json.ts 6.9 KB
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 *  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
 *  Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';

import EditorCommon = require('vs/editor/common/editorCommon');
import Modes = require('vs/editor/common/modes');
import Network = require('vs/base/common/network');
import WinJS = require('vs/base/common/winjs.base');
import supports = require('vs/editor/common/modes/supports');
import Platform = require('vs/platform/platform');
import nls = require('vs/nls');
import jsonWorker = require('vs/languages/json/common/jsonWorker');
import jsonSchema = require('vs/base/common/jsonSchema');
import tokenization = require('vs/languages/json/common/features/tokenization');
import jsonSchemaService = require('vs/languages/json/common/jsonSchemaService');
import {AbstractMode, createWordRegExp} from 'vs/editor/common/modes/abstractMode';
import {OneWorkerAttr, AllWorkersAttr} from 'vs/platform/thread/common/threadService';
import {IThreadService, IThreadSynchronizableObject} from 'vs/platform/thread/common/thread';
import {AsyncDescriptor2, createAsyncDescriptor2} from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/descriptors';
import {OnEnterSupport} from 'vs/editor/common/modes/supports/onEnter';
import {IJSONContributionRegistry, Extensions, ISchemaContributions} from 'vs/languages/json/common/jsonContributionRegistry';
import {IInstantiationService} from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/instantiation';

export class JSONMode extends AbstractMode<jsonWorker.JSONWorker> implements Modes.IExtraInfoSupport, Modes.IOutlineSupport, IThreadSynchronizableObject<ISchemaContributions> {

	public tokenizationSupport: Modes.ITokenizationSupport;
	public electricCharacterSupport: Modes.IElectricCharacterSupport;
	public characterPairSupport: Modes.ICharacterPairSupport;

	public extraInfoSupport: Modes.IExtraInfoSupport;
	public outlineSupport: Modes.IOutlineSupport;
	public formattingSupport: Modes.IFormattingSupport;

	public suggestSupport: Modes.ISuggestSupport;

	public outlineGroupLabel : { [name: string]: string; };

	public onEnterSupport: Modes.IOnEnterSupport;

		@IInstantiationService instantiationService: IInstantiationService,
		@IThreadService threadService: IThreadService
	) {
		super(descriptor, instantiationService, threadService);

		this.tokenizationSupport = tokenization.createTokenizationSupport(this, true);
		this.electricCharacterSupport = new supports.BracketElectricCharacterSupport(this, { brackets: [
			{ tokenType:'delimiter.bracket.json', open: '{', close: '}', isElectric: true },
			{ tokenType:'delimiter.array.json', open: '[', close: ']', isElectric: true }
		] });

		this.extraInfoSupport = this;

		// Initialize Outline support
		this.outlineSupport = this;
		this.outlineGroupLabel = Object.create(null);
		this.outlineGroupLabel['object'] = nls.localize('object', "objects");
		this.outlineGroupLabel['array'] = nls.localize('array', "arrays");
		this.outlineGroupLabel['string'] = nls.localize('string', "strings");
		this.outlineGroupLabel['number'] = nls.localize('number', "numbers");
		this.outlineGroupLabel['boolean'] = nls.localize('boolean', "booleans");
		this.outlineGroupLabel['null'] = nls.localize('undefined', "undefined");

		this.formattingSupport = this;

		this.characterPairSupport = new supports.CharacterPairSupport(this, {
				[	{ open: '{', close: '}', notIn: ['string'] },
					{ open: '[', close: ']', notIn: ['string'] },
					{ open: '"', close: '"', notIn: ['string'] }

		this.suggestSupport = new supports.SuggestSupport(this, {
			triggerCharacters: [],
			excludeTokens: ['comment.line.json', 'comment.block.json'],
			suggest: (resource, position) => this.suggest(resource, position)});

		this.onEnterSupport = new OnEnterSupport(this.getId(), {
			brackets: [
				{ open: '{', close: '}' },
				{ open: '[', close: ']' }

	public creationDone(): void {
		if (this._threadService.isInMainThread) {
			// Configure all workers
			var contributionRegistry = <IJSONContributionRegistry> Platform.Registry.as(Extensions.JSONContribution);
			contributionRegistry.addRegistryChangedListener(e => {

	private getSchemaConfiguration() : ISchemaContributions {
		var contributionRegistry = <IJSONContributionRegistry> Platform.Registry.as(Extensions.JSONContribution);
		return contributionRegistry.getSchemaContributions();

	public getSerializableState(): ISchemaContributions {
		return this.getSchemaConfiguration();

	public setData(data:ISchemaContributions): void {
		// It is ok to not join the promise. Workers are managed using a special
		// worker promise and the next call to the worker will wait until this
		// call went through.
		this._worker((w) => w.setSchemaContributions(data));

	protected _getWorkerDescriptor(): AsyncDescriptor2<Modes.IMode, Modes.IWorkerParticipant[], jsonWorker.JSONWorker> {
		return createAsyncDescriptor2('vs/languages/json/common/jsonWorker', 'JSONWorker');

	static $_configureWorkerSchemas = AllWorkersAttr(JSONMode, JSONMode.prototype._configureWorkerSchemas);
	private _configureWorkerSchemas(data:ISchemaContributions): WinJS.TPromise<boolean> {
		return this._worker((w) => w.setSchemaContributions(data));

	static $computeInfo = OneWorkerAttr(JSONMode, JSONMode.prototype.computeInfo);
	public computeInfo(resource:Network.URL, position:EditorCommon.IPosition): WinJS.TPromise<Modes.IComputeExtraInfoResult> {
		return this._worker((w) => w.computeInfo(resource, position));

	static $getOutline = OneWorkerAttr(JSONMode, JSONMode.prototype.getOutline);
	public getOutline(resource:Network.URL):WinJS.TPromise<Modes.IOutlineEntry[]> {
		return this._worker((w) => w.getOutline(resource));

	static $formatDocument = OneWorkerAttr(JSONMode, JSONMode.prototype.formatDocument);
	public formatDocument(resource:Network.URL, options:Modes.IFormattingOptions):WinJS.TPromise<EditorCommon.ISingleEditOperation[]> {
		return this._worker((w) => w.format(resource, null, options));

	static $formatRange = OneWorkerAttr(JSONMode, JSONMode.prototype.formatRange);
	public formatRange(resource:Network.URL, range:EditorCommon.IRange, options:Modes.IFormattingOptions):WinJS.TPromise<EditorCommon.ISingleEditOperation[]> {
		return this._worker((w) => w.format(resource, range, options));

	public getCommentsConfiguration():Modes.ICommentsConfiguration {
		return {
			lineCommentTokens: ['//'],
			blockCommentStartToken: '/*',
			blockCommentEndToken: '*/'

	private static WORD_DEFINITION = createWordRegExp('.-');
	public getWordDefinition():RegExp {