提交 3e2d059e 编写于 作者: 徐晓伟's avatar 徐晓伟

🎉 init docusaurus

上级 28fe3964
......@@ -31,3 +31,26 @@ build/
### VS Code ###
# Dependencies
# Production
# Generated files
# Misc
- build
# 代码同步
- sync
stage: sync
GIT_DEPTH: 0 # 取消浅层克隆
image: bitnami/git:2.40.1
stage: build
image: node:16.19.1
key: "${CI_JOB_NAME}"
- node_modules/
- git config --global user.email $GITLAB_USER_EMAIL
- git config --global user.name $GITLAB_USER_NAME
- git config --global user.email
- git config --global user.name
- echo 当前分支:$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH
- git checkout -b $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH
- git remote add gitee https://xuxiaowei-com-cn:$GITEE_PRIVATE_TOKEN@gitee.com/$CI_PROJECT_PATH.git
- git pull --progress -v --no-rebase gitee $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH || echo 远端不存在$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH分支
- git push -u gitee $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH
- npm run pre
- npm run build
- build/
# https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/yaml/index.html#rules
# 极狐GitLab中文文档:https://docs.gitlab.cn/jh/ci/yaml/index.html#rules
# 匹配以 dependabot 开头的分支
- if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH =~ /^dependabot*/
# 不执行
when: never
# 非 PR 时触发
retry: 2
# 允许失败
allow_failure: true
# PR 到 main 分支时预执行
# PR 合并到 main 后执行、推送到 main 分支时
- if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "main"
# PR 合并到 main 后执行、推送到 main 分支时
- if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "docusaurus"
stage: sync
GIT_DEPTH: 0 # 取消浅层克隆
image: bitnami/git:2.40.1
- git config --global user.email $GITLAB_USER_EMAIL
- git config --global user.name $GITLAB_USER_NAME
- git config --global user.email
- git config --global user.name
- echo 当前分支:$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH
- git checkout -b $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH
- git remote add gitcode https://qq_32596527:$GITCODE_PRIVATE_TOKEN@gitcode.net/$CI_PROJECT_PATH.git
- git pull --progress -v --no-rebase gitcode $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH || echo 远端不存在$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH分支
- git push -u gitcode $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH
# 匹配以 dependabot 开头的分支
- if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH =~ /^dependabot*/
# 不执行
when: never
# 非 PR 时触发
retry: 2
# 允许失败
allow_failure: true
stage: sync
GIT_DEPTH: 0 # 取消浅层克隆
image: bitnami/git:2.40.1
- mkdir -p ~/.ssh
# 为了让GitLab隐藏变量 GITLINK_ID_RSA,所以添加 GITLINK_ID_RSA 时,去掉了开头、结尾与换行
# 在此处添加开头与结尾(ssh 添加时必须包含)
- echo "-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----" >> ~/.ssh/gitlink_id_rsa
- echo "$GITLINK_ID_RSA" >> ~/.ssh/gitlink_id_rsa
- echo "-----END OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----" >> ~/.ssh/gitlink_id_rsa
- chmod 600 ~/.ssh/gitlink_id_rsa
- eval $(ssh-agent -s)
- ssh-add ~/.ssh/gitlink_id_rsa
- git config --global user.email $GITLAB_USER_EMAIL
- git config --global user.name $GITLAB_USER_NAME
- git config --global user.email
- git config --global user.name
- echo 当前分支:$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH
- git checkout -b $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH
- ssh-keyscan -H code.gitlink.org.cn >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
- git remote add gitlink git@code.gitlink.org.cn:$CI_PROJECT_PATH.git
- git pull --progress -v --no-rebase gitlink $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH || echo 远端不存在$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH分支
- git push -u gitlink $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH
# 匹配以 dependabot 开头的分支
- if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH =~ /^dependabot*/
# 不执行
when: never
# 非 PR 时触发
retry: 2
# 允许失败
allow_failure: true
stage: sync
GIT_DEPTH: 0 # 取消浅层克隆
image: bitnami/git:2.40.1
- git config --global user.email $GITLAB_USER_EMAIL
- git config --global user.name $GITLAB_USER_NAME
- git config --global user.email
- git config --global user.name
- echo 当前分支:$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH
- git checkout -b $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH
- git remote add gitlab https://xuxiaowei-com-cn:$GITLAB_PRIVATE_TOKEN@gitlab.com/$CI_PROJECT_PATH.git
- git pull --progress -v --no-rebase gitlab $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH || echo 远端不存在$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH分支
- git push -u gitlab $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH
# 匹配以 dependabot 开头的分支
- if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH =~ /^dependabot*/
# 不执行
when: never
# 非 PR 时触发
retry: 2
# 允许失败
allow_failure: true
stage: sync
GIT_DEPTH: 0 # 取消浅层克隆
image: bitnami/git:2.40.1
- git config --global user.email $GITLAB_USER_EMAIL
- git config --global user.name $GITLAB_USER_NAME
- git config --global user.email
- git config --global user.name
- echo 当前分支:$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH
- git checkout -b $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH
- git remote add github https://xuxiaowei-com-cn:$GITHUB_PRIVATE_TOKEN@github.com/$CI_PROJECT_PATH.git
- git pull --progress -v --no-rebase github $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH || echo 远端不存在$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH分支
- git push -u github $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH
# 匹配以 dependabot 开头的分支
- if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH =~ /^dependabot*/
# 不执行
when: never
# 非 PR 时触发
retry: 2
# 允许失败
allow_failure: true
# 嵌入
# 同步代码
- /sync.yml
# Website
This website is built using [Docusaurus 2](https://docusaurus.io/), a modern static website generator.
### Installation
$ yarn
### Local Development
$ yarn start
This command starts a local development server and opens up a browser window. Most changes are reflected live without having to restart the server.
### Build
$ yarn build
This command generates static content into the `build` directory and can be served using any static contents hosting service.
### Deployment
Using SSH:
$ USE_SSH=true yarn deploy
Not using SSH:
$ GIT_USER=<Your GitHub username> yarn deploy
If you are using GitHub pages for hosting, this command is a convenient way to build the website and push to the `gh-pages` branch.
module.exports = {
presets: [require.resolve('@docusaurus/core/lib/babel/preset')],
slug: first-blog-post
title: First Blog Post
name: Gao Wei
title: Docusaurus Core Team
url: https://github.com/wgao19
image_url: https://github.com/wgao19.png
tags: [hola, docusaurus]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque elementum dignissim ultricies. Fusce rhoncus ipsum tempor eros aliquam consequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
slug: long-blog-post
title: Long Blog Post
authors: endi
tags: [hello, docusaurus]
This is the summary of a very long blog post,
Use a `<!--` `truncate` `-->` comment to limit blog post size in the list view.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque elementum dignissim ultricies. Fusce rhoncus ipsum tempor eros aliquam consequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque elementum dignissim ultricies. Fusce rhoncus ipsum tempor eros aliquam consequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque elementum dignissim ultricies. Fusce rhoncus ipsum tempor eros aliquam consequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque elementum dignissim ultricies. Fusce rhoncus ipsum tempor eros aliquam consequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque elementum dignissim ultricies. Fusce rhoncus ipsum tempor eros aliquam consequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque elementum dignissim ultricies. Fusce rhoncus ipsum tempor eros aliquam consequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque elementum dignissim ultricies. Fusce rhoncus ipsum tempor eros aliquam consequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque elementum dignissim ultricies. Fusce rhoncus ipsum tempor eros aliquam consequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque elementum dignissim ultricies. Fusce rhoncus ipsum tempor eros aliquam consequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque elementum dignissim ultricies. Fusce rhoncus ipsum tempor eros aliquam consequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque elementum dignissim ultricies. Fusce rhoncus ipsum tempor eros aliquam consequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque elementum dignissim ultricies. Fusce rhoncus ipsum tempor eros aliquam consequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque elementum dignissim ultricies. Fusce rhoncus ipsum tempor eros aliquam consequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque elementum dignissim ultricies. Fusce rhoncus ipsum tempor eros aliquam consequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque elementum dignissim ultricies. Fusce rhoncus ipsum tempor eros aliquam consequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque elementum dignissim ultricies. Fusce rhoncus ipsum tempor eros aliquam consequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
slug: mdx-blog-post
title: MDX Blog Post
authors: [slorber]
tags: [docusaurus]
Blog posts support [Docusaurus Markdown features](https://docusaurus.io/docs/markdown-features), such as [MDX](https://mdxjs.com/).
Use the power of React to create interactive blog posts.
<button onClick={() => alert('button clicked!')}>Click me!</button>
<button onClick={() => alert('button clicked!')}>Click me!</button>
slug: welcome
title: Welcome
authors: [slorber, yangshun]
tags: [facebook, hello, docusaurus]
[Docusaurus blogging features](https://docusaurus.io/docs/blog) are powered by the [blog plugin](https://docusaurus.io/docs/api/plugins/@docusaurus/plugin-content-blog).
Simply add Markdown files (or folders) to the `blog` directory.
Regular blog authors can be added to `authors.yml`.
The blog post date can be extracted from filenames, such as:
- `2019-05-30-welcome.md`
- `2019-05-30-welcome/index.md`
A blog post folder can be convenient to co-locate blog post images:
![Docusaurus Plushie](./docusaurus-plushie-banner.jpeg)
The blog supports tags as well!
**And if you don't want a blog**: just delete this directory, and use `blog: false` in your Docusaurus config.
name: Endilie Yacop Sucipto
title: Maintainer of Docusaurus
url: https://github.com/endiliey
image_url: https://github.com/endiliey.png
name: Yangshun Tay
title: Front End Engineer @ Facebook
url: https://github.com/yangshun
image_url: https://github.com/yangshun.png
name: Sébastien Lorber
title: Docusaurus maintainer
url: https://sebastienlorber.com
image_url: https://github.com/slorber.png
sidebar_position: 1
# Tutorial Intro
Let's discover **Docusaurus in less than 5 minutes**.
## Getting Started
Get started by **creating a new site**.
Or **try Docusaurus immediately** with **[docusaurus.new](https://docusaurus.new)**.
### What you'll need
- [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/download/) version 16.14 or above:
- When installing Node.js, you are recommended to check all checkboxes related to dependencies.
## Generate a new site
Generate a new Docusaurus site using the **classic template**.
The classic template will automatically be added to your project after you run the command:
npm init docusaurus@latest my-website classic
You can type this command into Command Prompt, Powershell, Terminal, or any other integrated terminal of your code editor.
The command also installs all necessary dependencies you need to run Docusaurus.
## Start your site
Run the development server:
cd my-website
npm run start
The `cd` command changes the directory you're working with. In order to work with your newly created Docusaurus site, you'll need to navigate the terminal there.
The `npm run start` command builds your website locally and serves it through a development server, ready for you to view at http://localhost:3000/.
Open `docs/intro.md` (this page) and edit some lines: the site **reloads automatically** and displays your changes.
"label": "Tutorial - Basics",
"position": 2,
"link": {
"type": "generated-index",
"description": "5 minutes to learn the most important Docusaurus concepts."
sidebar_position: 6
# Congratulations!
You have just learned the **basics of Docusaurus** and made some changes to the **initial template**.
Docusaurus has **much more to offer**!
Have **5 more minutes**? Take a look at **[versioning](../tutorial-extras/manage-docs-versions.md)** and **[i18n](../tutorial-extras/translate-your-site.md)**.
Anything **unclear** or **buggy** in this tutorial? [Please report it!](https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus/discussions/4610)
## What's next?
- Read the [official documentation](https://docusaurus.io/)
- Modify your site configuration with [`docusaurus.config.js`](https://docusaurus.io/docs/api/docusaurus-config)
- Add navbar and footer items with [`themeConfig`](https://docusaurus.io/docs/api/themes/configuration)
- Add a custom [Design and Layout](https://docusaurus.io/docs/styling-layout)
- Add a [search bar](https://docusaurus.io/docs/search)
- Find inspirations in the [Docusaurus showcase](https://docusaurus.io/showcase)
- Get involved in the [Docusaurus Community](https://docusaurus.io/community/support)
sidebar_position: 3
# Create a Blog Post
Docusaurus creates a **page for each blog post**, but also a **blog index page**, a **tag system**, an **RSS** feed...
## Create your first Post
Create a file at `blog/2021-02-28-greetings.md`:
```md title="blog/2021-02-28-greetings.md"
slug: greetings
title: Greetings!
- name: Joel Marcey
title: Co-creator of Docusaurus 1
url: https://github.com/JoelMarcey
image_url: https://github.com/JoelMarcey.png
- name: Sébastien Lorber
title: Docusaurus maintainer
url: https://sebastienlorber.com
image_url: https://github.com/slorber.png
tags: [greetings]
Congratulations, you have made your first post!
Feel free to play around and edit this post as much you like.
A new blog post is now available at [http://localhost:3000/blog/greetings](http://localhost:3000/blog/greetings).
sidebar_position: 2
# Create a Document
Documents are **groups of pages** connected through:
- a **sidebar**
- **previous/next navigation**
- **versioning**
## Create your first Doc
Create a Markdown file at `docs/hello.md`:
```md title="docs/hello.md"
# Hello
This is my **first Docusaurus document**!
A new document is now available at [http://localhost:3000/docs/hello](http://localhost:3000/docs/hello).
## Configure the Sidebar
Docusaurus automatically **creates a sidebar** from the `docs` folder.
Add metadata to customize the sidebar label and position:
```md title="docs/hello.md" {1-4}
sidebar_label: 'Hi!'
sidebar_position: 3
# Hello
This is my **first Docusaurus document**!
It is also possible to create your sidebar explicitly in `sidebars.js`:
```js title="sidebars.js"
module.exports = {
tutorialSidebar: [
// highlight-next-line
type: 'category',
label: 'Tutorial',
items: ['tutorial-basics/create-a-document'],
sidebar_position: 1
# Create a Page
Add **Markdown or React** files to `src/pages` to create a **standalone page**:
- `src/pages/index.js``localhost:3000/`
- `src/pages/foo.md``localhost:3000/foo`
- `src/pages/foo/bar.js``localhost:3000/foo/bar`
## Create your first React Page
Create a file at `src/pages/my-react-page.js`:
```jsx title="src/pages/my-react-page.js"
import React from 'react';
import Layout from '@theme/Layout';
export default function MyReactPage() {
return (
<h1>My React page</h1>
<p>This is a React page</p>
A new page is now available at [http://localhost:3000/my-react-page](http://localhost:3000/my-react-page).
## Create your first Markdown Page
Create a file at `src/pages/my-markdown-page.md`:
```mdx title="src/pages/my-markdown-page.md"
# My Markdown page
This is a Markdown page
A new page is now available at [http://localhost:3000/my-markdown-page](http://localhost:3000/my-markdown-page).
sidebar_position: 5
# Deploy your site
Docusaurus is a **static-site-generator** (also called **[Jamstack](https://jamstack.org/)**).
It builds your site as simple **static HTML, JavaScript and CSS files**.
## Build your site
Build your site **for production**:
npm run build
The static files are generated in the `build` folder.
## Deploy your site
Test your production build locally:
npm run serve
The `build` folder is now served at [http://localhost:3000/](http://localhost:3000/).
You can now deploy the `build` folder **almost anywhere** easily, **for free** or very small cost (read the **[Deployment Guide](https://docusaurus.io/docs/deployment)**).
sidebar_position: 4
# Markdown Features
Docusaurus supports **[Markdown](https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax)** and a few **additional features**.
## Front Matter
Markdown documents have metadata at the top called [Front Matter](https://jekyllrb.com/docs/front-matter/):
```text title="my-doc.md"
// highlight-start
id: my-doc-id
title: My document title
description: My document description
slug: /my-custom-url
// highlight-end
## Markdown heading
Markdown text with [links](./hello.md)
## Links
Regular Markdown links are supported, using url paths or relative file paths.
Let's see how to [Create a page](/create-a-page).
Let's see how to [Create a page](./create-a-page.md).
**Result:** Let's see how to [Create a page](./create-a-page.md).
## Images
Regular Markdown images are supported.
You can use absolute paths to reference images in the static directory (`static/img/docusaurus.png`):
![Docusaurus logo](/img/docusaurus.png)
![Docusaurus logo](/img/docusaurus.png)
You can reference images relative to the current file as well. This is particularly useful to colocate images close to the Markdown files using them:
![Docusaurus logo](./img/docusaurus.png)
## Code Blocks
Markdown code blocks are supported with Syntax highlighting.
```jsx title="src/components/HelloDocusaurus.js"
function HelloDocusaurus() {
return (
<h1>Hello, Docusaurus!</h1>
```jsx title="src/components/HelloDocusaurus.js"
function HelloDocusaurus() {
return <h1>Hello, Docusaurus!</h1>;
## Admonitions
Docusaurus has a special syntax to create admonitions and callouts:
:::tip My tip
Use this awesome feature option
:::danger Take care
This action is dangerous
:::tip My tip
Use this awesome feature option
:::danger Take care
This action is dangerous
## MDX and React Components
[MDX](https://mdxjs.com/) can make your documentation more **interactive** and allows using any **React components inside Markdown**:
export const Highlight = ({children, color}) => (
backgroundColor: color,
borderRadius: '20px',
color: '#fff',
padding: '10px',
cursor: 'pointer',
onClick={() => {
alert(`You clicked the color ${color} with label ${children}`)
This is <Highlight color="#25c2a0">Docusaurus green</Highlight> !
This is <Highlight color="#1877F2">Facebook blue</Highlight> !
export const Highlight = ({children, color}) => (
backgroundColor: color,
borderRadius: '20px',
color: '#fff',
padding: '10px',
cursor: 'pointer',
onClick={() => {
alert(`You clicked the color ${color} with label ${children}`);
This is <Highlight color="#25c2a0">Docusaurus green</Highlight> !
This is <Highlight color="#1877F2">Facebook blue</Highlight> !
"label": "Tutorial - Extras",
"position": 3,
"link": {
"type": "generated-index"
sidebar_position: 1
# Manage Docs Versions
Docusaurus can manage multiple versions of your docs.
## Create a docs version
Release a version 1.0 of your project:
npm run docusaurus docs:version 1.0
The `docs` folder is copied into `versioned_docs/version-1.0` and `versions.json` is created.
Your docs now have 2 versions:
- `1.0` at `http://localhost:3000/docs/` for the version 1.0 docs
- `current` at `http://localhost:3000/docs/next/` for the **upcoming, unreleased docs**
## Add a Version Dropdown
To navigate seamlessly across versions, add a version dropdown.
Modify the `docusaurus.config.js` file:
```js title="docusaurus.config.js"
module.exports = {
themeConfig: {
navbar: {
items: [
// highlight-start
type: 'docsVersionDropdown',
// highlight-end
The docs version dropdown appears in your navbar:
![Docs Version Dropdown](./img/docsVersionDropdown.png)
## Update an existing version
It is possible to edit versioned docs in their respective folder:
- `versioned_docs/version-1.0/hello.md` updates `http://localhost:3000/docs/hello`
- `docs/hello.md` updates `http://localhost:3000/docs/next/hello`
sidebar_position: 2
# Translate your site
Let's translate `docs/intro.md` to French.
## Configure i18n
Modify `docusaurus.config.js` to add support for the `fr` locale:
```js title="docusaurus.config.js"
module.exports = {
i18n: {
defaultLocale: 'en',
locales: ['en', 'fr'],
## Translate a doc
Copy the `docs/intro.md` file to the `i18n/fr` folder:
mkdir -p i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/
cp docs/intro.md i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
Translate `i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md` in French.
## Start your localized site
Start your site on the French locale:
npm run start -- --locale fr
Your localized site is accessible at [http://localhost:3000/fr/](http://localhost:3000/fr/) and the `Getting Started` page is translated.
In development, you can only use one locale at a same time.
## Add a Locale Dropdown
To navigate seamlessly across languages, add a locale dropdown.
Modify the `docusaurus.config.js` file:
```js title="docusaurus.config.js"
module.exports = {
themeConfig: {
navbar: {
items: [
// highlight-start
type: 'localeDropdown',
// highlight-end
The locale dropdown now appears in your navbar:
![Locale Dropdown](./img/localeDropdown.png)
## Build your localized site
Build your site for a specific locale:
npm run build -- --locale fr
Or build your site to include all the locales at once:
npm run build
// @ts-check
// Note: type annotations allow type checking and IDEs autocompletion
const lightCodeTheme = require('prism-react-renderer/themes/github');
const darkCodeTheme = require('prism-react-renderer/themes/dracula');
/** @type {import('@docusaurus/types').Config} */
const config = {
title: 'My Site',
tagline: 'Dinosaurs are cool',
favicon: 'img/favicon.ico',
// Set the production url of your site here
url: 'https://your-docusaurus-test-site.com',
// Set the /<baseUrl>/ pathname under which your site is served
// For GitHub pages deployment, it is often '/<projectName>/'
baseUrl: '/',
// GitHub pages deployment config.
// If you aren't using GitHub pages, you don't need these.
organizationName: 'facebook', // Usually your GitHub org/user name.
projectName: 'docusaurus', // Usually your repo name.
onBrokenLinks: 'throw',
onBrokenMarkdownLinks: 'warn',
// Even if you don't use internalization, you can use this field to set useful
// metadata like html lang. For example, if your site is Chinese, you may want
// to replace "en" with "zh-Hans".
i18n: {
defaultLocale: 'en',
locales: ['en'],
presets: [
/** @type {import('@docusaurus/preset-classic').Options} */
docs: {
sidebarPath: require.resolve('./sidebars.js'),
// Please change this to your repo.
// Remove this to remove the "edit this page" links.
blog: {
showReadingTime: true,
// Please change this to your repo.
// Remove this to remove the "edit this page" links.
theme: {
customCss: require.resolve('./src/css/custom.css'),
/** @type {import('@docusaurus/preset-classic').ThemeConfig} */
// Replace with your project's social card
image: 'img/docusaurus-social-card.jpg',
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title: 'My Site',
logo: {
alt: 'My Site Logo',
src: 'img/logo.svg',
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label: 'Tutorial',
{to: '/blog', label: 'Blog', position: 'left'},
href: 'https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus',
label: 'GitHub',
position: 'right',
footer: {
style: 'dark',
links: [
title: 'Docs',
items: [
label: 'Tutorial',
to: '/docs/intro',
title: 'Community',
items: [
label: 'Stack Overflow',
href: 'https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/docusaurus',
label: 'Discord',
href: 'https://discordapp.com/invite/docusaurus',
label: 'Twitter',
href: 'https://twitter.com/docusaurus',
title: 'More',
items: [
label: 'Blog',
to: '/blog',
label: 'GitHub',
href: 'https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus',
copyright: `Copyright © ${new Date().getFullYear()} My Project, Inc. Built with Docusaurus.`,
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theme: lightCodeTheme,
darkTheme: darkCodeTheme,
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"name": "gitlab-k-8-s",
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* Creating a sidebar enables you to:
- create an ordered group of docs
- render a sidebar for each doc of that group
- provide next/previous navigation
The sidebars can be generated from the filesystem, or explicitly defined here.
Create as many sidebars as you want.
// @ts-check
/** @type {import('@docusaurus/plugin-content-docs').SidebarsConfig} */
const sidebars = {
// By default, Docusaurus generates a sidebar from the docs folder structure
tutorialSidebar: [{type: 'autogenerated', dirName: '.'}],
// But you can create a sidebar manually
tutorialSidebar: [
type: 'category',
label: 'Tutorial',
items: ['tutorial-basics/create-a-document'],
module.exports = sidebars;
import React from 'react';
import clsx from 'clsx';
import styles from './styles.module.css';
type FeatureItem = {
title: string;
Svg: React.ComponentType<React.ComponentProps<'svg'>>;
description: JSX.Element;
const FeatureList: FeatureItem[] = [
title: 'Easy to Use',
Svg: require('@site/static/img/undraw_docusaurus_mountain.svg').default,
description: (
Docusaurus was designed from the ground up to be easily installed and
used to get your website up and running quickly.
title: 'Focus on What Matters',
Svg: require('@site/static/img/undraw_docusaurus_tree.svg').default,
description: (
Docusaurus lets you focus on your docs, and we&apos;ll do the chores. Go
ahead and move your docs into the <code>docs</code> directory.
title: 'Powered by React',
Svg: require('@site/static/img/undraw_docusaurus_react.svg').default,
description: (
Extend or customize your website layout by reusing React. Docusaurus can
be extended while reusing the same header and footer.
function Feature({title, Svg, description}: FeatureItem) {
return (
<div className={clsx('col col--4')}>
<div className="text--center">
<Svg className={styles.featureSvg} role="img" />
<div className="text--center padding-horiz--md">
export default function HomepageFeatures(): JSX.Element {
return (
<section className={styles.features}>
<div className="container">
<div className="row">
{FeatureList.map((props, idx) => (
<Feature key={idx} {...props} />
.features {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
padding: 2rem 0;
width: 100%;
.featureSvg {
height: 200px;
width: 200px;
* Any CSS included here will be global. The classic template
* bundles Infima by default. Infima is a CSS framework designed to
* work well for content-centric websites.
/* You can override the default Infima variables here. */
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--ifm-color-primary: #2e8555;
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--ifm-code-font-size: 95%;
--docusaurus-highlighted-code-line-bg: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
/* For readability concerns, you should choose a lighter palette in dark mode. */
[data-theme='dark'] {
--ifm-color-primary: #25c2a0;
--ifm-color-primary-dark: #21af90;
--ifm-color-primary-darker: #1fa588;
--ifm-color-primary-darkest: #1a8870;
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--ifm-color-primary-lighter: #32d8b4;
--ifm-color-primary-lightest: #4fddbf;
--docusaurus-highlighted-code-line-bg: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
* CSS files with the .module.css suffix will be treated as CSS modules
* and scoped locally.
.heroBanner {
padding: 4rem 0;
text-align: center;
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
@media screen and (max-width: 996px) {
.heroBanner {
padding: 2rem;
.buttons {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
import React from 'react';
import clsx from 'clsx';
import Link from '@docusaurus/Link';
import useDocusaurusContext from '@docusaurus/useDocusaurusContext';
import Layout from '@theme/Layout';
import HomepageFeatures from '@site/src/components/HomepageFeatures';
import styles from './index.module.css';
function HomepageHeader() {
const {siteConfig} = useDocusaurusContext();
return (
<header className={clsx('hero hero--primary', styles.heroBanner)}>
<div className="container">
<h1 className="hero__title">{siteConfig.title}</h1>
<p className="hero__subtitle">{siteConfig.tagline}</p>
<div className={styles.buttons}>
className="button button--secondary button--lg"
Docusaurus Tutorial - 5min ⏱️
export default function Home(): JSX.Element {
const {siteConfig} = useDocusaurusContext();
return (
title={`Hello from ${siteConfig.title}`}
description="Description will go into a meta tag in <head />">
<HomepageHeader />
<HomepageFeatures />
title: Markdown page example
# Markdown page example
You don't need React to write simple standalone pages.
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0-4.8-.979A9.987 9.987 0 0 0 123 103c-5.522 0-10 4.478-10 10s4.478 10 10 10c.934 0 1.833-.138 2.69-.377a2.5 2.5 0 0 0 4.8-.979c0-.563-.192-1.077-.506-1.494.057-.055.113-.111.168-.168.42.321.939.518 1.508.518a2.5 2.5 0 0 0 .963-4.807c.021-.074.038-.15.058-." fill="#44D860"/><path d="M143 41.75c-.16 0-.33-.02-.49-.05a2.52 2.52 0 0 1-.47-.14c-.15-.06-.29-.14-.431-.23-.13-.09-.259-.2-.38-.31-.109-.12-.219-.24-.309-.38s-.17-.28-.231-.43a2.619 2.619 0 0 1-.189-.96c0-.16.02-.33.05-.49.03-.16.08-.31.139-.47.061-.15.141-.29.231-.43.09-.13.2-.26.309-.38.121-.11.25-.22.38-.31.141-.09.281-.17.431-.23.149-.06.31-.11.47-.14.32-.07.65-.07.98 0 . 0 .66-.271 1.31-.73 1.77-.121.11-.25.22-.38.31-.14.09-.281.17-.43.23a2.565 2.565 0 0 1-.96.19m20-1.25c-.66 0-1.3-.27-1.771-.73a3.802 3.802 0 0 1-.309-.38c-.09-.14-.17-.28-.231-.43a2.619 2.619 0 0 1-.189-.96c0-.66.27-1.3.729-1.77.121-.11.25-.22.38-.31.141-.09.281-.17.431-.23.149-.06.31-.11.47-.14.32-.07.66-.07.98 0 . 1.11.73 1.77 0 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\ No newline at end of file
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