提交 dbda5305 编写于 作者: K kohsuke

implemented #151.

git-svn-id: https://hudson.dev.java.net/svn/hudson/trunk/hudson/main@1122 71c3de6d-444a-0410-be80-ed276b4c234a
上级 ca7d7a8d
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import hudson.tasks.BuildStep;
import hudson.tasks.Builder;
import hudson.tasks.Publisher;
import hudson.triggers.Trigger;
import hudson.triggers.Triggers;
import hudson.util.FormFieldValidator;
import hudson.util.XStream2;
import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem;
......@@ -721,6 +722,9 @@ public final class Hudson extends JobCollection implements Node {
for( Descriptor<SCM> scmd : SCMS.SCMS )
result &= scmd.configure(req);
for( Descriptor<Trigger> d : Triggers.TRIGGERS )
result &= d.configure(req);
rsp.sendRedirect("."); // go to the top page
......@@ -8,18 +8,23 @@ import hudson.model.Descriptor;
import hudson.model.Project;
import hudson.model.TaskListener;
import hudson.util.StreamTaskListener;
import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest;
* {@link Trigger} that checks for SCM updates periodically.
......@@ -27,21 +32,28 @@ import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest;
public class SCMTrigger extends Trigger {
* Non-null if the polling is in progress.
* If we'd like to run another polling run, this is set to true.
* <p>
* To avoid submitting more than one polling jobs (which could flood the queue),
* we first use the boolean flag.
* @guardedBy this
private transient boolean pollingScheduled;
* Non-null if the polling is in progress.
* @guardedBy this
* Signal to the polling thread to abort now.
private transient Thread pollingThread;
private transient boolean abortNow;
* Signal to the polling thread to abort now.
* Pending polling activity in progress.
* There's at most one polling activity per project at any given point.
* @guardedBy this
private transient boolean abortNow;
private transient Future<?> polling;
public SCMTrigger(String cronTabSpec) throws ANTLRException {
......@@ -64,11 +76,18 @@ public class SCMTrigger extends Trigger {
* Makes sure that the polling is aborted.
public synchronized void abort() throws InterruptedException {
if(pollingThread!=null && pollingThread.isAlive()) {
if(polling!=null && !polling.isDone()) {
System.out.println("killing polling");
abortNow = true;
try {
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to poll",e);
} catch (CancellationException e) {
// this is fine
abortNow = false;
......@@ -82,61 +101,14 @@ public class SCMTrigger extends Trigger {
if(b!=null && b.isBuilding())
return; // build in progress
if(pollingThread!=null && pollingThread.isAlive())
if(polling!=null && !polling.isDone())
return; // polling already in progress
return; // not scheduled
pollingScheduled = false;
pollingThread = new Thread() {
private boolean runPolling() {
try {
// to make sure that the log file contains up-to-date text,
// don't do buffering.
OutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(getLogFile());
TaskListener listener = new StreamTaskListener(fos);
try {
LOGGER.info("Polling SCM changes of "+project.getName());
PrintStream logger = listener.getLogger();
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
logger.println("Started on "+new Date().toLocaleString());
boolean result = project.pollSCMChanges(listener);
logger.println("Done. Took "+Util.getTimeSpanString(System.currentTimeMillis()-start));
logger.println("Changes found");
logger.println("No changes");
return result;
} finally {
} catch (IOException e) {
LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE,"Failed to record SCM polling",e);
return false;
public void run() {
boolean repeat;
do {
if(runPolling()) {
LOGGER.info("SCM changes detected in "+project.getName());
return; // terminate now
synchronized(SCMTrigger.this) {
repeat = pollingScheduled;
pollingScheduled = false;
} while(repeat);
polling = DESCRIPTOR.getExecutor().submit(new Runner());
......@@ -150,7 +122,24 @@ public class SCMTrigger extends Trigger {
public static final Descriptor<Trigger> DESCRIPTOR = new Descriptor<Trigger>(SCMTrigger.class) {
public static final DescriptorImpl DESCRIPTOR = new DescriptorImpl();
public static final class DescriptorImpl extends Descriptor<Trigger> {
* Used to control the execution of the polling tasks.
transient volatile ExecutorService executor;
DescriptorImpl() {
// create an executor
public ExecutorService getExecutor() {
return executor;
public String getDisplayName() {
return "Poll SCM";
......@@ -166,7 +155,51 @@ public class SCMTrigger extends Trigger {
throw new FormException(e.toString(),e,"scmpoll_spec");
* Gets the number of concurrent threads used for polling.
* @return
* 0 if unlimited.
public int getPollingThreadCount() {
String value = (String)getProperties().get("poll_scm_threads");
return 0;
return Integer.parseInt(value);
public void setPollingThreadCount(int n) {
* Update the {@link ExecutorService} instance.
/*package*/ synchronized void update(int n) {
// fool proof
if(n<0) n=0;
if(n>100) n=0;
// swap to a new one, and shut down the old one gradually
ExecutorService newExec = n==0 ? Executors.newCachedThreadPool() : Executors.newFixedThreadPool(n);
ExecutorService old = executor;
executor = newExec;
public boolean configure(HttpServletRequest req) throws FormException {
String t = req.getParameter("poll_scm_threads");
if(t==null || t.length()==0)
return super.configure(req);
* Action object for {@link Project}. Used to display the polling log.
......@@ -194,4 +227,56 @@ public class SCMTrigger extends Trigger {
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(SCMTrigger.class.getName());
* {@link Runnable} that actually performs polling.
private class Runner implements Runnable {
private boolean runPolling() {
try {
// to make sure that the log file contains up-to-date text,
// don't do buffering.
OutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(getLogFile());
TaskListener listener = new StreamTaskListener(fos);
try {
LOGGER.info("Polling SCM changes of "+project.getName());
PrintStream logger = listener.getLogger();
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
logger.println("Started on "+new Date().toLocaleString());
boolean result = project.pollSCMChanges(listener);
logger.println("Done. Took "+ Util.getTimeSpanString(System.currentTimeMillis()-start));
logger.println("Changes found");
logger.println("No changes");
return result;
} finally {
} catch (IOException e) {
LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE,"Failed to record SCM polling",e);
return false;
public void run() {
if(runPolling()) {
LOGGER.info("SCM changes detected in "+project.getName());
synchronized(SCMTrigger.this) {
return; // terminate now without queueing the next one.
if(pollingScheduled) {
// schedule a next run
polling = DESCRIPTOR.getExecutor().submit(new Runner());
pollingScheduled = false;
......@@ -118,7 +118,14 @@
<!-- build config pane -->
<!-- trigger config pane -->
<j:getStatic var="triggers" className="hudson.triggers.Triggers" field="TRIGGERS" />
<j:forEach var="idx" begin="0" end="${size(triggers)-1}">
<j:set var="descriptor" value="${triggers[idx]}" />
<st:include page="${descriptor.globalConfigPage}" from="${descriptor}"/>
<!-- builder config pane -->
<j:getStatic var="builds" className="hudson.tasks.BuildStep" field="BUILDERS" />
<j:forEach var="idx" begin="0" end="${size(builds)-1}">
<j:set var="descriptor" value="${builds[idx]}" />
......@@ -132,7 +139,7 @@
<st:include page="${descriptor.globalConfigPage}" from="${descriptor}"/>
<!-- build config pane -->
<!-- publisher config pane -->
<j:getStatic var="pubs" className="hudson.tasks.BuildStep" field="PUBLISHERS" />
<j:forEach var="idx" begin="0" end="${size(pubs)-1}">
<j:set var="descriptor" value="${pubs[idx]}" />
<j:jelly xmlns:j="jelly:core" xmlns:st="jelly:stapler" xmlns:d="jelly:define" xmlns:l="/lib/layout" xmlns:t="/lib/hudson" xmlns:f="/lib/form">
<j:if test="${app.jobs.size()>10}">
unless you have a fair number of projects, this option is likely pointless.
so let's hide this option for new users to avoid confusing them.
<f:section title="SCM Polling">
<f:entry title="Max # of concurrent polling"
<input class="setting-input" name="poll_scm_threads"
type="text" value="${h.ifThenElse(descriptor.pollingThreadCount==0,'',descriptor.pollingThreadCount)}"/>
\ No newline at end of file
<!-- nothing to configure -->
<j:jelly xmlns:j="jelly:core" />
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
If you use SCM polling to trigger a new build for a large number of projects,
you may want to limit the number of concurrent polling activities to avoid
overloading the server.
Setting a positive number sets the upper bound to the number of concurrent polling.
Leaving the field empty will make it unbounded.
\ No newline at end of file
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