提交 a216c03f 编写于 作者: A A. Unique TensorFlower 提交者: TensorFlower Gardener

Automated rollback of commit 0fd8d482

PiperOrigin-RevId: 257384893
上级 114b8e76
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ from __future__ import print_function
from absl.testing import parameterized
import numpy as np
from tensorflow.python.eager import backprop
from tensorflow.python.compat import compat
from tensorflow.python.eager import context
from tensorflow.python.framework import constant_op
from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes
......@@ -339,27 +339,15 @@ class GatherTest(test.TestCase, parameterized.TestCase):
def testBatchDims(self, params, indices, batch_dims, expected=None,
axis=None, expected_gradient_shape=None):
result = array_ops.gather(params, indices, axis=axis, batch_dims=batch_dims)
self.assertAllEqual(expected, result)
# Test the gradients shape.
if context.executing_eagerly():
with backprop.GradientTape() as tape:
zeros = array_ops.zeros_like(params, dtype=dtypes.float32)
values = zeros * 2 + zeros
result = array_ops.gather(
values, indices, axis=axis, batch_dims=batch_dims)
gradients = tape.gradient(result, zeros)
zeros = array_ops.zeros_like(params, dtype=dtypes.float32)
values = zeros * 2 + zeros
with compat.forward_compatibility_horizon(2019, 6, 11):
result = array_ops.gather(
values, indices, axis=axis, batch_dims=batch_dims)
gradients = gradients_impl.gradients(result, [zeros])[0]
params, indices, axis=axis, batch_dims=batch_dims)
self.assertAllEqual(array_ops.shape(params), array_ops.shape(gradients))
self.assertAllEqual(expected, result)
......@@ -455,6 +443,13 @@ class GatherTest(test.TestCase, parameterized.TestCase):
self.assertAllEqual(output_shape, result.shape.as_list())
self.assertAllEqual(expected, result)
with compat.forward_compatibility_horizon(2019, 6, 11):
result = array_ops.gather(
params, indices, axis=axis, batch_dims=batch_dims)
self.assertAllEqual(output_shape, result.shape.as_list())
self.assertAllEqual(expected, result)
def _batchNumpyGather(self, params, indices, axis, batch_dims):
"""Performs a batch gather by making recursive calls to np.take().
......@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import control_flow_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import control_flow_util
from tensorflow.python.ops import gen_array_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import gen_math_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import gen_resource_variable_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import sparse_ops
......@@ -478,61 +477,6 @@ def _GatherGrad(op, grad):
return [ops.IndexedSlices(values, indices, params_shape), None]
def _GetBatchIndices(params_shape, indices, batch_dims):
"""Addds the batch offsets to the given indices and returns the results."""
batch_indices = indices
indices_ndims = indices.shape.ndims
indices_dtype = indices.dtype.base_dtype
casted_params_shape = math_ops.cast(params_shape, indices_dtype)
accum_dim_value = array_ops.ones((), dtype=indices_dtype)
for dim in range(batch_dims, 0, -1):
dim_value = casted_params_shape[dim - 1]
accum_dim_value *= casted_params_shape[dim]
start = array_ops.zeros((), dtype=indices_dtype)
step = array_ops.ones((), dtype=indices_dtype)
dim_indices = math_ops.range(start, dim_value, step)
dim_indices *= accum_dim_value
dim_shape = array_ops.stack(
[1] * (dim - 1) + [dim_value] + [1] * (indices_ndims - dim), axis=0)
batch_indices += array_ops.reshape(dim_indices, dim_shape)
return batch_indices
def _BatchGatherGrad(
params_shape, values, indices, batch_dims, gather_dim_size):
"""Returns the gradient of GatherV2 with batch dimensions."""
# Axis is the first non-batch dimension.
indices_size = array_ops.expand_dims(array_ops.size(indices), 0)
if batch_dims:
values_shape = array_ops.shape(values)
# Add the batch offsets to indices and flatten the batch dimensions.
outer_shape = values_shape[:batch_dims]
inner_shape = values_shape[batch_dims:][1:]
batch_size = gen_math_ops.prod(outer_shape, [0], False)
flat_values_shape = array_ops.concat([[-1], inner_shape], 0)
gather_dim_size *= batch_size
indices = _GetBatchIndices(params_shape, indices, batch_dims)
with warnings.catch_warnings():
message="Converting sparse IndexedSlices to a dense Tensor.*")
values = array_ops.reshape(values, flat_values_shape)
indices = array_ops.reshape(indices, indices_size)
params_grad = math_ops.unsorted_segment_sum(values, indices, gather_dim_size)
if batch_dims:
# Put back the batch dimensions.
params_grad = array_ops.reshape(
params_grad, array_ops.concat([outer_shape, flat_values_shape], 0))
return params_grad
def _GatherV2Grad(op, grad):
"""Gradient for GatherV2 op."""
......@@ -551,10 +495,6 @@ def _GatherV2Grad(op, grad):
indices_size = array_ops.expand_dims(array_ops.size(indices), 0)
axis = op.inputs[2]
axis_static = tensor_util.constant_value(axis)
batch_dims = int(op.get_attr("batch_dims"))
if batch_dims < 0:
batch_dims += indices.shape.ndims
# For axis 0 gathers, build an appropriately shaped IndexedSlices.
if axis_static == 0:
......@@ -569,45 +509,44 @@ def _GatherV2Grad(op, grad):
message="Converting sparse IndexedSlices to a dense Tensor.*")
values = array_ops.reshape(grad, values_shape)
indices = array_ops.reshape(indices, indices_size)
params_grad = ops.IndexedSlices(values, indices, params_shape)
# Handle axis by transposing the axis dimension to be the first non-batch
# dimension, compute the gradiend and transpose the result back.
outer_shape = params_shape[:axis]
inner_shape = params_shape[axis:][1:]
values_shape = array_ops.concat([outer_shape, [-1], inner_shape], 0)
return [ops.IndexedSlices(values, indices, params_shape), None, None]
values_dims = array_ops.size(values_shape)
axis_dims = array_ops.size(outer_shape)
outer_shape = params_shape[:axis]
outer_dims = array_ops.size(outer_shape)
inner_shape = params_shape[axis:][1:]
inner_dims = array_ops.size(inner_shape)
outer_batches_indices = math_ops.range(batch_dims)
batch_axis_indices = math_ops.range(batch_dims, axis_dims)
inner_axes_indices = math_ops.range(axis_dims + 1, values_dims)
outer_axes_indices = math_ops.range(outer_dims)
inner_axes_indices = math_ops.range(outer_dims + 1,
outer_dims + 1 + inner_dims)
with warnings.catch_warnings():
message="Converting sparse IndexedSlices to a dense Tensor.*")
values = array_ops.reshape(grad, values_shape)
# Move values[axis] up to values[batch_dims]
transpose_dims = array_ops.concat(
[outer_batches_indices, [axis_dims], batch_axis_indices,
values_transpose = array_ops.transpose(values, transpose_dims)
params_grad = _BatchGatherGrad(params_shape, values_transpose, indices,
batch_dims, params_shape[axis])
# Inverts the above transpose by moving dimension batch_dims back to its
# original position.
invert_transpose_dims = array_ops.concat(
[outer_batches_indices, batch_axis_indices + 1, [batch_dims],
params_grad = array_ops.transpose(params_grad, invert_transpose_dims)
values_shape = array_ops.concat([outer_shape, indices_size, inner_shape], 0)
with warnings.catch_warnings():
message="Converting sparse IndexedSlices to a dense Tensor.*")
values = array_ops.reshape(grad, values_shape)
indices = array_ops.reshape(indices, indices_size)
# We need to sum up every slice `values[..., i, ....]` corresponding to
# `params[..., indices[i], ...]`. Since `unsorted_segment_sum` does not
# support an axis parameter, we transpose the gather dimension to the front,
# then use `unsorted_segment_sum` to build a
# [gather_axis, outer_axes, inner_axes] tensor with all the gradients
# affecting each index in `gather_axis` summed up.
transpose_dims = array_ops.concat(
[[outer_dims], outer_axes_indices, inner_axes_indices], 0)
values_transpose = array_ops.transpose(values, transpose_dims)
num_segments = params_shape[axis]
params_grad = math_ops.unsorted_segment_sum(values_transpose, indices,
# Inverts the above transpose by moving dimension 0 back to its original
# position.
invert_transpose_dims = array_ops.concat(
[outer_axes_indices + 1, [0], inner_axes_indices], 0)
params_grad = array_ops.transpose(params_grad, invert_transpose_dims)
return [params_grad, None, None]
......@@ -3807,19 +3807,36 @@ def gather(params,
A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `params`.
del validate_indices
if compat.forward_compatible(2019, 8, 10):
if axis is None:
axis = batch_dims
if axis != 0:
return gen_array_ops.gather_v2(
params, indices, axis, batch_dims=batch_dims, name=name)
# TODO(apassos) find a less bad way of detecting resource variables
# without introducing a circular dependency.
return params.sparse_read(indices, name=name)
except AttributeError:
return gen_array_ops.gather_v2(
params, indices, axis, name=name)
if batch_dims != 0:
with ops.name_scope(name, "Gather", [params, indices, axis]):
return _batch_gather(params, indices, batch_dims, axis)
if axis is None:
axis = batch_dims
if axis != 0:
return gen_array_ops.gather_v2(
params, indices, axis, batch_dims=batch_dims, name=name)
# Note that we do a sparse_read here to avoid snapshotting the entire
# resource variable and doing a gather, which can be inefficient and lead to
# subtle race conditions. TODO(apassos) implement axis != 0 on sparse_read
return gen_array_ops.gather_v2(params, indices, axis, name=name)
# TODO(apassos) find a less bad way of detecting resource variables
# without introducing a circular dependency.
# TODO(apassos) find a less bad way of detecting resource variables without
# introducing a circular dependency.
return params.sparse_read(indices, name=name)
except AttributeError:
return gen_array_ops.gather_v2(
params, indices, axis, name=name)
return gen_array_ops.gather_v2(params, indices, axis, name=name)
@tf_export("gather", v1=[])
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