vscode.proposed.d.ts 3.8 KB
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 *  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
 *  Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.

// This is the place for API experiments and proposal.

declare module 'vscode' {

	export namespace window {

		export function sampleFunction(): Thenable<any>;
Pine Wu 已提交

	export namespace window {
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		 * Register a [TreeExplorerNodeProvider](#TreeExplorerNodeProvider).
		 * @param providerId A unique id that identifies the provider.
		 * @param provider A [TreeExplorerNodeProvider](#TreeExplorerNodeProvider).
		 * @return A [disposable](#Disposable) that unregisters this provider when being disposed.
		export function registerTreeExplorerNodeProvider(providerId: string, provider: TreeExplorerNodeProvider<any>): Disposable;

	 * A node provider for a tree explorer contribution.
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	 * Providers are registered through (#window.registerTreeExplorerNodeProvider) with a
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	 * `providerId` that corresponds to the `treeExplorerNodeProviderId` in the extension's
	 * `contributes.explorer` section.
	 * The contributed tree explorer will ask the corresponding provider to provide the root
	 * node and resolve children for each node. In addition, the provider could **optionally**
	 * provide the following information for each node:
	 * - label: A human-readable label used for rendering the node.
	 * - hasChildren: Whether the node has children and is expandable.
	 * - clickCommand: A command to execute when the node is clicked.
	export interface TreeExplorerNodeProvider<T> {

		 * Provide the root node. This function will be called when the tree explorer is activated
		 * for the first time. The root node is hidden and its direct children will be displayed on the first level of
		 * the tree explorer.
		 * @return The root node.
		provideRootNode(): T | Thenable<T>;

		 * Resolve the children of `node`.
		 * @param node The node from which the provider resolves children.
		 * @return Children of `node`.
		resolveChildren(node: T): T[] | Thenable<T[]>;

		 * Provide a human-readable string that will be used for rendering the node. Default to use
		 * `node.toString()` if not provided.
		 * @param node The node from which the provider computes label.
		 * @return A human-readable label.
		getLabel?(node: T): string;

		 * Determine if `node` has children and is expandable. Default to `true` if not provided.
		 * @param node The node to determine if it has children and is expandable.
		 * @return A boolean that determines if `node` has children and is expandable.
		getHasChildren?(node: T): boolean;

		 * Get the command to execute when `node` is clicked.
		 * Commands can be registered through [registerCommand](#commands.registerCommand). `node` will be provided
		 * as the first argument to the command's callback function.
		 * @param node The node that the command is associated with.
		 * @return The command to execute when `node` is clicked.
		getClickCommand?(node: T): string;
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	export interface SCMResource {
		uri: Uri;
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	export interface SCMResourceGroup {
		resources: SCMResource[];

	export interface SCMProvider {
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		commitCommand?: string;
		clickCommand?: string;
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		dragCommand?: string;
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		resourceGroups: SCMResourceGroup[];
		onDidChangeResourceGroup: Event<SCMResourceGroup>;
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		getOriginalResource?(uri: Uri, token: CancellationToken): Uri | Thenable<Uri>;
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	export namespace scm {
		export const onDidChangeActiveProvider: Event<SCMProvider>;
		export let activeProvider: SCMProvider | undefined;
		export function registerSCMProvider(id: string, provider: SCMProvider): Disposable;
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