提交 1f38518f 编写于 作者: K Kohsuke Kawaguchi

Fixing concurrency problems.

The following bug report from olamy made me look hard at the code, but I'm not spotting an obvious problem.
The binary search algorithm here seems to always satisfy the invariant of 0<=lo<=pivot<=hi<=size, so I can't understand how lo==size+1 at the end, for this to happen.

So the only thing I can think of is concurrency related, which is indeed buggy --- we are editing indices after they are set to instance fields, which violates the copy-on-write semantics. This commit fixes that.

Sep 21, 2012 9:38:35 PM jenkins.InitReactorRunner$1 onTaskFailed
SEVERE: Failed Loading job MahoutQM
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 1
	at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(ArrayList.java:604)
	at java.util.ArrayList.get(ArrayList.java:382)
	at jenkins.model.lazy.SortedList.get(SortedList.java:60)
	at jenkins.model.lazy.AbstractLazyLoadRunMap.search(AbstractLazyLoadRunMap.java:381)
	at jenkins.model.lazy.AbstractLazyLoadRunMap.newestBuild(AbstractLazyLoadRunMap.java:243)
	at hudson.model.AbstractProject.getLastBuild(AbstractProject.java:998)
	at hudson.maven.AbstractMavenProject.createTransientActions(AbstractMavenProject.java:184)
	at hudson.model.AbstractProject.updateTransientActions(AbstractProject.java:665)
	at hudson.maven.MavenModule.updateTransientActions(MavenModule.java:411)
	at hudson.model.AbstractProject.onLoad(AbstractProject.java:299)
	at hudson.maven.MavenModule.onLoad(MavenModule.java:236)
	at hudson.model.Items.load(Items.java:221)
	at hudson.model.ItemGroupMixIn.loadChildren(ItemGroupMixIn.java:99)
上级 de15893c
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ import static jenkins.model.lazy.Boundary.*;
* <p>
* Object lock of {@code this} is used to make sure mutation occurs sequentially.
* That is, ensure that only one thread is actually calling {@link #retrieve(File)} and
* updating {@link #byNumber} and {@link #byId}.
* updating {@link Index#byNumber} and {@link Index#byId}.
* @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi
* @since 1.LAZYLOAD
......@@ -103,16 +103,39 @@ public abstract class AbstractLazyLoadRunMap<R> extends AbstractMap<Integer,R> i
private boolean fullyLoaded;
* Stores the mapping from build number to build, for builds that are already loaded.
* Currently visible index.
* Updated atomically. Once set to this field, the index object may not be modified.
// copy on write
private volatile TreeMap<Integer,BuildReference<R>> byNumber = new TreeMap<Integer,BuildReference<R>>(COMPARATOR);
private volatile Index index = new Index();
* Stores the build ID to build number for builds that we already know
* Pair of two maps into a single class, so that the changes can be made visible atomically,
* and updates can happen concurrently to read.
* The idiom is that you put yourself in a synchronized block, {@linkplain #copy() make a copy of this},
* update the copy, then set it to {@link #index}.
// copy on write
private volatile TreeMap<String,BuildReference<R>> byId = new TreeMap<String,BuildReference<R>>();
private class Index {
* Stores the mapping from build number to build, for builds that are already loaded.
private final TreeMap<Integer,BuildReference<R>> byNumber;
* Stores the build ID to build number for builds that we already know
private final TreeMap<String,BuildReference<R>> byId;
private Index() {
byId = new TreeMap<String,BuildReference<R>>();
byNumber = new TreeMap<Integer,BuildReference<R>>(COMPARATOR);
private Index(Index rhs) {
byId = new TreeMap<String, BuildReference<R>>(rhs.byId);
byNumber = new TreeMap<Integer,BuildReference<R>>(rhs.byNumber);
* Build IDs found as directories, in the ascending order.
......@@ -178,7 +201,7 @@ public abstract class AbstractLazyLoadRunMap<R> extends AbstractMap<Integer,R> i
public boolean isEmpty() {
return byId.isEmpty() && search(Integer.MAX_VALUE, DESC)==null;
return index.byId.isEmpty() && search(Integer.MAX_VALUE, DESC)==null;
......@@ -190,7 +213,7 @@ public abstract class AbstractLazyLoadRunMap<R> extends AbstractMap<Integer,R> i
* Returns a read-only view of records that has already been loaded.
public SortedMap<Integer,R> getLoadedBuilds() {
return Collections.unmodifiableSortedMap(new BuildReferenceMapAdapter<R>(this,byNumber));
return Collections.unmodifiableSortedMap(new BuildReferenceMapAdapter<R>(this, index.byNumber));
......@@ -216,7 +239,7 @@ public abstract class AbstractLazyLoadRunMap<R> extends AbstractMap<Integer,R> i
assert i!=null;
return Collections.unmodifiableSortedMap(new BuildReferenceMapAdapter<R>(this,byNumber.subMap(fromKey, toKey)));
return Collections.unmodifiableSortedMap(new BuildReferenceMapAdapter<R>(this, index.byNumber.subMap(fromKey, toKey)));
public SortedMap<Integer, R> headMap(Integer toKey) {
......@@ -275,7 +298,7 @@ public abstract class AbstractLazyLoadRunMap<R> extends AbstractMap<Integer,R> i
* If DESC, finds the closest #M that satisfies M<=N.
public R search(final int n, final Direction d) {
Entry<Integer, BuildReference<R>> c = byNumber.ceilingEntry(n);
Entry<Integer, BuildReference<R>> c = index.byNumber.ceilingEntry(n);
if (c!=null && c.getKey()== n) {
R r = c.getValue().get();
if (r!=null)
......@@ -287,7 +310,7 @@ public abstract class AbstractLazyLoadRunMap<R> extends AbstractMap<Integer,R> i
{// check numberOnDisk as a cache to see if we can find it there
int npos = numberOnDisk.find(n);
if (npos>=0) {// found exact match
R r = load(numberOnDisk.get(npos), true);
R r = load(numberOnDisk.get(npos), null);
if (r!=null)
return r;
......@@ -331,14 +354,15 @@ public abstract class AbstractLazyLoadRunMap<R> extends AbstractMap<Integer,R> i
// so fall back to the slow search
// capture the snapshot and work off with it since it can be changed by other threads
// capture the snapshot and work off with it since it can be overwritten by other threads
SortedList<String> idOnDisk = this.idOnDisk;
boolean clonedIdOnDisk = false;
// slow path: we have to find the build from idOnDisk.
// first, narrow down the candidate IDs to try by using two known number-to-ID mapping
if (idOnDisk.isEmpty()) return null;
Entry<Integer, BuildReference<R>> f = byNumber.floorEntry(n);
Entry<Integer, BuildReference<R>> f = index.byNumber.floorEntry(n);
// if bound is null, use a sentinel value
String cid = c==null ? "\u0000" : c.getValue().id;
......@@ -349,15 +373,21 @@ public abstract class AbstractLazyLoadRunMap<R> extends AbstractMap<Integer,R> i
int lo = idOnDisk.higher(cid);
int hi = idOnDisk.lower(fid)+1;
// invariant: 0<=lo<=pivot<=hi<=idOnDisk.size()
int pivot;
while (true) {
pivot = (lo+hi)/2;
if (hi<=lo) break; // end of search
R r = load(idOnDisk.get(pivot), true);
R r = load(idOnDisk.get(pivot), null);
if (r==null) {
// this ID isn't valid. get rid of that and retry pivot
if (!clonedIdOnDisk) {// if we are making an edit, we need to own a copy
idOnDisk = new SortedList<String>(idOnDisk);
clonedIdOnDisk = true;
......@@ -370,6 +400,9 @@ public abstract class AbstractLazyLoadRunMap<R> extends AbstractMap<Integer,R> i
else hi = pivot; // the pivot was too big. look in the lower half
if (clonedIdOnDisk)
this.idOnDisk = idOnDisk; // feedback the modified result atomically
// didn't find the exact match
// 'pivot' points to the insertion point on idOnDisk
switch (d) {
......@@ -396,10 +429,11 @@ public abstract class AbstractLazyLoadRunMap<R> extends AbstractMap<Integer,R> i
public R getById(String id) {
if (byId.containsKey(id)) {
return unwrap(byId.get(id));
Index snapshot = index;
if (snapshot.byId.containsKey(id)) {
return unwrap(snapshot.byId.get(id));
return load(id,true);
return load(id,null);
public R getByNumber(int n) {
......@@ -415,10 +449,11 @@ public abstract class AbstractLazyLoadRunMap<R> extends AbstractMap<Integer,R> i
String id = getIdOf(r);
int n = getNumberOf(r);
Index copy = copy();
BuildReference<R> ref = createReference(r);
BuildReference<R> old = byId.put(id,ref);
BuildReference<R> old = copy.byId.put(id,ref);
index = copy;
search relies on the fact that every object added via
......@@ -448,13 +483,14 @@ public abstract class AbstractLazyLoadRunMap<R> extends AbstractMap<Integer,R> i
public synchronized void putAll(Map<? extends Integer,? extends R> rhs) {
Index copy = copy();
for (R r : rhs.values()) {
String id = getIdOf(r);
BuildReference<R> ref = createReference(r);
index = copy;
......@@ -470,37 +506,37 @@ public abstract class AbstractLazyLoadRunMap<R> extends AbstractMap<Integer,R> i
if (!fullyLoaded) {
synchronized (this) {
if (!fullyLoaded) {
Index copy = copy();
for (String id : idOnDisk) {
if (!byId.containsKey(id))
load(id,false); // copy() called above, so no need to copy inside
if (!copy.byId.containsKey(id))
index = copy;
fullyLoaded = true;
return byNumber;
return index.byNumber;
* Creates a duplicate for the COW data structure in preparation for mutation.
private void copy() {
byId = new TreeMap<String, BuildReference<R>>(byId);
byNumber = new TreeMap<Integer,BuildReference<R>>(byNumber);
private Index copy() {
return new Index(index);
* Tries to load the record #N by using the shortcut.
* @return null if the data failed to load.
protected R load(int n, boolean copy) {
protected R load(int n, Index editInPlace) {
R r = null;
File shortcut = new File(dir,String.valueOf(n));
if (shortcut.isDirectory()) {
synchronized (this) {
r = load(shortcut,copy);
r = load(shortcut,editInPlace);
// make sure what we actually loaded is #n,
// because the shortcuts can lie.
......@@ -519,21 +555,29 @@ public abstract class AbstractLazyLoadRunMap<R> extends AbstractMap<Integer,R> i
protected R load(String id, boolean copy) {
return load(new File(dir,id),copy);
protected R load(String id, Index editInPlace) {
return load(new File(dir,id),editInPlace);
protected synchronized R load(File dataDir, boolean copy) {
* @param editInPlace
* If non-null, update this data structure.
* Otherwise do a copy-on-write of {@link #index}
protected synchronized R load(File dataDir, Index editInPlace) {
try {
R r = retrieve(dataDir);
if (r==null) return null;
if (copy) copy();
Index copy = editInPlace!=null ? editInPlace : new Index(index);
String id = getIdOf(r);
BuildReference<R> ref = createReference(r);
if (editInPlace==null) index = copy;
return r;
} catch (IOException e) {
LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to load "+dataDir,e);
......@@ -570,9 +614,11 @@ public abstract class AbstractLazyLoadRunMap<R> extends AbstractMap<Integer,R> i
protected abstract R retrieve(File dir) throws IOException;
public synchronized boolean removeValue(R run) {
BuildReference<R> old = byId.remove(getIdOf(run));
Index copy = copy();
BuildReference<R> old = copy.byId.remove(getIdOf(run));
this.index = copy;
return unwrap(old)!=null;
......@@ -580,17 +626,15 @@ public abstract class AbstractLazyLoadRunMap<R> extends AbstractMap<Integer,R> i
* Replaces all the current loaded Rs with the given ones.
public synchronized void reset(TreeMap<Integer,R> builds) {
TreeMap<Integer, BuildReference<R>> byNumber = new TreeMap<Integer,BuildReference<R>>(COMPARATOR);
TreeMap<String, BuildReference<R>> byId = new TreeMap<String, BuildReference<R>>(COMPARATOR);
Index index = new Index();
for (R r : builds.values()) {
String id = getIdOf(r);
BuildReference<R> ref = createReference(r);
this.byNumber = byNumber;
this.byId = byId;
this.index = index;
......@@ -77,6 +77,9 @@ class SortedList<T extends Comparable<T>> extends AbstractList<T> {
* Finds the index of the entry lower than v.
* @return
* return value will be in the [-1,size) range
public int lower(T v) {
return Boundary.LOWER.apply(find(v));
......@@ -84,6 +87,9 @@ class SortedList<T extends Comparable<T>> extends AbstractList<T> {
* Finds the index of the entry greater than v.
* @return
* return value will be in the [0,size] range
public int higher(T v) {
return Boundary.HIGHER.apply(find(v));
......@@ -91,6 +97,9 @@ class SortedList<T extends Comparable<T>> extends AbstractList<T> {
* Finds the index of the entry lower or equal to v.
* @return
* return value will be in the [-1,size) range
public int floor(T v) {
return Boundary.FLOOR.apply(find(v));
......@@ -98,6 +107,9 @@ class SortedList<T extends Comparable<T>> extends AbstractList<T> {
* Finds the index of the entry greater or equal to v.
* @return
* return value will be in the [0,size] range
public int ceil(T v) {
return Boundary.CEIL.apply(find(v));
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