefined, 'variable');
registerTokenType('property', nls.localize('propertie', "Style for properties."), undefined, 'variable');

registerTokenType('label', nls.localize('labels', "Style for labels. "), undefined);

// default token modifiers

registerTokenModifier('declaration', nls.localize('declaration', "Style for all symbol declarations."), undefined);
registerTokenModifier('documentation', nls.localize('documentation', "Style to use for references in documentation."), undefined);
registerTokenModifier('member', nls.localize('member', "Style to use for member functions, variables (fields) and types."), undefined);
registerTokenModifier('static', nls.localize('static', "Style to use for symbols that are static."), undefined);
registerTokenModifier('abstract', nls.localize('abstract', "Style to use for symbols that are abstract."), undefined);
registerTokenModifier('deprecated', nls.localize('deprecated', "Style to use for symbols that are deprecated."), undefined);
registerTokenModifier('modification', nls.localize('modification', "Style to use for write accesses."), undefined);
registerTokenModifier('async', nls.localize('async', "Style to use for symbols that are async."), undefined);

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function bitCount(u: number) {
	const uCount = u - ((u >> 1) & 0o33333333333) - ((u >> 2) & 0o11111111111);
	return ((uCount + (uCount >> 3)) & 0o30707070707) % 63;
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function getTokenStylingScore(classification: TokenClassification) {
	return bitCount(classification.modifiers) + ((classification.type !== TOKEN_TYPE_WILDCARD_NUM) ? 1 : 0);

function getStylingSchemeEntry(description?: string, deprecationMessage?: string): IJSONSchema {
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	return {
		defaultSnippets: [{ body: '${1:#ff0000}' }],
		anyOf: [
				type: 'string',
				format: 'color-hex'
				$ref: '#definitions/style'

export const tokenStylingSchemaId = 'vscode://schemas/token-styling';

let schemaRegistry =<IJSONContributionRegistry>(JSONExtensions.JSONContribution);
schemaRegistry.registerSchema(tokenStylingSchemaId, tokenClassificationRegistry.getTokenStylingSchema());

const delayer = new RunOnceScheduler(() => schemaRegistry.notifySchemaChanged(tokenStylingSchemaId), 200);
tokenClassificationRegistry.onDidChangeSchema(() => {
	if (!delayer.isScheduled()) {