提交 5daa70bf 编写于 作者: T TensorFlower Gardener

Merge pull request #30019 from candyzone:fix_restore_placement

PiperOrigin-RevId: 262939740
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ from __future__ import print_function
import six
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import io_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import state_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import variable_scope as vs
......@@ -116,9 +117,10 @@ def _set_checkpoint_initializer(variable, file_pattern, tensor_name, slice_spec,
name: Name of the operation.
base_type = variable.dtype.base_dtype
restore_op = io_ops.restore_v2(
file_pattern, [tensor_name], [slice_spec], [base_type], name=name)[0]
variable._initializer_op = state_ops.assign(variable, restore_op)
with ops.device(variable.device), ops.device("/cpu:0"):
restore_op = io_ops.restore_v2(
file_pattern, [tensor_name], [slice_spec], [base_type], name=name)[0]
variable._initializer_op = state_ops.assign(variable, restore_op)
def _set_variable_or_list_initializer(variable_or_list, file_pattern,
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